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2 hours later…
Q: Drawer Layout Not Displaying as Fragment

lordzdenThe fragment is not displaying or displaying a blank screen. I wanted to display a drawer layout in my view pager. switch(arg0){ /** Android tab is selected */ case 0: DrawerLayoutFragment androidFragment = new DrawerLayoutFragment(); data....

morning @all
Q: Image Gallery using javafx

ItachiUchihaNot quite sure whether such type of question must be asked on so or not, just trying my luck out. Hope someone helps me out. I have a folder which is full of images. I am trying to build a desktop app which can perform the following tasks. Select the folder and show all the images as thumbnail...

@chintankhetiya @Appu @Madara @Pratik @ItachiUchiha @All Very good Morning :) :)
morning :)
very good morning to all :)
@KumarGaurav sexeh :) which css framework did u use ? bootstrap / flatstrap or foundation ?
u forgot the fav icon :P
@Madara hi hi. I have changed that
but still its showing
so left
@KumarGaurav and the style switcher doesnt work in index.html
cool :P
@Madara Yes. I kept it just for show. :P
which css framework @KumarGaurav ??????
guys , can i know why i am not able to input . in Edit Text ?
@KumarGaurav @Appu @Madara
hi every one
@Madara I have downloaded na once from templet2p
oh k k ll
@chintankhetiya You're not able to enter value?
damn u are quick brah
@Madara hihihihhi.. :D :D
@KumarGaurav i am able to type value like 1.20 or 1.45 , but i want to pass only >>>>> .12
@chintankhetiya let me check
and @KumarGaurav remove that style chooser :P if u can coz it'll be like a template lol
@Madara ok dude, I'll change it As soon as I'll get time today :) :) Anyways You helped me a lot. thanks for that. :) :)
lol np :)
@Madara :) :)
@chintankhetiya bro I tried it, its working for me
@KumarGaurav input . first and then type number ?
like . 25
not 0.25
@chintankhetiya check
Good Morning @all
@KumarGaurav copy and paste and please check it
@chintankhetiya Ok let me check.
@chintankhetiya valid_Quantity,valid_Total_Price, pur_et_total, valid_Price what are these? I am getting error...tell me about these variables bro
@Rank @KumarGaurav @chintankhetiya @Madara @MahaveerMuttha @Appu good morning developers..!
in Smart Developers' Lab, 11 secs ago, by chintan khetiya
http://pastie.org/8217503 code is working with errors LOL
@chintankhetiya ok
@gud morining @all
@KumarGaurav kya problem thi Atlert box ki??
@JellyBean are custom bnao
@KumarGaurav alert box ko??
@JellyBean han
@KumarGaurav krna kya-2 us mein ??
use kaise krna hai?
@chintankhetiya bhai the code is working but logcat saying"java.lang.NumberFormatException"
Q: Why is my array list size zero when i initialised it to 30?

jskyWhy is my array list size zero when i initialised it to 30? I get java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0 when addRecord() is called (Note: calling setInitialValues from jsp doesnt help.) (Note: ShootRecord also implements Serializable) Servlet procesRequest method prot...

15 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
in Smart Developers' Lab, 11 secs ago, by chintan khetiya
http://pastie.org/8217503 code is working with errors LOL
@chintankhetiya :D
@Pratik Oye!!
A warm good-morning to the legends of android and java!!
@KumarGaurav :O @rahulserver good morning to enthusiastic..!
Special good morning @Pratik
@rahulserver :P where r u from?I m from Baroda,Gujarat.
Hu amdavad thi chhu
@KumarGaurav pastie.org/8217558 check it for u
@JellyBean what you are doing in code?
@rahulserver wah !!
@Pratik could u help
I am organizing an android workshop
so I need some resources on showing some amazing capabilites of android
Which must be really interesting for the audience
where r u organizing it?@rahulserver
In my city
my office
We have a huge hall dedicated for this
visit www.bhramakar.com
hmm..interesting...so what type of help u needed from me?
for details
I have created a simple app on android using TTS in which on bringing the mobile close to the face, it says "stay away idiot"
@rahulserver lolz..:)is it under development or published?
I would like to create more of such interesting and fun stuff which require very less coding and make the audience feel that they can also do it.
@Pratik its a simple android activity. I have used android's TTS engine
Its around 50-60 lines of code!!
@rahulserver good work.
@rahulserver what type of help u need from me?
just think of a few easy demos which could be shown to them
or a few websites you could suggest which contain some fun stuff
@rahulserver shown to whom ?
@rahulserver can we discuss further in skype?
whats your skype?
mine is nnill.rahul
pbpatel1990 but not now i will online at evening after 8 o’clock..
@Pratik ok
no problems
@rahulserver i m here only...but we will talk later on skype.
@Pratik bye!!
Q: Image Gallery using javafx

ItachiUchihaNot quite sure whether such type of question must be asked on so or not, just trying my luck out. Hope someone helps me out. I have a folder which is full of images. I am trying to build a desktop app which can perform the following tasks. Select the folder and show all the images as thumbnail...

Q: In Dynamic Listview row,their button functions not working

Karthick MI have created an Dynamic listview,their data are coming or storing in db part.In each row i have give some button like sms,tts,email like that.Their content and button are displaying in my listview is showing properly.But their button functions alone not working.Its not showing any error also. ...

how to solve this issue
Good Morning :)
@AndroidDeveloper good noon..!:P
@KumarGaurav u r here
yr sory i am today
@KarthickM hello brother?
u have menu code???
not yet solved
u can help me??
if u ask a dumb question and that realise the answer, is it best practice to delete the question or to answer it yourself even if it's a diuplicate?
Q: Starting Camera Intent from a java class

Atish AgrawalI am trying to develop an app where the layout is created dynamically. In my layout, I am creating anUploadImage button. I am creating the OnClickListener in another java class which implements the `OnClickListener' class, so that can use it at different places in my app. But, Unfortunately, ...

how to solve
@KarthickM wht??
@Pratik: :D
@jsky compare ur answer with duplicates if it provides more information then make it as accepted it will help to other developers..!
Q: In Dynamic Listview row,their button functions not working

Karthick MI have created an Dynamic listview,their data are coming or storing in db part.In each row i have give some button like sms,tts,email like that.Their content and button are displaying in my listview is showing properly.But their button functions alone not working.Its not showing any error also. ...

@KarthickM i am busy now brother i will solv ur problem latter sory for taht
@Pratik ok cool. in addition, do duplicates get removed from the system if they dont provide as much info? sometimes the same info reworded, or in the context or a diff problem might show up for another coder
ok bro
i read that u can get suspended with too many deletions so i am wanting to leave. but it doesnt add as much info as where the answer was sourced from
@jsky yes it depends on upvotes...don't delete ur answer leave it...accept it when u will get upvotes in future..after all it is information that u have faced in this situation and u got the answer..:)
@Pratik ok thanks Pratik
@all anybody can help me?
@asha ?
@Pratik hi dude
i need to joind some points
so i ahave used Path class and i can draw line but it couldn't be fix properly i got the x&y positon of each points from emulator but i cant how can i do this?
my code is here
@KumarGaurav @Gajini @chintankhetiya @Pratik @jsky @all Hey!
sorry was afk.
@asha i can give u basic idea....for implementing that u have to know the position of points (say lat lan) on map then it will be simple to draw line between two points..!
Q: Starting Camera Intent from a java class

Atish AgrawalI am trying to develop an app where the layout is created dynamically. In my layout, I am creating anUploadImage button. I am creating the OnClickListener in another java class which implements the `OnClickListener' class, so that can use it at different places in my app. But, Unfortunately, ...

Q: Best way to find shortest path in offline mode for android application?

ashaI am very new to this Development. I need to find shortest path from one place to another place which means that " when i entering into paticluar shopping mall i have to find shortest path from my current shop to my destination shop within the same mall in offline mode ". As per my search i final...

@Pratik check this one
actully i need to do this one
@asha i haven't done it before so can't help.
hellow just want to share this ^^
Q: Drawer Layout initially showed on the View

lordzdenUsually the Drawer Layout is hidden on the view until the onTouch or onSwipe in is triggered. I'd like to make the drawer layout initially displayed. I also checked out the SlidingLayer Library but It is more complicated that the new drawer layout that Android has released. In the image below, th...

@KumarGaurav wake up...
Hi Guys @ALL
@Harish how r u?
@Pratik Fine Thanku.How about u?
i m also fine...today all guys in this chat room seems to be busy..
@Pratik Here I am for my bro.. Believe it. :P
@KumarGaurav finally u have arrived like comet...!
@Pratik hehe. what you up to?
i m trying to wake up my appication but it wants to sleep...:O Have some problem regrading Broadcast receiver.
@Gajini these days Sandeep Bro is too much busy. :( :(
@Pratik Did you program your device?
@KumarGaurav edited check it..
@Pratik tell me about it. m here for ya only.
@KumarGaurav i have define receiver in my manifest but it is not calling onReceive()
@Pratik How you're calling your broadcastreciever class? can show me your code
hey? how r u all people?
i need to be su in android
how to?
please help me
@KumarGaurav pastie.org/8217983
@KumarGaurav i have put log message in onReceive may be something i m missing.
@Pratik Ok let me check bro
can anyone help me?
which Tushar u r?here 2 tushar with same name
@Pratik what "selectedTimeInMillis" contains?
@KumarGaurav time in millis
@Pratik he i2nd one.
tushar frm bangladesh bro
@Tushar :O
@Pratik I know it is time in milli. is it current time?
@Tushar I know you bro
@KumarGaurav i know u too man
yup i have checked it is perfect...no error in code.....
@Pratik mhara bhai, what time it is? is it current time you're passing?
@KumarGaurav can u please tell me how to be superuser in android?
@Tushar superuser?
@KumarGaurav it is future time....i have provided time to be selected by user and it will convert into millis..
ya,, i need the superuser permission in android
in order to connect my phon to internet
@Pratik and what code you're doing for getting time of future and converting it in millie? why I am asking because if everything is done well with broadcast you must have given time that is passed.
@Tushar you want to connect your phone using 2G or 3G network and access internet. right?
i dont know. its a wimax modem connected to my PC
@Tushar is it wi-fi modem?
i want to share my internet through a usb cable
its a usb modem
@Tushar Your laptop is having wi-fi fuctionality?
@KumarGaurav yes little bit
it has wifi..
but i am unable to turn it on
@Gajini NP Bro.
@Tushar Ohh! why? try to make it on. if you can do so, then we can use "Connectify-me" for using internet in mobile also.
@Pratik bhai where are ya?
how can i turn it on?
i dont have proper driver for my laptop?
@Tushar which lappy you have. tell me brand with model
dell inspiron 15r
@Tushar ok wait
@KumarGaurav analyzing...wait for a while
dell inspiron n5010
@Tushar you're wi-fi driver is installed ?
i dont know exactly?
virtual router would work too :P
how can i understand it?
@Tushar WLAN driver needs to be installed to access wi-fi.
@Pratik Okay!!
i have tried a lot. but could not found an exact driver for it
@Tushar wait I'll give you a link
tell me your lappy OS?
window 7 or 8
windows 7
@ItachiUchiha where were you buddy. ? I have pinged you several time. :( :(
@KumarGaurav heya
went to had lunch
@Tushar there
i am
and click on network
Can you see "Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1000, v., A00"
i can see
download this driver
and install
is it appropriate for my model?
@Tushar Yep! if your model is dell inspiron n5010
ssup guys
hi! i'd like to share this to increase visib,
Q: Drawer Layout initially showed on the View

lordzdenUsually the Drawer Layout is hidden on the view until the onTouch or onSwipe in is triggered. I'd like to make the drawer layout initially displayed. I also checked out the SlidingLayer Library but It is more complicated that the new drawer layout that Android has released. In the image below, th...

@KumarGaurav there ?
@chintankhetiya Yep!!
@KumarGaurav can you test above code if you are free ?
@chintankhetiya sorry bro right now can't. will do as soon as i'll get time.
okay no :)
@KumarGaurav yesss finally solved..:) thanks for ur time
@Pratik oye prob kya thi?
month indexing starts from 0 to 11 in datepicker and i have made mistake in it i have set month +1...so it will put next month alarm means 8 sep 2013 lolz...and i have to wait for 1 month...;)
@Pratik yes if it is datepicker dialog , then month indexing will be 0-11. told you time prob :)
@KumarGaurav yes u were right that's y i have put lots of log messages..:even i had dought in timeP
@Pratik hihihihhihi :D now solve @chintankhetiya issue if you have time.
@chintankhetiya i m here my frnd believe it...! -<--- see this ur dialog...@KumarGaurav
@kumar u there?
@Pratik hehe.. you're learning. good bro :D
@Tushar Yep!!
@KumarGaurav hehe..:O
@Pratik there ?
22 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
@chintankhetiya yes boss
it saying that no supported intel wireless network was found
@Pratik can you please check above code
@chintankhetiya let me run it..but is there any error?
@Pratik i don't think that code has any error
error at my side so don't worry
@Tushar restart your system
@chintankhetiya k so what is the problem ur side?
/mnt/emmc/DCIM/100MEDIA/IMAG1107.jpg is my source path & /mnt/sdcard/myFolderdestination path
but image is not copying
@chintankhetiya in whcih device r u testing?
Q: Image Gallery using javafx

ItachiUchihaNot quite sure whether such type of question must be asked on so or not, just trying my luck out. Hope someone helps me out. I have a folder which is full of images. I am trying to build a desktop app which can perform the following tasks. Select the folder and show all the images as thumbnail...

@Pratik HTC Desire V
@chintankhetiya wait let me test...i have searched but not find any particular reason.
add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
@chintankhetiya wait let me test...i have searched but not find any particular reason.
okay @Pratik
his code is working nicely now i m going to give ur source n target..
is this urs /mnt/emmc/DCIM/100MEDIA/IMAG1107.jpg is my source path & /mnt/sdcard/myFolderdestination path
that image is coming from gallery and moving to some specific folder
@Pratik how you are testing ? device or emulator ?
I want to check that if there is some kind of password is set or not for screen lock. i.e. if screen password is NONE or PATTERN/PIN etc. and can i check it without any help from Device Administrator
@chintankhetiya device..and it is working...
@Pratik what is your source file and that path ?
File sourceLocation = new File (sdCard + "/DCIM/axis_device.png");
File targetLocation = new File (sdCard + "/myfolder/axis_device.png");
you are choose from gallery ?
or its a static path
File sourceLocation = new File(sdCard + "/ckText.txt");

// make sure your target location folder exists!
File targetLocation = new File(sdCard + "/ckText_new.txt");
see what i have done
i think its not getting path
File targetLocation = new File(sdCard + "/ckText_new.txt"); ?? @chintankhetiya
@Pratik its just for testing i have use
it always .png
any other permission you have added ?
no i have copy image in DCIM directly them just set my paths as mentioned above.
alos if u want to move image just change int actionChoice = 1; in code
no i have copied image in DCIM directly then just set my paths as mentioned above.
okay let me do
also i m able to move .txt file from source to destination..have just tested.
@Pratik okay okay , i am going with simple thing as you do and will apply in my code
@chintankhetiya k frnd try it..let me know..:)
Done as per your fundamental
now going to implement in my older project
@Pratik thnks
@chintankhetiya means u have done testing successfully ?
@Pratik it may be possible that +10,000 data in list
@chintankhetiya see my another comment there..and add some more information if u have some idea..@chintankhetiya
hell frnds
@RahulPatel hii
@Pratik hello
@RahulPatel where r u from?
from ahmedabad
n u?
I want to implement popupmenu with icons can u pls help me?
08-08 11:17:51.762: V/Purchase-File(10001): sourceLocation: /mnt/sdcard/mnt/sdcard/Pictures/Koala.jpg
08-08 11:17:51.762: V/Purchase-File(10001): targetLocation: /mnt/sdcard/mnt/sdcard/HI_Image/Koala.jpg
08-08 11:17:51.772: I/Purchase-File(10001): Copy file failed. Source file missing.
see what i am getting don't know
is this ur path /mnt/sdcard/mnt/sdcard/
@RahulPatel have u implemented code?I mean what is the error?
when i select image from gallery and set to image view its okay and same path are passing to copy function
check ur sorce file where u have put it...i mean verify it whether it is there or not.
@Pratik yes i done with popupmenu. but i also want to add the icon with text.
I creating item like
but icon is not visible
It will sure help to u
@chintankhetiya check ur source file where u have put it...i mean verify it whether it is there or not.
@Pratik LOL , Done :P
path mistake :P
@chintankhetiya how?yes that's y i have told u..!
i am spark when you told me about /mnt/sdcard/mnt/sdcard/
2 times
@chintankhetiya path naming always should be easier to remember otherwise it will cause big trouble..
@Pratik i want to create like this, how can i got this?
with icon.
@RahulPatel u can make this by custom list-view.and u can easily handle layout visibility (gone or visible) onClick of mapFragment..!!
ok, thanks bro.
later ppl :)
A: I need to responses messageID in logica SMPP async mode

Kumar GauravYou can get Message id by getSmDefaultMsgId() by calling it with SubmitSM 's object . like below: if (sb.asynchronous) { System.out.println("Submit request " + request.debugString()); sb.getSession().sub...

01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

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