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Q: how to create new variables from one variable - dcast not working correctly with a large dataset

Krantz I would appreciate any help to create new variables from one variable in my actual dataset, which can be downloaded here. Given this sample data: dT<-structure(list(A = c("a1", "a2", "a1", "a1", "a2", "a1", "a1", "a2", "a1"), B = c("b2", "b2", "b2", "b1", "b2", "b2", "b1", "b2",...

did you convert into data.table using setDT(mydata) after reading in the data?
Thanks @chinsoon12. That does not change the output. I will edit the question to include setDT(mydata). Any thoughts?
Look at mydata[ , table(rowid(ID))]
what of the output is incorrect?
hard to tell without seeing your real data. maybe specify the value.var explicitly?
also, instead of paste0, you might want to use sprintf as in sprintf("E%05i", rowid(ID))
@ chinsoon, which data do you need? Please kindly let me know. I can attach any data you need to answer the question.
@RicardoSaporta. The output should be like the example from the sample data (small dataset). But I just edited the question to attach the full output to make it clear. Any thoughts?
I think you are looking for this. dcast(mydata, A + B + ID ~ sprintf("E%5i",rowid(ID)))
@AdamWheeler. Your idea gives an output that does not solve the problem, but it is nearer the desired output. Only need to solve the problem of the variables E for each combination of A and B staying in different columns, rather than in the same columns, as desired.
Maybe I am missunderstanding what you want then. Are you actually looking for an output that looks like the output of myDT<-dcast(mydata2, A + B + ID ~ rowid(ID)) but has an E in front of the column names?
I am looking for an output like this one: library(data.table) dcast(dT, A + B + ID ~ paste0("E", rowid(ID))) # A B ID E1 E2 E3 #1 a1 b1 1 0.4069439 0.3526222 0.2337894 #2 a1 b2 3 0.6211421 0.3943915 0.5505793 #3 a2 b2 4 0.7421095 0.7796073 0.6906605
I am unable to get output like that when I use the same code but with a larger dataset: Any thoughts?
@Krantz It seems to work well with myDT<-data.table::dcast(mydata, A + B + ID ~ rowid(ID)) but something is happening when adding the prefix that I am not quite understanding. this might be a bug but I'm still digging in.
Thanks, @AdamWheeler. Using myDT_a<-data.table::dcast(mydata, A + B + ID ~ rowid(ID)) produces output equal to myDT_b<-dcast(mydata, A + B + ID ~ sprintf("E%5i",rowid(ID))). There is still the problem of the variables E for each combination of A and B staying in different columns, rather than in the same columns, as desired.
OHHH! I completely missed that as part of the issue. I read your earlier comment wrong. And now I crashed my server :(
Yes, @AdamWheeler. That is the remaining issue when using your two codes. Unlike the one posted in my example for the smaller dataset, your two codes produce the desired numbers, but these numbers are located in the wrong places.
try dcast(setDT(mydata)[, NUM := paste0("E", seq_len(.N)), by=.(A,B,ID)], A + B + ID ~ NUM, value.var="E")
most likely a dupe then and btw many of us might not able to view pictures
@chinsoon12, Sorry. Just checked more carefully - your suggestion gives incorrect output It should be 1 row per ID, yet your code gives 4 rows per each ID. Any thoughts?
Also, @chinsoon12. I have made my explanation redundant to account for people like you who, for example, might not able to view pictures. For instance, data.table does not give the expected output as illustrated below (and available here - you see, in addition to the image, I also provide link to the dataset.
you can subset the data those rows with problem and add to your OP
Thanks, @chinsoon12. Please kindly post your suggestion as an answer. The community will judge and if it is relevant and answers the question at hand, it will be accepted and voted.

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