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@Gemmy update progress
Progress has been updated! Run get progress to get the current progress.
@Gemmy get progress
Here's a recap of the efforts so far for [music]: Total questions (2408), Remaining (679), Retagged (541), Closed (985), Roombad (254), Manually deleted (462). The effort has been going on for 19 days.
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
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4 hours later…
I'll move forward with the step 5 in 10~12 hrs. That should be fine, right?
Also, just 15 negatively scored but open questions remain: stackoverflow.com/… .. it'd be really helpful if any of you check those.
I'll check them.
Cool, thanks!
Works for me. I'm starting to see some faltering in the queue
I edited a couple out this morning that did have MCVE (just barely) but had CVs
I was working on deleting some of them yesterday.
Next tag would be
Are there usually lots of burnination during the year?
Hopefully... (if there's a mod who's ready to do it)
So many rooms here :p
Down to 433 now
Last year we made a huge dent with that room
wow... indeed...
We had some 650 or 700 at the start.
Then we all managed to get it down to this number.
There's more than 500 burn reqs with a status tag
Took us 3 months to categorize the outstanding requests
and another 3 months to handle them ...
The fruits of hard work are sweet, though :)
I'll keep an eye around, if I can, to help for other buninations, if I can spare the time.
@MatthieuBrucher Well, if you like closing things we have a club
@Machavity yes, I'm lurking there, that's where I saw the music tag ;)
I lurked less there, as most of my time was on working this tag.
If you like to lurk, you can check out sobotics, chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/111347/sobotics. It's a room filled with robots, which will provide you with closeable/flaggable/reviewable content, and you don't need to talk to others ...
@BhargavRao Speaking of which, should this burninate request be declined?
Also most of these need to be declined. It needs a thorough check, though. Something which we can probably do in Trogdor when we don't have much stuff on our hands.
@BhargavRao In 6-8 weeks?
Nopes, within a definite time interval ;p
@mac do you know of a sede query for this? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/378309/… (or do we have to wake the mighty rene from his sleep?)
@BhargavRao Sounds like a rene question. I'm not that good with sede unfortunately
@Machavity cool, thanks.
@BhargavRao 5 left and all have CVs
@Machavity thanks.
Shog was online, so I pinged him and moved to stage 5. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/362928/…
Works for me
1 hour later…
@Gemmy update progress
Progress has been updated! Run get progress to get the current progress.
@gemmy get progress
Here's a recap of the efforts so far for [music]: Total questions (2408), Remaining (618), Retagged (555), Closed (1028), Roombad (254), Manually deleted (471). The effort has been going on for 20 days.
^ Very nice effort, everyone
1 hour later…
1 hour later…

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