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@CapDroid good mroning
@Anil vgm
@KetanAhir yes
have u take device
not yet
good morning! @Anil @CapDroid
good morning
@neerajkirola vgm
@CapDroid @PiYusHGuPtA, @neerajkirola is there any way to see database from device
@Anil have not done this but u try with this link... stackoverflow.com/questions/6928849/…
how i will see database
by adb commands u can copy ur database in sd card and then download sqlite browser software to see database tables and data and u can also edit this database.
let me try
@neerajkirola plz
tell me command
am trying this command but say this is not found
@navya ifxed that yesturday issue?
@PankajSharma gm...no...actully...it was same as my view
@navya nope have u run my sample?it has no white spaces above current and requests tab
yes i did
but there was...:(
@PankajSharma good morning
let me show u my running view screenshot@navya
@Anil GM bro
@navya see this
what is issue with this layout?
what other changes u need?
Hi guys Good Morning
@PankajSharma how tto export device
sqlite databse
do u have any idea
how to export app database file
so that i can see Sqlite browser
good morning guys
@Anil when u created it in sdcard u can see
My datbase name is Loccidb
how to see it in Slqite browser
@PankajSharma yes..i had todone like this..but it was not showing in my mobile..:(
@Anil u created it in data/data/pkgname/database/dbname??
u can not see this when u run in phone
u have to change db path
@navya which device u r using?
can u show me my demo run screen on ur device?
ok...@PankajSharma i am running that on samsung s2
wait i show
@navya i have not seen what u removed?
@PankajSharma it is clear
what is resolution on ur device?
360 pixels
@Rufus Morning
it is same as nexus 4...
Good Morning
@Rufus hows u today?
I'm fine, thank you & yourself?
@Rufus fine i am also
sorry bro i hv'nt done workd on commands of adb so no idea.. @Anil
@navya okz let me check
@Anil what u had removed?
it is nexus4 and galaxy nexus..@PankajSharma
@navya let me check and fixed on both
unable to see databse file @PankajSharma
/data/data/com.example.imageslideshow/databases/ thos os Path
@Anil u can not see on that folder what i tell the path
how i will see in my device
u cant see this path in device
from emulato i am able to see
but i want of device database
@PankajSharma ok..:)
then how i will check my database
data is insterd in database
@Anil perform select * query on that table and print the data in code
no yaar
how i will get databse file
which i will Import in Sqlite browser
see of Emulator i am getting databse file
u need to change the db path otherwise u cant see
i wiant see Device database file
@Rufus See this freepik.com
or use contentprovider to save and access db file
Hello Anyone how to pass JSON array from client to server
@B.rohitNare stringify it and post it via http default client
@PankajSharma i am unable to insert value in databse
strinify ? @rekire
Ok let me show you how im posting it.
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("DaysOfWeek",daysOfWeek));
@PiYusHGuPtA awesome
@navya u der?
@Rufus Yeah. that's why i sent you bookmark it. very useful
@rekire Hey good mornng
check ur mail and replace the given xml files@navya
@PiYusHGuPtA vgm
@rekire Check this link freepik.com
@B.rohitNare stringify I missed a "g". To make that json object back to a string
Well i already converted it into a string mate @rekire
@PiYusHGuPtA nice!
@B.rohitNare fine so what's the matter?
But dont know where the problem is, its just posting as [0]. Even if i select [1,2,3,4]
Shall i pass the code mate, might give you an idea @rekire
@JaiSoni Good morning with this new freepik.com
usefull link
@JaiSoni good morning
wait for u
@Anil VGM
same issue,...@PankajSharma
@JaiSoni unable to insert data in databse
even i have put static value thn also not inserting
@navya I TESTED ON BOTH nEXUS s AND Galexy Nexus
but why it is showing on my...i also tested.....@PankajSharma
@navya have run whole code as it in demo or integrated in ur code?
in both....@PankajSharma
let me show u both emulator screenshot
@Anil any error?
Anyone help with posting json array from client to server ?
no Error
@navya did u have any issue with these screen?
but when i see databse file then it Blank
even i put staic value
no definatly not....i want liek this..@PankajSharma
@B.rohitNare shot your query.. if any one knows will help u
@navya let me mail u complete code again and then u check that
@Anil hv u replace db file also.. n reinstall app ?
table is creating
but data is not inserting actully
@PankajSharma tell me one thing...kahi aisa to nahi k..it is not layout issue..it is tab cod eissue..
@JaiSoni So wts going on?
@PiYusHGuPtA still working on BLE
@navya i had modified both things yesturday.so use only my complete code
Well The response im posting on poster is like following
{ ID:"27743ae9-b392-42ca-83c5-2b27506ca8be", Name:"Campaign_Test", Status:"running",Budget:"50.00",Spend:"0.00",DailyBudget:"0.0",StartDate:"", EndDate:"",DaysOfWeek:[1,2,3]}
So do we do the same format in our code for posting the Daysofweek. Well if its the same format im receiving [0] as response
DataBaseManager db=new DataBaseManager(getApplicationContext());
db.insertOrUpdateNotification("1", "256", "289", "ntype",
"ndc", "ns", "12.4.2014", "0");
even i m aclling like this in On create then also value is not inserting
@Anil ok I will check it
@navya mail sent check
@B.rohitNare sorry not getting ur question
@JaiSoni Oh Okay
@PiYusHGuPtA say about u
@JaiSoni New app will come tomorrow and right now update changes in app after client feedback
Hi all, Does anybody work on Expandable List?
I have some doubts
@jaisoni its the code is posted how we posting data using poster mate. In that DaysOfweek is array. So, when it comes for posting data using java do we send that in same format
the following my code mate http://pastie.org/9509072
@Hello everbody any one know how to lauch emulator iin 1080 x1920 resoluiotn right now i lauch it but it give only blACK SCREEN
@HarshalKalavadiya will you please know us your system configuration
Hello everyone
I'm preet here..
@Rufus see below images
first one is my system configuration image
and second one is my avd coinfiguration which i made
i want to know, how i can reduce the size of image to upload on server..
I didn't want to reduce the quality of image.. just want to reduce the size of images so that image can upload to server fastly..
pastie.org/9509242 this exception coming
@Rufus Any idea?
restart avd once
Hello hw u?
am fine thanx how are u
how is u
Anyone with json post knowledge
you know that how to create hotspot in image
I am good
I am having an image that takes multiple touches in each touch some msg or pop is shwoing
u have to show it in web view
is there any online tool
check this URl
like this
u need
Hello all
ye tool kya karta hai nothing option is there
how to create hotspotd
@PankajSharma u there?
yo all
@Anjali yes say?
@berserk Yo yo bro
yo @PiYusHGuPtA
@berserk Hows you?
@NeetuShrivastava that u can ask from designer
@PiYusHGuPtA i need date and time picker in one view.
any idea?
@PankajArora open differently on with same dialog?
m fine :)
@berserk me too
how are u
plz pastie.org/9509242 help me in thi
ok @Anil
show the db code
@PankajSharma I have to integrate in-app purchase v3 in my code.
@Rufus Still not working
I am using github.com/blundell/SimpleInAppPurchaseV3 for this. @PankajSharma
@TheLittleNaruto will help you @HarshalKalavadiya
Not now, busy with work
@TheLittleNaruto yo
Hey Guys
@berserk Yo-Yo
busy at day time? O_O
Changed my shift :D
12PM to 8.30PM
why? lol
good timing
but can't get in which class to add base64 Id . Please notify If u can @PankajSharma
I had been sick. ;)
hii @TheLittleNaruto
same timing here
@TheLittleNaruto heya
@PankajArora tell brother
@ItachiUchiha Heya Bro ;) Dint sleep ?
@Anjali can u show me url which u follow for that?
@TheLittleNaruto Hi bro
@ItachiUchiha hi
Hi Piyush
@TheLittleNaruto see this freepik.com
Hi all
hello @AditiK
I want some advice ...I am using Async task with progress bar..on tht activity i dnt want to allow backpress button of device so tht async will not get stopped will it be possible?
@AditiK on key down method return false when async task executing
so it will not allow to backpress while in progress?
@AditiK Yes.
@AditiK use progressdilog.cancellable property false
ok Let me check
@Anjali ok let me check in that code
@AditiK like this progressDialog.setCancelable(false);
@AditiK Also chek condition when you press back press with setonTouchOutSideCancalble(false) or cancable to false
@PiYusHGuPtA Nice one
@TheLittleNaruto very usefulll for us
Starred already ;)
Wow great!!:)
+1 @PiYusHGuPtA
@PiYusHGuPtA thnks ...let me try
@berserk any SOlution fro that Exception
@Anil I have to run the project
to see the error
@berserk thx buddy!!
@PiYusHGuPtA @AditiK I guess no need of checking, "progressDialog.setCancelable(false);" is enough.
@TheLittleNaruto pastie.org/9509242
cehck this
will please suggest where am doing wrong
@TheLittleNaruto let me check will cm back to it
private boolean checkDataBase(){

SQLiteDatabase checkDB = null;

String myPath = DB_PATH + DataProviderConstants.DATABASE_NAME;
checkDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);

}catch(SQLiteException e){
System.out.println("database does't exist yet");
//database does't exist yet.

if(checkDB != null){

return checkDB != null ? true : false;
in this exception coming @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto @PiYusHGuPtA yes it works for this.dialog.setCancelable(false);
@AditiK Great so done??
yes thnks u so much guys
@AditiK Ur wel come. Enjoy happy coding
you too
@Anil Does your db file exists in that path?
@TheLittleNaruto Great atmosphere here. Its raining lightly here @berserk
@Anil Also try putting this permission in manifest :
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
@PiYusHGuPtA cool
its little hot here
@PiYusHGuPtA Here it's all hot > >
Oh great
its there @TheLittleNaruto
can I detect if my application can use NotificationListenerService? similar to detecting if my application is the default SMS manager? (4.4 fyi)
@Anil How did you check ?
in my device
wait ams howing code
@berserk yeah bro
You can not see db file in non-rooted device unless you copy it somewhere else instead of data folder @Anil
its not great in hot weather
have created direct that will export to device sd card
using this code
@berserk yeah true
and u know am able to get data Contact table
in that data base
but notifcation data is not insetring
Did you try uninstalling and then install ?
in my database
yup i did
@Anil Kapoor there is virus in your code, please scan :P
how @Rufus
can u please tell me
@TheLittleNaruto will you explain you in brief @Anil Kapoor
good @Rufus
@TheLittleNaruto u have any idea?
Who have no idea get an !dea
@PiYusHGuPtA thanks bro..Done
sb custom bna liya.
@PankajArora Ok good. SO that links not usfull bro?
@PankajSharma I am using Tata Docomo Network ;)
bad one :P
@PiYusHGuPtA sorry, dekha he ni abi tk
Not much though ^^
Unlucky I also bought same just 3 days ago
PostPaid ?
@PankajSharma one question bro.. i have to post status on facebook in background..any idea?
@PankajArora Oh nope
@PankajArora yes.u need to post status on button click na??but u need to sign in before
@Anjali u can put publicKey in IabHelper class for mSignatureBase64
@Anil , TheLittleNaurato
lol its Naruto Naurato
anyway, Hi
Ur name is not easy
hehe, it's easy though, if you'll call my real one ;)
okay i need your to Creating image hot spots in Android
Anil provide me a link please check
I dont understand
have you heard about imagemap in android
@PankajSharma perhaps it will put in appproperties.java class
@NeetuShrivastava No, what is it ?
Suppose you are having an image and you want to take multiple touches , in each touch draw some on that particular msg or dialog
Meaning when I'll touch on image's any part, there I can draw text ?
i am sending you the screen shots what i want
@TheLittleNaruto she is talking .gif image
@Anjali yes there u have to put

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