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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

@navya Morning
@PiYusHGuPtA gm
@navya Hows you??
fine u say..:)
Me also fine
whats going on
i have one query
@navya good ask
@PiYusHGuPtA i am making an chat app in which i have listview..when i type any thing that message display in listview.
@navya so what is the prblm?
now i want that the message which i have write in my listview..i want to show that in another listview like what's app
i am trying to show message in my listview . but that is not coming,..what i do
@navya add that string value in one arraylist and pass that list to listview constrcutor
@PiYusHGuPtA i always confuse in this..wait ishow u
here the chatscreen is myclass..in tht my message is showing
@navya is commanInstance ur bean class??
@PiYusHGuPtA no its xmpp class
@navya when you have write text msg from edittext you have add data in arraylist onTextChange method of edittext
@navya Have you logged u got ur message?
@PiYusHGuPtA ys i got message
@navya then you need to add that message in string of arraylist
good morning to all
like ArrayList<String> mylist
@PiYusHGuPtA r8 now i am taking message only in string
myList.add(yourmessage); @navya
@navya and pass myList to adapter constructor
@PiYusHGuPtA and then how i use that string in my another class?
@navya make that string public static
ok..and use that in another class..@PiYusHGuPtA
@PiYusHGuPtA have u use Gson in web service parsing in android
@navya yes like YourCLass.urString like this
ok..@PiYusHGuPtA i try thnku
@Anil No bro never
@navya ur wel come
Please Helphttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/25131187/issues-regarding-alarm-notificat‌​ion
Gm @PiYusHGuPtA
@Danny GM
i want some help from you @PiYusHGuPtA
Hai guys. Need some help on this. How to send aes encrypted data to a php server?. Link: stackoverflow.com/questions/25117687/…
@Danny Yeah ask if i know then sure i will
in my application i want to create progress bar like windows phone loading animation do you have any idea about it.@PiYusHGuPtA
@all good morning
@Danny Can you show some image or snap shot?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes i am uploading the image
@PiYusHGuPtA can you go through the think link contains image
@rekire mrmg~ :)
@PiYusHGuPtA imgur.com/FhbS5vE this is the link can you please go through this link .
@Danny Bro in this link nothing displayed
@PiYusHGuPtA how to seng that image bro
@Danny try to upload here
any body did web Service parsing Using GSOn ?
@PiYusHGuPtA ok
@Danny Means do you want to like this?
@Shweta HI
@rekire good morning
@PiYusHGuPtA in this image those five dots has to come from left one by one and wait untill 5 dots will come and move to right all dots one by one .
still facing that issue
and I'm still tired^^
@PiYusHGuPtA I have to maintain checkbox state in fragment How can I do it ?
@PiYusHGuPtA there????
one more query
even i post that Query
A: how to read it into a string without using a readline of String Buffer in android

MarvinLabsJust to solve all your potential bugs in one single shot: is there anything preventing you from using Retrofit and GSON or Jackson? Each time I see such JSON/InputStream/URLConnection/... questions, I keep wondering why people keep on spending time to reinvent basic stuff instead of actually wri...

they gave me solution
@Danny check this zwmobile.blogspot.in/2013/07/… for ut solution
how to do parse Using GSON ?
@PiYusHGuPtA have to understood my requirement
@Shweta In listview?
@Danny Yeah for that i have given u link
@PiYusHGuPtA ya tell me
@navya yeah
@Danny Have u checked link fist?
@PiYusHGuPtA i will go through it and reply soon
how i set that value in adapter..i ahve done like this...@PiYusHGuPtA
@Danny ok
@navya In adapter you have to pass that arraylist to constructor
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@Shweta Oh then you have to maintain that state using SparseBoolean array
and you can check this link demo sunil-android.blogspot.in/2013/04/…
@PiYusHGuPtA but i want perfect windows phone loading animation that is moving 5 dots one by one from left and wait all comes to middle and then move to right one by one
@PiYusHGuPtA i tried that with one dot it is working fine but with all are moving as a container and waiting for some time at middle and moving as single container not moving one by one even through i provided a thread between those 5 dots when they start
hows u
my null pointer in edittext crash is not resolving
i have tried all ways
like splliting function
checking if length =0
if string is empty
@PiYusHGuPtA in case of any progress please let me know
@PiYusHGuPtA i am waiting for your reply
good morning @all
my message value is coming in logcat..but not showing in listview.....
@navya show ur code.
wait..@PiYusHGuPtA ok..i m showing
what a commit almost 13k lines changed in that merge (well 8.8k are just one lib)
@rekire which commit ?
to my work reporitory^^
great going :)
if I don't take that lib in count and if I subtract the deleted lines from the added ones I just added 69 lines
@PiYusHGuPtA did u chck???
@rekire who wrote the library ?
google^^ it's the recycler view
then you have just added 69 lines :P
btw, 69 is a nice number ;)
@navya did you add ur msg in this "lst"?
did some one notice this article?
@ItachiUchiha well no that lib has "only" 8.8k lines. I changed 4.2k lines
ya i forgot...thnks alot...:)
after settting adapter ..add taht na???@PiYusHGuPtA
@rekire @PiYusHGuPtA did you guys worked with right side menu drawer?
yes I did but surly not with the same lib like you
@navya yeah
heheheh..thnku yr....:)
@PankajArora open with right side? Yes but it is sliding menu using library.
@rekire nice article !
@rekire means?
@PiYusHGuPtA any link?
its not showing...:(@PiYusHGuPtA
@ItachiUchiha quiet scary
@PankajArora Yes I did but I cannot help you I guess
@PiYusHGuPtA i tried this
@rekire y?
@navya nothing happened??
@All Good Noon...
@PankajArora let's give it a try which library/implementation are you using?
simple support navigation drawer
@PankajArora i will you demo but it is right now in another PC and its not opened now bacause that employe still not come so
@navya Oh. Just print size of lst arraylist in log
@PiYusHGuPtA muej aj client ko build bhejni hai
itna time ni hota bhai
@PankajArora So can you wait till lunch??
got a logic to change gravity to END
and its done
@PankajArora I have just changed gravity to right for sliding menu and its also done
@Anjali Good noon
@rekire ever worked with Java Print API ?
@ItachiUchiha nope
@PankajArora never worked with it.
@PankajArora this is no english!
@rekire dude i am an indian, and hindi is my mother tounge, so please never interfare
@PiYusHGuPtA its nothing showing
May 27 at 11:54, by TheLittleNaruto
@ALL Please avoid non tech chat as much as you can, Make the room clean by asking and answering questions. Yes you can do fun here too , but in a limit so that no one will have trouble. FAQ
Jul 9 at 15:07, by Shog9
Therefore, if a room develops a habit of generating lots of non-English commentary and flags are raised, it will be deleted.
Jul 22 at 11:20, by rekire
@PankajArora stop writing hindi, english only please
Jul 28 at 6:29, by rekire
@navya english only please
Do you need anymore starred messages ?
@ItachiUchiha i m using only english..read previous chats
@navya those messages were for @PankajArora :P
@PankajArora That is nothing personal, see that quotes of @ItachiUchiha
@rekire its better if you learn hindi
@PankajArora you are my bro. But, I am also the owner of the room :)
@ItachiUchiha hehe..sorry/..:)
@PankajArora no...
bit busy yr, will discuss it lator.
@PankajArora I don't want the room to be deleted ! T_T
@ItachiUchiha me too!
Please, dont force me to flag your chats ! @PankajArora
@ItachiUchiha well flagging could be the worst which could happen, that would raise the attantion of Shog9 and co
hello every one GMMM!
@rekire I know, but @PankajArora replies leave me with no option !
can any one tell me why the viewpager setadapter no work insidhe handler runnable
even adapter class was not called
@ItachiUchiha I'm not sure what I should do, I just try informing for now
@rekire same here !
@Mahesh I guess there are also some timing constrains
when i set view pager adapter outside handler is working
I don't like people who don't listen :@
me too
@ItachiUchiha @rekire bye forever dude,will never come again here.
@PankajArora your choise, the door is still open for you
Q: reading from xls file and inserting into two microsoft access table

cyclicHere I am reading data from xlsx file and want to insert into access table. problem with me is: I am getting each cell values in each iteration. How can I consider values from same rows and insert into table? From data I read, i want to insert few column in table ParcelCoordinates and few col...

@ItachiUchiha @rekire can we set multiple setType() in share intent for sharing text and sdcard image at a same time to facebook,gmail?
Q: Issue in share text and image both using share intent android

Harshal KalavadiyaHello friends i want to share text and sdcard image at a same time with using share intent in android below is my code in on button click. Intent share = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND); share.setType("text/plain,image/*"); String imagePath = Environment.getExternalSto...

@rekire guys like little naruto and @ItachiUchiha liek follow you, my rules are diffrent,
@ChintanRathod good mrng bro
@PankajArora it's not my rule, it is the rule of the stackoverflow staff
@PiYusHGuPtA good morinng brother
i dont think so facebook allow default text for image and text sharing
because i have tried this
and if you find any solution than answer your own question so everyone can no
know this
Hi Everybody.. anyone have idea of Google drive api for android
I am stuck and problem saying invalid mime type
@PiYusHGuPtA any idea about fb post
fb post ?
hello panthers
i am facing a problem
Q: Pick a number from calllog without repeating the same number

Devil AbhiI want user to select a number from calllog and that number get selected and come in the activity. So I created custom calllog list. I used this code but it is not showing the call log list in right order first thing it is showing the callhistory of the first number fully that it gets in the cal...

can anyone help please
@Mahesh @PankajSharma @PankajAndroid @PiYusHGuPtA there?
anyone has used ExpandableListView inside ExpandableListView
what the issue?
i want to scroll to expanded child of expandable list view...
so you are not wrapping child data?
i do..but issue is for only last child of inner expandable list view...
if i expand last group of inner elv, it will not scroll to child view of that group. i need to manually scroll to view that child
@MDroid hey
@PiYusHGuPtA Helloww.! Whats up ?
@MDroid just work. urs?
@PiYusHGuPtA Same..
@MysticMagic hi had lunch?
@PiYusHGuPtA yeah :) you?
Hi Guys @ALL
@MysticMagic yeah me too
@Harish Hellow..!
@PiYusHGuPtA me too ;)
@MDroid :P great
@MysticMagic how r u ? :)
@MDroid fine :) you say
@MysticMagic different profile pic for different room?
@PiYusHGuPtA no :P changed recently. might not be refreshed in other rooms as I was already there
@MysticMagic Oh okay
HAve any one worked on ADF Mobile ?
Can we create JSF page in it ?
not me :/
@KetanAhir good morning
@MysticMagic have u worked on Ontouch lisner
make full screen
Q: apply ontouch event any place in Fragemen and display it in Full screen

Anil <LinearLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_below="@+id/contact_relMainHeader" android:background="@android:color/transparent" android:orientation="vertical" > <RelativeLayout and...

@MysticMagic :P
you are able to display in full screen on button click or not? @Anil
@ItachiUchiha :)
Nope :P
@ItachiUchiha you keep playing in excel sheet ;)
i am able to display
but i want display full screen on touch at any place
@Anil hmm. and you have implemented onTouchListener.
okay. wait
see this but i am not able to display Toast messge on Touch
@MysticMagic :(
hello help me any one
@Anil you can try with onTouchEvent without any onTouchListener : Called when a touch screen event was not handled by any of the views under it. This is most useful to process touch events that happen outside of your window bounds, where there is no view to receive it.
check here. it gave me toast
ok wait @MysticMagic let me try
@MysticMagic no its not working
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "touched", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
i have call like this
@Anil not onTouch. onTouchEvent. Don't implement onTouchListener
still not working
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "touched", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
applied this line code
and i have removed Ontouchlistener
@Anil tht's strange. it worked fine for me.
Sure you didn't miss Toast as its for short duration?
@ItachiUchiha keep smiling :)
i am giving my code please implemnt in that
in down On touch funcation is there
@Anil touch on some area which is not having onTouch Listener implemented for that view
hi @all
want to add caption on image like instagram
any one have idea ??
@Jigs means?
want to add text on image
like caption
Q: Android Text over image

AndyAndroidI have an imageView with an image, over that image I want to place a text. How can I achieve that?

@ItachiUchiha :/ :/
@MysticMagic : that is not exactly i want .. :(
then? :(
You need user to enter something as caption?
and place it where he wants by drag and drop?
i have one image which can be capture via camera or from gallery
on that image i want to add text like i m writing text in to edit text and then this edit text can be move any where on image
have u used instagram ?? it provides snap chat feature ..i want to create like that
@MysticMagic hello
@Jigs haven't. But I suppose you need something like Caption maker apps available on google play?
@Anil ya
ok i ll see that thnks @MysticMagic
welcome and you can refer this
I need to show an animation images slide right to left.I searched in google but couldnt able to get a demo for this.Anybody can help me with this.
what you want exactly ?? @Stephen
@Stephen translate animation
I need a tutorial for that or source code. @Jigs
@MysticMagic Image slide show Right to left
@Stephen 5 min. bit busy
i mean to say you want to animate images or button etc ..>
you can use viewpager for this
google on this if not get any sol'n then ping me back
@Jigs @MysticMagic ok
@Jigs ok.thank you
your wc
Hello any one have an idea of making choice mode single for custom adapter android
i think it is the checkbox built in property .bro
that is not related to adapter .
any one can tell how to apply on touch click on android
on mape
Google map
i want to set on tocuh shud full screen map
let me check
@Pankaj you speak harshly. We pleasantly try to make you understand. Even though you showed disrespect to @rekire @Itachi.
You've got many things to learn yet
I were searching for a wireraming / prototyping tool for android apps and every time i tried a recommanded tool i found out that there is always something missing on those tools.I didn't feel that i have controle over the UX and i coudn't use some custom UI components suited to my needs.So i decided to implement the prototype using XML and JAVA and take snapshots of the emulator.Do you think guys this is a better approach ?
@Jigs naah mate its the image button ive created
@TheLittleNaruto how to apply On Touch on Google map
i am able to display map in full screen On chat Actvity
i have to set on TOuch
@TheLittleNaruto I tried to be nice
please help me another issue
bye guys @ALL
hm I'm not sure there are fullscreen apis
which target api versions do you want to support?
I want to dismiss Popup Windows on onResume() but it is not doing... How to do it ???
anyone here ?
anyone here ?
you need a reference to the dialog and call dismiss()
not dialog. It is PopupWindow
and i have tried PopupWindow.dismiss() when popup is on... but no effect
PopupWindow? hm I guess you should better not use them they are complicated
Any one how to implement single choice mode for custom adapter in list view like below.
yes but my boss wants it so...
everything is ready now i want to close it on onResume() thats it
try dismissing it in onpause, it should not make any differnce
@B.rohitNare use custom themed radio buttons ;)
Nope mate as per requirement using image buttons
@B.rohitNare why that control? normally it does not matter which control is really used it must just look correctly
Well display to look same know mate, one image in gray b/g and onclick change to blue
@B.rohitNare that can a component button like a radio button too
at one place I use radio buttons instead of a set of toggle buttons, it makes no difference just some less programming logic^^
Well even though if use radio button, what changes mate cause whole convertview is on click
have you seen the code dere
I took a fast look that was a normal adapter which loads some images from the network
Yup and implemented onclick for convertview
not for the button
so onclick the button changes color, to show user that row is selected
So, it doesn't matter what we use there mate either radiobutton or image
I see but normally that stuff is done with selector drawables where you need to set just the state the rest is done by android itself
@rekire I know bro. These people won't understand. Leave it.
Loll that what im missing in the code so confused what im missing
@Anil there should be a listener onmapclicklistener
@TheLittleNaruto any idea of Facebook post for publicly
Any Canvas/Bitmap experts about? Having a bit of an issue!
@KeTaN no idea
@TheLittleNaruto ok thanx any one know then pls tell me
sharing on fb
@dave it depends havily on your needs
@rekire thanks for the response, my question is at stackoverflow.com/questions/25134156/… if thats easier than explaining it all again!
@dave Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 that looks very unfmiliar did you step thrue your code and watching the dimensions of the bitsmaps etc?
04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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