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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 14:00

Good morning Guys
gd mrng!! @all
Good Morning...!!!
Hello to all! Anyone here using Google maps in Android using Mobile Internet provided by the SIM or what you called it? anyone?
post ur query first @mr5
@all Good Morning
@neerajkirola I just wanted to know if someone is using it because that way is too slow to query a GPS service. Maybe this depends in w/c country you're from IMO.
Good morning all
@PiYusHGuPtA VGM bro
@JaiSoni Hows you bro??
@PiYusHGuPtA fine.. u say
@JaiSoni I am also fine today.
@JaiSoni So busy with work??
@PiYusHGuPtA yes bro
@JaiSoni Okay. I need ur one help so after complete your task ping me!
@PiYusHGuPtA tell me I will try to solve when ever get time
@ItachiUchiha Good Morning
@JaiSoni mrng !
@JaiSoni Okay bro
@ItachiUchiha i am also here
@PiYusHGuPtA heya bro !
hii alll
@navya gm !
@navya VGM
good morning guys
@ItachiUchiha @JaiSoni ..:)
so its been so many days. how is everyone ?
@ItachiUchiha Hows you/
@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma i have one query
@navya Yes. ASK
@navya Hi GM.
@navya @JaiSoni @ItachiUchiha @HimanshuAgarwal @CapDroid @neerajkirola @Harish Har Har Mahadev.
@PiYusHGuPtA Mahadev
@PiYusHGuPtA i am playing video inside listview..but the problem is that when i am capturing one video..and then capturing onther video
so my layout is not showing proiperly.
and after sending video..i m not able to send chat to user..
jai mahakal...@PiYusHGuPtA
@navya Can you show me that layout??
ya sure..
wait a min.
check this
@navya and hows ur layout look like after u said
iits not looking properly..its size is changing..,chat bubble width and position is changing in listview
i show u image
good morning to all
@PiYusHGuPtA when i debug to code it call thread pool exceuter class
how i should recover it
what is teh link for image sending on so??
@PankajSharma hello bro how are u
@Anil Hii.I m good u say?
@navya imgur.com
@navya imgur.com use this
need ur help
@Anil say?
It is possible ? i only want capture image in imageview not to stored gallery or sdcard ?
@PankajSharma @Anil @PiYusHGuPtA
@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma
here is the iamge
Hello Anyone help with java ? Increment and Decrement a float value with 50
Example: 0.0 + 50, then increment 50 + 50 and viceversa
@17Coder yes u can do.delete the temp image after work finished
@Anil what i do forthis links?
@PiYusHGuPtA Are you there?
i want parse data using http Post method
fetchContacts() method retrun all Phone book number
but when i debbuge then threadpool excuter class its goes
where i shoud call fetchcontact method
@PankajSharma u got]
i did sameway.but i when delete the image. its deleted in imageview not from gallery ?
good morning guys
@rekire VGM
Hello all
@JaiSoni vgm
Good Morning
@Anil u need to get all contacts when app open??
Hello Anyone
BoardsBidsGroupActivity bmEdit = (BoardsBidsGroupActivity) this.getParent();

BoardsTabHost parentboard = (BoardsTabHost) bmEdit.getParent();

linearRunningBoardsTabhost = (LinearLayout) parentboard
How can i setonclicklistener to linearRunningBoardsTabhost
@PiYusHGuPtA ???
@navya Yes navya. Wait was busy just now showing image
Q: Get visible items in RecyclerView

rekireI need to know which elements are currently displayed in my RecyclerView. There is no equivalent to the OnScrollListener.onScroll(...) method on ListViews. I tried to work with View.getGlobalVisibleRect(...), but that hack is too ugly and does not always work too. Someone any ideas?

Hey Guys, I need to restart my activity after starting it. But the problem is, instead of restarting once, it does that indefinitely. I am wondering if I put the restart code in the wrong method. Currently I put it in the oncreate method. Can anyone guide me?
@PiYusHGuPtA gd mrng
yo @all
Intent intent=new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); instead of this method any other way to work with camera ?
@17Coder yes
@navya which one ?
Has anyone override Home button?
using onUserLeaveHint()
@17Coder do you want to open custom camera?
user surfaceviewholder.callback for camera
without intent
can u able give me any link..for this
@17Coder ys sure
@navya plz send here :)
Q: Camera Tutoial for Android (using surfaceview)

jjLinHere is my example code: package newslab.video.server; import android.app.Activity; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; impo...

Thanks @navya i ll try to use this :)
ur welcome....:) @17Coder
@PankajSharma heeheh.thnku
did u get any solution.???@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma
@navya english only please
@navya piyush didnt give u sol yet?
hehehe see rekire comment
@PankajSharma need help
@rekire i m using english only..read my previous chat
@PankajSharma not yet
@navya agree :)
@17Coder thnks..:)
@navya someone flaged your message so I needed to handle^^
@PankajArora bol?
@rekire ok..thnku..:)
hello every one
@berserk :p
@PankajSharma thanks yr,ho gya
English please ._>
@PankajArora good.. (y)
@PankajSharma flag on this message ... lolz
no body is helping me...
issue ..??
@Rogue i m using videoview inside listview..,and when i m scrolling my listview..its layout is not showing properly..
okk means the video is overlapping on each other
how i resolve that
can you please share your code ??
layout or java code???
@navya where is ur ques.?
okk let me chick it once ??
@Rogue ok..
@17Coder i posted here right now..see the chats
Q: How can i save dynamically a value in ListView?

Gaurav BhayaniI'll create one ListView and above ListView there is one "ADD" button. When click on "ADD" button the open one popup dialog. In popup dialog there is one EditText and "Save" and "Close" button. When write something in EditText and click on save button then its add in ListView successfully. But wh...

hi @All
can someone show me how to create singleton class for my media player
my media player is working fine
but i need to create only a single instance of it at any time
@GB_Bhayani insert any values and use database :)
@17Coder i use sharedprefrence
its working or not ?
@navya ur layout is not work right only ?
@asifa I didn't understand.
@17Coder yess..
Can you tell me what you are trying to do?
I mean I have a media player which is working fine on play and pause
when i test in device.its not come proper way . right ?
@navya oder
when u test in device.its not come proper way . right ?
how ever if go on another screen the audio starts again
ya @17Coder
@navya why you are using RelativeLayout
i have not trying it yet..
ok..i try and see.@Rogue
i ll check ..if i found
then i ll ping u :)
I want only a single instance of the audio
You mean to say the audio is not stopping on activity finish or going in background?
okk but as i getting it you want to show date and time just above of the every video
no it is playing
but a new instance is created
means two songs are playing at the same time
and video should be in center right ??
no i dont want to show that..@Rogue
i guess u have to reset mediaplayer before playing other
it ll help u
but in that pic its showing ...
@all i need help how to catch logcat crash from app when client was testing my app will crash so how can i detect crash error
wait i second..i m showing u view..
I guess u have to stop before reset @asifa
// Changing button image to play button
here check if it is null first
it will crash if mp is null and u use mp.isPlaying()
@CapDroid what?
@PankajSharma kuch nai bhai, tere message pe flag tha
This code is working properly
because i am creating media player oncreate
so the media player gets created when ever i load a screen
however i want only a single instance of the media player throughout the application
u want a global player smthing?
keep playing even while switching activities?
try using service
we can use singleton
@Rogue like this
@asifa I made a mediaplayer once
I used service for it
and to listen buttons, I use receivers
but was it global
Try making MediaPlayer object in Application Global
The service was always running
@navya that link is showing main page of website ..
ohh wait
can u show me @berserk
ohh wait
@asifa I don't remember where the code is
I have to search, but little busy to do
I may try at evening
Sorry GUYS there is internet problem here
okk @navya as per the my suggestion you can get this view by using weight sum with linear layout .
Q: How to Make an ImageView in Circular Shape?

shaileshI want to do something like that. This is a list view row with name and the image of user. I have done some searching and have done the image circular,but not the perfect solution. Any help will be helping me. my code added to the Image Loader class public Bitmap processBitmap(Bitmap bitma...

@navya and see this discussion for the image view in circular shape..
ok..@Rogue i see..thnks
Or use image loading libraries @navya
like UIL or aquery
or maybe memory errors can occur
@berserk ok...:)
@rekire you there?
I used similar code in an app for circular images, but if the list is large, it may crash
@PankajArora yes I am
@rekire is it possible to use load more with recyclerview?
load more?
if I understand you right sure that is task of your adapter implmenetation
okk @navya
@rekire iwant to do same as facebook...one time list limit is 50
is id possible with recyclerview?
okay than you need to put some kind of loading element at the buttom and load the next elements if done notify the recycleview and you are done
@rekire right now I hv a listview if list view shows it's last element then I fetch next few items from server... now I want to replace listview with recycler view.. I want to now how we can check if recyclerview is showing last element ?
@JaiSoni hahaha I have the same problem: stackoverflow.com/q/24989218/995926 I will add my solution just for you ;)
@rekire how to detect which is the last element encountered
hi @rekire
how r u??
Do u know how to create a singleton class
here I detect the element in the center: http://stackoverflow.com/a/24990693/995926
you can do it almost the same for the least element
@asifa hi I'm fine. Yes simple hide the constructor and keep a private static instance of the class inside which you return in your getInstance() method
@asifa How about you don't create a Singleton class?
Q: So Singletons are bad, then what?

Bobby TablesThere has been a lot of discussion lately about the problems with using (and overusing) Singletons. I've been one of those people earlier in my career too. I can see what the problem is now, and yet, there are still many cases where I can't see a nice alternative - and not many of the anti-Single...

@JaiSoni did you see my answer?
hi guyzzzz
hello @TeachMeJava
I have a question about android livewallpaper. I wanna put a gif file (or swf) in wallpaper app. I used that line code " InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.test2); "
test2 = test2.gif
@TeachMeJava ngif is not supported in andorid
Can I use any other way to put gif file on wallpaper.
you have to use animations
any advice?
no @PankajArora. Supported
(Android 4.0+)
i read the doc 7 months back for this
no problem man. I am newbee about android. I am trying to learn :)
you have any idea about livewallpaper @PankajArora?
oww sorry I couldnt see ur answer. U said "animation". What is mean? Gif is also animation file format?
check this link,this is exactly what you want.
hello guys
any one can help me
I want to use graph inside my custom listview
@Swap-IOS-Android try to add view using Achartengine
achartengine return activity
@Swap-IOS-Android No you can return view also
any example
@PankajArora I am checking. ty
@rekire let me try it
@Abhi any example
@Swap-IOS-Android Nope.
@TeachMeJava once you done, share code with me
Now android developer tools crashed... zzz. what a luck... I am trying to solve that issue... stackoverflow.com/questions/22203862/… @PankajArora
@TeachMeJava sorry,wrong ping
@JaiSoni once you done with loadmore in recylerview, please share code
@PankajArora ok
@JaiSoni hi
Hi. Java doubt. If you have final as a method's parameter, and you are passing a reference object as the parameter, does it mean we can mutate the state of that object?
@deostroll nice question !
yes you can
Hey everyone!
hey @Appu
@JaiSoni Hey, there?
@ItachiUchiha can you show me a code snippet
try this out and let me know, if it satisfies what you are looking for
@ItachiUchiha I don't get line 5 in that ... object.new?? how come?
Ah never mind...got it.
coz Person is an inner class
of FinalObject
Q: Translate Native Query to Hibernate Query

Luigi SaggeseI have following method to extract data from DB table public User getNextUser() { final EntityManager em = getEntityManagerFactory().createEntityManager(); final String sql = "UPDATE user " + "SET processing = TRUE " + "WHERE i...

@Michel hi
@Appu hi
@ItachiUchiha @JaiSoni I have a doubt. How to refer out(implicit object) in jsp in an inner class?
Q: I want my AlertDialog to fill full width of screen

MoonAs you can see in screen shot, my AlertDialog only using center part of screen, but i want it to fill full width of screen as much as possible. image_dialog.xml:- <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/layout_root" android:sca...

@Moon you could take the simple dialog insted of alert dialog and create a theme with math_parent params and apply this theme in dialog
it should be work for you
cause i did follow this step and done
@JaiSoni Hey bro
@Appu sorry.. never worked on JSP
@PiYusHGuPtA hi
@JaiSoni Okay, NP.
@JaiSoni are you done?
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 14:00

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