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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

@Appu @Washu Hello
3 hours later…
@Code-Guru Hola! You are off? :/
This gives me feeling like writing letters, not a chat :D
@Appu Good Morning
Good morning guyz
@DixitPatel @Laux morning Friends!
Good morning dude @Appu
@Appu is it possible to have ActionBarSharelock action at center of the Title
@iDroidExplorer Sorry, I didn't get you.
@Appu I want to have Action at center of the Title. as like Search ActionBar in center of the Title.
is it possible ?
@Appu Is there any way to open pdfs inside app, Without any extra viewer, Similar to iOS
@Appu got my point ?
@iDroidExplorer Yeah. Got it. Sorry, I am not sure. But I don't think it is quite possible to restrict actionbar to always display or display at the center of the actionbar. Instead you can inflate custom layout to your actionbar. Not actionbar , action item at the center.
@DixitPatel Sorry, have never worked on pdf.
@Appu It ok, Thanks :)
So, is it possible with custom layout to have Action bar always at center.
@Appu are you there ?
@iDroidExplorer Yeah. I edited my ping, seems you haven't observed. It's an action item. Not actionbar. But you have to code everything on your own AFAIK, like event listeners on items on your custom layout etc.,
Where's Caprica? :(
@Appu it looks like Action Item but it is not but the Custom layout and I can put button Click event on it and shows menu option which i have right ?
@iDroidExplorer Check this. It might be helpful to your requirement. In this way you need to inflate your custom layout which contains action item at center.
Good Morning buddy , have a good day ahead :)
Ello! Morning! @chintankhetiya Ello is a silly way of Hello. It's not spanish or Italian. Hola means hi in Spanish. Que tal means what's up!
@Appu Ok thanks for your help. let me see it
Ello ? mean Good ?
@iDroidExplorer It's my pleasure.
@chintankhetiya Why sorry? :P
@Appu okay , sorry i don't know so ask you
@Appu Nice example it is.
@Appu i thought you are shouting on me :P
Hi... All... Good Morning
Can Anyone help me???
@PradipBhatt Perhaps, what do you need help with?
I need help reagarding Java Struts2 OGNL language
I want help regarding this...
Q: Struts2 <s:select list=""> not working dynamically

Pradip BhattI am using Struts2. <s:iterator value="empReportFields" var="empReportField" <s:select name="%{#empReportField.fieldName}" list="%{#empReportField.listName}" listKey="id" listValue="name" cssClass="search" headerValue="All" headerKey="All" /> <...

@PradipBhatt Oh, I'm not familiar there but at least other people here could see it ^^. Sorry.
But there is no respond from there
good morning everyone
@rekire CAn you help me ?
Uh I did not get a coffee yet...
ha ha ha
Ok then after it
and I don't know the syntax of jsp
@Appu do you know how to convert String to File ?
@chintankhetiya What do you mean?
in Smart Developers' Lab, 2 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
File f = new File(file_type_param) this is only accept file type value , but i have string then how to convert String to File type and pass that value in above constructor
in Smart Developers' Lab, 2 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
String name="ck";
in Smart Developers' Lab, 1 min ago, by chintan khetiya
File f = new File(name)
something like this
@Appu i need one quick help if you can >
@chintankhetiya I don't think I got your point.
@iDroidExplorer What's that?
@Appu its a simple thing why don't you understand
I am binding activity service in my FirstPage. Now i am going to another page, then i am unBind from first page and bind with another page. Now if i change orientation of the screen and come back to first page then i got error of not binding with the Service.
i have simple string and want to pass in file
@chintankhetiya How can you create a file without extension?
So anything in Manifest to declare that not change even if the orienattion is changed?
@Appu duffer , i don't want to create a file , that file obj will send to server
@chintankhetiya If you want to append the string in the file then write with the help of fileoutputstream.
if i pass any local path then it will okay for my image , but i have image_url in string that i have to send > server , so how can i send that string ?
Or suit yourself.
@Appu I dont want to call onStart if i change Orientation. What should to do ?
@iDroidExplorer tried with configchanges which avoids the destruction of an activity?
But it is not recommended. Better you bind that again.
@chintankhetiya Does that image exist only in your device?
@Appu Ok I got point. I am binding Service on onStart(). which called every time while i change orientation. So is it any way to stop calling onStart on orientation change ?
@Appu no , i have String Image_ur; it mean , its virtual , coming from server
@iDroidExplorer I don't think so unless you stop destruction of an activity.
@chintankhetiya Okay, you have imagurl in the form of string which comes from the server. Now what do you wanna do with it?
@Appu just wait 5 min ,may be i have done it
let me check
@Appu again change the pic
@chintankhetiya You want me to change the pic? It's not good?
better then first :)
@Appu i have two option to send image to twitter
1.st.setMedia(File); 2.st.setMedia(String,InputStram Body);
what does that mean ?
@chintankhetiya I don't know. But I simply did this mTwitter.updateStatus(imagefile, tweetmessage);
That's all a big headache I guess. So, I simply followed this which did my work. @chintankhetiya How is my new pic? I have changed again.
@Appu can you find setMedia();from that link
@Appu i can't see, i have old one
let me go to your profile
public void setMedia(File file) {
this.mediaFile = file;
I have already tried these kind of things. Finally I simply followed this which did my job.
@Appu no you will find one more with Inputstreram
@Appu which is your jar version ?
Okay. Found. Then?
@Appu nic pic yaar :)
Hi All....
CAn Anybody helping me regarding...
@chintankhetiya Thank you. Better than the just previous solar one?
Q: Struts2 <s:select list=""> not working dynamically

Pradip BhattI am using Struts2. <s:iterator value="empReportFields" var="empReportField" <s:select name="%{#empReportField.fieldName}" list="%{#empReportField.listName}" listKey="id" listValue="name" cssClass="search" headerValue="All" headerKey="All" /> <...

@PradipBhatt Actually I don't know why the java rooms are always lack of java people except Neil I guess. But he isn't in today. Can you tell me the reason why? Because you are also one of those who works on java :P
@Appu I am always think about this..
still ican not find answer of this question
I feel that if you are working in Open source technology then you must have to be ready with all stuffs as well as helping to others
@PradipBhatt Oh! so, you don't know why all java people and you even don't stay in java rooms? :P
what do you mean???
i can not understand
Can you eloborate??
@PradipBhatt NVM. I was asking in a silly way that why java people are always busy in such a way that they don't stay in java chat rooms..
Simple reason
Mostly I can not find out much more help from this room
Many time reply from this group is "Android" only
@Appu @chintankhetiya heloo guys..
@PradipBhatt hii
@Pratik Hi
Oh! There you are! So, you wanna come here only when you want help @PradipBhatt
Its not fair
I am always ready for help
but mostly here talking about Android
@Pratik Yo! sup!
@Appu 0_o
@Appu i m fine dude..how r u?
@PradipBhatt That's true. As I said java rooms are not of java people, so there would be very less chances of getting help :/
@chintankhetiya wut?
@all can anybody have nice tutorial link for voice recording from microphone?
@Pratik I am good too. Thanks.
@Appu Hummmmm Thanksssssss for understand me
sorry I don't know.
@Maid786 hii
@Appu nothing , that was for pratik , you was extra man for that ping *(
18 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
@Appu which is your jar version ?
and how many jars are you using for Twitter ?
@chintankhetiya I am using only twitter4j core 2.2.5
good morning @Appu @chintankhetiya
@Villan Is this morning? o_O
feeling sleepy :P
@Appu see i have same version jar ,and just get single parms method
@chintankhetiya mTwitter.updateStatus(imagefile, msg);
mTwitter = new TwitterApp(TwitterShareActivity.this, TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET);
This is that method in the TwitterApp class. It's a user defined method.
public void updateStatus(File file, String msg) throws Exception {
try {
Log.d("In the update status"," "+file+msg);
StatusUpdate status = new StatusUpdate(msg);

} catch (TwitterException e) {
throw e;
this is my code
yes same function i have
where mTwitter in second function is mTwitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
If you still face the problem I can send my entire twitter files.
@Appu is there anything like ImageLoader for local images to load in ListView ?
@iDroidExplorer I have used imageloader for local images too. Just you need to give local path. That's it.
@Appu how ?
I mean there i have to pass URL right? then ?
imageLoader.displayImage("file://"+path, imageView);
imageview is the object of imageview.
ok Fine
ummm i got stuck with one issue
@Appu Image loader is nice. But i think it is loading image from the catch memory right ?
Now my issue is, I am first time loading image in Catch Memory with let say 50X50 size. Now some another display, i want to display same with small size then ?
I am Loading Songs AlbumArt in List. At one place it is big in Size and at another it is small
It depends on the imageview size.
@all does anybody know how to set process or thumb below/position in seekbar??
@all check the link postimg.org/image/q3eb6d73n
@all custom seekbar
@Appu yes but i got crop image
@iOSBee hii
hii @Pratik
@iOSBee how r u?
@iDroidExplorer It might be because you missed some attributes like fitxy etc.,
i m f9 n u @Pratik
Hey @Appu
@iOSBee i m also fine:)
Hi all of fri
@JavaLearner welcome , with 20 :)
@Appu Twitter done :)
@chintankhetiya Great! :)
@Appu :)
@Appu Oh,, please enough :P
hi @Appu @chintankhetiya AND @ALL
@Harish hey :)
@Appu @Villan @Harish @Pratik
do you know about this ?
@chintankhetiya IT is there from long back
@Appu hello, Do you know how to get ArtistImage from MediaStore in android ?
@chintankhetiya what happen
i don't know about that
@Harish please star on that
@Harish Hello, how are you? @chintankhetiya I know about this [this](http://jgilfelt.github.io/android-actionbarstylegenerator/#name=example&compat=holo&theme=light&actionbarstyle=solid&texture=0&hairline=0&backColor=E4E4E4%2C100&secondaryColor=D6D6D6%2C100&tabColor=33B5E5%2C100&tertiaryColor=F2F2F2%2C100&accentColor=33B5E5%2C100&cabBackColor=FFFFFF%2C100&cabHighlightColor=33B5E5%2C100) but not those all.
@iDroidExplorer You mean from gallery? ask @chintankhetiya @Harish
@chintankhetiya Done starring .
@Appu its very easy task for designer
@Appu no I means from Songs Table
@Appu its just because of its very useful ,
and unfortunately i can't star it
@iDroidExplorer where is your song table /
@iDroidExplorer No idea then. @chintankhetiya Yeah. I did it. NP.
@Appu okay , thanks buddy
@chintankhetiya MediaStore.Media.Artist
@iDroidExplorer i don't know locally, tried on Google?
@chintankhetiya i have tried but not getting any sollution.
@chintankhetiya done
@Appu i'm fine how about you?
@iDroidExplorer you want artist image ?
@Appu the link which you have given is a part of that only
@chintankhetiya yes. For the songs i am playing in My Music app.
As like AlbumArt of the Song
@Harish I am good too. Yeah. I know. That is why I said to him.
Hi to all
@Supreet hii
@Pratik i want some help will u please
@Pratik i want to use sliding menu in my app
but i have no idea
please help
@Supreet Swipe tabs?
i want to use same like this app
@Supreet see there is 1 lib called sherlockActionTab but it's headache to integrate into application...so i prefer to try manishkpr.webheavens.com/android-viewpager-example
@Supreet i have also implemented by little changes using this...it's easy..if you stuck then u can ask me..!
@Pratik ok but have saw that app whose link i have sent you
@Supreet where is the sswipe tabs in the link sent by you?
on the top right
in action bar tab
@Supreet red tab?
have u install this app
@Supreet overview/userreivews..??
@Supreet not yet
please install it
@Supreet not possible because i m in the company and i havn't android device..
@Appu ok. On which you are working now?
@Supreet u can see me the snapshots
you can saw that by installing the app
@Supreet ok forget it..
@chintankhetiya dude Twitter no prob solve thayo?
@Pratik ha ho bhai , done :)
@chintankhetiya jalsa..:)
@Pratik jalsa , thodaka j che , have mare aap ma integrate karu chu , tai jai etle 2 jalsa :)
@chintankhetiya best of luck
@Pratik your welcome :)
@Harish I am feeling like I have to quit this job ._. He has been changing the designs and I am upset with it. If I go with completed thing, he asks to change. Till now it happened 4 times. Yesterday it was 4th time.
@Pratik Yeah. Kinda. But more like feeling vexed with the delay I am getting in completion of a thing.
@Appu you seems to be bored...:(
@Appu i think we both are facing same situation.
how many app you have deployed in market ?
@chintankhetiya i have deployed 0 apps till today..:)
@chintankhetiya i have deployed 0 apps till today..:)
@Pratik ohy , congratulation :) bhai bhai , jalsa che ho :)
@Villan ohy , congratulation :) bhai bhai , jalsa che ho :)
@chintankhetiya hehe...jalsa j che
how many app you have deployed in market ? @chintankhetiya
@Pratik:hi i have got the error ,when i send the response to server using soap web service "05-23 15:58:49.185: W/System.err(28805): SoapFault - faultcode: 'soap:Server' faultstring: 'Server was unable to process request. ---> String or binary data would be truncated.
@Pratik:if u know can u pls let me know the pbm
@chintankhetiya:hi i have got the error ,when i send the response to server using soap web service "05-23 15:58:49.185: W/System.err(28805): SoapFault - faultcode: 'soap:Server' faultstring: 'Server was unable to process request. ---> String or binary data would be truncated.
i have build next 2 in out of that 1 is still under process and 2 is same :)
@tamil never worked on soap , (xml and json == worked)
@tamil no dude...i have not worked in it yet..
@Appu oh!So in that case you ask suggestion to him only about designs
@Harish Himself says that designs in a light manner, not in a deep manner. If I ask clearly, he says that everything I have to do. Though I make what he exactly said, he changes that too again.
@chintankhetiya 0 app :'( Though I myself completed a large app which is a classifieds one 4 4 months back which includes everything, It hasn't been published yet. It's their wish when to publish. This second one is almost finished, but he keeps on changing designs.
lol give a tight slap to him
@Appu congo :)
@Villan :)
@Villan I can't. I will be thrown out of company :P
@chintankhetiya :@ Why congo?
@Harish Yeah. If I get a chance.
my new games
@Appu ok . so you want to quit haaaaa?
you can get easily better than that
@Appu two reason 1 for first app and 2 is second app :)
@Villan list out your app ?
see the edited one dude
2 mins ago, by Villan
my new games
@Appu ok. How much experience do you have?
2 mins ago, by Villan
@Villan What is that. I can see some secret codes topics etc.., What about the game you are doing? Is it finished s&ls Are those developed in html5?
@Harish Totally 2+
yes click on links @Appu
no in middle i got this project on my head :( @Appu
@Villan where i have to click ?
yes those games are done in html5
@chintankhetiya click on promotion title
@Appu do you getting any calls
@Harish I neither tried yet extensively till now nor posted my resume on sites.
@Villan Yes. That memory game is same as the one that you sent an apk
@Appu ok
@Appu @chintankhetiya seen?
@Villan drop that link here
@chintankhetiya see this in history. Check this ping that he typed above and go to history.
14 mins ago, by Villan
there is list of project name , what is that
@Appu @Villan
@chintankhetiya click on the links like memory,reflex1
@Villan you build that /
its nice one
i liker 2 one :)
@Villan is Game Developer
no autographs please :P
who is in queue : ?
who is that duffer :P
its u man
@Villan Ooppps :)
you are covering my queue. looks like a tv tower infront of me for autograph :P
@chintankhetiya check this..stackoverflow.com/questions/16711522/…
@chintankhetiya he wants heart shape layout lolz...:)
@chintankhetiya i gave him answer with heart shaped layout....:)
@chintankhetiya lolz isn't it funny?
100 % , how is that /
@chintankhetiya thanks for +1..v
@Pratik Great Answer gave my point. He is @Venkat He should be around here itself.
@Appu he is form this room?
@Appu thanks
@Appu @chintankhetiya have you used Nexus device?If yes than i want to know performance and overall reviews.
@Pratik i am using :p
@Villan how is it..Review?
you didnot ask me first :P
@Pratik else { .... } :P
@Villan ^ see my answer :D
else forward query to vilan
@Villan lol
@Villan ok now from starting
@Villan r u using Nexus devide?
@Villan can you tell me how is it?
@Pratik cant put inside any of our pockets :P
@Villan you are really villan....
@Pratik yes i know
@Appu @chintankhetiya guys.. need some hero to kill villan...
nexus is good man
@Villan whr r u frm?
Q: how to apply sharing Linked in in android

user2372154public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Button btn1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1); Button btn2 = (Button) ...

@Villan i want to buy not now after few months..
i am from guj
please help me
new entry
@chintankhetiya i know
Q: How to Implement ListView while fetching data from server

Chulbul PandeyI have written a program to fetch data from Server and to show in Android Activity using TextView(s), and now i want to show those data into List using ListView, but i don't know how i need to implement ListView in my code to show data in a List. I am fetching two fields from every row, namely :...

@Pratik It's you, go ahead :P
@Appu ??
@Appu k..understood...villan ab tu gaya...i m coming...!
@Appu @chintankhetiya @Villan now i m free if anybody free than let's chat or do some tp
@Pratik What is tp? Oh! shortcuts are okay, but known shortcuts.
@Appu time pass lolz..:)
@chintankhetiya this is your que fb favorite..stackoverflow.com/questions/16714535/…
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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