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03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 16:00

GM all
@SweetWisherツ Gm
good morning
@ALL Good Morning Guys :)
Gm @KetanAhir @TheLittleNaruto @HarshalKalavadiya @chintankhetiya :)
gm to all
gm to all
@CapDroid GM :)
how are you?
@chintankhetiya have you done that sliding menu with custom UI ?
yes @KetanAhir
great....sliding menu or drawer ? @chintankhetiya
@KetanAhir drawer .
totally custom kiya
list use nahi kiya hai
@all Good morning :)
@chintankhetiya you can do it with sliding menu too.
but i don't want to use sliding menu
yeh..it's up to you
@KetanAhir hhmmm:)
ek help karonge
will try
i have image array and i want to use fadin animation , mean while after the duration image should be change
okay , yesterday @MDroid told me same but they are using xml file , my array will be dynamic
good morning @chintankhetiya @KetanAhir @JaiSoni @CapDroid @TheLittleNaruto @HarshalKalavadiya
@Anjali Very Good MOrning
GM :) Anjali
@Anjali GM
@chintankhetiya check this gist.github.com/xalexchen/6590452
@chintankhetiya then just apply fadin animation and just change image src
@Anjali gm
@Anjali vgm
@JaiSoni @KetanAhir okay let me check
is there any mistake form my side ?
@JaiSoni @chintankhetiya @KetanAhir @CapDroid I want to show that sky blue icon forever once my app installed on device
what ?
@chintankhetiya in which function u hv called start()
pastie.org/8952472 i have put this pastie.org/8952472 code inside onCreate()
@all GM !
Guys any idea ?
use ongoing notification
Is there any reference link ?
@TheLittleNaruto I can't see images here
@JaiSoni Is there any way you I can show you that image
send it on gtalk or mail it
@JaiSoni Starts the animation, looping if necessary. This method has no effect if the animation is running. Do not call this in the onCreate(Bundle) method of your activity, because the AnimationDrawable is not yet fully attached to the window. If you want to play the animation immediately, without requiring interaction, then you might want to call it from the onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) method in your activity, which will get called when Android brings your window into focus.
then how can i start animation , i want to show while user open a screen
@TheLittleNaruto no idea
@chintankhetiya is it not working ?
and it should be continue until user not move from that view
@chintankhetiya use onWindowFocusChanged(boolean)
@KetanAhir no
@JaiSoni Sent
override this function and call start() if window focused
@CapDroid Just setting this flag, Is that all ?
@TheLittleNaruto as @CapDroid suggested use ongoing notification
Alright! :) Thanks @CapDroid @JaiSoni
yes just set flag
@JaiSoni still not working @KetanAhir
@chintankhetiya let me try
It changes images..@chintankhetiya
@KetanAhir show me your code
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
ImageView imageView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

final AnimationDrawable rocketAnimation = new AnimationDrawable();
rocketAnimation.addFrame(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.green_dot), 1000);
rocketAnimation.addFrame(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_launcher), 1000);
rocketAnimation.addFrame(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.red_dot), 1000);
@KetanAhir i don't want to use onClick
so thats why i have use onWindowFocusChanged
but then its not working
@chintankhetiya first make sure your onWindowFocusChanged is called ??
@KetanAhir mm
@k i found this ** this question led me to believe that the onWindowFocusChanged method won't always work. It does seem simpler and is probably a better idea if it works for you.**
why dont you use onCreate() ? @chintankhetiya
@KetanAhir i have try , but that is not calling
that is the issue
I think issue is you can not do anything before view is created @chintankhetiya
try after imageview is created
ViewTreeObserver vto = imageView.getViewTreeObserver();
vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {

// do your stuff here

ViewTreeObserver ?
what is this @KetanAhir
just try and let me know
He...onCreate() works for me
@KetanAhir wait , may be its working for me know
@SweetWisherツ @TheLittleNaruto where are you guys ?
@KetanAhir in mars
@Gajini how was your B'day ??
@Gajini p:
@chintankhetiya cool
@KetanAhir yes??
@SweetWisherツ stay here
@SweetWisherツ no wishes today ?
Gooodiieee Wooddeiiiiii Mrngsss @Gajini :)
bas @SweetWisherツ
lol... ma wish :)
ha ha ha
I mean stay here and help someone
m bit busy
@Gajini i wished :(
today your friend is not here
who ?
@SweetWisherツ Cool
I dont know.
okies bye c u later :)
@SweetWisherツ and how can I know ??
GM @Ketan bhai @chintankhetiya @TheLittleNaruto @ALL
@KetanAhir Yes bro
@Lalit GM :)
@JaiSoni @chintankhetiya @KetanAhir @SweetWisherツ @CapDroid @MDroid @Anjali If you faced this issue , please answer then here stackoverflow.com/questions/22524789/…
@TheLittleNaruto try to change sdk path
good morning guys
@chintankhetiya Tried mota bhai already dint work :(
@rekire Guten Morgen ;) please see my issue
you must search for updates/new software; that should fix your problem
Hey buddy i just have faced this issue @TheLittleNaruto
I searched it , but it showing me there is no update
@TheLittleNaruto are you sure your sdk manager have all latest updates ?
@TheLittleNaruto you mean the screen in your question? I guess that there are two seperate options one for update and one for installing new stuff I guess you took the wrong one
Please check my question, I have added screenshot for making sure
hi all
@rekire No I mean this
Okay I guess you need to cleanup some caches
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire. I am getting anr issue in finding location.I used my code in broadcast receiver class
uninstalling ADT fucked my eclipse I can not see adt in installed list , but while installing it again it says you have already installed plugins
@TheLittleNaruto try something like that: C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin" -clean
@TheLittleNaruto wait a min buddy i am giving you the solution.. :)
@TheLittleNaruto fu... I can only guess that you have some non deleted jar files in your workspace or so which eclipse doesn't want to replace
@TheLittleNaruto what you could try is to reset eclipse compleat. that would destroy some of your settings but you could work again
@TheLittleNaruto update - dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.7
check this url
it may help you
@rekire that command will reset the eclipse completely right?
@Lalit Thanks :)
@JellyBean Let me check it bro
I know this is the java room, but if anybody has experience with NodeJS and Websockets I'd be grateful for your time to read this stackoverflow.com/questions/22521329/…
Been driving me absolutely nuts.
@TheLittleNaruto nope that one does only reset caches and so on AFIK it does not reset any settings
@TheLittleNaruto You should check only Update check box and see which new updates available? before this restart your eclipse once! Update Available in SDK Tools do it!
@rekire Then how to reset it ?
@MDroid I tried that already bro
@MDroid I am getting anr issue in finding location.I used my code in broadcast receiver class.how to resolve this? I have already tried using a thread but It doesn,t help
@TheLittleNaruto You do this for Android Wear>>>> ??
anybody work on facebook api
Yes I tried for that only :( @MDroid
It worked out after I used the one with httpS://.
Man! I have mentioned in my question that link already and I tried that already
that is why I put that quetion on SO
as that https or http dint work for me
@TheLittleNaruto there are some files in %userprofile% rename/delete that eclipse files and go to your workspace and rename/delete the .settings directories
Hi Guys, I have group of URLs. I want to get the file size only. I don't want to download it. I used the following approach but it will take take. Please can anyone suggest me the best approach.
int getFileSize(URL url) {
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
try {
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
return conn.getContentLength();
} catch (IOException e) {
return -1;
} finally {
@TheLittleNaruto Check out my answer i have solved the same issue yesterday :)
@MDroid please help me in my issue
@TheLittleNaruto bhai ddms is already installed..
first uninstall it and then try @TheLittleNaruto
I have a libdx Question, can Somenone help me?
@TheLittleNaruto if all break delete eclipse entirely
@Anjali yeah! tell me
@MDroid I have q libgdx Qestion
@Lalit I had followed those steps already Bro , But Thanks anyway
@KetanAhir I have uninstalled it already, But I am not able to reinstall it as it says you have already installed plugins
@rekire that is the last option :(
@MDroid I am getting anr issue in finding location.I used my code in broadcast receiver class.how to resolve this? I have already tried using a thread but It doesn,t help.
@Anjali You are finding location with lat long?
@TheLittleNaruto sure but you could also only rename that directories, or switch now to AS^^
@rekire I have ongoing projects on eclipse, that is why cant for now :(
Yes @MDroid
share your code @Anjali
@TheLittleNaruto Check my updated answer
@TheLittleNaruto too bad is there no option to convert that projects?
@TheLittleNaruto go to installed software and check there might be ddms is installed.
Yes there is, you can export eclipse project as a gradle project to AS, But you wont be able to use complete feature of AS on exported project from eclipse @rekire
@Lalit Ok
@KetanAhir ok
@Lalit so now you have grip on android.
@TheLittleNaruto IMHO there is no reason to export the projects. It is not too hard to write that gradle files yourself
Q: Android - unable to load web page in webview

D_Vaibhav ツI can't load THIS URL from webview. It displays Blank page . ad blocker Plugins will block this Image. so turn it off to get Image on Browser I have used Following Settings for my webview. WebSettings settings = webview.getSettings(); settings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); setti...

anyone is free ?
@rekire yes if it is not too hard :)
btw fyi:
Q: Is there any way to detect if the clock is round?

rekireMight be I missed something but is there any flag for knowing if the clock is round or square? I could imagine that this is important if you want to design the background of the notifications.

I have one url that work in browser but not in webview
@rekire +1 :D interested
@TheLittleNaruto thx
@Anjali Is there any error?
I used this code to find location In activity class and I find properly.But when using broadcast calling fron activity it shown anr issue @MDroid
AS, if this issue keep persisting, you're the only friend left in this earth then. ;)
@rekire what about this quote ?
@TheLittleNaruto in which context did you found that?
I have prepared that ^^ :P @rekire
AS==Android Studio, understood ;) ?? @reki
@Anjali What issue?? Error? thn show me stack trace!
is ther problem in Broadcast receiver?
03-20 13:04:05.260: E/ActivityManager(275): ANR in com.example.testing
03-20 13:04:05.260: E/ActivityManager(275): Reason: Broadcast of Intent { cmp=com.example.testing/.Second }
@TheLittleNaruto lol no problem I can help
@Anjali Need Full Stack Trace!! cant identify error from this two line :(
Not that much buddy @KetanAhir jst trying to get all the things ;)
@TheLittleNaruto sure one private and one for work
@rekire I understand :) You're looking cool in formal :D
hehe but I'm not wearing that often
@Anjali This is not an error!
ANR Application Not Responding :P
How lucky you are, Working on Android-Wear. — Kedarnath 57 mins ago
really??? @rekire
@SweetWisherツ can you help Anjali!?
@MDroid see that code I send to u.
I m getting problem at line 16
@Anjali if (gps.canGetLocation()) this?
@SweetWisherツ let me come from lunch break .then I will discuus with u
@rekire I have posted the question there (in Android Wear Group) ^^ you can check it
yes @MDroid
Good afternoon everyone, if you want to store long list of country name and you want to use it in many class, how do you store it?
-Use .csv file
-Use sqlite
-Create one Countryclass with the string data
@nayoso you can use shared prefrence also
better not to use SharedPref
I think it's better to store single value data to shared pref
yeah not list
u can go for csv or sqlite
or the class
thank you for the suggestion though jelly bean and sweetwish
as such all are good:)
@SweetWisherツ I think you will confuse him..lol
@SweetWisherツ HEY MORNING
Afternoon :)
I again need some help :P
Good afternoon all
Afternoon @MDroid
How to pass the result we get from JSON array to another activity
I did it from bundle but out of memory error is coming
you have to stream it then
it means you got a very big data
and how's that?
@Saggy ohhh
No only 5 data for 5 days
you can see my answer here
make it global
A: Load very heavy stream with GSON

nayosoFrom my experience, yes you can use google GSON to stream JSON data this is an example how to do it : APIModel result = new APIModel(); try { HttpResponse response; HttpClient myClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost myConnection = new HttpPost(AP...

@SweetWisherツ just playing with the notifications
@TheLittleNaruto I cannot see it
did you get the out of memory when you getting the JSON Array?
@rekire do u have android wear ??
he wanna pass it @nayoso
Yes, but he said there is out of memory error so maybe the error is occured when he get the JSON?
@SweetWisherツ global?? what??
he's not gettin OOM while loading...(if I ma not wrong...) @Saggy correct???
I'm still not sure when it happens
@Saggy Hie!
@SweetWisherツ no not yet :D But I have a emulator ;)
saggy when is the out of memory error occur?
make the variable static
sot that ucan use it in another activity @Saggy
@Saggy with parsing or without Parsing?
be careful with making a variable static sweetwish
yes I am geeting all data in current acivity but when I am passing it to other the error coming @SweetWisherツ
with parsing @MDroid
cant u parse in second activity only?? @Saggy
@Saggy make Bean
Okay I will try to make all the string variables as static
Bean class will work?
let me try
@Saggy Noooo Dnt make static
but bean means?? @MDroid
A class with setter getter methods callde bean @SweetWisherツ
to wo to bananya h hoga na :/
uska variable banaoge jo netx activity em pass kroge to b OOM aayega :P
No zarurat hi nahi padi
had he...i thought u have it :/
bean se kese solve hoga?? @MDroid tell
I mean bean ki zarurat nahi padi
Yeah @MDroid tell me
I am also confused
i Dnt think so wo solve krega
@SweetWisherツ kon?
bean class
tum ko hi kaha
When you get Data from JSon use bean like ... setDate(jsonData); @Saggy
saggy do you need all data in the JSON?
you can create a serializable from it
parse it in the first activity
and send it to the second activity
okay...let me try @MDroid
@Saggy thn you get data from any Activity!
mdroid way also works I think
but remember make Bean object static and initialize it only once!
but static isn't a good way to pass data
Hmm lag to rha hai...i am working on it
BRB @all
@MDroid lol mene yhi kha tha :P
@nayoso we dont make data static we make only obj static
yes yes
I mean the sweetwish way
@SweetWisherツ apne kya kaha tha Ma'm? :)
whi ki obj static banao
@SweetWisherツ :D
@SweetWisherツ @MDroid now here
Hello does someone know a answer to my question : stackoverflow.com/questions/22527083/…
I am gettting location from broadcast.But It gives error at line 16 of pastie.On logcat it shows anr issue. My pastie is pastie.org/8952659. @SweetWisherツ
while debugging It doen't chk after line 16 and reached to end directly. @SweetWisherツ @MDroid
@Anjali wht gps.canGetLocation() returns??
@Anjali Dnt do this Operation on main Thread Use ASyncTask !
make AsyncTask for this! do The operation in DoInBackground
I chked it through asyntask.same problem @MDroid
@Anjali the operation in Broadcast receiver you have done is related to Network operation so u cant do it on main thread
show me that code!
@TheLittleNaruto @SweetWisherツ I got a badge for my question^^
@rekire wow..which bagde?
03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 16:00

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