I am trying to display the two fragments 'leftfrag' and rightfrag, in one of the ViewPager's pages through MyFragmentPagerAdapter. In case 0 a new fragment is instantiated AndroidFragment inside this particular page, I'd like to display the two fragments leftfrag and rightfrag. I tried creating a...
@SHIDHIN.T.S cant help with this line please check you api key because map load from google service so check api key or try to remove key and regenerate again
I have an app the display list of files and its content on iOS and Android. Currently I use PDF files to show this content on iOS using iOS-WebView which worked fine. and now as I'm getting finished with Android application, I have realised that It's hard to get support for pdf files on android s...
Use a Calendar to get what the offset was at the local Epoch, then add that to the local-epoch timestamp.
public static long getLocalToUtcDelta() {
Calendar local = Calendar.getInstance();
local.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 0);
return local.getTimeInMillis(...
I am trying to implement a Mean Filter on a coloured image for an Android application. When I apply the filter on a chosen image, this is what happens when I run the following code on the image. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I have done wrong?
protected Bitmap filterImage(Bitmap image...
Also many website using java applets for interactive web-app , so you must have java installed in your browser. This can be also an issue in the phone which has no JAVA. @MinkleGarg
Look I have a json web service which giving me list of url links for downloading images and videos. I want to download them one by one. For that I have made a separate intentservice class which will download a file. Will it be good to start this service class for every image and video using for loop? @Neil
Call shutdown on the executor when you are finished to allow all current threads to finish downloading,
And you can do shutdown immediately in order to have all your runnables throw an InterruptedException (so catch it, and halt download properly when that happens)