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A: CoreOS - expose host ports to VPN

Mostafa HusseinSo I will assume that you have a container connected to a VPN server and you need to access a server through this container due to IP restrictions and so on. 1- In case you are using Bridge Network which is the default when you run a container: In order to achieve you will need to have IPTables...

Let me try. I actually found chain DOCKER in container's iptables that includes my publushed ports, by the way. I don't yet understand what's this. I just used --network host alongside with --device and --cap-add.
My scenario above applies on a bridge network (the default docker setup), if you intend to use host network then by default the communication will be routed through it no additional steps are needed
True! I can use my ports as localhost inside VPN container already. Will check why other VPN clients can't knock them from their side. It is surely the container trouble, not client's.
If you are meant to use a container with bridge network then the first method will be help you achieve that
Thank you! Both your suggestions are correct. However, i cannot access custom TCP port 9000 from another VPN client. I get connection refused error when doing telnet 9000 (the ip of container vpn), while have iptables policy ACCEPT both in docker host and docker vpn container. Could you tell me what i can be missing? I use bridge network(default, without --network ..)
Ensure that the remote host receiving the correct vpn ip. so start from checking the firewall of that remote server first or if you don't have access to this, try the same vpn client without docker to know if it actually works correctly
why you are doing telnet on port 9000 with the container ip ?
I though the port is for a remote server
Okay, ill try vpn client with same config just natively on top of coreos. This is going to be hard to build openvpn from source i am fraid since coreos has no package manager.
I have access to the VPN server. Although i have reasons not to blame it since everything worked before i switched to coreos and containerized openvpn client.
who runs the 9000 port ? a service inside the container or a service on a remote host ?
container exoposed port
-p 9000:9000
There is web server for portainer
okay, and the service which should listen on 9000 inside the container, is it running as expected ?
About an hour ago Up 43 minutes>9000/tcp portainer
what about curl localhost:9000 from within the portainer container ?
If i do telnet 9000 from coreos, it works. Curl the same, yeah
Inside portainer - yes curl works.
but not from the vpn container, right ?
is the vpn container on the same host with portainer ? or a different server ?
If i do curl localhost:9000 OR curl from vpn-client container, i get connection refused
Yes, i have coreos host with two container, vpn-client and portainer with -p 9000
you need to use the container ip of portainer instead
container IP?
Ah, inspect says it is for portainer
if i am getting this correctly, this ip belongs to vpn container , and portainer is running with a different ip on port 9000 so you need to use the portainer ip
Am i getting this correctly ?
it runs on ":9000"
i assume it is ""
no, means that you can access it from any network interface either public or local or private
I can do "curl" from both host and vpn-client-container!
each container has an ip , you can use docker inspect containerName
yeah, right
exactly , because the belongs to portainer where the service is running on port 9000
Do you know a way to forward ports so that vpn client container convert requests to port 9000 to (portainer ip)
this can be done if you use a firewall, I have tried with a firewall called CSF but its just a frontend for IPtables , so IPtables can do this
I am glad there is no need to compile openvpn inside temporary container and move it to coreos just to test config. Because there are too many things missing in coreos
Q: How can I port forward with iptables?

StuI want connections coming in on ppp0 on port 8001 to be routed to on eth0 on port 8080. I've got these two rules -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8001 -j DNAT --to-destination -A FORWARD -m state -p tcp -d --dport 8080 --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,...

maybe something like this ?
I added rule intuitively

`iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i tun0 -p tcp --dport 9000 -j DNAT --to-destination`

And now i have timeout, not connection refuse from other VPN client by VPN IP to port 9000.
this rule inside the vpn container ?
Yeah. Do you think right?
this is also same your current situation:…
and notice there are two rules
the prerouting and postrouting
have you added the postrouting rule ?
Unfortunately, the POSTROUTING rule did not help. I used this one
```iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j SNAT --to-source```
it kinda mirrors the PREROUTING
But thanks for the link!
Genreally speaking the rules expected to be like this:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination portainer_ip:9000

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d portainer_ip --dport 9000 -j SNAT --to-source vpn_container_ip
we just need to set the right IPs
given that the vpn container having two IPs
so when you do curl from the vpn container, the actual ip that tries to access portainer is not
it will be another ip within the same subnet of 172.17.0.X
Oops, a typo in port. I only use 9000, but does not changes tht outcome:(
I guess you need to make Portainer connect to the same vpn server
vpn-client container IP instead of vpn subnet IP, ill try changing rules to this
so you can make 10.8.0.X route to the same subnet so we might say that portainer will be listen on this
Containers must be isolated from vpn stuff, they are ephemeral thing
yes, but the vpn ips will remain :D
doing test
AAAAHH! Worked!!!
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i tun0 -p tcp --dport 9000 -j DNAT --to-destination

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 9000 -j SNAT --to-source

iptables -A FORWARD -m state -p tcp -d --dport 9000 --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
What was the rules ?
I cannot believe this man, i spent day on this
Thank you very much. You made that day:)
You are welcome!, So with this rules you were able to go from vpn client to another vpn client to portainer container ?
Congrats! :D
Maybe you should update the answer with rules above. They will be very useful to someone, i uess
17.0.3 is vpn-client container IP
Okay I will do it
Maybe i will even find a way later to avoid per-container rules and utilize --network host advantage for this and append the answer
Answer updated
under the current situation you dont need to expose portainer to public just make it internal inside the docker network, so no need to do -p9000:9000 :D

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