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@PankajSharma just a guess the image is too small btw why is that just a 2byte per pixel image? that is not very common IMHO
@rekire i used scaled image
no idea but I would play with the demensions of the image for testing
lol, the dialogs are relevant to codes world!
can't seem to getString( resource ID ) within a NotificationListenerService, how can I get strings from res/values/strings.xml then
@TheLittleNaruto at room?
nevermind I blame it on my device, a restart fixed it :P
hello @Rufus :)
why angryy man ?? @Rufus
hey @SweetWisherツ
@rekire Heya.... Guten Morgen :)
@SweetWisherツ No office :)
@TheLittleNaruto holiday ??
@DaveChen lol
@SweetWisherツ No holiday. Its USA based company. Only USA holidays we can avail :P
@TheLittleNaruto good for u :/
hello, I am using Statement and Resultset Object many times but get error like this "Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed". Now what to do for solving this type of error in java ??
nthng to do with u @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto how to show emtylistview item
if there is not item in listview
@Anil use setEmptyView
@Rufus @rekire @TheLittleNaruto Good evening
@Rufus gE
but how i will use in adapter or Actvity
@Rufus take care.
@Rufus cant understand ur symbols : /
@Anil did u google ??
dot ask stupid question without asking to google :/ @Anil
yaar i did then i am asking from u
@Rufus great bro!!
@PiYusHGuPtA (bow)
:18568673 both fine :D
@rekire Using object animator animation you have calculated radius and all other points of both View and animate from one view to another???
@rekire (Y)
@PiYusHGuPtA yep... not soo complicated (after you implemented it)
@rekire Ok great. And we need to apply effect same as you have applied differently or it can be give after using object animator?
tadaaa @TheLittleNaruto @rekire @Rufus :)
@PiYusHGuPtA look into that library... however that is my private fork which I havily modify like I need it
@rekire Great. Thanks
@PiYusHGuPtA Good Eve :)
@PiYusHGuPtA please look into the dev branch
@rekire Ok. Thx
@rekire hi
@maven hi
@rekire Is there any free api to convert image to voice (via converting it to text)
I want to create a appplication which need to capture a image and then read it loud
@maven yes sure that is possible but that is not a simple task. for the convertion of image to text aka optical charector reconition (in short OCR) you could use gamera or opencv or the java port javacv I think. however you need a baunch of samples which are not very simple to get. than for reading it language syntesic you could use text to speech (TTS).
I killed the chat! Shudder
How you?
I guess my answer was to complicated for maven
I'm fine in some minutes my weekend begins
right now I'm trying to disable temporally my viewpager without extending it
What's going on this weekend?
All that huh?
lol maven left the room without understanding rekire's reply :D :D
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