@KumarGaurav they are the same song existing in res/raw folder the mediaPlayerOriginal is a song with the default android equalizer settings, the mediaPlayer is a song with different settings of equalizer
@KumarGaurav the idea is to let the user choose a song from the spinner to let the settings made for mediaPlayer be applied to the chosen song
@KumarGaurav when we retrieve all the audio files stored in the sd card, we pass this final Uri uri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; as parameter
@KumarGaurav so this uri should be the uri of the sd card right?
@KumarGaurav No:S still facing the same problem. But i have a question: in the link you sent me in your answer, -4 means Error due to request not being supported. Do you think the problem is with the device i'm using?
@KarthickM : kindly put the Log.d in your code at various places and track it upto which level your code is working fine and from where it is not working as expected
typed = praystring; i felt that the praystring cant pass the array of string to typed
08-22 09:29:55.521: D/speakOut(4240): called 08-22 09:29:55.521: W/TextToSpeech(4240): speak failed: not bound to TTS engine 08-22 09:29:55.802: D/speakOut(4240): called 08-22 09:29:55.811: W/TextToSpeech(4240): speak failed: not bound to TTS engine
I have made a prefernce activity which takes URL from user but whenever i click on space other then that activity then its not closed. What i want is to implement method dialog.cancellable("true") in prefernece activity.
Like whenever dialog is open and if i press on other space except dialog s...
I have preference activity which gets URL from user the issue i am facing is that when i close the app and then run the app again then URL state is not preserved. What i want is that the user sets URL 1 tyme and everytime app runs using that URL until and unless user doesnt change URl.
my prefer...
i was trying to understand why someone did something in there code, im not sure if it is good practice of bad. the programmer created a new class in a java, for sake of example we will call it public someclass. in thie class he creates a var someclass var = new someclass(); then creates a method public static someclass getSomeClass(){ return var;0 } is this a proper use of a getter, or is getters as i thought suppose to return attrubutes of an object, am i confused?
so you are saying i was right, and it should only get and set values not return an object of the class its self, is there any good reason that he would use a method like t hat to return an object of the class he was creating that you know of