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Q: adding more stores to the json object

RehI wanted to add more stores in stores:[] ,but it's being a pain to do it. I tried all the methods but still no result. Any help is appreciated thank you. storeLocator({ container: 'my-store-locator', apiKey: 'API_KEY', center: {lat: 40.726823, lng: -73.254107}, ...

It's unclear what your problem is. Please elaborate. What exactly is a pain? What are the methods you tried?
You want the existing item to duplicate?
I want to add another object { name: data.config.nameb, address: data.config.addressb, zip: data.config.zipb, location: {lat: 40.726823, lng: -73.254107}, website: '/bayshore-dentist', booknow: data.config.bookb, direction: '', phone: data.config.phoneb }
What is the relevance of the function storeLocator in your question?
Are you trying to add another object to a JSON file? To a Javascript object? What have you tried that is being a pain?
02:32 all the data from the function storeLocator is going to the link above. @trincot
@Abion47 Yes, i've been trying to add another object to the json file. I've tried everything possible that has been asked in stackoverflow.
@Reh I for one am not going to be digging through that source. Is there not an API documentation page?
If you want to add it statically: Just edit the source code. If you want to do it dynamically, store the config in a variable first and do config.stores.push({...}).
@Daedalus you don't have to dig through the source, I just want to add more stores to the above file without manually inputting another store but codes.
@Reh The code posted above is not valid JSON. If you're trying to do this to a JSON file, please paste that code.
@Reh ..You linked source code; minified source code at that. How do you expect us to provide you an answer if you don't even link the documentation?
@FelixKling I have already tried config.stores.push({...}), but I don't understand it's not working out for me
It appears the code is jsonp not json.
@Philippe What makes you say that? It's just an object in a function call.
.push certainly adds a value to an array. See: var foo = [1,2,3]; foo.push(4); console.log(foo);. If "it doesn't work" then things may be different than we understand them and you have to provide more information.
@Daedalus sounds like you just defined jsonP, jsonp is a function that returns an object. see
@Reh, there isn't enough information to answer this question, this appears to be an API response, the answer would depend on the API being used.
@Philippe That's not the definition of JSONP; if that's the definition, any function call which uses an object for config(most js libs do this), is JSONP; JSONP is a specific method of requesting off-site data, where one would come into conflict with the same-origin policy, as your link says. The above isn't JSONP; it is simply a function call with an object used as config for that function. The OP is asking how to modify the config after the call has been made.
@Philippe It's not a Api Response, i've this code in my js file and i'm doing this:
@Reh ...have you tried adding a comma between the existing object and the new one?
@Philippe JSONP is not a function that returns an object; it is a response from a server that pre-defines a function with an object as the first parameter; the script loading that response then calls the function defined in it, hence bypassing the same-origin policy. Please re-read your link.
@Reh Please link the documentation for the library you are using; if you copied that code from some dentist site, that won't quite work. We need the actual documentation.
@Abion47 that's what I don't wanna do, Yeah I can add more by adding comma and inserting another object. But i wanna do it dynamically
@Reh are you trying to write new data to the file with javascript?
@Philippe yes that's what I wanna be able to do
@Daedalus the code above is a function that has its first parameter set to an object. I only see a difference in the words used to define it.
@Reh, javascript has no file-writing functions unless you are using a node server.
@Reh Then you need to separate the object from the function call. Then you can do tempObject.scores.push(<new object>); storeLocator(tempObject);
@Reh file-writing is a server side task
@Philippe thank you for the info, will try that
@Abion47 can you elaborate what you meant
@Philippe Simply returning an object does not make a function JSONP. It has to be the response of a request sent to a server. By your definition, function () { return ''; } is JSONP. Everything in JS is an object.
@Daedalus it's not a response that I got from making request to the server side.
@Reh I am well aware of that; Philippe doesn't seem to be.
@Reh Right now you have the object declared as a hard-coded parameter in the call to storeLocator. Doing it like that, you won't be able to dynamically change the object at all. Instead, move the object (the curly braces and everything in them) to its own variable, i.e. var tempObject = { ... };. Then you can do all the operating you want on tempObject before passing it to storeLocator.
@Daedalus, yes you are correct there. the article linked certainly defined it better then I did. however the file above still appears to be jsonp.
@Philippe JSONP is a response requested from a server; the file above is a standard js file, as shown by the linked testing area the OP linked. A JS file on the same origin as the requesting website isn't JSONP.
@Daedalus, lets just agree to disagree, theres no point in continuing this discussion as its not directly related to the question.
@Daedalus I'm seeking for help, if you guys can settle your arguments first. And Philipppe it's not a response from server side.
@Reh I'm trying to help you, but to do that I'll need the source of the library you're using, and I don't mean the source code, but the origin of the code in the first place. Parsing the function, which has been minified(all variables reduced to 1 character long names), is difficult at best and impossible at worst. So where did you get the file from? The documentation would aid in this.
Here's another way of asking. Where did the data in the current object come from, and what is the extra object you are trying to add?
@Daedalus the file is from github, I could send you the link but the account is no longer avliable
@Abion47 It's my own data that I'm trying to input and extra objects would be other stores with different lat and lang
@Reh Please do. Secondly, if you're able to modify that codepen you posted, please do something akin to this: = storeLocator(/* config object goes here */);, and update the codepen; this will allow me to see what methods are on the returned object instead of trying to parse minified code with my eyes.
@Daedalus That won't work. The JS code references several objects like data that aren't defined, so the code won't run.
@Abion47 I see that now; I just turned those into strings for my personal server, and it 'works', however, there isn't an object returned by that function, so what I requested wouldn't work even if everything was in working order. Attempting to dig into the object now.
@Daedalus I suspect that the root of OP's question is much simpler than all that.
@Reh This is what I was referring to earlier:
@Abion47 I'll update you guys, I'm taking a break now. Thank you all.
@Abion47 Didn't work!!
@Reh I suspected it wouldn't after my testing failed in that respect; please link the github.

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