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Hey there
Let me ask you a question
Why is it unwise to do what I want?
How do you expect to send different status errors for each case?
with your generic error handler?
a generic 500 will be used for all unhandled errors
content will be "Server Error"
again, only for unhandled errors
How about "handled: errors (and appropriate response)
I might wrap it with a custom exception to purposely expose what went wrong, but the general case is to display a generic error message
So you don't plan on sending back 404, 400, 503 etc?
Just 500?
I have a handler for 404
500 will be for excpetions while processing the requests
My point is that Express JS code needs to map errors from your controllers to HTTP status errors. It's frowned upon to say the least to throw HTTP errors from within your business-logic code.
Does this make sense?
My point is that each individual request needs to be error aware. There are (probably) different exceptions for each request, which need to be appropriately mapped to an error.
*to an HTTP status I mean. Sorry no edit feature on this chat.
If you plan to always send HTTP 500 errors no matter what the issue is, then sure a generic error handler will work OK I guess.
I was a bit too pedantic on saying "you should use next". What I meant is that you should have error-handling on a case-by-case basis.
It makes sense.
401 - for 401 cases
404 - for 404 cases

but for runtime exceptions, I want the framework to return (500 + "Server Error")
yeah gotcha;
I want it without my assistance. e.g. no wrapping my handlers with
`try{...}catch{res.status(500).send('Something broke!')}`
you mean try{...}catch{ next(true) }
that's how next works.
you don't need to repeat try{...}catch{res.status(500).send('Something broke!')} for every route.
You would need to wrap every route in try/catch tho.
If that's what you want to avoid, I can't help you. I'm not sure how you would be able to do that (apart from overwriting app()).
I don't want to wrap every route with try/catch
I understand.
Thanks Nik :)
Well for the sake of mentioning it there's koa.js as well
which is built for async/await. Might be better in handling such cases but i'm not sure.
No problem :)

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