for debugging I type that class name press ctrl and click on the class name but with that class nothing happens, it also yells that this class would not exists
I am building Android keyboard app and I need to add support for predictive text as user no need to right single word. i have seen many apps with provide support like swift key.
Please if any one know the that type library then please let me know it will ok if it is paid.
@chintankhetiya i will try to create a library for android for future development but im wondering what will be best one for android, any suggestion? my library will focus on webservice thing
@chintankhetiya I cannot set a breakpoint I cannot even open that class... it seems that the reason is that the class file is missing in the android jar
@Gajini I don't think you could delete from the array at specific point except you can make that location null. Instead use some other collections that do your job. @Pratik Nothing much. You say.
@Pratik like i have create a design in which i have set margin_right=10 , okay so it's fine but if i change in landscape then view is not proper so i have to copy same xml inside layout-landsacp with margin_right=30 up to clear ?
@Pratik now i want to use fragment , so they will find build version < honycome then it will open layout from layout and if it's bigger then 3.0 then it will open layout-land. so as per my req i have already created layout file and drop in layout-land then how to manage this thing
@Gajini Means? Yes. That is it. Either it should be wrong with your asList because I have only done converting a single dimension array to list or it could be something else. First print your arryaylist and check.
have fragment ma mare evu joy che portrait ma hoy to single list ave ne lansacp ma hoy to list ni details baju ma j ave , ne me download pan karyo , te okay che , pan mari pasee layout-land ma 2 file thi jay , ek to smart phone na view ni and landscap na 2 fragment view vadi
@Uday The thing is when you start an intent service, the system manages everything and makes it run in the background. The system runs it when it gets time to run service. Even if you start multiple intent services of the same category, they are even put into queue. What do you mean by will not run always?
@Appu well i'm using intent service to download the data from server,this runs when it is in online . if it's not in online means this intent service will not run.
@Uday Okay. Sounds fine. Then even code the notification part in the service itself. so, whenever the data is loaded in the service, the notification is fired, otherwise it's not.
@Uday As I had quick glance on that tutorial now, I got that this is the receiver that gets a broadcasting from the service when the data is downloaded, doesn't it?
public class SimpleBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "SimpleBroadcastReceiver"; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "Simple broadcast received"); } }
hi all .. i have a listview with custom row (each row contains 4 buttons in it)..i am deselecting all the buttons in the list ... but now my problem is how to show the current clicked button selected .. if any one knows them please help me
@Appu yeah i registerd like this , is there any error in it.?
1)Take 1 scroll-view put 1 linear-layout in it .2)make 1 custom view.3)inflate this custom view and add it 1 by 1 into linear-layout.and setOnclick event to each of the custom view.
I have a multi dimensional array as
private int numbers[][] ={{ 170, 100 },{ 270, 100 },{ 370, 100 },{ 470, 100 }}
Now i am changing there positions using Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList(numbers));
Now i want to remove the the first item from the shuffled array i.e if the first item is {170...
@Uday Was on a long call. Check this or it could be anything which you have to check whether you are braodcasting anything which system has to do, not you.
@JaiSoni haha coding language. I have sent invitation to chat in gmail? Did you get it? Delete--> your mail which is mentioned above from the chat if you need.
@Appu : i found the solution , check out ma answer.
I am new to the android technology.i want to build a custom ListView using Fragments. I have searched it on google but i am not getting it.So plzz Help me.
@Neil Nothing much. How is it going? Even latency too :/ @Pratik I like your energy of saying hello to everyone :) But unfortunately, they both can't talk :P
I am sending an data via json to my apps,it displays in my listview,without internet is not working,so i want to make an database to store the json parsing data alone.I tried to create an database for json storing but its not properly done.Could some one tell how to make that one,