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A: How to filter articles by category to find out the exact number of pages for pagination (JS)

Faizuddin Mohammedconst categoryarticles = categories.filter(category =>{ return category === category }) always returns the whole array since category === category is always true. One of those category variables should be different. You probably need to filter on articles. Also, this seems like a perfect jo...

Hi, thank you for your help! So I've tried the following: const articles = const categoryarticles = articles.filter(category =>{ return article.categories === category }) and it says that article isn't defined. (Please note that in the return article.categories, categories in plural form is not a mistake, that's the attribute in the markdown files). What am I missing?
The article variable - it's not defined here. Where do you get it from? I've not used Gatsby before and therefore do not exactly know how to get the article.
I only know how to define articles, but I have no idea on how to define a single article. Is there any other way to achieve the result?
If I do like so: const categoryarticles = => edge.node.frontmatter.categories === 'management') it kind of works. It takes all the articles of the category 'management' and the pagination starts working according to that number. How can I manage to use the category variable instead of hardcoded one, so it adjusts for each category of the categories array?
I updated the answer to do that. Please take a look.
It still says the query on page category.js won't be run...
Okay, let's start a chat please.
Can you share a screenshot of the current code?
So I can understand what's happening.
Thank you!
Okay, let me get back to you after I review it.
So, each edge is an article?
And each article has multiple categories?
Yes each edge is an article
and each article at the moment does not have multiple categories, it has only one
(the attribute 'categories' is set to plural because I originally intended to use more than one per article but then decided against it)
Alright, okay. So, what is the numPages in createPage?
it represents the number of pages that should exist and it is obtained by dividing the number of articles in a category and the maximum number of articles to be displayed on a page (which I've set to 6)
const articlesPerPage = 6;
const countByCategory = _.countBy(,
  edge => edge.node.frontmatter.categories

  .flatMap(edge => _.get(edge, "node.frontmatter.categories"))
  .forEach(category => {
    const numPages = Math.ceil(countByCategory[category] / articlesPerPage);
        i === 0
          ? `/${_.kebabCase(category)}`
          : `/${_.kebabCase(category)}/${i + 1}`,
      component: categoryTemplate,
See if this makes sense?
I made use of Lodash's chain methods, I hope that's okay with you.
Can you let me know if this works?
It says that 'i' isn't defined (on path). Where should I define it?
Oh, sorry.
const articlesPerPage = 6;
const countByCategory = _.countBy(,
  edge => edge.node.frontmatter.categories

  .flatMap(edge => _.get(edge, "node.frontmatter.categories", []))
  .forEach((category, i) => {
    const numPages = Math.ceil(countByCategory[category] / articlesPerPage);
        i === 0
          ? `/${_.kebabCase(category)}`
          : `/${_.kebabCase(category)}/${i + 1}`,
      component: categoryTemplate,
Look at the .forEach for the i
What happens is that it creates a page only for one category and not for all the categories and for that categories it tries to create app to 33 pages, which is way too much considered the small amount of articles in that category
During my previous attempts, I noticed that const categoryarticles = => edge.node.frontmatter.categories === 'management') worked well. Is there a way to use the variable category instead of the hardcoded one?
Oh, interesting.
Can you log this countByCategory?
And see if it is as expected?
It should basically be a map of the category and the number of articles in the category.
I've added the console.log but can't see the value in the console
I got to go now, will keep on working on this tomorrow! For now, thank you very very much for your help, really appreciated!
Alright. :)

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