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@chintankhetiya Good Morning :)
@Shyam vgm
@chintankhetiya @Shyam Good Morning
@JaiSoni Gm
Q: Android ActionBar Swipable Tabs from RssFeed URL

StringI have followed this tutorial link http://www.androidhive.info/2013/10/android-tab-layout-with-swipeable-views-1/ and developed the application My Application contains 4 tabs ,each tab displays a gridview(image and text)from RssFeed URL in an Async Task When i execute my application I'm able to...

@chintankhetiya @Shyam @JaiSoni @Victor hello guys GM..:)
@Indiandroid Good morning
@String there ?
anyone here ?
@Indiandroid @JaiSoni @TheLittleNaruto @Victor
@chintankhetiya yes
@chintankhetiya no
guys i have use this
but its not working in 2.2
why ?
even he has use 2.2 in his example
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.example.tab_viewpager.MainActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/com.example.tab_viewpager-2.apk]
@chintankhetiya you are compiling with which java version ?
@chintankhetiya no idea exatcly on it
@Victor whats the problem na,i am scheduling alaram as every 5 minutes it has to send sms,after rebooting also its sending sms.But while switch on that time also its sending sms,its sending sms one more time while we switch on thats the problem
Q: error- dalvik.system.PathClassLoader [data/app/com.my.appname-2.apk]

Aashish J KumarI searched a lot for similar kind of error, but I am not getting a solution for it. I am getting this error as soon as I start the app 03-21 10:33:08.100: E/AndroidRuntime(13098): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 03-21 10:33:08.100: E/AndroidRuntime(13098): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate...

i ma not using map, but i am using actionbar as per the tutorial
@chintankhetiya uninstall completly and run once
@KarthickM do you kept reciever after reboot for alarm ?
Hey, is it possible to Send and receive UDP packets in 2G network without NAT traversal ?
@Victor yes dude
@chintankhetiya which one u hv used "import android.app.ActionBar" or "import android.support.v7.app.ActionBar"?
min sdk 8
@jai , Done , I have use Sharloack that is okay with viewpager also
Good Morning!!
Do you have any idea how to sort arraylist
sort mean ?
arranging in ascending order
this above function will sort the arraylist
But I want it to be sorted according to the Class's variable which is passed as an argument to that arraylist
@rekire hey
help! help!
good morning guys
what's up kumar
I got stuck at sorting arraylist
did you implement Comparable<> on your type which should been ordered?
No I dont know how to use it
@chintankhetiya yes Sharloack works with all android version
@TheLittleNaruto just implement it and add your compair logic inside
@rekire check this once Can you help me with the logic
I cannot until you tell me what you want to order ;)
@TheLittleNaruto I mean I know that three fields but what is your field which should been taken for ordering the elements?
@rekire I have mentioned that in a comment
just check the line
oh sh... I skip commented lines on code while reading :$
Okay .. please then check...
which is primary and secondary? in that order of the comment?
meaning ?
I have to order once for memberid, and once for membername
of order^^
you mean you have to seperat orders?
that makes it a little more complex I need to search something brb
See I have a listview, where I am showing these data, and I have 3 buttons, say sort by firstname, sortby memberid sortbylastname, if one click on sort by first name, then it'll update the list as
I got it
Manager Calls. Please link me if you find any logic for that. BRB @rekire
A: How do I sort a list with multiple sort parameters?

YishaiI think your enum approach is basically sound, but the switch statements really need a more object oriented approach. Consider: enum PersonComparator implements Comparator<Person> { ID_SORT { public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) { return Integer.valueOf(o1.getId()).co...

I think that will work you should be able to adapt that solution
@rekire Thanks :) This is really a great answer +1
hi @All
Hi @rekire
hi @TheLittleNaruto
can u pls help me?
what's your problem?
I am getting Syntax error on token "notifyTxRequest", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token
on mWalletClient.notifyTransactionStatus(notifyTxRequest);
I never saw that error
moin moin @LeoPflug
I have this code
NotifyTransactionStatusRequest notifyTxRequest = NotifyTransactionStatusRequest.newBuilder()
strange it looks correct
if your code looks correct then be ready to debug because it will throw a bug in few time :D
@TheLittleNaruto @Indiandroid @JaiSoni @Victor
ha ha
thanks @rekire
i solved it
I did nothing, but I'm happy that you fixed your bug
@chintankhetiya +1 :)
u took time to atleast attempt my problem
@rekire ._.
@chintankhetiya yes.. I m in this condition :D
@rekire did you every try to change size of a Custom ProgressBar? Because currently I'm trying to do so, and it's sadly not working. ._. I'm editing the LayoutParams.
@JaiSoni Not you only , we all :d
@rekire and yep I mean changing at Run Time.
@LeoPflug no I did not implement a custom progressbar yet
@rekire Damn, but actually resizing it should be like working with Custom Views ...
@rekire But this is right, or?:
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = getLayoutParams();
params.height = bitmap.getHeight();
well that should change the ViewGroup's size but not sure if this also changes the size of its children
@rekire shouldn't that be the Params of my ProgressBar if I use it directly in the Class? Cause that's what I'm doing ...
@asifa hi
@chintankhetiya :D
@rekire Did you check that enum ?
@LeoPflug layout params are AFIK only related to the element itself but not nessesary to its children. so basically it should take now change its height but if the children do not fill its parent the children would not grow
@TheLittleNaruto I implemented some time ago something very smilar
there, he has mentioned descending function. please check once, it's working for me @rekire
that part confused me too I would just omit it
@TheLittleNaruto hi
how r u?
But I want it to be ascending, and I am confused how to do that @rekire
@rekire I'm a bit confused, a ProgressBar has no children, or? @.@
@asifa I am cool like always :)
@LeoPflug I thought that implicied because you mented a viewgroup which is the base class for views with children
wohoo bug fixed :D
I'm magically logged in to my app after a fresh reinstall
rekire any idea ?
@rekire yeah! sometime it happens :) :) reinstalling fixes the issue
@TheLittleNaruto invert the result of your comperator function. this will invert your result :)
Well no, I have a Class called CustomBar which extends ProgressBar ...
@TheLittleNaruto no you got me wrong I have implemented a backup agent which recovers a login from the google cloud
@rekire coolest reply and well answered +1 for this trick :P
@rekire ViewGroup.LayoutParams is the returned Type, when I checked the getLayoutParams() method in my CustomBar Class.
@LeoPflug I'll check it. okay you are right ProgressBar extends View so this guess was wrong
hm that class it too complex for understanding the code at once
1234 loc :D
Well atleast it seems to change the params correctly, it's just not working when it comes to change the size of the view, not only the params ... xD
do you change the drawable too?
Which drawable?
as far I remember onmeasure it related with the painting of a control and there I found this line:
dh = Math.max(mMinHeight, Math.min(mMaxHeight, d.getIntrinsicHeight()));
mCurrentDrawable... this is changes e.g. with the call of setProgressDrawable or setIndeterminateDrawable
Aah so I just have to assign a new drawable :D
maybe ;)
I did not see a xD for a long time how old are you?
I'm 18.
But yeah, I tend to overuse it, time to time.
no problem :)
hmm, the Drawables Bounds are [0, 0, 0, 0] the IntrinsicHeight and -Width are set to -1 ._.
sometimes you have to fix this values yourself I did not found a pattern of this bahavior
@chintan you use the backup agent, do you know how to reset the data on the cloud?
Hi guys @ALL
Did I ever say that I hate LayerDrawables?
Q: How can i copy app data to sdcard in android programatically?

VictorI am doing an app to backup and restore all user installed apps in android device. I am able to backup apk files of all apps that user selected to backup. Now i have to backup the data files of the app along with apk file. i am trying something like this public void copyDbToSdcard(String packag...

@rekire there ?
yes :D
What's that
did you not read about the amazon drone delivery plans?
No Not at all as I am not regular user of amazon
you need to google it ;)
hehe okay
check this scenario
See I have an edittext and a button, I dont want virtual keyboard to be opened unless I click on the button, if I click on the button, then cursor will go to that edittext and keyboard will be opened and again click cursor will be removed and keyboard will be hide
How can we achieve this ?
I know that there are some methodes which can handle that for the start of a activity is there also a xml attribute
this avoids to show the ime: android:windowSoftInputMode="stateUnchanged|adjustResize"
means , it'll hide virtual keyboard ??
if it is not visible it will prevent it from opening
@rekire how would you resize a LayerDrawable? Because I'm trying it it for an hour now and still with no effect ._.
however play with that activity attribute it will be helpful I think
@LeoPflug I never tried it... that xml drawabls are some kind of buggy in android
Serious I fucking hate them ....
with what activity attribute , please teme, I have to toggle the virtual keyboard on click of that button @rekire
It's so annoying, Bounds, Insets, even adding a Drawable to the LayerDrawable with a bigger size doesn't solve anything ...
me too if I find a solution i'm happy if not I hate them again :D
@TheLittleNaruto the attribute android:windowSoftInputMode of a activity node in the manifest
I like it how some people have this problems too and they're just like "yey, solved it: here how I did it:" I copy paste and compile and you know what? I doesn't change the size ... >___<
A: Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard

Garnet UlrichAlso useful for hiding the soft keyboard is: getWindow().setSoftInputMode( WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN); This can be used to suppress the keyboard until the user actually touches the edittext view.

@rekire defining it in the manifest, how it'll work with toggling on click of that button, yes it'll hide the virtual keyboard on start of that activity. That I understood. I need something for toggling also
@LeoPflug I really wish they would support SVG
try the linked answer I'm sure there is another flag to show it
Yeah! I got it. Thanks BTW! hehe
A: How to show virtual keypad in an android activity

HarshidFirst setContentView @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Sometime in android 4.2 keyboard not automatically open. You have to used this way to open and close keyboard programmatic...

@TheLittleNaruto @rekire
quiet simple too google
I would be happy about anything that's working especially when I change the size ...
@TurtleFrog @LeoPflug
Yeah! sorry @rekire I should have googled first. :(
hey no problem on some days I do the same
This is my 4500st message in this chat
mine is 9369 :P
spammer :P
Okay, I asked the Question now on SO, I'm depressed ._.
If you might get a flashing idea how to solve my problem, pls post. ^^
Or a good idea what I should add to my question, to get the answer earlier.
did you fix the bounds?
I use this code:
// manual density fix
float density = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density;
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, (int)(drawable.getIntrinsicWidth() * density), (int)(drawable.getIntrinsicHeight() * density));
Didn't solve it.
@rekire You didn't upvote, did you?
The only thing I can do now is pushing you over the 100 rep border... yes :D
hehe xD
In 1 day I will answer one of my own questions, muahahah.
Well I will mark it as the correct answer ...
I did that one or two times too (in a third case I deleted the question)
But in the third case the answer could be found at another question, or?
I mean you wouldn't delete it if it is precious information to the community. o.o
hm that question is too old I cannot find my deleted question
And suddenly you found out it was the answer to my question, and I will be like. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"
I can just find my unansered questions
sh... I need three upvotes for a rag synonym request
hi guys I created custom seekbar but seekbar thumb is not aligne on progress
please any help
I tried lot of samples but no use all are giving same issue i dint know what am wrong.
12-04 10:43:44.111: W/dalvikvm(6079): JNI ERROR: field operation on invalid reference (0x0)
The problem keeps getting better.
@LeoPflug that sounds like you are using a too new api
@rekire tag synonym ?
you enter as tag and you will get
and I found another synonym
ohh! Now I got it
just they put a condition
IF user enters froyo
SHOW HIM android-2.2
:P just successfully implemented it in code. Hope you'll like it. :P
yeah something like that
Asterisk.NET anyone?
omfg, I found the solution for my problem. !!!!
you told that you wanted to do that^^
@LeoPflug yes
1 hour ago, by Leo Pflug
In 1 day I will answer one of my own questions, muahahah.
@rekire @TheLittleNaruto @chintankhetiya hello guys ..;)
Well, it was an different question. Now I have 2 questions I can answer my self.
@Indiandroid Heya!
Ahh! this Zxing, I am not able to import it in my workspace, this giving me a lot of error. :( :( Do anyone has better link
except code.google.com
I used it the last time one year ago it worked fine for me
How you've imported, is it the same way I have imported
I imported that lib about 2 years ago I cannot really remember I just imported that
Q: After rebooting my device,sending sms frequently is sending sms one more time also while switch on.

Karthick MI am sending sms frequently,while rebooting my device sending sms one more time while we "switch on" also.After that its sending sms correct intervals.But its sending the sms one more time when we switch on our device. public class BootCompletedIntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { ...

while importing it's giving me a lot of error
it's such a pain
to take care of each and every bug
I can just remember there where hundered of warnings
It's a real pain Man
Ahh! Is there anyone who made jar file of Zxing using Apache ANT. please share that jar file
I really need it
@Indiandroid oye
@rekire need help
@TheLittleNaruto use this
Q: Android : Live Stream RTMP/RTSP Player without using webview (WOWZA server)

TamannaI am developing an android application in which i want to publish as well as stream a video.. What I want is : My app record a video and that video is sent to server The recorded video will be streamed live to another android device at the same time.. I have completed the first task u...

any idea??
@Tamanna lol abhi tak same problem?
atleast it helped boost your reputation
@Nezam yeah :(
@Tamanna Thanks for the link, I am downloading it already, it keeps downloading, reaches 104MB and not stopping at all. Anyway, I am not able to answer your question as I dont have any idea :( Sorry.
@TheLittleNaruto okay
@Tamanna my RTMP knowlage is quiet too basic sorry
@rekire okay.. any1 else here ??
@rekire @Tamanna
Q: After rebooting my device,sending sms frequently is sending sms one more time also while switch on.

Karthick MI am sending sms frequently,while rebooting my device sending sms one more time while we "switch on" also.After that its sending sms correct intervals.But its sending the sms one more time when we switch on our device. public class BootCompletedIntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { ...

how to solve this issue
i guess BroadcastReceiver is called after reboot
@TheLittleNaruto still nt solved??
i did integration with zxnig,,i didnt faced so many errors
after reboot its sending sms at the particular timing,but one more time is sending sms auditionally while we swith on our device that is the error @Tamanna
one more time means?
@Tamanna Can you please share that jar file. ?
or the libs
i gave u the link
if i am seeting to send sms at every 5 minutes, and i am starting at 5.0 clock na its sending 5.00 and 5.05 and after that i switched off my device at 5.07 and switch on at 5.08,so that 5.08 also sending sms,and then its continue to sending sms at 5.01 ,5.15 like that.only that 5.08 its sending sms is the problem@Tamanna
Can you upload on github or mail me plz ? @Tamanna
Did u dwnload core?? @TheLittleNaruto
Yes now I have downloaded
is that all
? @Tamanna
@TheLittleNaruto Did u follow this?
@Tamanna Let me check once :)
Yes I have downloaded Apache ANT
and followed all steps
the same link??
But I was unable to make core.jar file
@TheLittleNaruto dude any idea for my problem
it says build.xml not found in core folder
@TheLittleNaruto u dnt need to make..it will come
@KarthickM Nope dude. Sorry :(
u want source code or jst lib?? @TheLittleNaruto
ok dude
I just want to use the library for integrating with my android application
check this @TheLittleNaruto
leaving for nw..:)
I have imported it already, and it's working fine for me @Tamanna
@KarthickM yes
Q: After rebooting my device,sending sms frequently is sending sms one more time also while switch on.

Karthick MI am sending sms frequently,while rebooting my device sending sms one more time while we "switch on" also.After that its sending sms correct intervals.But its sending the sms one more time when we switch on our device. public class BootCompletedIntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { ...

@TheLittleNaruto den it should nt give error for core.jar
how to solve this one @MAC @user3065044
@TheLittleNaruto will see 2mrw
But the problem is, the intent leads it to the play store from where it download the zxing app and then use it in application @Tamanna
that's y i asked u
that I dont want
4 mins ago, by Tamanna
u want source code or jst lib?? @TheLittleNaruto
if u use code, it won't redirect
den u need source code in ur app
that core.jar(java2s.com/Code/Jar/z/Downloadzxing16corejar.htm) is full of source right ?
@TheLittleNaruto link is broken which i used
i got probally a very simple error, but would some of you please look en tell me, what i am doing wrong?
Q: datainputstream for EOFException on the last line of the file

cc2kI try to write a data file, whitch will contain: level x1 y1 x2 y2 rgbcolorcode x1 y1 x2 y2 rgbcolorcode x1... etc level - int x1-y2 are doubles rgbcolorcode is an int. but with the code below i get an EOFException on the very last line. private void changeLevelDataWOutBuffer() { edg...

@KarthickM: where do you saves value for -- mytime variable
@TheLittleNaruto will give u soruce code if u need 2mrw
byeee nw all
@Tamanna Ahh! Man! Okay. Bubye, Please make it available if possible. CYA
its sharing via sharedpreference
please check sharedpreference value by LOGs.
Does it keeps valuse in sharedpreference after reboot ?
ya its keeping
then there must be some problems while checking if conditions
that first if condition ah dude@MAC
hey mac, thx for your responce, but i had the same error with if(datainputstream !=-1), and your change if(datainputstream >0)

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