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@Doorknob Well...made a few steps forward installing Linux...and then made a big huge step back ;-(
1 hour later…
@MonadNewb what happened? :O
for (int i = 0; i < products.length(); i++) {
JSONObject c = products.getJSONObject(i);

byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(c.getString(TAG_IMAGE_NAME), Base64.DEFAULT);
  						Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length);

String fileN = (i+1)+".jpg";

OutputStream fOut = null;
File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/FinalTestforDatabase/",fileN);
                            try {
				fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
anyone can help me with this code?
any idea on this, just wondering...
@lordzden if you don't ask a question, it's generally hard to answer it
@Doorknob ^^ I would like to confirm if I did it correctly converting from c.getString(TAG_IMAGE_NAME) -which is a byte array to bitmap?
i tried the code but doesn't work
2 hours later…
Good Morning guys... :)
@MahaveerMuttha gud mg
is this possible to do animation in android ex pooja and aarti appln like that
good morning everyone
@Gajini check this happened in india
@Washu do you saw the video that i shared in fb ?
@Washu wtf!?
@Gajini on it
@rekire yeah wtf///
what do you think about that on hold stuff?
@Gajini was people insider?
ofocurse @Washu
@Gajini fuck :S:SS:S:
more than 1000 people were died and more than 5000 people were missing
@Gajini that is terrible...
@Washu Leopard killing a dog o_O I love dogs :/
@rekire @Gajini Morning
@KarthickM wut?
@Appu why dont you log gmail chat in the mornings?
good morning appu
@Washu I usually can't open gmail and chat in office often.
@Doorknob Hey, how are you and how your studies are going?
@Appu ..... i wanted to tell you about my new job
@Washu tell
congrats firstly
@Gajini Networking job :D
@Washu great
@Gajini MPLS diagnostic
@Washu first time hearing it :P
How you dont?
BT India is worldwide known and is the best support team
No I dont
2 hours later…
Hi @Appu @Gajini @rekire and @ALL
@Harish Heya! ^-^
Finally a person talked after a long hiatus.
@Washu Hey bot, !/commands
@Kumar Hey
@Appu Hi :) What you up to?
well, I am wailing to recode again which I have done in the last week as I lost it due to format. Kept back up in svn, but realized after formatting that I have kept empty folder.
Ohh! That's so tough to code again.. It needs regaining the same power :P
@JavaDevil hey!
Yeah. Tough to regain. Don't know if I am missing some minor changes that I have done too.
Devil and for java? o_O
Morning all. Admittedly i'm not a deep Java developer, but i'm wondering if you have an array of structs and you want to find the struct with an x value of 7 (all you know is that x =7) how could you find the position in the array of that struct
@Appu do you know how much longer a "Toast" stay on the screen?
Guys some useful info to ALL
@Appu In Api Toast.LENGTH_LONG value is 1. what does it mean ?
@Appu hi
@Kumar Those are public static final constants which can be accessed with class name or you can keep directly those integer values(instead of Toast.LENGTH_LONG) to show the toast. To meddle with source code, check [this](http://stackoverflow.com/a/5079536/1592160), but I didn't try.
@Harish Seems nice tutorial.
@rishi Hey!
@Appu Actually I was asking about the duration this static variable contains.
@Harish Thanks. well explained ...
@Kumar @Appu :)
in Android People, 3 hours ago, by Kumar
@Pallavi I am developing an app in which user can set start time and stop time .. The start time will open the app at that time and at stop time it should be closed. What I am doing is , I made a receiver class which will do the same as above. for stop I took an handler which will call a runnable interface with postDelay function which will be containing the duration at which the app should be closed.
in Android People, 3 hours ago, by Kumar
In my case when I set start time and stop time and reboot the device. It's working as I want i.e. app starts at start time and app closes at stop time. But when I dont reboot the device. App starts at start time but does not stop at stop time. @Pallavi
@Appu @Harish
@Kumar Then you didn't check the link I have pointed, did you? It mentions 3.5 seconds for long and 2 seconds for short. Check with yourToast.getDuration(), but I didn't try this before.
@Appu Yes! you are right. I din't check it well it mentioned there.
@Appu @Harish what I am doing is Here
@Appu have u did zooming effect on custom camera ?
@Kumar What is the key point or issue?
@rishi sorry, nope. Haven't worked on custom camera yet. What's the problem though?
@Appu Issue is why this code doesn't work. Am I missing something?
@Appu zooming
@rishi @Appu @Harish Anyone worked on actionbarsherlock?
@CapDroid no
@Harish ok
@CapDroid no
@rishi ok
you are unable to zoom? rishi
@Kumar It could be of several reasons which I can't guess. Might be you are calculating time duration in a wrong way.
@CapDroid Yes. I worked.
@Appu I have tab & overflow menu, but overflow menu's item is depend on selected tab, how to achieve this?
sounds tricky. I actually didn't work on tabs. But I did some options to not flow in the menu on some activities with the help of boolean flags @CapDroid
@Appu Time Duration is right I have checked it in Logcat. Problem is start and stop time is working fine when I set time and reboot the device. But without rebooting start time is only working., not stop time.
@Appu ok brother...
@Kumar Sounds strange too.
@CapDroid please let me know if you follow any other approach, so that I could come to know about that.
@rekire He needs different menu on each tab if I got him right. Why you removed? :P
@Appu sure brotther...
@rekire I have tab & overflow menu, but overflow menu's item is depend on selected tab, how to achieve this?
@Appu done brother..
just add my condition in onPrepareOptionsMenu and call invalidateOptionsMenu(); when tab changed...
@Appu :( :(
@CapDroid Yeah.hehe I know this and I meant adding a flag means it varies with codition we specify. invalidateOptionsMenu() works for api level 11 so I used supportInvalidateOptionsMenu()
@Appu @Kumar @rekire How to Integrate Facebook Fan Page in Android?
@Appu Solved :) the problem is with the condition
@Appu :)
@Appu @CapDroid I removed my message because I had to go and I read the question^^
@CapDroid I trigger a refresh of the buttons/menü with this line of code:
@Kumar Yay! That's great. What condition?
@rekire Okay :)
@CapDroid :) I thought you wanted to inflate entirely a separate menu.
I was doing this before
but changed it to
solved :D
@AbrahimNeil sorry I implemented nothing about facebook in android yet, ask me in a month or better in tree^^
@AbrahimNeil Sorry. Never did this.
@Appu @rekire solved ..
seems like ur vry happy for that solved issue:) @CapDroid
@DD. :)
grt:) @CapDroid
@DD. Hey! @Kumar silly mistake :D
@Appu : :D :P
hey Hi, how u doin? @Appu
doing gud :P :D @DD.
:) @Kumar
Hey! howz u? @DD.
@all hi
@Tamilarasi hey!
@Kumar hi are you know about phone gap?
@Tamilarasi Not much. what is your issue?
i don't how to build ant for phonegap
@Tamilarasi have you checked this link
@Kumar me too:)
@DD. hey what you too want?
@Kumar i will check thanks
@Tamilarasi No Problem! :)
@Kumar do u have knowledge about blackberry?
@Tamilarasi Nope Bro :(
i told even m doin gud@Kumar
enna tamil bro vam:P @Tamilarasi
@DD. Ohh! you replied very late. that's why misunderstood :P
@Kumar it's ok i will manage
thats ok:) @Kumar stil i replied na
@Tamilarasi Cool :)
@DD. Point. Yes.correct.
@DD. hi how are you
@Kumar thank you
fine da, u? @Tamilarasi
@DD. yes i am also you.. how is going on your works? da
fine da,,, al self learning, bit tough ma@Tamilarasi urs?
@DD. ya going good
@DD. @Tamilarasi have to go guys. Bubye :) :)
nice:) @Tamilarasi
bye da, tc:) @Kumar
@Kumar byeee tc
@DD. fixed game app?
no ma, still on process...@Tamilarasi
@DD. I am good. Thanks, you?
me too the same:) @Appu
has somebody the concept of attr, themes and styles understood?
ohhh ok i hope u will fix asap
I'm very confusted about that... I have custom attributes for a widget then I defined some default styles in my theme but when I try to address that default styles everything is null
@Appu um... well, it's summer now, so they are nonexistent :P
bye guys
hey Guys
a quick question "Can we change the width of the tab host ?? "
if anybody knows them please tell me ...
what @Doorknob ?
click on the link? ^
FYI I am logged into the same site
@Shruti sooo... problem solved?
@Doorknob not solved thats why m asking if u know the solution to that answer to it else let it somebody who knows will answer my question
I notes this on your homepage @Doorknob "This doesn't count, but 7th to get the Informed badge!" is there a way to count that?
yeah sure but how can I know my place without looking thrue 512 pages and with much caluclation?
@rekire each page is 60 users
hello @kishi
hello :)
however I need to look thue all pages to know on which page I am or not? that is my point^^
@rekire umm... I think so :(
you could ask a question on Meta Stack Overflow
omg not meta I don't like that page almost every second question there gets more than 3 downvotes
@rekire ...no it doesn't, not if you actually ask a good question
I have 32 questions there, and 2 are downvoted (none under -3)
I have there now 20 where one is pretty contoverse with about 5 downvotes and 4 upvotes
well I have almost one good question meta.stackoverflow.com/q/117681/171881

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