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A: How to locate dropdown and select values with no id and class name with spaces

Sameer AroraAs there is an iframe present in the html, you need to first switch to the iframe and then click on the element, you can switch on the iframe like: driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_tag_name('iframe')) And then you can click on the dropdown menu using the xpath: driver.find_elemen...

Both of these give 'no such element' errors
Can you check that is there any iframe present in the html ?
earlier in the code <iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>
@magd i have updated my answer, please check now
Still does not work, selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//input[@placeholder='Search for address']"} (Session info: chrome=73.0.3683.86) (Driver info: chromedriver=2.46.628402 (536cd7adbad73a3783fdc2cab92ab2ba7ec361e1),platform=Windows NT 10.0.17134 x86_64)
@magd did you switch to the iframe before the dropdown line of code ?
@magd can you give me the url on which you are clicking on the element ?
I have updated the question to include the python code I am using and the url.
@magd i have updated my answer and added an updated answer section, just use the last line of code and it should work. Switching to iframe is also not necessary
Still does not work selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//button[text()='Imperial College, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2BX']"} (Session info: chrome=73.0.3683.86) (Driver info: chromedriver=2.46.628402 (536cd7adbad73a3783fdc2cab92ab2ba7ec361e1),platform=Windows NT 10.0.17134 x86_64)
@magd i have added the whole updated code and its working fine for me. Please check the code now and use the whole code.
Still getting the same error :(
@magd What are the address that you are getting in the dropdown list? Because its working completely fine for me
I get the same address as you suggested but Selenium can't find the element
@magd have changed the xpath, please try the new one, and just want to clarify that when the script is getting executed can you see the page getting loaded to the dropdown page ?
@magd And try the updated xpath which is mentioned in the last line of the code
I get as far as the dropdown page but selecting by address and the new xpath don't work. The error for the new xpath is selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"(//ul[contains(@class,'address‌​-select')]//button)[‌​1]"}
I copied the xpath directly from chrome - maybe this helps //*[@id="your-property"]/div[2]/div/div/div/ul/li[1]/button
@magd Ok then you can use driver.find_element_by_xpath("(//*[@id="your-property"]//but‌​ton)[1]").click() let me know if this works
With the double quotes around the xpath this gives a syntax error at your-property, with single quotes can't find the element
@magd use this driver.find_element_by_xpath("(//*[@id='your-property']//but‌​ton)[1]").click()
No such element again
@magd i have no idea why it is not working for you, same code i am using and its working completely fine for me
@magd are you using the exact code that i have mentioned in the current answer ?
Yes, what version of python are you using and architecture?
@magd i am actually running the code in java, but the code/logic is the same and i don't think python version would make a difference here
Maybe you can post the code in java and I'll try to run that.
@magd have added the code in java in the answer, please check the updated answer

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