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@PankajSharma there
@Anil got ur code
we have to Implemnet Notfication part
i want send One notifcation as test can
in ur device
right now i m unable to do check
will do it at room bro
@PiYusHGuPtA what you doing?
i ams enidng u ure device id
member id ok
@Rufus installing themes
@Anil kapoor make habit to write single sentence in single line
some Query
@PiYusHGuPtA in device?
@Rufus there?
haha, yes I'm here only, please fire your query
@Rufus Yes
why u laughing
because laughter is best medicine.
ok good
and please don't call me dear.
@PiYusHGuPtA installed any launcher?
@Rufus :D :D
@Rufus dude is it ok'
and ya even don't call me dude also
dost i think thik this is ok
OML, my name is Rufus so call me only Rufus:-/
@Rufus yes Themer apps
@PankajSharma there
yes say?
@Anil kapoor where is your query?
i sent again mail plz check that also
I didn't get any mail from you
yes de my Query is that i am unable to insert data in datbase
@Rufus there
@PankajSharma I did it. Can't I check this without uploading to google play
android : i am using tab bar
@Anjali okz.
Anyone help with json post arrays
@PankajSharma bro u got another mail na
@Anil yes
so today we ll ok
@PankajSharma i have to ask one question
@rekire there ?
@PankajSharma hello bhai
when i am posting video on facebook..i m getting out of memory error..
Q: How to show Multiple Headings and Points in Single Activity

MysteriousI am following this SO solution, and i have successfully parsed JSON, but don't know How to show both the headings and points in TextViews. this is how my JSON looks: { "technology": [ { "title": "Android", "description": [ { ...

@navya yes say?
@Mysterious hello
when i am posting video on facebook..i m getting out of memory error..
yes u need to handle size
thanks for your two lines of magical code ... :) such an impressive that was bhai @PankajSharma
@Anil yes..what happened?
I am working on a maintenance project which was developed on AS. I installed AS which leads to automatic downloading of gradle. But when project imported , I am getting an error :
"Gradle Project Sync failed the basic functionality eg. editing etc. will not work properly." @rekire
u need to reduced its size
reduce size ? what size ?
@PankajSharma bhai whenever you will get sometime please check my issue as well
@Mysterious ok will check
sure bhai
Hi evry1 can anyone help me with the blank screen stuck which comes up on loading the Android ADT.I am unable to close but have to force close
the ADT from the task manager
@navya what size of video u r posting and how much RAM have in device?
@PankajSharma resolve dmy issue....,i used android:largeHeap="true" ..,in manifest file...:).. thnks for listening
but it seem it won't work in all devices,do cross check
@navya grt
@Rufus work done bro??
@rufus mate a problem with json post array want to check
yes, free now
@B.rohitNare ya ya why not
for json post adding arrays
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek","1"));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek","2"));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek","3"));

its accepting only in this format.
But the format im receiving from my code is [1,2,3]
Hi I am using Json parsing which taking too much time to load so how can i overcome this problem. Any Idea??????
@user Asycntask
@B.rohitNare yes i am using
Well den dazz what it takes from loading server, it might run fast in mob
I think json parsing taking too much loading time so how can i solve
Device than emulator
how you doing parsing?
@B.rohitNare let me give you a screen shot of the ADT as well as the SDK
for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {

JSONObject json_data = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
Favorite fav = new Favorite();



Sampl code
@rufus what how im doing parsing ?
@user285oo6 check your network connectivity too
@B.rohitNare where is your issue?
@user Sometimes takes time to receive data in emulator, check it in device
@Rufus params.add thats where we add parameters. But my parameter accepting single value at once for an array. But the response im receiving, while working on code is [1,2,3] in that manner to 6.
@rekire @TheLittleNaruto @JaiSoni
any one have idea regarding change theme
@B.rohitNare I am using device (S5)
I just tried the post Updating the ADT from v22.6 to 23.0 and after that I get this blank screen.
@user then not sure mate code looks fine
@Rufus my network connectivity is fine there's no issue with that thanks
@user1404672 As I said check internet connectivity, even cross check simply hiting url in web browser.
@chintankhetiya Mota bhai, what you're sharing and what you're asking, both dont match to each other.
@user285oo6 It was not for you, by mistake, please change your default SO name
ya have to @ruf
@B.rohitNare not clear,
@Rufus mate you know how we add parameters for post
using params.add
recently I done entire project on post only
ok cool have you done for arrays
my post parameter is days of week, which is from 0 to 6
show me your code for adding param
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek",daysOfWeek));
in that days of week is coming in this format[1,2,3,5] as user select desired day he want
@Rufus but responce is fine after hitting on browser
but in my cause for posting the response the values are added only if, they are in below format
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek","1"));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek","2"));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek","3"));
so how can i change the format i received from [1,2,4,5] to [1][2][5]
ohk got you
Thats where im facing the problem now
do you want the code ?
na I just added single string at a time
but you can try param.addall, which accepting collection
plz give me ans if any one know about this
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I know how to fetch SMS from sim card memory but unable to do with insert operation. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code to fetch SMS from Sim Card ArrayList<SmsMessage> list = new ...

@TheLittleNaruto yes , want to change the error message theme
like background white and instead red i want to user sky blue color
For that you'll have to make custom EditText in which you can have your own custom view of showing error. @chintankhetiya
@B.rohitNare do something like this
for (int i = 0; i < DaysOfWeek.length; i++) {

nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek",DaysOfWeek[i]));

well type already declared as string know mate :)
Hi I am using Spinner with default value . But after i want to fill new data with parsing to remove first index value. how can i do this?
@user1404672 do Google and try something by yourself and then if you face any issue then your issues are welcome here
yes @PiyushMachhoya
plz help me to solve my query
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I know how to fetch SMS from sim card memory but unable to do with insert operation. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code to fetch SMS from Sim Card ArrayList<SmsMessage> list = new ...

@chintankhetiya Also check this function setError(errorMsg, Drawable);
@user1404672 my link is help full??
@PiyushMachhoya I am trying but not understand.. i have diff. ode
anyone worked with volley?
Hello @SweetWisherツ
@chintankhetiya there?
@Rufus Yello
@user1404672 will you tell us what you tried so far?
@Rufus issue
ya ya, fire now
already fired :/
let me try some solutions first.. then I will repeat
categories = new ArrayList();
After parsing
for (int i = 0; i < Common.list.size(); i++) {

dataAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this,
android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, categories);

// Drop down layout style - list view with radio button
// attaching data adapter to spinner
'your wish
@user1404672 and what the issue?
@Rufus I have to remove hi after parsing
@chintankhetiya that is a hard topic... brb launch time
@rekire okay no issue
@TheLittleNaruto yeah that i have read
but instead i am planning to change theme if i can
@user1404672 clear your arraylist before parsing , categories.clear();
@SweetWisherツ yes
@PankajArora not used
aquery and custom class
@Rufus who are you.?
I have done
categories = null;
categories = new ArrayList();
@SilentKiller Human being
@Rufus means salman khan?
what about Roger steve? :P
@Rufus thats why i am being human. :P i thought you are mask.
Ha ha.Great
@PiYusHGuPtA SK is being human not Human being see KICK again :D
@Rufus i think hero of kick movie
@SilentKiller I haven't seen that movie. So ha ha
@SilentKiller got latest themes bro
Themer Apps
good work
and what made you to know about me? @SilentKiller
Q: Correctly implementing the MVC pattern in GUI development using Swing in Java

Ben BeriFirstly, I come from a big PHP background with MVC, when I started with PHP, I browsed a lot of times, to try my best and perfect my MVC-Like design in PHP. A lot of people like answered with answers which helped me a lot. But after starting GUI development in Swing, the answers about MVC in Swi...

@Rufus your masks.
@chintankhetiya you are in india or canada?
@chintankhetiya Only option left custom EditText
@PankajArora india
why ?
@TheLittleNaruto give me link
@PankajArora that was my past company
You'll have to extend EditText and customize it's setError part
@PankajSharma @Gopal @chintankhetiya plz help me if you know
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I know how to fetch SMS from sim card memory but unable to do with insert operation. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code to fetch SMS from Sim Card ArrayList<SmsMessage> list = new ...

@chintankhetiya okay..
@TheLittleNaruto Hello Mr. Kumar
Hello Ms. @SweetWisherツ :D
plz check this
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I know how to fetch SMS from sim card memory but unable to do with insert operation. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code to fetch SMS from Sim Card ArrayList<SmsMessage> list = new ...

No idea.
And stop spamming the room , you have already shared that question.
@SilentKiller which masks?
@Rufus you have many. :P
@SilentKiller call him Mask man
@SilentKiller define all
@Rufus RobinHood one of them.
Another may be Roger??
@PankajArora you are from
hahaha, Its up-coming one @PiYusHGuPtA
@Rufus ha ha
@chintankhetiya india
@TheLittleNaruto did u got my msg ? 0_O
@PankajArora cool
@Rufus are you afraid of me?
@maven A message ? Where ?
@maven u??here tooo ??
my apk instlled in my device not able to show icon in my device
where is Problem
plz tell @TheLittleNaruto
@SweetWisherツ so ?
@maven leave :P
@SweetWisherツ really :o
@maven yaa.. plzzz
@SilentKiller hahaha, bhai, sach batao, m afraid of myself!
@chintankhetiya hello brother. I am showing that how much u r busy no time for ping me
@SilentKiller :P
@Rufus use ENG :P
@Rufus lols nice joke.
@SweetWisherツ @Rufus won't get flag. :P
@SweetWisherツ u seems afraid :P
Your conversion says you are here with bad intention?
@SilentKiller, any confusion?
@Anil Did you setIcon in manifest's application tag ?
@TheLittleNaruto leave then :(
@chintankhetiya no, india is too hot :P
@SilentKiller why ??
@maven a big LOL
@SweetWisherツ u will be killed
@SilentKiller got it:P
@maven try ur luck ;)
@SilentKiller Flag would seen above 10K rep. isn't it??
@maven FYI! I am a baby, I dont understand most of things easily unless you wont explain. ^^
hehe u dint get
@SweetWisherツ Sorry was for SK
@TheLittleNaruto but u don't seems to be
have any1 worked on online ocr api
@maven I am! I am!
@SilentKiller Don't be silent now bro. Just relax
@chintankhetiya Thnks for ur reply :) but i solved ma issue :)
@TheLittleNaruto i want to convert image(having text written on it) to voice :) ...Is it possible sir ?
@PiYusHGuPtA i have work to do. as i am multithreaded like so i chat as well as work too. ;)
Any solution for sending mail with details without using Intent, I have already used Gmail Sender. Any other options? @TheLittleNaruto @SilentKiller @Rufus @chintankhetiya
@Rufus i am not. ;P
@maven first try to get text from image
@maven an image to voice ? WTF ?
@PiYusHGuPtA use JavaMailApi
@TheLittleNaruto hahahaah
@SilentKiller Great bro but u have told about ur infection
@SilentKiller yeah i used that too. i got toast message but mail not sent
@TheLittleNaruto yes its FTW :P
@PiYusHGuPtA not possible
@SilentKiller Yeah really.
@PiYusHGuPtA No dude
@SilentKiller its seems that i have added jar file
for it
@chintankhetiya Ok so you got time for me
@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajArora @TheLittleNaruto @SilentKiller any one have much idea about spannable string??
@PiYusHGuPtA sorry dude i am already bz :(
i have issue
@chintankhetiya yeah bro i knew dat. nope
@TheLittleNaruto r u there?
@PankajSharma ask issue if possible will solve
No idea. @PankajSharma
Yes. @maven
@PankajSharma dire your query please
@SilentKiller bro fire not dire. ha ha ha
@TheLittleNaruto then help me sir :(
Your question doesn't make sense.
@PiYusHGuPtA typo. :P
ha i see
@PiYusHGuPtA @SilentKiller ok
@PankajSharma yes i have,whats the issue bro..
see this image
we need to make it
have complete html content
@TheLittleNaruto is it possible or not ?
is the little blue circle for apps in the default sdk? sorry it's hard for me to explain, it's like a small circle that guides users through an application
]@PankajArora @PiYusHGuPtA @SilentKiller have u seen image?
@SilentKiller Now again I have to change my masks :P
need to show image and text same place like eye symbol above the snofall text
@PankajArora @PiYusHGuPtA @SilentKiller
anyone ??
@PiYusHGuPtA start manufacturing of new masks :P
Hello All
@Rufus lols.
@PankajSharma you can use table layout there. one for image and another for text and set table bgColor as yellow
@SilentKiller I have to send SMS more than 1000 from app
@SilentKiller hello
@amitsharma_ujj if you have issue then explain it in English.
@SilentKiller that whole content i m using on single layout.the content is dynamic and the place of the image also dynamic
@SlientKiller i have to send SMS more than 1000 from app ? how is this possible ?
@chintan still that problem?
@TheLittleNaruto now
@maven Everything is possible in IT. ;)
@rekire Can you see my prob with gradle ?
@maven how can I get solution ?
@TheLittleNaruto no can you link it? but wait you use AS 0.8.7 and syncing does not work?
@rekire link to what, Reki ? I am using 0.8.0 BTW!
@amitsharma_ujj at a time 1000.?
@amitsharma_ujj ?
@TheLittleNaruto you may should install updates however 0.8.7 has an annoying gradle syncronization bug
@SilentKiller yes I will get Json with minimum 200 number or maximum 1000. and i have to send sms from background.
@TheLittleNaruto link to your "gradle problem"
@maven i have to send SMS more than 1000 from app ? how is this possible ?
@amitsharma_ujj are you using SMS_Gateway or from SimCard.?
@SilentKiller from simCard
@rekire build.gradle Below is the image :
@B.rohitNare are you there?
@amitsharma_ujj then no user will download your app.
@SilentKiller it's a business promotion app not for public !!!
@rekire Cant I stay with 0.8.0 ?
@amitsharma_ujj android_sending_sms
make for loop till your arraylist size.

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