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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

@Karl Hello
Good morning all
@Appu hi
@JaiSoni Heya!
Good morning @Appu @JaiSoni
@Harish VGM
how r u @Appu @Harish
good morning to all
@Harish hey, morning
@JaiSoni I am good, how are you?
@JaiSoni I'm Fine How abt u?
@Anil VGM
@Appu @Harish I m good
@JaiSoni good morning
Hello. All.
I have a issue.. I cant solve it.. And also dont knw how to solve that..
@ShreyanshShah hi
In my app there is a functionality login with FB..
Its running in my samsung and lenovo device..
But not running in NOOK Device..
Can u guys please tell me what is the problem...?
If u knw and if u faced that...?
Please help me i am stuck from last 2 days.
Can u help me...? Earlier u help me..
@Rufus Mrng
@Rufus @PiYusHGuPtA good moring
Very good morning
gd mrng!! @PiYusHGuPtA @JaiSoni @Anil @all
@neerajkirola VGM
good morning guys
@rekire VGM
@JaiSoni VGM
@PankajSharma gm
@Anil GM Bro
Hi All I need help regarding GooglePlayServicesClient for location tracking
is any one aware or worked for it?
yes plz ask
\Thanks @Anil
I am using googlePlay
getting locationClient.getLastLocation() as null bcz its for first time its null
restart ur device
u ll get get location
ok let me try
Location loc = locationClient.getLastLocation();

if (loc != null) {

Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this);
try {
List<Address> result = geocoder.getFromLocation(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude(), 1);

// TextView textView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView1);
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
locationrequest = LocationRequest.create();
locationClient.requestLocationUpdates(locationrequest, this);
it always go to else section and returns me null
plz restart ur device then try
if then issue will come please tell me
u run it on device na ?
yes on device
@JaiSoni sqlite statement fails with value contains apostrophe char
any solution ? @PankajSharma @PankajAndroid
please restart device then try if any issue tell me
@Anil thnk you so much
I got it
@KetanAhir use encoding techniques
@PankajSharma how ?
@KetanAhir u r using in query statement?
@Anil is that always necessary to restart device ? should i tell user to restart device each time?
like this

String query = "Select * from " + TableName + " where " + columnName
+ "='" + value + "' and DeleteFlag='" + Variable.FALSE
+ "'";
Cursor cursor = sqldb.rawQuery(query, null);
@AditiK no
@AditiK Are you using Service for that??
if I use value="I'm user" then it fails @PankajSharma
@Anil @PiYusHGuPtA I am using GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable
@Anil so for the first time I have to restart it ryt?
@AditiK Only this line code not solve ur problem now. U have to show some more code.
there is Problem to connecting with gps
ok ...I am using 4.1.1 version device
@AditiK U need to use Service in which you have to use GPS class when GPS off ur location will be 0.0 so you will get null
@PiYusHGuPtA but I want to use googlePlay Service instead GPS
Google play service is library
yes I imported it in my project
while GPStracker is class from which u get
how to do that when I insert record using
sqldb.insert(TableName, null, values);
so is tht necessary to on your device GPS always while calling service?
u can get from 3g and wifi also
@KetanAhir use same way or enode the string
@Anil yes So i want tht only instead GPS
its ok There is no Isue wait am gving class
Q: User-entered apostrophe crashes android app (SQL-related)

John LeeheyMy application currently utilizes a SQLite database to store messages for the user. If a user enters an apostrophe in any of the fields, however, the database crashes. I realize that the issue is due to SQLite using the apostrophe as a quote delimiter (I place single apostrophes around the mess...

Heya @All ^_^
Baby is back :D
Guess, everyone is busy!
@TheLittleNaruto hey
hello all
@KetanAhir avi error kya thi lai aviya?
@chintankhetiya Heya mota bhai :D What's up ?
@KetanAhir which error you are getting ?
nothing much bz as always :) :P
you say
@PankajAndroid Can you speak in English only please ?
Please read the room info!
@chintankhetiya sqlite statement fails with value contains apostrophe char
@TheLittleNaruto sorry
@PankajAndroid client
@chintankhetiya I am good too ^^
@Ahmad Good to see ya back ^^
@PankajSharma @JaiSoni .replaceAll("'", "''") not working with sqldb.insert(TableName, null, values);
@KetanAhir Field Type ?
@TheLittleNaruto good :)
@chintankhetiya varchar
> MathJax is a cross-browser JavaScript library that displays mathematical notation in web browsers, using MathML, LaTeX and ASCIIMathML markup.
The very first line has an answer for ya
it's a cross-browser javascript library. you can not use it for textview
Doesn't it make sense ?
@TheLittleNaruto, then any other way ??? cz I don't want to use WebView.
I really dont know , what you're trying to achieve , but you cant apply MathJax for TextView. that I am sure.
@KetanAhir not fixed ur issue?
@TheLittleNaruto there is ome thing i have to ask
Yes please ask ?
@TheLittleNaruto @JaiSoni Can we implement RecycleView in only Android Studio or also in eclipse?
Of course in eclipse you can do.
all it needs Android L SDK.
@TheLittleNaruto aha. it was not installed so now i m installing it now..
Go ahead child! good luck ;)
pastie.org/9503412 check this code when i set current time on that funcation then it return 5 hour agao
why man plz check tell meissue
@TheLittleNaruto thx
it should display sec ago
Did anyone encountered such problem. My program is using android speech recognition. On most cell phones it works well. But on phones with default recognition it always recognize one language despite of what language was chosen
@PankajSharma no...when I use .replaceAll("'", "''")... it insert two apostrophe like (I''m user)
@Anil checking...
yes plz
@PiYusHGuPtA I hv created this github.com/jaisoni/RecyclerViewAndroid in eclipse
A: MathJax with TextView in Android

TheLittleNarutoMathJax is a cross-browser JavaScript library that displays mathematical notation in web browsers, using MathML, LaTeX and ASCIIMathML markup. Source: MathJax in Wiki The very first line has an answer for you. It's a cross-browser javascript library. you can not use it for textviews. Doesn't it...

@JaiSoni Ok bro
@TheLittleNaruto checking...?
It does
what it does?
it does show 5 hours ago.
yes while it should show second na
or minute na
Wait will ping you back.
Feeling hungry. going to have lunch :D
after Lunch please fix my issue
i have to create 3 revrese time bro
@TheLittleNaruto good luck
@all hii.....@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma @TheLittleNaruto @Anil @JaiSoni @ItachiUchiha ...
anyone has done work on xmpp???
@navya hi
no I hv not
I hv worked on Signalr only
@JaiSoni ok...thnks..:)
@navya no mam not woked before can u help me to understood that?
hi i m getting this error when trynig to start emulator mulator: WARNING: Requested RAM size of 2048MB is too large for your environment, and is reduced to 1536MB.
while i have set my Device target api level 11
@Anil Okay
@Rufus lol, thanks ;)
@navya No, I have worked on PubNub only.
@navya grt u have worked on pubnub?
@ErumHannan change the size of RAM when craeting emulator
Erum Hannan!
@TheLittleNaruto am back
@TheLittleNaruto @PankajSharma ok....
how are u
@Anil hii..i m f9 u??
@Rufus had lunch??
am also fine
yo and you?
@Rufus bro @PiYusHGuPtA need ur extrmly help
@Rufus yeah me too
@Anil ASK
please help am sucking on revers time
pastie.org/9503619 this is My code
i am getting wrong revrese time
I dont know where am doing mistake please help
@Anil :D
bhai tu hindi hi bola kar :P
first explain your issue plus what efforts you made to solve. @Anil
bro i cant talk in Hindi dude
@PiYusHGuPtA so now?
@Rufus my current time 2 pm ok and i have set time 1.30 then reveres time should display 30 minute ago
but its giving wrong
got u @Rufus
reverse time?
like online
like in whats app
u see x person was lastseen date and time i mean @Rufus
does anyone knw about JavaScript (Rhino) on Android ???
How to retain view in fragment, when application switch is done.
@Dory onSaveonSaveInstanceState?
@Rufus bhai samjh me aaya ?
@Rufus screen orientation is not done.. if only application switching is done by home pressing home button.. when i go back to application fragment will not get saveInstance as onCreate will not called.
if today then it show time(e.g 1:00PM)
if yesterday then it show "yesterday"
if day after yesterday then it will show date(e.g 12/12/2012)
onCreate,onAttach and onDestory called only once in fragment
can't you put your code inside onCreateView instead
@Rufus den where to get the bundle data which is saved in OnSavedInstance ()
as we do in screen orientation change get in OnCreate() but on resuming fragment from background where it is not destroyed
are you trying to avoid reloading everytime?
are u asking me ?
@Anil store chat datetime and sort them in descending order and then use compareTo function and compare your exist date with current date, this way you can achieve. A week ago I achieved the same.
yes @Dory
@Rufus no
I tried updating the ADT by downloading the Latest ADT and then merge it with The latest SDK
and I am unsuccessful In doing that
am trying to display like this
@Rufus i dont want to reload fragment everytime..
m asking same, okay gimme time Dory
@Rufus actually i got confused.. okie np.. take ur time
then first clear your confusion and again ask your query, @Dory
@Anil how you will get date time?
Hello All
//today set time
else if(ChatDate.compareTo(OneDayBeforeDate)==0){
//yesterday set "Yesterday"
else if(ChatDate.compareTo(CurrentDate)<0){
//day after yesterday set "date"
you have to do something like... @Anil
@KetanAhir @TheLittleNaruto @PankajSharma @chintankhetiya @rekire if the user is logged in then i want to allow the user to rate otherwise need to ask to login..for that i'm trying the following need to show ratingbar either logged in or not but allow the user to only if they are logged in..?
Hello @CapDroid
i am getting from web service
and I hope you are storing same into model or in array
26/08/2014 12:44:00 suppose this is my time
how you storing your web service?
tum ko ghar tak chhod kar ana padhega :P
when ever i call that web service it will return that current date and time
@Harish using Boolean flag
Any one tell me which device (Mobile & Tablet) is good for testing purpose?
@chintankhetiya i mean where to check it..?
@Anil bhai tu code dikha de, me khud samj luga
check this bhai @Rufus
@Rufus @Anil hmm, anyother ?
i have Xolo device that also good
what is ur range
@Anil web service code not this
but i have Just use static value but i am getting wrong
ok wait
12 mins ago, by Rufus
//today set time
else if(ChatDate.compareTo(OneDayBeforeDate)==0){
//yesterday set "Yesterday"
else if(ChatDate.compareTo(CurrentDate)<0){
//day after yesterday set "date"
you have to do something like... @Anil
generate current date and one date before date and compare with chatDate or your stored date.
@Anil no range
@Rufus i want to restore frgment when call from background
@CapDroid go for NEXUS5
does anyone know how to update the ADT without downloading the recent version (i.e through the help>install new software and not have any conflicting dependencies during the process)
@Harish nexus 5 ?
@CapDroid Yes
@Harish hmm
@CapDroid What happen..?
@Harish need new device for testing in company.
@CapDroid Means you have devices..but still what do you want..?
@Harish need new device bro
@CapDroid so go for Moto-G or Moto-X
@Harish not for my personal use, need only for testing.
@CapDroid those are good choice if you don't have budget limit..
@Harish okey
Q: how to show diifernce time or reverse time in android

Anilclass revrsetime { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(setLastSeenTime("26/08/2014 14:29:00")); } public static String setLastSeenTime(String time) { long milliseconds = Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - converTimeString...

A: Android - save/restore fragment state

cypressiousWhen a fragment is moved to the backstack, it isn't destroyed. All the instance variables remain there. So this is the place to save your data. In onActivityCreated you check the following conditions: Is the bundle != null? If yes, that's where the data is saved (probably orientation change). I...

@Anil what happened bro?
what time issue?
i am unable to show revrese time please go through myc ode
I already gave you logic anil
did you try?
yes i tired
but some of case its now roking
when i change time
it will work, I'm also using same logic
@Anil I am little busy with my home work.
OK its ok
@Anil where is pankaj? your best friend?
he is from jaiPur
like u he i also my friend
@Rufus hello how are you ?
ya Pankaj sharma,
@CapDroid m fine what about you?
@Rufus me also fine
do you know me ?
@Anil nothing
@Rufus @PankajSharma @CapDroid @Anil Please speak in English Only.
@TheLittleNaruto i have a query
yes ask please
@TheLittleNaruto nai aati ;(
@Anil @Anjali @CapDroid @Rufus
@CapDroid Please learn Big Bro, Its important.
i have a horizontal scroll view need to detect when scrolling for last item??
Isn't there any function like currentVisibleItem() ?
@TheLittleNaruto ok
nosuch function
Wait let me check
u just run this code u also will face same issue — Anil 17 mins ago
Q: Android: how to check if a View inside of ScrollView is visible?

ab11I have a ScrollView which holds a series of Views. I would like to be able to determine if a view is currently visible (if any part of it is currently displayed by the ScrollView). I would expect the below code to do this, surprisingly it does not: Rect bounds = new Rect(); view.getDrawingRect...

@PankajSharma Check the answer having 45 upvotes
@Anil Do not write inappropriate words in comments. It doesn't make sense "u just run this code u also will face same issue". You'll make downvotes only.
please Upvote this
@all any body aware of parse.com?
Good boy :) @Anil
@CapDroid are you there?
@TheLittleNaruto i thing this only tells us the completely visible view only
@Anil lol
why @Rufus i told i was doing silly Mistake
now again i have to implement reverse time
i will send u Query
Evening Karl
How are you today?
@TheLittleNaruto hi men..............
hi every one......
I'm fine, thank you & yourself?
@asha yes
any issue
@all kamine change your name.
I want to upgrade Sqlite database if new version is there. so onUpgrade(), I am deleting Database and it is showing error 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: cannot rollback - no transaction is active'
Q: Trying to use a recycled bitmap in android gives error?

Maheshi am display the image from sdcard multiple images for that i have used below code but it after getting the image i have set it to imageview and than use bm.recycle but still it goes out of memory Activity.java private void previewImageviewHorizontal(String path,String id,int j) { li...

@Rufus i cant
wait for the right time
@all do you aware of parse push notification in android?
I'm frustrated. My main PCs motherboard might be dead...
@asha hi
@Aamir hi
@asha how can I start learning android programming, I knew some Java.
@asha yes
@all i created role by programatically
like this
i need ur help
have u worekd on XMPP
or Signal R
what happend @Anil
have u worked on NOtifcation part
@aisha any advise on my question.
@Anil yes...wht happened?
@navya usaki lagi padi hai aur tum puchh rahi what happened
@PankajSharma heheh...to whhat i do..i m asking wht happened??
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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