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lol @Karl I thought it was real jail
hi GM
koi haiiiiii
ohhh all r sleeping
hi GM
good morning to all
can anyone help me on this stackoverflow.com/questions/26190271/…
image compressing on fix height?
why fixing the height? the prob is screen is not rotating. right?
not it is fixed for potrait mode
i want cam for that much height
thats why
if it is fullscreen that works
but with limited height
u mean cropping?
try googling for cropping surfaceview
giving fix size will stretch or compress
eid mubarak bhai log
eid mubarak ^^
eid mubarak
@Edge hi
can u messge me
eid mubarak
lets we wil test
Ur number is coming
not messge
`` 9413585250
like this coming
u got my messge?
delete personal info
send now
u got ?
no.. I think I m disconnected
resend it
i sent
there is issue
good morning guys
hi @all
how to pick image for gallery in kitkat version
what's up image is not fetch
give me any solution
copy it and paste into google and hit enter ^^
try {
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(i, 1);
} else {
Intent i = new Intent();
} catch (Exception e) {
let me try
is not working for whats up image
any other solution
hi guys @ALL
I have a path is it contain a image or not how to check?
its monday again.. :(
hello all..
how to pick image for gallery in kitkat version
what's up image is not fetch
give me any solution
@Jigsh i think all version of android has same mechanism of picking image with Intent.. if i m not wrong..
@TheLittleNaruto welcome welcome
Good Morninng guys :D
@ChintanRathod Thanks
not get whats app image
Morning @TopCat
yo @TheLittleNaruto @ChintanRathod
@Jigsh no.]
@CodingTiger how to check path contains image or not ?
mondays are not fun days :(
whats @CodingTiger
no idea
hey guys.. do any one have idea about how to get idle time of application? if no event like touch, type etc.. i need to manually lock my application..
@Harish file f = new file("PATH")
check f==null or not
@Jigsh whatsapp images ni utah sktey i think
ok let me check
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire is that me ?
@Gajini no ;) it's nothing about you
@rekire good for me :P
@rekire hi dude..
hi @ChintanRathod
I get today such a box :D
cost ?
99€ but I got a discount of 50€
great . how do yyou got ?>
amazon.de/dp/B00KQEIMY6?tag=t--21 <- I used that link and pressed on buy^^
9900 Euro ?
hey guys.. do any one have idea about how to get idle time of application? if no event like touch, type etc.. i need to manually lock my application..
@TheLittleNaruto you missed to set a dot. in germany the decimal divder is the comma and the divder for thousends in the dot
:) that good
@rekire Ouu! I dint know that :)
no problem :)
@ChintanRathod you could use my lazyworker and set your runnable again and again if any input is detected
@rekire but i did something like below stack question..
A: Application idle time

barmaleyI would be doing it in this way: Create thread which will control idle activity Run this thread in Application environment At each user interaction just refresh idle time Class for storing global Thread which will control idle time public class ControlApplication extends Application { pr...

but my question is for how to detect any input..??
my lazyworker class has nothing to do with networking
@rekire its my bad that i didn't get at first sight.. i removed that question and there is newer one..
you could overwrite the ontouch event and what ever you get in mind in a common base class of all your activities and delay the logout code as often you need
okay .. so do i need to write code for each event???
i am using "onUserInteraction" method
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    LazyWorker.getSharedInstance().doLater(yourLogoutRunnable, FIFTEEN_MIN_IN_MS);
    return super.onTouchEvent(event);
I would use that^^
however that might not work on tvs or cars. There are no touch events
Hey everyone!
hey @Appu
@Appu hey
@rekire @ChintanRathod Howdy! Long time
@Gajini o_O
how are you?
I am good, you?
Me too :) I saw yesterday surprised that I got already 95 bronce badges... I did not really reconized that
o_O Wow!
@apandey846 Sup!
@rekire Which app you are working on currently?
Still on the cycle calendar... We add more and more features
I'm working on a new start to provide a better integration of the possible notifications
@Appu yes
hii all
hi berserk
how are u?
i am fine and you ?
Hello All Good Morning
me too ^^
@X'Factor HB
@TopCat Hi bro. not sir. friend.hows u?
ha ha.. :) Am very good. hope u too
yes me too
@ChintanRathod hi
@CodingTiger with the length of the file it is worked .thanks
@Appu yup..
@X'Factor hellu
hi X'Factor
@nisha hi
@ChintanRathod current location change thay to map pan move thay to ena mate kai special che?
@X'Factor sorry don't know that..
happy eid to all..
@nisha you also
you to @X'Factor :)
@Harish okay.
@rekire Did you check the review ?
not that one only some german ;)
> Costing $99 at launch - that's about £60 to you and me - the device is competitive on both price and performance with Roku 3, Apple TV and Google Chromecast and seems squarely aimed at challenging those established players.
youtube.com/watch?v=FeH4ae8S4J0 @TheLittleNaruto for you :p
please tell me how to use break point in eclipse step by step and check value... I have used it in visual studio bt nt understandng in eclipse
@PankajSharma @navya hi
good afternoon
@Bhagat lol
:D how is that @TheLittleNaruto
@Bhagat, thank you so much... :)
@JeetenParmar any time buddy ... :D
@Bhagat lol it is good
@TheLittleNaruto for that i want to go to dubai :P
youtube.com/watch?v=w6YZl_Wu254 @TheLittleNaruto for all java and android developer in this room
@Kirti @navya Hello
misc files delete
it can be pick image or not
@PankajSharma ohh
@Jigsh about 4,260,000 results in google found for that keywords^^
@TheLittleNaruto bhai aram sai dekh
Give me some link i can't get proper solution for that
@Jigsh which link :p
@Bhagat Ah! Please speak in English only bro :)
@TheLittleNaruto ok buddy ..
I was just joking @Jigsh that looked like a google search
image can be pick or not it will be not found
ok @re
@TheLittleNaruto buddy watch that video is specially for android developers :P
yes X'Factor.
@nisha hi
hi Tomcat
not Tom :P
@MDroid hi dude
@nisha :D
sorry :( hi Topcat
@X'Factor Hellow.
:) ha ha.. Let SO choose the name :P @nisha
means ?
start typing with @ and then first letter who u address
@N for nisha
ok @TopCat.
thank u :P
@rekire OMG! might be video edited!
is it possible?
hello to all
@TopCat I just found another video which explains how to run xp on a mobile. it seems to be some kind of virtualisation
give link :)
@TheLittleNaruto hi there is one Qury
@rekire nope.. might be true..
I need help with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/26182290/…
Also, I have a quick question once I set up my database with DBHelper and DBContract, should I create db on startup. how do I do that?
@KalaJ are all the fragments have same structure?
layout i mean
very close in structure, there a few differences like text and images
By dynamic fragment, do u mean dynamic layout?
yeah. I'm going to have up to 20 different fragments
so I don't want to manually create 20 different fragments for this to work
I just want one fragment
who's view changes per swipe
like I have a collection of images and words stored in the db.
I want to show something like A for Apple with an image of an Apple and then on the next page (when the user swipes) B for Banana with an image of a Banana.
It'll be small changes like that
It means layout is same
with a text and image
You can acheive it by using PagerAdapter on ViewPager
There is no need for fragments.
so PagerAdapter does not use fragments?
Then how do I change my views?
just make an xml with the layout u want(i.e. with text and image)
wait i give u example
Hello ALl I want to move google map while current location is changed how?
its a pageradapter
define pager in activity layout like
android:orientation="vertical" />
@X'Factor move to where?
So, what would I need to do show multiple images and text? Instantiate all the images several times and destroy them based on position?
ViewPager vp=(ViewPager)findViewById(R.id.pager);
ViewPagerAdapter vpa = new ViewPagerAdapter(AboutUsActivity.this, images);
where current location updated means user walk
@X'Factor use camara listener
@KalaJ just once
@CodingTiger give me some link
pass array of text and images
in adapter
so I have an array of text and an array of images
I have to order the text and images
in terms such as image 1 and text 1 correspond to page 1
image 2 and text 2 correspond to page 2
@X'Factor wait let me check, i did the same 7-8 months back
@KalaJ yes
Adapter wil do it.
According to page index in instantize function
@X'Factor i think your case is simple bro, you ahve to imaplement locationlistener and on camarachages get the current lat long
Do I need to do anything special in my layout?
I'm assuming I would just use string.Format for placeholder text.... what about images?
Load images lol
depending on urls or drawables
the array u will send to adapter
I mean what will be on the xml
not sure I'm wrong
but do you set a dynamic placeholder for image?
Make an xml with an imageview and textview
yeah but what do I put for img src?
if I have so many images to show
per page
an image per page*
Are they drawables or image urls?
for now drawables
@CodingTiger thx but what all others variable?
in adapter use, imageview.setImageResource(R.drawable.apple)
do I need to define an image src in xml?
and in the adapter, I would have a series of images, so I need to index the array to grab a certain image at a certain time right?
how can i download song from youtube.com by java code?
send array of R addresses
it will be array of integers with values like R.drawable.apple etc
integers or strings?
@X'Factor thats my code bro..i copy the whole code from my project and paste
remove that code
why integers?
coz R.drawable.name are integer addresses
Won't it be like Int[] = {"R.drawable.Apple", "R.drawable.Banana"} ?
I mean those are strings
not ints?
integer addresses?
dont put them in quotes
Int[] = {R.drawable.Apple, R.drawable.Banana}
oh I see
Hope this works out
Thanks for your help!
btw one more thing
so my Pager extends Activity and myAdapter extends PagerAdapter
pager is part of activity
adapter extends pageradapter
in activity layout, define a viewpager
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
@CodingTiger hve u anorhte good link?
yup gotcha. Thank you so much seriously!
right now no idea
lol np
because dont habe much time to search
@KalaJ it was a simple concept. Before putting bounty, do some more research ^^
@TopCat u exeperienced with SOAP?
@CodingTiger never worked yet
@CodingTiger Ask Your Qry!
10-06 15:57:58.304: W/System.err(28934): java.lang.ClassCastException: org.ksoap2.SoapFault cannot be cast to org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject
kal tk sb okay chal rhi thi services, aj ye exception
@CodingTiger have you write SoapObject result = (SoapObject) envelope.bodyIn; ?
yhi aa rhi hai exception
whats teh reason?
check your Result may be Envelope is Null
@CodingTiger got it ?
@Edge What is it ?
@MDroid envolepe is not null
thn ?
is there data in envelope ?
R u getting response from service?
@MDroid yup
if (envelope!=null) {
System.out.println("i am in login");
SoapObject result = (SoapObject)envelope.bodyIn;
System.out.println("second is" + result);
i am in login print hua
10-06 16:10:04.687: I/System.out(30315): i am in login
@CodingTiger yes please
@ChintanRathod getting classcast on this line
SoapObject result = (SoapObject)envelope.bodyIn;
@CodingTiger did u try wat data in envolope?
btw, I have a question, nothing is showing up in my logcat, how can I fix that?
@CodingTiger pastie.org/9624537 try this
device or emulator?
ok @ItachiUchiha
nvm, figured it out XD
Q: Android: Logcat doesn't show anything in Intellij IDEA

VladiatorLogcat output is emtpy in Intellij IDEA - what to do? An application is running (live wallpaper), log level is Verbose, device is chosen correctly, ADB and USB debugging are enabled.

wo mai link bhol gai thi.
It's strange that happens sometimes
Another question... um for some reason, I keep getting the error that no such table exists even though I create a table in DBHelper
do I need to create the table in my MainActivity before insert data into it?
ofcourse lol
@TheLittleNaruto there?
there is a function for it.

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