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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

@iDroidExplorer gm
Merry Christmas All
Merry Christmas All
@A.Singh You too :)
@ChintanRathod thanks
@chintankhetiya @ALL Merry Christmas :) :)
@TheLittleNaruto you too bro :)
today off ?
@TheLittleNaruto I have earn HO HO HO x-mas cap :) look at this
@chintankhetiya For me it's working day :( Wow your cap looks nice
@TheLittleNaruto Me too , working day :(
@TheLittleNaruto @chintankhetiya Happy Christmas! stackoverflow.com/a/20768927/1592160 hat please
@Appu Merry Christmas Appu :)
@Appu Merry Christmas
@TheLittleNaruto @chintankhetiya Thanks :) @TheLittleNaruto Done.
@Appu @chintankhetiya Thanks :)
which hat you will get ? @Appu
Thanks :)
44 secs ago, by chintan khetiya
which hat you will get ?
Dont know . DO you know ?
i don't know
You have got many hats
@chintankhetiya @TheLittleNaruto winterbash2013.stackexchange.com/full-house As this is my third since hats started, that's why.
I have earned only one :(
I have earned also ho ho hat
and Chuck Yeager
Even I have earned, but I don't know it's not visible on my pic.
@Chintan have u worked on navigation drawer??
i mean sliding menu like gmail, fb.?
You should wear one @Appu go to your profile and click on winter bash icon and wear any from there
What's your issue with it? @Segi
@TheLittleNaruto Done, thanks.
@Appu i want to slide menu from right side only..
@Segi But the default behavior is from left, isn't? stackoverflow.com/a/19358114/1592160
yes, thats why i have issue with it. @Appu
i want it in right side..
@Segi yes
@Segi android:layout_gravity="right" ?
@TheLittle yes, it will move navigation to right side but icon of drawer in action bar will still in left side..
@Appu look at my above ans.
@Chintan i want it in right side..
@Segi DIn't it work the link Appu suggested ?
@The i already explain the problem..
@Segi // between the sliding drawer and the action bar app icon
mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, /* host Activity */
mDrawerLayout, /* DrawerLayout object */
R.drawable.ic_drawer, /* nav drawer image to replace 'Up' caret */
R.string.drawer_open, /* "open drawer" description for accessibility */
R.string.drawer_close /* "close drawer" description for accessibility */
See the comments, the image replaces the up icon. I think there is something to do with this code snippet.
drawer icon cant move..
@Appu not work
@chintankhetiya Done.
@Chintan woh both side k liye he.. i want only right side..
@chintankhetiya Done
@Appu @TheLittleNaruto
@Segi you can also welcome to give me upvote :d
6 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
@Segi there ? check below link
Q: How to set two custom actionbar button in left and right in android?

MuhammadAamirALiI am Using Sherlock library and i also implement with myself. My problem is that i added two items in menu, now i want 1 item in left of actionbar and second in right of actionbar. How to to it?

Does anybody know if there is an Android app similar to the Youtube app, but with fewer features such that it only displays videos from channels subscribed to?

edit: I should add, the purpose for this is so that I can control what my child sees on Youtube without restricting them to content that eliminates all benefit of letting them use Youtube in the first place.
hello guy, anybody help me ? >> stackoverflow.com/questions/20767789/…
@chintankhetiya Good Morning
every one
@iDroidExplorer Hey
@chintankhetiya yes
i want to send request to Server eg Flight search on particular time duration and place and get that record in listview
responded data is json object
@iDroidExplorer Hey
where are you from ?
@kirti You can also share :)
@chintankhetiya Baroda and you ?
@chintankhetiya nice.
In which platform you are working?
only mobile or working on other Tech also ?
Android + PG
I am TL in Mobile.
@chintankhetiya nice
Good :)
you are more exp person compare to me , :)
@chintankhetiya How much experience you have ?
you have more than 2
com ?
@chintankhetiya you mean PC ?
com ?
company ?
little suggestion
if any one ??
@kirti for what ?
regarding json object
if possible
yeah , show me your query
i want to search car for rent on particular time duration and place so that i take input from user and retrieve the data from server, server respond me in json object and then show it to list view then user click on book button ones again that request to sent server
what should i do
i used static service to call data from server its run fine
when i used to dynamic input from user and pass this parameter to server its crash
@kirti i am not getting , you know everything what you have to do and what should be the flow and how to manage everything , then where are you stuck ?
@kirti okay , first tell me that which error you are getting while you try dynamic >
ok wait
show u
see this\
i think this is your local IP ?
you are passing ^ param to server
now , debug your code and check how many parm have value , and is it same as local request ?
tell me one thing
some parameter get null value
thats why get error
then it should be handle by your server and if they allow ,then it should return some response
no i asking u
why this error got in
log cat
because of null value
like if i am sending null value and your server are not handling that null value , then you will not get proper response and due to that you will get error
@Appu Still i am first in row 14% talkative person of this room :)
and in phonegap it is 17% :)
using twitter4j
I've done it but as I have changed company,I'm feeling lazy to do it again :p
ha ha :P
@chintankhetiya: ;-)
chal send kar.tari pase hase ne backup.mari pase backup nathi atyare
@MehulJoisar You can get from my blog
@chintankhetiya hehe good :)
At present I have this layout .
I want to implement the following layout .
I ma using tablelayout .
How can I place an textview under imageview in TableLayout ?
@osimerpothe you can go with simple Linearlayout
Can you draw the structure of that layout ?
@chintankhetiya, hi
@ChintanRathod hey
mary chrismas..
kya cho boss tame ?
wishing you same
hu pan :(
aav bhai harkha.. apde beu sarkha.. :D
@chintankhetiya, i have question
@ChintanRathod fire :)
Can you plz help me /
@TheLittleNaruto, hi dude
@ChintanRathod Hey! Ahh Leave
@chintankhetiya, @TheLittleNaruto, I am creating a custom dialog.. but it is not showing as i want.. it is displaying black transparent portion..
@TheLittleNaruto, dude... what are you saying .. can't get
A: How to create a Custom Dialog box in android?

chintan khetiyaHere i have create simple Dialog. like : custom_dialog.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="80dp" android:background="#3E80B4" android:orien...

Hello @Pengwang
@ChintanRathod See i have post some update here
@pengwang hi
@osimerpothe you can try with linear layout
@chintankhetiya, got it..
@osimerpothe hi
@chintankhetiya hi
@ChintanRathod :)
5 mins ago, by Chintan Rathod
aav bhai harkha.. apde beu sarkha.. :D
what does it mean @chintankhetiya @ChintanRathod
is there people do google glass app ?
@chintankhetiya, pass. .... :P
@ChintanRathod Pass :<
@chintankhetiya pastie.org/8574777 see thsi
@TheLittleNaruto, some times, whenever you are facing some problem and another person is also facing the same issue.. then such gujarati words are used..
this is right
@TheLittleNaruto It mean we both are equal but Guvrav is better then us :D
this means that come on brother, we have same problem.. share with each other and decrease it by half.. :)
@chintankhetiya, ha ha ha.. joke of the day... :D
@kirti You should be able to pass null value if that is your requirement , but from server side web dev have to mage like , if i in request date is not comming then return some "Error Message" or use current date , whatever
@chintankhetiya @chintankhetiya hehehe Joke Of The Day :D
:D @TheLittleNaruto
BTW I learnt a line in Gujrati today :)
aav bhai harkha.. apde beu sarkha
@ChintanRathod @TheLittleNaruto see that video amazing
Hello guys
@Sameer , Hi
@osimerpothe hi how are you?
fine . And you ?
@chintankhetiya pastie.org/8574790
see this
log cat
whats problem in my app
12-25 12:39:11.156: E/AndroidRuntime(18993): at com.anm.toptraveltrip.fragments.Flight_Loading_Fragment$ **JSONParse.doInBackground(Flight_Loading_Fragment.java:127)**
here is your error
error in json parser class
JSONParser its class
exact error is in doInBackground
pastie.org/8574777 this is my class
which caught error
in doInBackground i pass all parameter to server
thats why i got error
DisplayToast("In Flight Loading Fragmnet");
DisplayToast("pickupLocation >>" + pickupLocation);
DisplayToast("pickupDateTime >>" + pickupDateTime);
DisplayToast("dropoffLocation >> " + dropoffLocation);
DisplayToast("DropoffDateTime >>" + DropoffDateTime);
DisplayToast("driverAge >>" + driverAge);
DisplayToast("driverCountryName >>" + driverCountryName);
DisplayToast("CarcurrencyType >> " + CarcurrencyType);
DisplayToast("CityID >>" + CityID);
hot to do this
are you able to get all value in toast ?
pastie.org/8574790 see all information
i got
do one thing
open in browser and test static param , as you did already
and let me know is it working ?
@chintankhetiya really nice :)
@TheLittleNaruto What ?
Yeah i know you are nice :D
@chintankhetiya the app
ya its working
i copy that url from log cat
Thank you :D
@kirti no , pass some blank parm and test it what you are getting response
@TheLittleNaruto I was joking , tu to serious ho gaya :P
no if i pass blank it not respond
okay , then that is your error , and that is the reason that android code is fail in doInBackgroud
ok i have to remove all blak space
is this right
as i told that if they user are not sending some real value as request and even though server has to send some default response like Result_Fail
i want to ask one more think
i want to set city name to auto text thats why i set asynch to that text view
some time its work but some time not
whats the problem
i set the adapter
to that textvite
can't say
pastie.org/8574803 this is my json parser class
it has problem
om.anm.toptraveltrip.constants.JSONParser.getJSONFromUrl(JSONParser.java:33) when i click on this line
this class open
issue with this class
@chintankhetiya majak me bhi sach hi bola hai :D
Marry Xmas..to @all
@TheLittleNaruto :D
@Chandan Wishing you same :)
@TheLittleNaruto can we do like this ?
there ?
@chintankhetiya: thanks for blog article.anyways,you were using signpost libraries also.so I need to find something else,got twitter example from androidhive and updated with latest twitter4j ;-)
@chintankhetiya: by the way, I think I should also start the blog. atleast it will be handy when we want the existing examples which we have developed.
@MehulJoisar :) good
Hi all!! Merry christmas :)\
wishing you same
@chintankhetiya thanks
@rahulserver Is it your own company ?
@chintankhetiya tame gujarati maa chho?
hu gujrati ma nathi Gujrati chu RKT
@chintankhetiya vandho nathi
aa maaru bhai ban na company chhe
you are from abd but your gujarati is different
m not a pure gujju!!
hindi bhashi
what is your native ?
can u help me
I want to transform one xml file to another
sure i will try if i cam
using java
means the input xml file will have some elements mapped to some other elements in output file
what are the options available for me?
still not getting
show me output , what you want to do ?
thats the input file
thats the output file
as u can see, they have different schemas
2 messages moved to Dust Bin
@rahulserver don't post long message here use pastie.org
see now
i got error when i write this code in base adapter
error in frgamenttasaction
not get context
@chintankhetiya yes, that is custom launcher
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

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