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election schedule
Stack Overflow Election 12 Schedule
Nomination: 2020-07-06 20:00:00Z
Primary:    (none)
Election:   2020-07-13 20:00:00Z
End:        2020-07-21 20:00:00Z
when's the election starting?
The election has not started yet. The nomination phase is starting at 2020-07-06 20:00:00Z (in 11 days).
15 hours later…
What is my candidate score?
@LShaver Your candidate score is 0 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Civic Duty, Cleanup, Deputy, Electorate, Marshal, Sportsmanship, Reviewer, Steward, Constituent, Convention, Enthusiast, Investor, Quorum, Yearling, Organizer, Copy Editor, Explainer, Refiner, Tag Editor, Strunk & White
... good to check the extremes ;)

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