Bokaro Steel City () is a major industrial centre and the 4th largest city in the State of Jharkhand, in India. It is the district headquarters of Bokaro which is one of the most industrialized zone in India and also home to the largest steel plant in India and several other large, medium and small industries.
Bokaro Steel City is the headquarters of the Bokaro district as well as Koylanchal range (Bokaro, Dhanbad and Giridih). It is also one of the three headquarters of the Police IG zone, apart from Ranchi and Dumka, covering seven districts- Hazaribagh, Dhanbad, Giridih, Koderma, Cha...
m having three fragments..All are multi-level.. i have managed on back pressed for all fragmetn stack..but i want when i am at 2nd fargment and press back, it sholud go to previous tab i.e. 1
m having three fragments..All are multi-level.. i have managed on back pressed for all fragmetn stack..but i want when i am at 2nd fargment and press back, it sholud go to previous tab i.e. 1
m having three fragments..All are multi-level.. i have managed on back pressed for all fragmetn stack..but i want when i am at 2nd fargment and press back, it sholud go to previous tab i.e. 1
like 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2
Now I open 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 On back press I achived 3.2->3.1 but nw i want to go back to 2.2
@Zoya If it is then you need to as per @CapDroid said you need to check that if your current fragment is your second fragment and just check that if stack is empty after that you need to select youe desire tab at where you need to go
@Zoya Ohh. then it is not that demo. But yes i think you can use three different Stack arrayList for your different tabs and when back pressed then you can check it by Stack List at in which tab you'r currently
@Rao's and than int radioButtonID = radioButtonGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId(); View radioButton = radioButtonGroup.findViewById(radioButtonID); int idx = radioButtonGroup.indexOfChild(radioButton);
m having three fragments..All are multi-level.. i have managed on back pressed for all fragmetn stack..but i want when i am at 2nd fargment and press back, it sholud go to previous tab i.e. 1
m having three fragments..All are multi-level.. i have managed on back pressed for all fragmetn stack..but i want when i am at 2nd fargment and press back, it sholud go to previous tab i.e. 1
like 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2
Now I open 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 On back press I achived 3.2->3.1 but nw i want to go back to 2.2
@Zoya @MDroid i have to 2 radiogroup in same layout radiobutton id is creating problematically. so this both radiogroup - radiobutton is showing same id.. Is this the problem creating here
i am using apk expansion file which have approx 250 MB resource. before few days it was working fine. but now i facing one critical issue with apk expansion file.
it will give always **Download failed because the resources could not be found**
and also i am getting warning in log cat
Since the ActionBar.Tab has a setText(CharSequence) you can do something like the follow in the onTabSelected/onTabUnselected callback:
Spannable wordtoSpan = new SpannableString(String.valueOf(tab.getText()));
wordtoSpan.setSpan(new StyleSpan(TypeFace.BOLD), 0, wordtoSpan.length(), Span...
@dipali The method setSharePrefrenceLogInVerfication(Activity, boolean) in the type RegitsraionPage is not applicable for the arguments (new Runnable(){}, boolean) error aa rha hai
registraion page ke baad activation
like what app mam
when u install ap then regsitarion ->then activation