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Q: PHP Login - Password input - Special characters? - Centos 5 System

user1406071I have a CentOS 5 VPS and I have just installed my website there. But I have problems that when I'm inserting special characters into the password field like: ' (apostophe) or something like that, I always get the error, that this password is incorrect :/ I guess this is because of the Linux Syst...

check whether magic quote is enabled or not!
yes its enabled, could it be the problem?
yes,it's the problem! I'll post how to disable it!
I have disabled it, but its still doing that :/ Maybe because I have an array sanitize for all the registration fields. I don't know how to get the password out of it and save it alone.
Did you restarted apache? 2- It can be, can you post your code here? sanitation part!
Yep I have restarted, but still the same. Here is the simple sanitization (Updated my first post)
htmlentities should be used for preventing XSS not escaping data! remove it and test again! Also I don't understand why did you use strip_tags?
Hey there
That's very wrong! for password you shouldn't alter his raw data and just check for it's length or other criteria s you may have! If his password is OK, you should hash his password and save the hash.
And for checking password, recreate the hash and check it with saved hash
@user1406071 Are you here?
Look I have a system
Which is getting each reg item to an array
after that I'm sanitizing the whole array (each item of the array), so its easier than sanitizing it alone each by each
and there is the password aswell
you should exclude the password!
And something else
The way you're sanitizing
Okay I'll exclude than, but that will solve my problem?
consider this:
whith your function it will become MyName\'sDeath
that is not good
and what do you think what should I do than?
you should escape for database and user output separately!
It needs more work but it's safer!
I see
and could you please let me know how could I create a function like that?
you can use something like this:
a tutorial or sometihng
oh, I don't have a tutorial! but search about escaping for mysql
it would be good if you can write me a code aswell :)
if you'd be kind
write a code?
I mean a sanitize function whoic would work well
I saw something that may be good for your case, let me write it and send it!
okay thank you :)
function array_sanitize(&$array,$exclude){
$exclude = array_flip($exclude);
foreach($array as $key => $value){
if(!array_key_exists($key,$exclude) && strpos($key,'mysql_')===FALSE && strpos($key,'html_')===FALSE){
$array['html_'.$key]=htmlentities($array[$key] , ENT_QUOTES);


I couldn't find the original function , I wrote it myself!
array(8) {
  string(7) ">?":|{}"
  string(19) "hjsbadkjbajs":"|"::"
  string(16) ">/s;as'da\sd\asd"
  string(19) "asdah8(*(SUPOJ(S|">"
  string(22) "hjsbadkjbajs\":\"|\"::"
  string(34) "hjsbadkjbajs":"|"::"
  string(20) "asdah8(*(SUPOJ(S|\">"
  string(27) "asdah8(*(SUPOJ(S|">"
@user1406071 I you need explanation, let me know!
Thank you very very much man!
you're welcome ;)
I'll look into it
So this would sanitize everytihng right,
yes, by the way, it's better to use mysqli* function rather than mysql
hmm, okay and why it it better?
mysql functions are deprecated and no longer maintained!
hmm, okay, thanks for the suggestion
thumbs up for you and oyur help man, you was the best I've met in here
may I have your skype so if I have some problem, I could ask you :P
Lots of people are in chat, ask your questions there and you will get answer faster;)
my skype:hassan141989
thank you man
it's my yahoo messenger ID
I'm normally there!
1 hour later…
What is the last paragraph of code cupposed to mean?
or is it also necessary to include?
or its just a sample of stirngs, which it will sanitize?
@user1406071 use @Death to inform me! I won't see any notification if you don't use it!
If you mean the part which starts with array(8) {
@user1406071 It's result of calling the function
@Death sorry, okay I'll use it now. So the array(8) is just the result of what does your function do with the input, right?
it's the query string
@Death you mean?
@Death sorry I don't really understand :(
I see
ah I understand now
and we're sanitizing that query string
okay great, thank you, I'll try it out right now
@Death oh, I think I misunderstand the code. So actually I should give it first the array I'd like to sanitize, and I should tell it which characters are alloed (so excluded). Am I right? So I'll need both paragraph of code actually, right?
	function array_sanitize(&$array,$exclude){
		$exclude = array_flip($exclude);
		foreach($array as $key => $value){
			if(!array_key_exists($key,$exclude)  &&  strpos($key,'mysql_')===FALSE  &&  strpos($key,'html_')===FALSE){
				$array['html_'.$key]=htmlentities($array[$key] , ENT_QUOTES);

it's your function! First parameter is your main array, second one is an array containing excluded keys!
Yes. And the second array which you have made is complete? So I can use these combination anywhere to sanitize an array? It will be good?
you may want to add default value to second argument($exclude)
And when I'm using this function I should use it like this?

array_sanitize($_GET,array('a','b','c','d','e','mysql_b')); etc,etc... so should I use all 8 arguments?
How would a default value look like?
How much have you read about PHP?:-?
what you're asking are considered as basics of the language :-D
I have quite much knowledge in the basics of PHP, I could build about any site, but I don't really know what do you mean by these things. I have to go thorugh it step by step.
I'm coding a simpler way than you, but I know your one is professional
I know what a function argument :D
Default argument values
Read this part of article
it explains in detail what's default value:)
Yeah I know this, however I thought you tell me other things.
I would like to exclude all bad characters from the string values
So I thought you tell me that there is a way that I can gie it a default value, so I should nto write all of them out.
You should check for bad characters in other ways, like preg_match
Yes, but than what is your "exclude" stands for? I don't really understand. If not for excluding bad characters, than what
excluding array elements
e.g password field
Oh, so for example if I have username and password, it would exclude passord
And its the field name, right?
I mean its the HTML code name, which I give in POST
you give the function name of your field, and it will leave it unchanged
yeah, thats great
sorry I didn't understand what does it stands for
@Death hmm, it just returns a value, but is there any way that it can return the same array as it was before, just ranitized?
it's just like your function, it doesn't return anything,it adds new elements to given array
hmm, yea you are right, but its not working for some strange reason
it inserts the registration row, but with empty values
how did you call the function?
I have changed it to the following, as I'll always use it like this:
function array_sanitizing(&$array){

$exclude = 'password';

foreach($array as $key => $value){

if(!array_key_exists($key,$exclude) && strpos($key,'mysql_')===FALSE && strpos($key,'html_')===FALSE){

$array['html_'.$key]=htmlentities($array[$key] , ENT_QUOTES);

and I called: array_sanitizing(&$register_data);
$exclude should be an array not string!
still problems
hmm I'll try something
@user1406071 I'm going to sleep, bye
Okay, thank you, bye

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