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haha, okay then sorry
@X'Factor ohh now I got u.. u hv change ur name
open this link right hand side you find the view I want to draw that view in android
@CodingTiger someone told there is difference between them but not sure what's it that
@JaiSoni really??
i don't think so @Williams
check whitepapers
yes :D
@JaiSoni intelligent
@NeetuShrivastava which one...Please point it out
I know that u r :P
4 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
@Edge define directly
@JaiSoni thx
@Williams datamodel is same as java bean class and pojo is a simple class, thats the main diff.
hi @TheLittleNaruto
@TopCat was going through the same :)
pastie.org/9606382 have a look @CodingTiger java code
and here is xml pastie.org/9606377 @CodingTiger
lol u continue..m leaving :) @TopCat
@SweetWisherツ :)
@rekire I see. Thank you :D
@JaiSoni :-(
@AliAshiq checked link given?
@AliAshiq you have to make custom layout for this tab, imageview + textview in realtive layout
I have already check that link @TopCat still open in my tab and i have already used these properties
badge1.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);

@TheLittleNaruto ok no prob
@CodingTiger is this code is not correct? for applying badge
OK. Carry on with Tiger
@TopCat ok :(
for 3rd help :)
wat u got?
I have added a item to a spinner called "select" when the user clicking on it i'm removing the select from the list but now i'm unable to select the first item from the spinner @rekire @SweetWisherツ @JanakDhanani @CodingTiger
not with Ali's issue
Yes SweetWisher
@Harish did u check the Code?? of Prompt ??
hello every one ...
:19165994 yes, how can I assist you?
@AliAshiq i dont think so, check for badge lib on git, maybe you will get some help
@Harish still stuck on spinner prompt?
@Möbius i will assist u :P
@CodingTiger i have used github.com/jgilfelt/android-viewbadger this library
Android ViewBadger library @CodingTiger
@SweetWisherツ android:prompt is not working i tried it using the xml so i added a item to the list and removing when the user clicks on it
@SweetWisherツ how?
@Möbius :/
@Harish did you follow ma link ??
I'm here only
@CodingTiger hello
i have use pastie.org/9606397 code but unable to display
plz check where is my issue
@TopCat hello u alsp lz check
@SweetWisherツ it is bit confusing i tried it so i went this adding item to the list
check this
@Edge sorry bro, can't help
@CodingTiger ok i am checking sir
why man
@JaiSoni Thanks :)
@AliAshiq no sir..please
I have already check that link still open in my tab and i have already used these properties
badge1.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
@AliAshiq bro i'll make a demo for you but not now, in evenning
ok @CodingTiger and will u refer me a good tutorial for custom layout so i have also try
bro i did the same thing using buttons not tabs
are you playing with fargments?
check this
@Möbius u were
Q: Badge on Android TabHost

Vishal KhakhkharI want to implement the functionality same as was there in iPhone I implemented the custom Tabhost same as in iPhone in the bottom bar. I can set two Icons for Normal/Selected state but I need the dynamic icon with number of notifications as given in Image. Thanks

@TopCat done with 3rd help :)
posted on September 30, 2014 by CassandraClark -Oracle

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@SweetWisherツ hummm
Any idea about my problem? @SweetWisherツ
@berserk You abandoned Konoha :-(
passing correct params?
i am on a mission :P
S rank
@Shweta hi
Hello Shweta
@SweetWisherツ congoss :D
@berserk have a look at this question stackoverflow.com/questions/26099124/…
can any one help me how to slide fragment like slider menu in button click
@berserk any idea about this i have pasted code if u can
@berserk hi
u need to use badge.show() i guess
oh wait u used toggle sorry
i have used already @berserk
@TopCat thnkss :)
3 mins ago, by Möbius
Any idea about my problem? @SweetWisherツ
@Möbius stackoverflow.com/questions/26099124/… take a look any solution for this
it is not getting space @AliAshiq
@berserk hey
maybe coz tab has side paddings
@Anil hey
@Shweta no idea
there is i have to display
can i show my code with u at pasty.org @berserk
4 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
passing correct params?
show text when net off and when On that text autmatica disaapear
unable to do @berserk
SoapFault - faultcode: 'soap:Server' faultstring: 'Server was unable to process request. ---> Value cannot be null.
@Möbius code code?
i am able to show when net is off but sudden i am on net then that text not disappear @berserk
> This error comes when you have not provided the correct URL, Method Name or Soap Action of the web service where you have hosted your web service. Other reason might be related to your hosting of webservice on tempuri, check it carefully will solve your problem @Möbius
2 hours ago, by Möbius
code @JaiSoni @Stella
@Möbius url???
@berserk hello
@Edge can u explain a bit more where u need this thing?
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 22 mins ago, by Möbius
but its working well, while executing in soap UI software/
@SweetWisherツ humm
@berserk have a look xml pastie.org/9606377
@AliAshiq dude there are developer options in android device, in that, enable show layout bounds
@berserk and my java code pastie.org/9606382
it will show u all the boundaries of the views
@Möbius all params are case-sensitive..i hope you are passing them correctly
i am sure it will tell u what is wrong
@berserk how could i enable that ok let me google it
are you getting Fault with this method only ?? or in all methods ?? @Möbius
yaar its simple lisen i am able to display on / off messge of internet in my app but each time we have to open i want auto change auto suppose now internet off it showing internet off now same time is on then it not disappearing that text we have reatart the page then that disappear
Settings -> developer options -> advanced -> showlayoutbounds
@AliAshiq code won't help
@SweetWisherツ with this only
in eclipse na @berserk or emulator
@Edge on activity restart? or on run time inbetween activity?
android phone, i guess it will also be present on emulator
On runtime
or send me a sample apk
i will check for u @AliAshiq
@Edge use polling of ConnectionDetector
pastie.org/9606424 contain dami urls. @SweetWisherツ
hmm waitt
@berserk i have display Internet connection is on or off
@Edge check using polling
will u show my code i did that but i am unable to set broadcat or using service so that back ground it wil check each time
all params are String only ? @Möbius
checked in WS?
add this androidHttpTransport.debug = true; and check @Möbius
@JaiSoni recycle view completed?
Anyone worked with playing youtube video's in app?
@CodingTiger using GData?
this is what I hv done
@JaiSoni Ok thanks will download and check
@Möbius was chckng removed one :P
lemme think :?
will think check after lunch :P
@JaiSoni developed in Eclipse or AS ?
@SweetWisherツ Circle Packing Algorithm : rite hand side container which contains pink color circle when you click n each circle it will move from one position to another
@TheLittleNaruto Eclipse
Hey @TheLittleNaruto
Seen this link wonderfl.net/c/7H84
@JaiSoni Ok
@NeetuShrivastava Yes checked
I want to draw that type of view
Follow the algo
@TheLittleNaruto In My notification menu My app is always showing with a msg "application is running". Now when we press home button app goes in paused state and if we open my app from notification menu click it should come in resume state but at my side it open from the begining.How can I set to resume on notification menu click
@X'Factor never worked with, so no idea, just got a requirement to integrate, so searchign soem demo or blog.
@Anjali Show me your notification part code
private static void generateNotification(Context context, String message) {
int icon = R.drawable.ic_launcher;
int notifyID = 0;
long when = System.currentTimeMillis();
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
Notification notification = new Notification(icon, message, when);
String title = context.getString(R.string.app_name);
Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(context, HomeMap.class);

PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, notificationIntent, 0);
@TheLittleNaruto hey every one hands overed
there is one issue
need to clearfy from u
@AliAshiq ur prob solved?
I have done a project in android 4.0.3
I have created a database
Now I want to see the database file .
For this , I have gone to " data < data < "mypackage name " "
pastie.org/9606566 @berserk this exception is coming
But I am failed to open the folder data .
Why ?
@berserk no still facing same problem
@Anjali PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Update the code
@TheLittleNaruto yes, it works .
NP :)
Greetings Karl
How is everything ?
Few headaches going on...Makes things frustrating...
any one knows how to get region name of particular country in android using location manager
i tried adminarea but it return null
Few headaches ?
Yeah...Found a massive crack in the side of the house yesterday. Winter is coming, and fixing cement is not something I usually do, or can afford...
Ohh! Do you work somewhere ?
No...My autism is forcing me into a medical retirement, but the government is saying "I can get a job," so they won't give me disability...
@AliAshiq hiii
hello @navya
yes yes i am here @navya
@AliAshiq need one help
yes sure @navya
i have subscribe request to user...and it has send..but now..my name is added in that requested listview...and the subscribtion is "from"
I went to the store yesterday, got some information....I MIGHT be able to fix it in a few hours, but I'm concerned with the fact I've never tried this before, and what's at stake...
@AliAshiq no i want to show that requested user in mylist
for that what i wuill have to do..
yes yes wait i will give u code @navya
@AliAshiq thnks....
I see. Can this autism be treated ?
how and where i use tht code...@AliAshiq
u have to get friends from roster whose type is only from
Not really...
Ah! :/
In USA, there are too many good doctors. You should consult them.
@AliAshiq YA.i want to call subscribed method now
simple..what i do for tht
@TheLittleNaruto @AliAshiq hello guys can you help me
Autism is a mental disorder...
yes im am finding code in my project @navya
Then will you have to consult a psychiatrist ?
I am sorry, I dont know what approach we should take for the treatment of this disease
I'm not sure if they know.... I'm pretty sure it's untreatable.
I also JUST realized I missed an appointment with my psychiatrist Friday...
A brain disorder is really a problem. Do not miss the appointment in future if you get.
@AliAshiq u checked layout bounds?
I know...
Greetings @Karl
@navya write this code in your connection class pastie.org/9606691 and see your log and i am doing for u further
@navya have a look pastie.org/9606720#10-11 and let me know from this u can get subscribe="from" in a string and show in a listview or mylist
which server u are using
@AliAshiq i ahve subscribe user'
@navya means those user whom u send a request right na
listen when u log in in an application then when u subscribe u user it will use ur credentials @navya
right now i am getting like this..pastie.org/private/bseii26t88eslfo4uesrwa
exactly @navya are u getting na
and i have a problem can i share @navya
@AliAshiq wht happend
@AliAshiq increase margin and width...
and chk
i have already check all these properties @navya
badge1.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
// badge1.setPadding(100, 0, 100,0);
// badge1.setTextSize(15);
// badge1.setBadgeMargin(5,5);-
// badge1.setWidth(10);
badge1.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
badge1.setPadding(1, 0, 100,0);
please help me @navya
increas ethe badge margin
yes @navya
doing badge1.setBadgePosition(BadgeView.POSITION_BOTTOM_RIGHT);
these properties @navya
@JaiSoni There?
@X'Factor yes
hi all
@JaiSoni started work with Android W?
@X'Factor no
@gIrL hi
@JaiSoni me too but wanna start
me too :D
facing one prob while starting a activty from fragment activity
wat problem?
@JaiSoni when will you start ?
starting now :P
Intent intent = new Intent(mcontext, SecondActivity.class);
@JaiSoni Oh thats great
at first line getting nullpointer exception
check this variable mcontext @gIrL
your mcontext variable is null
yes checked that
its not null
while debugging
@gIrL show code
means are you start activity from activity or from fragment?
@navya @berserk have a look tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=d8b5097
activty extends FragmentActivity
@gIrL have only globally declared Context mContext like this?
and from FragmentActivity, am starting new activty by using above code
@AliAshiq set margin to 10
@gIrL then it will sure be crashed. use YourActivityName.this
instead of mCOntext
have u seen that picture @navya
yes 1min
use getActivity() @gIrL
ok like this badge1.setBadgeMargin(10); @navya
@TopCat no she is using FragmentActivity so no need it bro.
wat abt this? @X'Factor
@TopCat when we are using fragment then we need to use it
context is not null
SecondActivity.class this m getting null
@gIrL so have u done what i have suggested
@gIrL show me activity class full and logcat also

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