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@rekire hii
@Pratik hoo
@rekire what time is it there?
@rekire k
@Pratik why you are asking ?
@rekire because my gf is in germany..lol
you can safely call her ;)
@rekire lol i m kidding.
can any one says where is bug
i just click on fb button and after few sec fb dialog is close , no action perform
ähm which of that hole snip its?
@chintankhetiya If you don't have internet connection to your device, it silently quits. Even the same is with twitter.
@Harish It's not going well. Day by day it's becoming difficult to handle with.
@rekire I suggest you should really change your pic. At least to identify as unique instead of that SO default pic. :P
@Harish The same belongs to you too :P
Well I'm happy with my pic
@Appu if i try to create a key with default key store path then they are asking password but while i am try to create with sign keystore path then direct generate key ,
No ya. you think. Keep any cartoon or whatever you like instead of this default :/
@Appu no dude
This is just a suggestion.
very boring dude
which one?
@Appu yes
@Harish of what?
@chintankhetiya I didn't get you.
@Appu want any new concept to learn
Oh! I thought you were talking about changing pic.
see that alias & keystore path is different
@Harish please help me yaar
@chintankhetiya what is your problem
do you have fb integration code ?
@Appu @Harish
issue of key
@Appu do you remember i told you that i haven't work on fb task that is done by other developer , that is my cause . and that duffer haven't use FB sdk ,
i thought,i have to start from beginning ,
@chintankhetiya go through it
@Harish okay let me check
tq buddy
@chintankhetiya So, you wanna start it from scratch?
How come he has done fb integration without using fb sdk?
Okay. Don't worry. I will give you my entire code so that it would be finished by today.
@Appu appu is great
@Pratik No. Pratik is great
@chintankhetiya you should give treat to appu
@Appu i have done in login , share on wall ,
but don't know why its not working
due to bloody key
Start it freshly then.
Generate a fresh key like making a new app.
i have done for key ,for debug key and sign key both , and non of them working
i have create new app in fb with new generated key
but don't know why why ...why?
@chintankhetiya That's bad. Okay. Let's do one thing. Start it from first. Do what I say.
21 mins ago, by Harish
@chintankhetiya go through it
No. It's outdated one.
So, better not to use it I guess.
okay , yesterday i have tried with Facebook sdk and that web page but due to slow unconscious mind , i have leave it
okay let me know form where i have to start
i am warring because i have completed and update to my TL , now thinking what i have to say to her
oh! her?
@chintankhetiya Her? You're having a relationship with your web page?
TL--> team lead
Oh, I didn't know that ._.
o_0 @Neil
Here they're called capoprogetto
Which literally means "project boss"
Sounds typical.
all do you know about pastie
Can someone tell me what is wrong in this xml pastebin.com/NX9bShEf
@Appu please tell me from where i have to start ?
@Er.NikhilAgrawal yeah , see right corner
ohhh that is what I want that type of utility for images
@Er.NikhilAgrawal for image you can use imgur.com
Yah thats right
Thanks chintan
your welcome
First go to developer options in your fb account.
@Appu capoprogetto.
@Appu lolz
@Neil where r u from?
@Pratik I'm from the US of A
@Neil k.
@Appu you have not given answer of my yesterday question
What is that?
@Appu how to apply gradient effect to Image in GIMP?Is it possible?
@Neil But you are not from US of A now :p
@Appu it is not hard and fast
@Appu if you know than you can tell me.otherwise leave it.
22 hours ago, by Appu
Click on the gradient tool and stretch it from top left to bottom right.
@Appu Nope, but he didn't ask where I am. :P
@Appu thanks.let me try
@Neil Oops!yeah , but no, I can pretend that he asked where are you chating from? ;)
@Pratik So, you didn't check my answer yesterday.
I immediately replied.
@Appu where is gradient tool? it is not in tools-->selection tools-->?
@Appu ohh really?
It's a symbol withe rectangular box.
@Appu got it..now it is working
@Rank hii
@Rank where r u from?
@adrian What's your issue?
@Appu how to use gimp tool
@Appu have you done via this?
i am not getting this , got 1 and 2 screen
showing me same 1
after finish() dialog
i have code , if you want
@Harish i can help for gimp toll
@MinkleGarg hii
@RifatDöver hii
@MinkleGarg what's up?where r u from?
@chintankhetiya No. I hate that fb login button code. It creates a mess most times. I have developed my own login button and screen.
from India
But your name sounds as non-Indian name.
@Pratik what it is ? how to use it?
Its like twinkle ...just replace tw with "M"
@all hi guys...
@Harish It's like a photoshop. Alternative for photoshop.
Now a days most people use it.
@MinkleGarg Okay. So your display name is different from your original name.
@Neil I am stuck at one thing. Can you suggest?
No No its sam
Minkle Garg
@Appu ok
@MinkleGarg Oh! Sounds great. BTW you can edit your message.
@all I wrote one sql statement and it is not compiling... may I know the reason in android
it might have missed small things.
like comma between columns or the like
String deleteSQL = "DELETE FROM " + table + "" + "WHERE" + " LIMIT "+(Max_Count-1);
05-15 16:07:42.160: E/AndroidRuntime(18336): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-15 16:07:42.160: E/AndroidRuntime(18336): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "1": syntax error: , while compiling: DELETE FROM employee WHERE LIMIT 1
05-15 16:07:42.160: E/AndroidRuntime(18336): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCompiledSql.native_compile(Native Method)
logcat is showing like that @Appu
@Harish was busy for a while
@kumarsu hii
@MinkleGarg lolz
@Pratik hello...
@kumarsu It's not obviously an sql statement.
compiling: DELETE FROM employee WHERE LIMIT 1
Hi Guys..
Can any one have look at my issue ?
Q: Android connot open database file error

rameshRefering this tutorial I am developing an android application with a SQLLite database But getting the following error (14) cannot open file at line 30241 of [00bb9c9ce4] (14) os_unix.c:30241: (2) open(//data/data/com.testdata/databases/database.db) - Failed to open database 'data/data/com.test...

Where clause should be followed with a condition.
like where columname = ename;
Moreover limit is used for select statement.
Can u have a look at
Q: Android connot open database file error

rameshRefering this tutorial I am developing an android application with a SQLLite database But getting the following error (14) cannot open file at line 30241 of [00bb9c9ce4] (14) os_unix.c:30241: (2) open(//data/data/com.testdata/databases/database.db) - Failed to open database 'data/data/com.test...

@ramesh So did you keep your db file in assets?
@String hii i m integer
@Appu i have no work for a while..please give me some work
o_O Ask chintan.
@chintankhetiya except fb u can give me some task..lolz
see my above comment , i have started with new sample code , its working but after login i am not getting logout as per the doc
if you want the file i can show my code
yes in assets/databases/database ( database is the db name without any extensions )
I have asked you whether you have pasted in your assests folder of your project. @ramesh
@Appu ask him to integrate some stuff ..hope you got what i am speaking about
@Villan Sorry, I didn't get. ask who?
I need some help on Adapter again @Villan
@Appu where do you stuck?
quick :(
I have a button on each listview item. So which is in adapter class. I am making changes in database when this button is clicked. Now I want to refresh data in the current listview.
This is a different listview. Yesterday it was different listview.
Yesterday my button is in the activity code itself.
@Appu this is tricky
So, I could change the contents in the database and then call notifydatasetchanged.
But today my button is in each listview item.
@Appu ... yes I pasted
So, the click listener is in adapter.
hmm i got it wai8 lemme search for any loop in google
@ramesh Can you tell me the fully qualified name of your file in assets folder. I mean just tell me the full name what is visible to you.
@Appu have you seen one magic i have give fb task to @Pratik and he left the room :P
anybody knows about audio in java ?
really need some help with something
@Appu i need your help
@Appu it's about GIMP
I am busy with my issue... Anyways fire.
@chintankhetiya Lol... He came with work now.
@Appu lolz..
Q: How to make seekbar like this

PratikI want to apply effect to seekbar as shown below: Download it... What I have tried is as below.The complete code is below just try and let me know if you will get the effect like below. MainActivity.java public class MainActivity extends Activity { private static int myProgress=0; priv...

@Appu can you make image with gradient effect as explained in above link
@Appu using GIMP....i have tried but i couldn't....after that i will make it 9 patch iamge
@Appu i m not in hurry..solve your issue first
@Pratik then solve my issue :P
@chintankhetiya lolz..yesterday i tried but i was stuck creating key.
@chintankhetiya anyways let me try once again.
wait i can help you
to solve my issue :P
@chintankhetiya Okay. Please wait.
@Appu What problem are you stuck on?
@Pratik pastie.org/7911085 you have to just create key please copy all with same file name , change the pkg
@Neil Suppose I have two classes in same file . Wail will paste my code snippets.
@chintankhetiya k.
see thisfor generate key
make a debug key
@Appu Nested classes you mean?
@chintankhetiya carry on
over now
this is enough :P
@chintankhetiya second link is not properly redirected
check it out
@Appu what you have done with FB ?
@chintankhetiya yup
@Villan why you are so silent ?
i think your gf has shout on you
@chintankhetiya indications for tsunami
@Villan well said..
Please someone can tell me if this even possible
@chintankhetiya check your above line chat with villan (i think your gf has shout on you)
@user1558223 "if this even possible"
@Rank hhhha lol :P
i have lets say 3 mp3 files all of them contains the exact recorded voice in all of 3 for about (3 secods) the audio files are 4 mins or more
so i want to remove all the same (3 seconds) from all the mp3 files...
impossible ?
@user1558223 Not impossible, no
hmm nice, but it comes random that 3 seconds
Look at panoramic imaging software for an idea on how to approach it
sometimes at the beg of the video
@Villan @Rank is your gf?
sometimes mid sometimes end
you can piece images together to form a panoramic picture, and to do so, you have to find where they match
@chintankhetiya change ur name to duffer
Hahahaha @chintankhetiya :)
@chintankhetiya @Rank is M
In your case, you would remove the pieces which match rather than create a panoramic photo
beg of the audio***
so can someoneb give me a head start please?
decoding or whatg?
@Villan my mean is not that , i am asking to both of you
you are duffer
@Er.NikhilAgrawal there ?
bhai tame kya cho ?
@chintankhetiya import com.facebook.Session; which jar require to import this?
@chintankhetiya duffer boy
@Neil Forget about the public for the second class. It's a pasting mistake.
@chintankhetiya @Villan duffer+dueer=einstein
@chintankhetiya ??
have you add facebook sdk ?
@Appu there ?
@chintankhetiya done.thanks
@chintankhetiya i m moving forward
@chintankhetiya i m moving backward
@chintankhetiya Sent file.
The code is self explanatory.
to your mail id.
@chintankhetiya up above the sky'
@Villan You seem to be free. My issue ya
let me check
@Appu i never came through that issue :( even google gave hand to me
let me check again
@Appu how can i use this ? can i direct add in to my demo project
with my own app id
Q: android Button inside custom listview

omayibI have developed an Android application using custom ListView. My custom ListView consists of Textview, ImageView and 2 ImageButtons. I want to change my ImageButton's resource when I click it. (example: from play to stop). More clearly, I attach my design below. How can I control my ImageButt...

@Appu is this the same you are looking for?
@chintankhetiya You can directly paste that entire code.
and about view ?
sdk ?
Add your app key like this
<activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity"
android:label="@string/app_name" />
<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_AppID" />
in your manifest file.
Will paste my layout file wait.
and that file should be my launcher activity , is it okay ?
i have same manifest file so no worry about it
@chintankhetiya :@ What do you mean by laucher activity.
It's not a launcher activity which I sent you.
It could be any activity.
I defined my own activity for fb sharing.
android:label="@string/app_name" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
does it will check for log in or log out ?
this is my xml file.
Yeah. It should work anywhere.
copy this as your main.xml
@chintankhetiya i have successively generated key .where should i run on device or emulator?
i hope they ask you a password when you generate a key
you can check it in emulator also but batter that check in device
@chintankhetiya yuo i have given android
good luck , hope it work , don't as me
@chintankhetiya 05-15 18:15:20.306: E/AndroidRuntime(13184): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.example.facebookdemo.MainFragment$1
m i missing something?
@chintankhetiya in xml - <com.facebook.widget.LoginButton> used
@chintankhetiya think this cause problem.
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment
check out this in your main fregment file , available ?
@Er.NikhilAgrawal yeah
List view swipe k liye
@chintankhetiya no i have already impored it
Means for listview swipping
facebook sdk ?
Hello guys
@chintankhetiya issue seems to be other
@Shruti hii
what the ..........
@Er.NikhilAgrawal away ?
@Shruti hey
I am creating Coverflow in android following this link inter-fuser.com/2010/02/android-coverflow-widget-v2.html but in my case i want to add releative layout templates in place of image view
@chintankhetiya yes i want to say the same what the...
anybody have any idea on that ??
sorry to say no :(
@Appu your file have lots of error :(
what errors.
@chintankhetiya got the error.will tell u..wait
Remove imageloader parts.
yeah about image loader and some other class
wait move on
I think you saying something
@Appu what is that yaar ?
@chintankhetiya I have used imageloader to load images, but in that part you can use whatever you want inorder to load images.
getting issue in fb key error , have you work on that ?
@Appu remove that part but request.executeAsync(); ?
No. Why?
Is it giving error?
Request.executeMeRequestAsync(mSession, new GraphUserCallback() {
Tell me
what happen
No. I have'nt use fb yet
@ appu
Which error? @chintankhetiya
red cross
what it says when you mouse hover on it?

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