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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 17:00

@all can any one help for me in this???stackoverflow.com/questions/16334947/…
I think you're overcomplicating things a bit
There may be an issue with the month..
Since Java expects a 0-based month index and this control may return a 1-based month index
So you may have to subtract 1, simply put
I forgot I need to pass this to other activity if I convert this to date obj.
But try without subtracting 1 and see if it's off by a month
Once you have a Date obj, you have everything you need
Q: Android Facebook SDK 3.0 issue while getting user email

iOSBeeI Have implemented Facebook SDK in my application but i am not getting user email (I think i need to set the permission to get user email - according to this) but somehow it's not working for me can any one guide me here how should i improve my code to get it done ... Here is my code .. LoginScr...

No. It counts from 0. So we need to add +1
When I code, my objective is to convert to and from Date
@Appu No, if it starts from 0, don't add anything
@Neil see this once.
gives from 0-11
Then you don't have to add anything
Java Calendar expects a value from 0-11 also
@priyaranjan hiii
If you enter January, it returns 0, and to Calendar, 0 month means January, so you're fine
hw r u??
Okay. The big thing now is how to pass this date object to other screen. @Neil Did you check that link. Can I do as it is in the answer?
NVM. I am passing these values like this to other screen. So that I use calendar in that screen with these values.
intent.putExtra("day", datePicker.getDayOfMonth());
intent.putExtra("month", datePicker.getMonth());
intent.putExtra("year", datePicker.getYear());
@Appu Hey! yar
@Appu I don't see how that is related
Okay. Np.
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.DATE, month);
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
Date dateObj = cal.getTime();
I did use this.
@Harish Yo!
@Appu Good
I didn't see the code for it, but it seems you're adding days to the date?
You can use calendar for that too
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 48);
That gives you a date 48 days after the current date for that calendar instance
So maybe you should hold on to calendar instance rather than the date
Your choice
Anyway, when you get the date you want to output, you create a new DateFormat instance with format "dd-MMM-yyyy"
Then you do dateFormatInst.format(date) to get the string in that format
Is that clear?
@Appu Hey yesterday eveng listview row background
@Harish have you ever work on notification ?
@chintankhetiya No ..
@victor have you ?
@Neil Yes and thanks for that. Can you please look at my code?
Oh! It gives me sat May 04
Date dateObj = cal.getTime();
@Harish bit busy ya. Sorry.
@Appu ok
I am stumped again :/
@Appu Y ?
With dates.
@Appu what happen....
@Harish Well. It's a big thing to explain :/ Neil is helping me anyways.
@chintankhetiya yes
@victor Hey, You are confusing others with your pics.
@Appu y?
@Neil I get wrong date
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.DATE, month);
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
Date dateObj = cal.getTime();
dateObj gives sat May 04 blah GMT 2013
@victor You have been changing pics every now and then.
@Appu for change ;)
Okay. At least this isn't scary.
@victor please can you help me in that
@chintankhetiya yeah ! thats really looking great man ! how many days you are taking for that?
for complete app
what's your query anyways?
its a big app
yeah for that how many days you are taking to complete /
approx 2 months
@chintankhetiya ok upto now do you discussed about payment to client?>
1 min ago, by Appu
what's your query anyways?
@Appu tag name
@victor you are talking about what ?
@chintankhetiya price ! you?
2 mins ago, by Appu
what's your query anyways?
@victor tagged.
@Appu i am passing dynamic data in notification , that is okay if i am passing from same activity but that i am getting from intent
@chintankhetiya i am talking about skype discussion :(
my brain is not working now :'(
like if i am on same activity or with in app then it is okay but if i exit from app and go to notification bar then intent will not get value
@victor please don't do know , bze i am confuse about my office work , sorry
@chintankhetiya again .. lets continue in skype evening .. please dont mind :(
okay , sorry but don't get me wrong :(
That shouldn't be happening. You must be going wrong somewhere. I had it perfectly worked with dynamic data and that I get it from intent extras which have been kept to pending intent.
@chintankhetiya ok'
@Appu yes appu , its working but somewhere wrong , let me check i have one idea
do you remember i was ask you about getting KEY from Intent, like Intent in = getIntent();if (in.hasExtra("audio_id")) ,
No. I don't remember. What happened anyways?
@Appu cal.set(Calendar.DATE, month);
You don't mean to set the day of the month to the value of month
You mean to set the month to the value of month :P
Sorry, I was away for lunch
leave it
Oh! God Kill me. Such a blunder.
@Neil ;*(
@chintankhetiya Sorry if I hurt you by saying that I don't remember. Can you repeat it, may be I will check whether I could be of help.
I was thinking I had to -1 the month for the calendar. But didn't see the date instead of month.
As it gives sat
@Appu no , don't get me wrong. i think today i have to leave that module. just going to home in half n hr
@Appu Try it without modifying month and see what it gives you
One way or the other you'll know if you need to subtract 1 from the value
@Neil No. It gives me perfect value without any modification. The wrong with the date instead of month :/
Is my coding good?
@chintankhetiya Okay. Enjoy!
@Appu keep in mind that cal changes when you add to it
So if you add 42 days then you add 13, calendar is going to be 55 days after the initial date
If you don't want it to change, after adding 42 days, add -42 days
You may have done that already, I don't know
No I want to add 42 for original date
And 70 too to original date.
the same is the case with 98.
I didn't do that.
You want me to subtract it?
In that method dateAdd, you should add the days to cal, then subtract it afterwards
So at the end of the method, cal will retain the same initial value
@Neil Is this fine?
private Date dayAdder(Calendar cal, int locdays)
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, locdays);
Date localDate = cal.getTime();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -locdays);
return localDate;
Yep, exactly
Everything else seems fine for your code
@Neil But I have a doubt.
private Date dayAdder(Calendar cal, int locdays)
Here cal is local variable.
So we are adding to the local variable. How could it affect the cal variable which is in dateAnalyser() method. Correct me if I am wrong.
It's a parameter that you're passing to the method
It's the same instance
I'm not sure I understand
Can any one help me??? plz check this [ pastebin.com/JwSUeVPZ ]
@Neil Okay. Will express my doubt later. Now next step.
Q: Andriod playing Music in Background

StringI have My Activity Code like Below: public class Player extends Activity implements OnCompletionListener, OnPreparedListener, OnErrorListener, OnBufferingUpdateListener, MusicFocusable { private Boolean playState = false; private String station = ""; public ...

converting date objects to string by using sdf with dd-MMM-yyyy
@Appu Just do what I mentioned earlier. Instantiate a new DateFormat instance (SimpleDateFormat will work just fine) with that format
Then the formatting occurs when you do dateFormatInst.format(date)
Keep in mind that it also takes a Locale object if you wanted to make it work with multiple languages
Maybe you don't want "May" to be seen but the name of May in the current language
So you'd call dateFormatInst.format(date, locale)
I don't need other languages. Just English is enough.
@Neil I did it this way.
private List<String> datetoStringConvertor(List<Date> locdates)
{ArrayList<String> datesString = new ArrayList<String>();
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd-MMM-yyyy");
for(Date date: locdates)
} return datesString;
Please ignore the names. They might be terrible :P
@Neil Yay! Everything works fine, but except one problem.
@Appu ?
@Neil I am comparing each date object in the list with present date by this code
It returns false even when dates are equal.
bye guys
@harish bye bye..
@Appu I can explain that too :)
Date date1 = new Date();
Date contains also hour, minute, and second information
When you do "new Date()" you create not only an object with the current date, but the current time as well
I thought that. But how to overcome it?
If you compare that to the date2 passed as a parameter, you'd find that they'd have 0 for the hour, minute, and second
@Appu You can create a Calendar instance then call cal2.setTime(new Date())
Then you can call
cal2.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
cal2.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal2.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
then compare cal2.getTime()
Actually, I take that back.. you don't have to call cal2.setTime(new Date()) since it does that automatically
Okay. So cal.getInstance() is enough.
@Appu Yes, that's what calendar does by default if you do nothing and call getTime
Just, before you compare, you have to remove the time component
@Neil Thank you so much. It worked like a charm.
@Appu Np :)
@Neil But I guess we need to keep for cal1 too like this.
cal1.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
cal1.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal1.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
@Appu Yes, I suppose you're right
Because the loop doesn't enter this.
If you don't do that, then the original date would have a time component as well
else if(cal1.equals(cal2)){
System.out.println("Date1 is equal Date2");
return true;
Yeah. That's true. @Neil
@dwbrito You are here too? ;)
seems so :P
not seems so. It's confirmed ;) @dwbrito
2 hours later…
@Neil I am home.
@Appu Welcome home
When you get home, that means it's about time for me to leave work :)
Yeah. Lol to me.. @Neil
@Appu Well I've still got time
Okay, what else?. Washu is being watched by his boss lol... So he is unable to chat.
Oh, yikes
Did he get into some sort of trouble?
@Neil No. But he is said to not to chat it seems.
@Appu They'd tell me that too if they saw me chat I think
Ah well, I'm off
Night, @Appu
@Neil They will tell me to get out of the company If they see me. :P
Bye. Cya later.
@Appu Ouch, not so much better for you I see :P
Don't get caught then
Yeah. I can manage I think.
Because I have been managing it for almost an year.
What do you do when they get close?
My place is actually at corner and there is wall behind me(means at the room's corner)
So, no one can see until they come to our bay.
@Appu Lucky :P
I have a door behind me
Most times it's closed, but occasionally someone will come in
I will manage by keeping my bag next to my pc to avoid my colleague to see me chatting. But I was caught by him few months back. :/
Oh! So sometimes dangerous for you.
@Appu Well he wouldn't say anything to your boss would he?
He probably does the same thing too
I told him not to say anything to anyone. Not only to boss.
But he is kinda jealous of me.
And I am scared of that.
keep your history clear :P
and if you're away from your computer, close the browser
The comic part is that--> He knows that I am chatting on SO.
But he doesn't how to enter chat.
Yeah. I should do that. But most of the times I don't close it.
that's risky
block the computer at least
Okay, i'm off (again) night, @Appu
Yeah. I will do that.
Night :( will continue this comic matter tomorrow. It's true and funny. @Neil
@Appu Do that then :)
No. You can be off. We can discuss later.
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 17:00

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