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4:00 AM
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney (source)
4:38 AM
@AshishJain @InsaneCat :D
@TCat :O morning dude
how are you ?
morning morning
I am good , how's you
I have started working now at home
najarband cat
@TCat hahaha
good what u r on working : playing with cat things
working on aws webservices
aws ?
4:41 AM
amazon web services - aws
js haan
ok what is node js?
is it language ?
4:43 AM
JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
its a language like java , php , .net , ruby
made by google ?
good, now u r ready to apply for google CEO
4:44 AM
today is my first day as learning node.js
still long to go
to where washroom :D
insane ashucat
I have to ask you something
where is our alien @MukeshRana
yeah anytime :)
do you eat nonveg?
4:46 AM
oh okay
I just wanted to know how it feels if someone eats nonveg regular
is it good?
not good. but taking at low quantity is good.
hummm , do you know why muslims love it?
They eat nonveg regularly
They have strong stomach
@TCat nope do know
okay, make ur stomuch strong,
4:51 AM
yeah I need to
with smash iron road every day twice
but I don't want to go nonveg
i suggest u to not eat on daily bases
hahahah yeah
good cat
4:52 AM
whenever you come gujarat , don;t forget to meet me
we will have a great pizza party at dominos / uncle sam's
@TCat uncle ?
do not say u made pizza shop owner as uncle to get pizza free:D
lol not
so how is children now
5:52 AM
tujko me rakhlu yaha
jahape kahi ye tera nahi
u meant children will say mamma :D there
gift me play station 3
hey make a account here -> indiafacility.com
6:22 AM
@Luna where are you?
You asleep? @Luna
@SweetWisherツ how is being married? Going well?
@Luna what you do during Saturday? Going out?
6:38 AM
@ShadowWizard hey
6:58 AM
hiii guys
@TCat hoy
You love T-bone? @TCat
1 hour later…
8:06 AM
gm @all
@ShadowWizard Here
@ShadowWizard I was two hours ago
@ShadowWizard HA! no
"Question eligible for bounty in 18 minutes" my ass
DoggyBot has joined the chat
8:10 AM
@ShadowWizard get your ass over here
@DoggyBot u like ur master ?
@AshuKumar cough
I'm not a bot
8:11 AM
I'm @LunarWatcher
Without a doubt life
14 minutes left now
good u r taking feeling of how bots live
8:12 AM
No, I just need someone else in the room that actually replies to stuff xD
AFter 10 messages in a row it gets overly yellow
And boring
Very boring
Too damn boring
But nothing is as boring as waiting for those 11 minutes until I can put a bounty on the question >.>
8:17 AM
@LunarWatcher which question ?
Been stuck on it for a couple of days now, asked two days ago because I can't get anywhere with it
It doesn't work like it's supposed to, tried asking TheFlash but he didn't know either
Found a similar question with what looked like the same issue, no votes and no answers
So I'm going to place a 100 rep bounty on it, hopefully that will give me some answers
yeah bounty always work
98% of the time at least
That's why I'm doing 100 rep, it attracts a ton of views and people who either are interested or think they know how to solve it (or actually know how to solve it)
Actually, I have never placed a bounty and not gotten an answer
8:27 AM
i did and got answer
I think I have done about 3 bounties
I have lost track of it
That bastard
6 questions downvoted
Only 6 rep has been refunded though
I hate when that happens
8:37 AM
why it is not valid
for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); (updateDataOnTop==1)? i++:i++)
Q: AlphaNumeric search does not work Android SearchView

Bat CatI have built a search in RecyclerView that searches for any text. The input data is of alphanumeric type something like this "123Qwerty","123456","azerty" etc. The problem I am facing is in my search box if I type "123" then I not able to achieve the alphanumeric search results. Whatever the s...

Any help here ?
@AshuKumar AFAIK, you need to do it manually when you use that switch
I need a sec to check that though
@BatCat When you search for stuff, you can't just use contains. You should be doing regex and matcher. Just doing "[" + input + "]" should be enough. Let me check that though before I say that for sure
Contains is fairly bad, it checks raw string instead of regex
for checking if a String has an occurence of a String, it is much better to use regex
Hi everyone, is anyone used MVC in android?
8:44 AM
@AshuKumar You get "not a statement" right?
@BatCat Need a sec to write an answer
@LunarWatcher What you need is to get a life xD
@DoggyBot well, yeah. But that train departed years ago, too late now
"ProjectDump" - the perfect workspace to open for SO questions
@LunarWatcher Thank you so much..please look into it and let me know
It involves regex though, what I'm currently looking for is the regex that works + the corresponding Java code to make it work. It should take about 5-10 minutes
8:50 AM
OK ok fine I will gladly wait for you result
And you want to match the word if it contains the query in the selected order? (so if you search for "123" it has to have "123" in that order somewhere in the word)
Yes it has but not working
ok, I need a little longer. This regex matches in any order, so 321 is matches as well when the query is 123
OK ok fine
I will be here
And I got it
Just a quick question thoughj
if there are multiple words (e.g. "This is a random word 123") would you want that entire thing matched if the query is "123"
9:06 AM
cc @BatCat
@LunarWatcher YEs
Creat. Then I'm done. Writing the answer now
a lot
@BatCat one last thing I just remembered: should the search be case insensitive?
9:15 AM
oki. The \i flag does that automatically so it's fairly easy to add if you feel like changing it
@LunarWatcher hey leave my ass alone!
@DoggyBot you ping guard @Luna now?
lol @ShadowWizard
Did you have your ham today? @Luna
@ShadowWizard Nope, egg and bacon for breakfast and haven't had time for lunch yet
@ShadowWizard it's me
@BatCat answered now
9:19 AM
@LunarWatcher right
@LunarWatcher what you have for lunch when you're home?
@LunarWatcher I will check it
@ShadowWizard No clue
@AshuKumar The solution should be something like this: for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += (arrData.size() == 10 ? 1 : 2))
@LunarWatcher your parents make it a surprise?
@LunarWatcher checking
9:23 AM
@ShadowWizard No, I just don't know what I'm gonna have
@AshuKumar You may need to replace 10 and the statement, I used what I had to test it
@LunarWatcher but you always eat what they make, right? ::)
@LunarWatcher nope it will not work, as condition checking is not doing properly
@ShadowWizard I make my own lunch and breakfast
condition will not return true / false
@AshuKumar What do you mean?
@ShadowWizard lets try to keep the pinging in one room, that being the den. Don't reply here again, just do it in the den. Permalink the posts to reply
9:25 AM
(condition) ?true :false
@LunarWatcher I am sorry it does not work
@BatCat Why not?
Don't know
Never worked with regex
but there (arrData.size() == 10 ? 1 : 2) u r missing round bracket after size()
@LunarWatcher oh, ok.
9:26 AM
only (condition) will return true / false
@AshuKumar The code I sent you works too. For an instance this:
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += (arrData.size() == 10 ? 1 : 2)){
prints 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8. Because arrData.size != 10
@BatCat Add debug output to make sure everything is being called as expected
may be i sent wrong true and false value
(codition) ? i++: --i ;
like this
@AshuKumar Still no. When you use that you have to add something to something else
for an instance:
int x = (arrData.size() == 10 ? 10 : 20);//Valid
(arrData.size() == 10) ? x++ : x--;//Not valid
@AshuKumar right in the sky :D
9:35 AM
@LunarWatcher wait
@LunarWatcher sorry i did not see i +=
it is valid
and working fine
i = (i==10)?i++:--i
@MukeshRana so ur ship blasted on sky :P
No, that isn't valid either
Syntax wise, yes
i was correct
Adding that exact into IntelliJ and runnign it loops it indefinitly and prints 0 forever
9:39 AM
not giving value from true and false
"The value at i++ is never used"
it will not increase i value
@MukeshRana :3
@AshuKumar Because the value is never used
You get the idea
@AshuKumar Mars is a zero terrorism place, so don't expect such things here
9:41 AM
i += (arrData.size() == 10 ? 1 : 2) writing like this => i= (arrData.size()==1)?1:10
wil work
@TCat :4
@AshuKumar Now you set the value
if arrData.size() == 10 the value of i will be 10 forever
Until you force stop the program
@MukeshRana can not believe there is always equal or grater than
@AshuKumar Syntax-wise it works fine. But in order to loop x times and then stop, no
@AshuKumar I can understand the conditions you live in. You can think of that. It's not your problem but the environment, you living in
9:43 AM
yup yup got it now @LunarWatcher => i value is reassigned every time
No, that isn't true either
i is set to 10 or 1 every time the loop loops with the code you suggested
@MukeshRana lol its universal rule... even old books also says
Mars is not for old people. It's for young guys like me
@LunarWatcher i think it is true think => loop runs first time -> back to condition and checking for increment / decremented value -> but it checks condition and return true and false every time
so yup
increment value aways gets true value and loop stuck at first position
The thing is, that assumes the value actually changes
9:46 AM
let me run example
If you don't change the value, and more importantly, this only works up to a point before you get it in the wrong direction
and using i++/i-- in the question mark operator doesn't work
the value is never assigned
When the value is never assigned, the number gets stuck at the same value, looping until you stop it, it crashes or you run out of power
@LunarWatcher yup
@MukeshRana :5
9:54 AM
At least this works now
not really
Dividing by a billion removes teh decimals
If we get the values down to millions instead of trillions it may work better
though the problem is still the decimals
they all print out as 0
Long / float = long formatted to float = x.0
10:18 AM
Let's try alternative 2
Everything is 0
And it works \o/
10:38 AM
Eeeeey what's up people without lives o/
"My dog ate my life"
infects @geis
with what?
The coughalot virus
hah... hahahaha I just checked the material I got for learning for the theoretical part of my pilots license.
I am so fucked :D
Did you get a book where a chapter is 300 pages? xD
10:42 AM
Yup :D
Jesus christ it won't stop loading new pages wtf
WHAT THE FUCK?! Why did I do this :D
mmmmm 332 questions are registered only for the flight law :3
Going to be some fun times :D
oh and weather
teeny, tiny 442 questions :D
@geisterfurz007, the programming pilot. The only plane with no software issues
10:45 AM
flies a glider
hah! First question and I got it right!
Take that program :3
441 questions later
Well at least I got one right :3
lol 3 in a row
10:47 AM
DoggyBot online. Woof woof!
catty things
@DoggyBot @Tbot
10:48 AM
@LunarWatcher A part of the OakBot family.
noooo my winningstreak :c
but I got 4 right with pure damn knowledge :> guessing. I will be fair. It was guessing :D
@DoggyBot @TCat
@LunarWatcher "I pity the fool, who thinks @Tbot isn't the best bot around" - @TCat
10:49 AM
gei is a smart boy
@geisterfurz007 LOL
@geis I didn't know you knew Brainfuck xD
It looked right for a second
I have no clue what that does xD
that works I guess...
@LunarWatcher thats create hello world
10:51 AM
Hello World is different
hehehe that is more fun that it should be
i read on BrainF**ker website
@LunarWatcher how to distinguish all seems same
Hell o Wor l d
Hello World is way longer is it not?
10:52 AM
I like that most of the questions can be answered with some base knowledge and a little bit o' brain :D
@TCat Side note: I am not ^^

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