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04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 17:00

gud moring @ll
@Pratik @chintankhetiya @Appu @Madara @JellyBean @dreamsonfire Good Morning :) :) :) :)
there is holyday on so ?? @Appu @ArpitK
gud moring brother
how r u??
@KumarGaurav Very GM :)
vgm to all
@chintankhetiya vgm bro
morning :)
@JellyBean Mast...cool.. you say buddy?
@KumarGaurav wht goning bro and ed mubrak ho
@JellyBean tmhe bhi.. :) what you up to?
@KumarGaurav yesterday u have complete ur task???
@JellyBean which task?
Hey everyone!
I have office today sniff sniff :/
@KumarGaurav dialog wala
i think
@JellyBean that was not my issue, its yours.
@KumarGaurav :D
same tha kisi i don't kis ka tha
@JellyBean bhai every time you ask me about my issue, even I won't have any.
@Appu @KumarGaurav @chintankhetiya @JellyBean @all hello guys good morning...!
I have developed app but it is not working in 4.2.1 version can any one tell me do i need to set any specific for that ?
@Pratik Oye!! :)
@Yug what you developed?
simple image list in grid view
@KumarGaurav simple image list in gridview but list empty
@Yug show me your code. use pastie.org
@KumarGaurav :O
@KumarGaurav The code which you have given is deprecated one. I coded with the reference to the same code long ago as it is deprecated, I have changed my code 2 months ago.
@Pratik Hey, morning!
@dreamsonfire Morning! :)
@Appu Good mOrning bro
@KumarGaurav ok
@Appu Yes! I know. But its working for me bro for every version. I still haven't worked with latest sdk of facebook.
@Pratik gud morinign
@KumarGaurav It works currently, but it will not work in the near future like twitter does for the old code.
@KumarGaurav its gud bro
...u didn't have any issues
@Appu Yep!! You're right. I'll code with latest too as I'll get time. Still the prob not solved for ya?
@JellyBean Not at all dude. If I would have any, I would have asked already.
@KumarGaurav It might get solved with the old code, but I am reluctant to go back to the deprecated code.
@Appu I can understand unwillingness. But for now we can go with this. we'll try to work on latest too.
@jellly bean i have one issue
please tell me @Vohra
@JellyBean me too
@chintankhetiya yes bro
ask me if i can help u i wii
@JellyBean kindly check above code
how can i get company_id when i click on that item not position
@KumarGaurav @Pratik
@chintankhetiya what your spinner is containing?
@chintankhetiya i m here what is the prob?
i have company details and out of them i am getting two things name, _id so i can get that id and do further process
see this
company_array_from_db.getIndex(arg0).GET_COMPANY_ID(); @chintankhetiya
let me check
print it into log output
@Pratik you are genius
@chintankhetiya no i m not still lots of things to learn..:P
@Pratik ohhh , company_data.getIndex(arg0).GET_COMPANY_ID();
i was doing that
@KumarGaurav My code works now without any changes. That page is not available error is gone. Strange. As it is mentioned in that post, I think I had to wait for 2 days :o
@Appu fb integration ?I haven't implemented it yet but i will contact u when i will get stuck..:)
@Appu ohh! That's great!! You have worked with latest sdk?
@chintankhetiya :P
@Pratik Anytime :)
@KumarGaurav Yes, with latest sdk and with not even a single deprecated method ^_^
@Appu Will you provide me so that I can too learn quickly :)
@KumarGaurav I don't remember what I referred, but it was two months ago. Will mail you my code. But I used my own user interface to login. I didn't use facebook button and FaceBook class because that is deprecated.
@Appu That's ok. Please mail, I'll check. and will tell you.
@Appu need a help in alarm
i am using am.set(...) to fire an alarm. what issue i am facing is if alarm has been executed once at particular time. then it needs not to execute again. but if i am switching my device off and start it again. the same alarm appears again. why is that happening ?@Appu
@chintankhetiya you've solved already. :D
@KumarGaurav yes , with the help of pratik (genius)
@chintankhetiya yes he is. he is my bro like you. :)
@KumarGaurav i m also working on it(Alarm manager)..let's try to solve it together.
@Pratik Yeah sure. glad to hear.
So I have mentioned already my problem.
All I need to know why is this happening
i have successfully implemented alarm...it will raise on selected time by user.
@Pratik yeah. For me too, its raising at selected time by the user.
but the problem with it is, when user restart his device, everytime he got notified with the same alarm
but i want to know is there any way so that we can add alarm into clock(Default alarm)?do u know?because snooze handling will be harder to implement.
let me switch off my device @KumarGaurav
@Pratik Default alarm?
i mean system alarm inbuilt app@KumarGaurav ( generally named as clock)
@Pratik No, No. I want my own alarm code to be executed. As it is second version of my project. I don't want a re-change. It would be good if i find my solution more easily.
Now @Pratik can you do one thing?
@KumarGaurav dude i know that but do u know how to display snooze message on lock screen when my application alarm will be called.
@Pratik you need to unlock your screen inside onRecieve function first
its easy but not recommened to use.
@KumarGaurav how to do that?let me find some way...if u have then please provide link.
so what is the better way.?
@Pratik wait i'll post in pastie.org
Bro can you do one thing for me?
yes tell me what is it?
@Pratik in your alarm project, do one thing. set time of an alarm after 5 min. and restart your device and see if your alarm is raising
Hi Can anyone tell me if that Red Bar in here is a view with a drawable shape attached as background or something else?
@Pratik this code will be used for unlocking screen. But as I said, it is not recommended to use.
@KumarGaurav yes u r right it is being started..:(
if u remove filters and permission then it will not raised.
@DevZer0 it's custom seekbar....and progressDrawable has set as drawable..!
Patrick thanks for the hints awesome
@DevZer0 i m pratik not patrick...use @ symbol then type "p" and then press tab key.
@Pratik suppose i haven't put any filter and permission. and user set an alarm which wiil raise at 6PM today. But he switched his device off. and restart. will it raise?
@Pratik sorry :-)
no it will not...i have just tested but look at this we have to set it again stackoverflow.com/questions/8178890/…
@DevZer0 it's ok i have just corrected it..:O
@KumarGaurav try it and let me know...i m also trying..!
@KumarGaurav Did you do any extra coding part for firing alarms after a device's reboot? Because the alarms that are set will be erased when the phone reboots.
@Pratik Ok.. let me see it then.
@Appu No I haven't. But still my alarm executes at specific time after a restart.
@Appu u r right so we have to set it again after booting in onReceive()..m i right?
@KumarGaurav Okay. Scenario suppose you have kept alarms for 1.30 pm, 2.00pm and 2.30 pm by set() method. If you switch off your phone at 1.40 pm after the 1.30 pm alarm is fired and then you switched on at 2.15 pm the 2.00 pm alarm will be fired and 2.30 alarm will not be fired when the time is 2.30 pm. Because the alarms are erased. There is no way that 1.30 pm alarm will be fired after reboot if you use set().
@Pratik Exactly.
@Appu then what i need to do for that? I am saving each alarm time in database. A user can set many alarms. How I'll track every alarm after reboot?
Hi everyone. Can someone help me with generating war file?
@DinoVelić hey! war file?
Yes. It's like a zip file of a web app
I'm trying to do this (code.google.com/p/i-jetty/wiki/DownloadableWebapps), but I don't know where to put it
@DinoVelić ok let me search for ya.
@DinoVelić Does it help ?
@KumarGaurav Check whether the alarm is fired already. If it is fired, then don't reset after reboot. If it isn't, then reset with the help of the data in the database.
@Appu how will i check whether it is fired already
Yes it should help. Thanks :)
@DinoVelić You're WC :) :) You just need to google. You'll find almost every thing.
@KumarGaurav i m going for lunch talk to u later..we must solve it today ..:P
@Pratik We have to. I got no choice left :D
@KumarGaurav I did. Found this page also, but skipped the essential part
@KumarGaurav 1 more thing how r u getting values ?from date n time pickers?
@DinoVelić So now you're able to make war file successfully.right?
@Pratik from dialog datepicker and dialog timepicker
@KumarGaurav good i will show u fancy customization on them..let me implement them first..!
@Pratik I'll be waiting. mail me when you're done. :)
@KumarGaurav I'm trying to ;)
@DinoVelić :D well! from where are you buddy?
@KumarGaurav Croatia. You're from India I suppose?
@DinoVelić Yes I am from India. Where is this place? Never heard of.
@KumarGaurav Either by setting status column in your database, so that you can update the status as completed whenever it is fired. or checking whether the alarm time is greater than current time.
@Appu the second one i am doing.
any one have the idea to call javascript function in the asynchronous mode.
@Senthilkumar what you're trying to do? Can you be more specific?
@KumarGaurav it's in the eastern Europe :) Which city are u from?
@KumarGaurav:) ya sure,
Q: How to determinate stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString evaluation porcess complete?

SenthilkumarI'm reading the html file into the UIWebview. In the webViewDidFinishLoad I'm doing javascript function for horizontal scroll. Below code works fine. But i cant predict when javascript function finish. in the visible webview first load the html file then script run. so i can determinate javascri...

@DinoVelić I am from Bokaro Steel City. Its Asia's largest in steel production. I like Europe continent. Specially the language Romania.
@KumarGaurav Nice. I know few people from India. I also live in an industrial city known for steel in Croatia :D
@DinoVelić That's cool. So we're common in some way, hehehe. how is your country? the culture over there?
message = function(){User.say("Hello Everyone")};
@UsmanMutawakil message = function(){User.reply("Hey! Usman")};
@KumarGaurav It's very good. But those politicians are useless. The culture and everything else is pretty good, eventhough people are complaining. How's your country?
@DinoVelić same as in your country. we have diverse culture. still people live together with peace and happiness . only politicians are useless.
So you're android dev ?
@Senthilkumar Sorry. No idea.
@KumarGaurav It's the same everywhere :( Yes I am. And you?
@DinoVelić Same like you, an android dev :D we're common in some way :D
HI guys @ALL
@KumarGaurav Okay. Fine.
@Harish @DinoVelić Hey!
hi good noon @all
hello appu how you doin? @Appu
@Appu But what for my issue? why already executed alarm executes once again on restart of device
@DD. hey good noon DD.
hey kG gud noon :) @KumarGaurav
@DD. how are you?
good, aap? @KumarGaurav
hello @chintankhetiya
any phonegap developers? @chintankhetiya
@DD. I am good. How are you? After a long time.
@KumarGaurav Sorry, I don't know. But it shouldn't happen.
@DD. me bhi good. :)
@Appu I have given these permissions
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
good too, ever i come to this room u were nt there at all... @Appu i think you are much busy :D
@KumarGaurav Well these permissions don't do anything on their own except to permit to make use of respective properties.
@DD. A bit :)
@Appu So what I need to do now.? please help.
@KumarGaurav I would have, but without doing anything from your end, why the alarms get fired again after the reboot, this is what I am surprised with.
@Appu had you worked with custom calendar(recurrence)?
@Appu Me too. Everything is working fine for me except this. All I am doing is taking time for executing an alarm and save it to db and execute it. that's all. Can you tell me, what this <action> inside receiver exactly doing:
<receiver android:name="com.app.Util.NotifyReceiver" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" >
can any one tell me the solution my problem is that i want to hide the fullscreen when some one is calling me that is i want to hide that calliing window
@UsmanMutawakil @KumarGaurav @dreamsonfire @Appu @DD.
@all Gud After noon
@dreamsonfire What do you mean by recurrence? I did the custom calendar, but just to highlight certain dates.
@KumarGaurav Whatever code is there in the NotifyReceiver class gets executed everytime the device reboots.
@all any one see this and help me
Q: save the radiobutton and check

OneManArmyI need help from any one.. I'm facing difficult in checks the radio button. My concept is how to save the radio button in arraylist and again how to check the selected value from arraylist. If suppose imagine a quiz app. I have a set of questions and answers in a separate array. I'm displaying...

@Appu ohh! My problem is solved now then. Thanks Appu.
@Raja Sorry buddy. I dont think you can do this
@Appu i need to add event in calendar like weekly,yearly,daily etc
@Appu u thr
@KumarGaurav any way to that
@all any one thr?
@Raja what you want to do exactly?
@OneManArmy checking .please wait
@kumar hmm ok
@KumarGaurav You didn't code that class? Who else did? Glad you got it. This is what I said so to use this bootcompleted, you have given permission in manifest.
@dreamsonfire Save it in database and use AlarmManager and highlight those particular dates in the calendar.
@OneManArmy Yes, I am here now.
Can anyone tell me what does this mean --> Teej ki badhai.
@KumarGaurav jab me outgoing call kar raha hu jo calling ka screeen aata hai wo mai gayab karana chahata hu
:11155494 ok fine let me check that once again
@Raja that we can't do bro. but yes we can do one thing that is we can put some pop up on incoming call screen.
@Appu greetings for "Teej" . Its a festival.
@KumarGaurav ok
@KumarGaurav vo pop kaise dalate
@Appu have you saw my question
@OneManArmy "btn_practicerg" what this?
@KumarGaurav aur vo pop up pura screen occupy karata hai kya
@kumarGaurav "btn_practicerg" its radiogroup
@Raja never did that. but you can see something Here
@OneManArmy okay
@OneManArmy You must have a set of question of which you're getting an answer and storing every answer in an ArrayList. Now what you want then?
@KumarGaurav i checked one radio button and you moved from the question and then you come back to the same question now i want to check those who checked before?
@Appu I have only put notification inside onReceive function. that's why it keeps coming. Now I get it. Thanks Appu once again. Thats why I was clearing actual thing about <action> tag.
@KumarGaurav U thr?
@OneManArmy put some logic for that. and make arraylist static so that previous values will be preserved
Hi all, can anyone help me out with this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18144350/how-to-get-the-band-level-of-an-audio-file-in-android-equalizer
@KumarGaurav Can't get ur point
@OneManArmy Look. I am telling you to put "static" keyword with your arraylist variable which taking the answers of your questions. get it?
hmm ok..@KumarGaurav
@OneManArmy I can help you more if you show me your code
hmm ok @kumarGaurav
@OneManArmy use pastie.org
@kumar that only i going to use
@OneManArmy ok
@KumarGaurav check here pastie.org/8221385
@OneManArmy ok bro
in Smart Developers' Lab, 1 min ago, by chintan khetiya
why we can't use this directly without fragment
hi @c
@KumarGaurav i have solved...alarm issue..:P
Guys anybody know how show callout by default without clicking marker in android map...
@Indiandroid me too. :D :D
@Indiandroid Oye! why you changed your name. Pratik is cool bro.
@KumarGaurav :P
@Indiandroid Oye! Come on! Change it to Pratik bro
@Indiandroid :( :(
@KumarGaurav isn't it cool..Indian+android..:)
@Indiandroid Keep it. If you like it. :) :)
@Indiandroid I'm cool with it. :) :)
@KumarGaurav lolz..!
so today we solved our problems before ending day..!
@Indiandroid A satisfactory end of the day. We're cool. :) :)
@KumarGaurav :P but i m still fool..:(
@KumarGaurav Okay.
@OneManArmy Haven't before, but have seen just now. Use radioGroup.check(id of the child radio button);
@Tycoon hello
@Indiandroid have you worked on cocos2dx android?
I am trying to install cocos2dx on windows 7 getting this error can any body help regarding this
cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: C:\android\cocos2dx\moleitx\proj.android
Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/android/cocos2dx/moleitx/proj.android
CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
@Indiandroid why ? what make you think that? you're my bro. you can't be ..
@Tycoon sry but not yet.
@Tycoon but error shows u have given wrong path.
@Indiandroid it works for one sample example but when i do the same for other example it is not working
@Tycoon no idea..:(
@KumarGaurav @chintankhetiya @Appu there?need help.!
@Indiandroid tell me
@KumarGaurav please try to find some library project for alarm manager...!if u get something then send me link.
Do any one know about this?
<meta-data android:name="android.support.PARENT_ACTIVITY"
@Indiandroid ok I'll.wait for a while. But why you need a library?
@KumarGaurav i want to show snooze on lock screen when alarm is called by my application.couldn't find any solution..:(
@Indiandroid Ohk! I'll find. But Ping Tushar who is from Punjab. He has done something like that.
he is not here..
Yeah! I know. But when he'll be, ask him
sure i will
@Indiandroid sorry, no idea. I never used snoozing feature.
@KumarGaurav It means you are enabling up navigation by specifying meta-data to that activity which in turn means it has a parent activity which should be displayed when up button is clicked.
@Appu k dude..
@Appu Ohk! This means this. I got it. Thanks bro. :)
up button means?@Appu
@Appu Now I get it. Thanks. :) I'll use.
@KumarGaurav Welcome
@Appu :) What you up to?
hi,how can i improve java ability?i don't just want to copy code in company.
bye guys @ALL
@user2245634 try to build samples...and practice more n more..if u get stuck or unable to understand oop concepts then lots of JAVA developers r in this room fill free to ask...!
@Harish byee frnd.
@Indiandroid how about read some book?i have no idea to practice what..i have little project experience of java.
guys i need a help
anyone here ?
hi everyone
just a quick question
what should be the mime type for composing a rich multimedia email
@mohit what you waiting for? make it quick then,
@KumarGaurav I gotta. Talk to you later.
@all cya later.
@Appu mail me. Bubye..
@Appu need a lill help
@user2245634 if u r newbie then u have to learn a lot..there r numerous tutorials,sample available on internet just Google it..!
@kumar any idea buddy
@Appu byee kk
@mohit have you googled?
let us say u have audio, vedio, image and .csv file as attachments
then what would be the mime type
@All Bubye take care. :) :)
bye @KumarGaurav
dudes having one doubt
in my listview of row i have given an checkbox while click the checkbox it has to get the data in that row
check here dude
i am not getting in nCheckedChanged
i checked in checkchanged while i put toast for clicking its working
so i want while chlick the checkox it has to get the positions data
@Indiandroid thx,i just learn by myself
@user2245634 :P
check out,sir
where is this nCheckedChanged?
also not seeing the toast thing there in ur code
would be nice if u could ask this as a question full details like what happaning: are u getting some crashs if yes put the logcat and most imp put the relative piece of code which is helping this code to run.
do you program in android studio?
byeeee guys
Hi guys
@DarkHorse if u asking me, then sorry i don't.
any android developers here?
can someone help me with a issue in android
like this i did for toast while checked
my concer how it will get the data from the row
@mohit all right
@KarthickM can you help me
@mohit @DarkHorse
what's your problem?
fuck the hot weather, it's 30+ degree even at night
@DarkHorse am using TabGroupActivity
The chlid activity is fine
i have a spinner in the child activity
and am setting it usual way but when i click it it show window bad exception
the problem is in android 2.3 it spinner values comes in a alert window
there is a problem in building a alert window in child activity
the child activity is extends tabgroupactivity not activity
@Indiandroid @mohit
it seems to be annoyed, so difficult for me to help you, because I am a newbie
04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 17:00

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