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05:00 - 10:0010:00 - 20:00

@AliAshiq yes right..
Good morning all
@ChintanRathod Very good morning
good morning @PG_Android
hello there
need one help man
Good Morning Guys :)
anybody help me....while sending datetime in string as request url....
How would I rotate a line drawn on android with its center fixed and to rotate 360deg and keep looping the same?
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 69: 1:08:57 AM
good morning
anybody help me....while sending datetime in string as request url....
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 69: 1:08:57 AM
@rekire there
SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(
"MyPref", 0); // 0 - for private mode
Editor editor = pref.edit();
editor.putString("UNAME", edt_name.getText().toString());
unable to change or Edidt shared Presence value which already stored
@TheLittleNaruto Please help me...
show me code @anupamaJ
SERVICE_URL = String.format(""+max_‌​update_date+"");
here max_update_date = 18-Sep-14 1:08:57 AM...
variable is string...
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); try this
Like this
have tried
Q: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in Android with DateFormat

Priyan RockZHere is my code fragment here date in 10-Sep-2013 09:53:37 format TextView tvDate = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.entered_date); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); tvDate.setText(dateFormat.format(salesReportItems.getDate().toString())); TextView tvCardType =...

@Edge no...
use this
try it
if any issue let me know
@Edge then how my url should be???
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
good morning guys
@anupamaJ Just use this. for your date string dateString.replace(" " ,"%20") and same for final URL
formatDate(salesReportItems.getDate().toString()) pass like this in ur url
unable to uPdate SP value
please tell me
@Edge but i need same format (with time) ... while recive end...
in server u can change it
or else follow @PG_Android suggestion
shuld i do same for that as you suggested???
@PG_Android is that exception for space or colon???
@anupamaJ Yes try to check out that
@Edge it's too early for me to slove problems^^ ask me later it's before 8am
@PG_Android ok...
@PG_Android please suugest me issue
@rekire lol where are you now then ?
@TheLittleNaruto how to Update shared pref value
@PG_Android max_update_date.replace(" " ,"%20"); ... is it ok....
@Edge The same way you insert values
How do I Rotate 360 a line on android over a fixed point? @TheLittleNaruto
hi there i need to send multiple records to sever for multiple insert how can i do this..?
ok good @TheLittleNaruto
@PG_Android @Edge Thank You....All Done...
good morning @all
@anupamaJ welcome
@ChintanRathod where are you brother?
@PG_Android here
@ChintanRathod tell me one thing i am running my app with device connected with USB> i have printed co-ordinates. But log prints as fast i can't see. so any way that i can see properly and particular that line?
@TheLittleNaruto at work of cause, but I want to be awake before I help others
@rekire @TheLittleNaruto
@PG_Android @rekire @TheLittleNaruto gm guys
@maven GM
anybody know fiksu android sdk
@Shyildo vgm
@maven vgm
it is like flurry
that McDonalds ice?
for android app
ah I see
@zIronManBox Can you try [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7978618/rotating-an-imageview-like-a-compass-with-the-north-pole-set-elsewhere) ? You can get some logic from this question.
@rekire What is your working hour, Reki ?
@Shyildo @maven VGM :)
@TheLittleNaruto long time no see
@PG_Android release work.. ttyl
@ChintanRathod sorry bro can't understand
talk to you later.. release time..
OK nope
@PG_Android can u see me ^ ^
@maven I am here only, just remember me once, I'll appear for you. xD
thats cool refigh @TheLittleNaruto
refigh ?
v r
@TheLittleNaruto 7:30-16:30
@maven I dont understand
@rekire That's very cool timing!
You can save much more time for your family
and even for yourself!
@TheLittleNaruto pra... Refigh->Friend
I never heard, that word has this meaning. Even in Google I am not able to find
so i m inventer of this word :P
@TheLittleNaruto yeah :D
@maven lol may be in your own wikipedia ;)
the possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery
It took time to post this mystery quote ;)
lol not much :D
@berserk hey in my textview unable to sohow Bold style
String s = "<b>" + firsvalue + "</b>";
holder.txtDesc.setText(Html.fromHtml(s) + secondValue);
am using this code
@TheLittleNaruto p check
@rekire @TheLittleNaruto @maven Just added a new answer. Your comments please..
done man
@ItachiUchiha I'm not familar enough with that topic to rate it, but the structure itself looks fine
Guess I should start answering in android :P
after learning it from ya :P
@rekire hmm
hehe i answered yesterday this and got yet no response what do you think about it? stackoverflow.com/a/25905349/995926
I'm trying something like this:

float finalx = (float) (center+Math.cos(angle)*lastRadius);
float finaly = (float) (center+Math.sin(angle)*lastRadius);
canvas.drawLine(center, center, finalx,finaly, mSweepPaint0);
The drawing is just too fast to barely see, how can I slow down?
@hi all if anybody got idea about data compression for android
@rekire looks good
btw, how different is gradle from maven ?
Guys can some one help me out with placing google adds in my Mobile Web App?
Q: How to show google adds in different location of page in Mobile apps

VikramI am trying hard to show google adds at different location of the page according to different size of mobile screen. My main problem is the Google Policy of 1 add per page for mobile device What I have understood is that even if we hide the add from showing using CSS media query . It will still...

@rekire @berserk @ItachiUchiha Good Afternoon
@ItachiUchiha @rekire @berserk What you think about this answer ?
@ItachiUchiha it's a huge difference... I can tell you later more
haha -1 XD @TheLittleNaruto
It was not me tho
Damn someone upvoted xD
It was not me again
in spinner having 11 items the 11th item as a other ok.when the user selects other i'm disabling the spinner and enabling the edittext because user can enter his choice.ok .then if user wants to select the item from spinner without going back how to enable the spinner
@berserk Why dint you upvote
@berserk that was me :D
oh :D
Thank Reki xD
i wonder who was -1
I cannot up and downvote at once ;)
hehe, You're safe ;)
Yea its not u ofcourse
maybe ita
No he can't
in spinner having 11 items the 11th item as a other ok.when the user selects other i'm disabling the spinner and enabling the edittext because user can enter his choice.ok .then if user wants to select the item from spinner without going back how to enable the spinner @rekire @berserk @TheLittleNaruto
WE can talk freely in trash right? xD
@Harish Dont disable spinner
@berserk lol to whom ?
ok i wont disable xD
@ItachiUchiha gradle uses maven for sloving dependencies, but in general you can build multiple apks at once with it update and download your depdencies etc
ofcourse apks of different flavours
@TheLittleNaruto I mean we can talk in any language there lol
They wont gonna shut it down xD
@TheLittleNaruto Do you happen to know about libGDX?
Dont know
@rekire I am using AS 0.8.9(Beta). It's quite cool. :D
I'm using AS 0.8.10 and I'm updating right now to 0.8.11
Updating from where ?
the build in feature you meight need to change the update channel in the settings
There are four channels
use that ch something one
You mean Canary ?
ah yes^^
Alright! :D
I need to search the changelog
Let's do it!
@rekire you only work in Android Studio not in eclipse??
yes I use AS only since january
@rekire oh great. so can we implement project same as eclipse?
yes :)
@rekire thx. because i have started work with it. and so asked. So can you tell me what is the benefit for using it? Means how it more useful then eclipse?
IMHO gradle is the biggest advantage it handels your depende cies automatically and it updates them etc. there is also a new view of the files which is great and a translation tool
I have just changed the url to gradle-2.1-all.zip in gradle-wrapper properties file so that the gradle will be updated too and synchronized. ^^
Ouu! It's done now! :D
@rekire great. thanks. i will do it
@TheLittleNaruto there
yaar there
@PG_Android but beware gradle is in the first moment quiet complex, but IMHO fast to learn
@rekire See this
@Edge Yes
@rekire Ok. Thanks i will be. And if i have any problem with gradle will tell you
I have updated AS to 0.8.11 which requires Gradle 2.1 n upper.
@TheLittleNaruto did you follow the instructions?
That is why I have updated Gradle too
After updating IDE, it dint detect if there is a updation required in Gradle too
So, I changed the the url in gradle wrapper properties file and synchronized
I want to understand one thing, if a project has been built on some gradle version, it should not be changed until the IDE dont say. Is it right ? @rekire
I did not change the gradle wraper since I can remember that this can get annoying to get that running again^^
hehe, that's right
More or less yes... you need to change everywhere the gradle android plugin version after updating the gradle wreaper
@TheLittleNaruto yesterday issue didn't solve.need help in it
@rekire I understood. The thing is if we're updating gradle then we must update gradle supporting plugin for that version in dependencies classpath
Thanks Reki :D
@Anjali Already suggested you.
56 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
No he can't
@TheLittleNaruto you are wrong when you say, someone can't !
It means he/she doesn't have the power
Here I can, but I will not !
So it's better to say, "No he won't" :)
I am sorry.
I understand.
@TheLittleNaruto but that doesn't work
@ChintanRathod where?
@TheLittleNaruto I am using baseadapter.No modelclass is there
hi guys anyone knows jsf?
Anjali may i know the question once ?
@user2652051 shoot
@ItachiUchiha didn't get you?
what is your question ?
am getting error when am using primefaces with spring and hibernate integration
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/primefaces/model/DashboardModel
the above one is error message in console
@ItachiUchiha i posted question.
@Anjali may i know your question?
I hope you know the cause of NoClassDefFoundError
i included jars correctly but still showing the error @ItachiUchiha
May be you are not including all the dependent jars
have a check or use Maven/gradle
i already used maven dependencies bt still facing the problem @ItachiUchiha
@user2652051 I am using radiobutton. if I select any new radio button the old should unchecked which is not happening in my code.I have to do this
@user2652051 I am not sure why the error, but no one else can debug it for ya !
use check events with javascript ...u will get it @Anjali
@user2652051 but how to do it in android? even I don't know javascript
sorry am not aware of android that much...but u can use checkbox and uncheckbox images as button background image and u can do it i think so...
@Anjali i posted my thoughts just check it
ok thanks. I have checked this way
How to use return false like statement in android
Hello guys
anybody ever succeed in changing actionbar tab color?
I'm trying to use setStackedBackgroundDrawable but not worked
@Anjali You'll have to use a model class for that imo
@ItachiUchiha hahaha As @rekire told you see the 2 days ago post of yours^^
@ChintanRathod issue solved :)
thank u so much for helping me @ChintanRathod
@TheLittleNaruto I am using adapter in same class then what the need of model
Ah! then you dint try what I said.
And without trying, you shouldn't say this:
1 hour ago, by Anjali
@TheLittleNaruto but that doesn't work
I am sorry, I cant help you @Anjali
@TheLittleNaruto sorry for that, But I mean to say that I can't do it as per my code.
@TheLittleNaruto Where is mota bhai ?
how to capture picture inside a loop means take picture till two times inside for loop using custom camera i have done but its crashing app
@Anjali Ah! I cant believe you. Yesterday when I asked you that if your arraylist is of class type then you said yes, and now you're saying...
@Shyildo I dont know bro.
puh that tool long... I had to restart my system
that took too long
That took me a second to understand! lol!
yeah my system was still lagging and I did not realize that some letters where lost
@TheLittleNaruto pastie.org/9574863
this is my code
@rekire How about getting a new keyboard ?
no need I just had to wait a little
@AliAshiq great..
how did you do that
hmpf why is that not embeded!?
Q: how to stop Jquery Jail plugin to reload the images once images already loaded

VikramI used the Jquery Jail plugin to lazy load the images on my Mobile WebApp. The plugin works fine other than its does not uses cache to keep the images once it loaded . For example I wanted to stop the the images loading again from the scratch once the images are loaded . As of now it loads all...

any one ?? pLease help
@TheLittleNaruto did you see my link above?
05:00 - 10:0010:00 - 20:00

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