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Hi Jason. :)
Try now.
(You might need to reload the room.)
Any luck? (I've explicitly granted you access to this room now, so you should be able to talk regardless of rep.)
there we go
ah, great
Okay, so you mentioned that you were able to do the smaller problem I suggested, but without recursion
what code did you have for that?
sorry I had to reopen the file.
def foo(lst):
for i in reversed(lst):
print (i)
okay, so that's using reversed()
oh, how do i format it in chat?
but what if we were doing it without a for loop, and without reversed?
unfortunately, multiline code doesn't work in chat
you can post on if you want
def foo(lst):
for item in lst[::-1]:
print (item)
okay, now let's do it without slicing
or at least
without the third part of slice notation
i.e. foo[1:2] is fine, but [1:2:-1] isn't :)
how would i do that?
Let's approach it backwards: starting from nothing. How do you print the reverse of an empty list?
You wouldn't print anything, right?
Okay. And let's say you had to print the reverse of a single-element list. What would you do?
not sure. print last values first?
Okay, so the reverse of a single-element list is just the one element, right?
oh wups sorry i read that wrong
you would print the single value
Okay, so let's assume that the single element was "foo", and we print "foo"
So now let's consider a two-element list
"foo", "bar"
What's the first thing you would print out for the reverse of that list?
Right. Now before I finish that example, let's jump ahead a notch, and consider a three-element list
what's the first thing you would print out for the reverse of "foo", "bar", "baz"
And let's say you're now printing out the results for the rest of the 3-element list
what are the rest of the lines you would print out?
baz bar foo
well, in this case, the 'rest' would just be 'bar foo', right?
so what else would print out 'bar foo' ?
perhaps, say, "the reverse of the list 'foo, bar'" might print out that?
So in essence, what we've just done with the 3-element list is say
"First, print out the last item of this list"
"Then, follow this procedure for the rest of the list"
In code, it might look like this:
def print_reverse(a_list):
if len(a_list) > 0:
print a_list[-1]
since print_reverse is our "procedure"
a_list[-1] is "the last element in the list
and a_list[:-1] is "the rest of the list"
so you print the end of the lst while making the end of the list's index go down one?
you print the end of the list
and then you call yourself, passing it the rest of the list
e.g. if we were to call print_reverse([1,2,3,4])
it would print 4
and then it would itself call print_reverse([1,2,3])
would in turn would print 3
and then call print_reverse([1,2])
and so on.
ok i get that
Notice how each time, the input to print_reverse gets smaller, working towards the eventual base case of an empty list []
(at which point the function does nothing, so no further calls are made)
So to see if you're on the same page, let's try something similar: can you write something that uses the same kind of logic to give me the factorial of a number N?
E.g. factorial(5) = 120 (because 5*4*3*2*1 = 120)
The only things you should need to use are mathematical operators, if statements, and calls to your own function.
def factorial(n):
if n > 0:
What are you returning? I don't see any return statements there. :)
Remember, there will always be two cases with recursion: the base case, and the not-base case.
What's the base case for this problem?
Zero works as a base case; 1 would also happen to work for factorials
(since the factorial of 0 is 1, and the factorial of 1 is also 1)
So if the input is your base case
you want to return your known value
E.g. factorial(0) should return 1
So that's straightforward enough to do, right? "if n == 0: return 1" right?
Okay, so now what's left is what to do when the input isn't the base case
multiply number between 0-n
so how can we base factorial(n) off of factorial(n-1) ?
How are those two related?
If you're not sure, try typing out the multiplications necessary for some example values, e.g. n=5 and n=4
wouldnt it be similar to factorial(n-1)*factorial(n)
well, the function that's being called is factorial(n)
if we make factorial(n) depend upon factorial(n), we'd wind up in an endless loop, right?
but you're close to the right path
For n=5, we need to somehow get 5*4*3*2*1
For n=4 we need to get 4*3*2*1
what's the difference between those two?
ya we take out the last number in the path
or first
And that number happens to be what, related to n?
it happens to be n at the time
so how would you express n=5 in terms of n and n=4 ?
So something like... factorial(n=5) = factorial(n=4) * n
Except that that works for every value of n, not just 5
More generally
factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1)
Except in the base case.
So can you put all of that together into one function, now?
ok, i feel like that was soo easy i overlooked it
Heh. :)
A lot of recursion is just figuring out the relationship
once you have that, the code often seems 'easy' in retrospect :)
So what would the final function look like?
def factorial(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return factorial(n)=factorial(n-1)*n
the last line would just be "return factorial(n-1)*n" but yes
(return statements don't use variable assignment syntax)
I don't know if I thanked you before, but thanks for all the help so far
And behold, your code (after the return tweak) works:
So now let's go back to what originally got us here in the first place, your homework problem
You need to write a function lastIndex(a_list, a_value)
that returns the index of the last occurrence of the value in the list
or -1 if it isn't present
So what's the base case here? As a rule of thumb, list functions tend to have base cases related to empty lists.
(Not always, but it's pretty likely.)
an empty lst?
So if I call lastIndex([], 'foo')
or lst[0]?
what should that return?
-1 or what ever we want it to say for that instance
Right, since the homework problem tells us to return -1 for an empty list
So we'll use that as our base case
So now we have a base case
now we need the other half of the recursion problem: how do we take a larger problem and make it into a smaller one
we lower the index?\
In the case of a list recursion problem, "a smaller problem" probably means "a smaller input list"
So how can we shorten the list in this case?
Since we're looking for the last occurrence of a given element
It'd probably make sense to start looking for it at the end of the list, no?
So we can check the last element
and if it's the one we're looking for, then we're done, right?
Because if we have a list of, say, 'a b c d e f' and we're looking for f
then if we find f at the end
we don't actually care what's in the rest of the list
so what if the last element isn't the one we're looking for
then what do we have to do?
go down one
right... or rephrasing that
we need to look at the rest of the elements in the list, not including the one we just checked, right?
but wait - "the rest of the elements, not including the one we just checked" is "a smaller list", which is what I mentioned earlier we wanted to get to, right?
e.g. if we have "a b c d" and we're looking for "b", and we examine "d"
then now we can just look at "a b c" because we know d isn't what we're looking for
and so now we have a smaller problem
which we can solve by recursing
e.g. lastIndex(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'b')
can call lastIndex(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'b')
so somehitng like if lastIndex(lst[:-1],n) == n:
return lst[:-1]
well, keep in mind
we never want to return a list
because we're supposed to be returning indexes
instead, if we can't give the answer right away
we want to return the result from a smaller problem
just like we did with our factorial function
in that case, we did "return n*factorial(n-1)"
we wouldn't have wanted to just "return n-1"
because that wouldn't be giving an answer, it'd just be giving the next number
So keep in mind - any time you have a "return" statement
you should always be returning an answer to the question being asked
then how do we check if the index is = to n
number of the index*
Well, it seems to me like "if list[-1] == n" seems reasonable to me, no?
Since we're always checking the last element
So let's say that we're in the case where the last element is what we're looking for.
We have a list named "a_list", and the last element is "foo"
so... if a_list[-1] == "foo" ... is true.
I get it now, but the code only returns 1 in my run
def lastIndex(lst,n):
if lst == 0:
return -1
elif lst[-1]==n:
return n
return lastIndex(lst[:-1],n)
Okay, so there's a little confusion going on here
cause im returning the valuie
between list elements and indices
I'd suggest using more descriptive variable names
hence why I chose "a_list" and "a_value"
it makes your code easier to read, and mistakes like that more obvious
A small hint that might be useful: the index of the last item in a list of n elements is n-1
ok i changed it. But imconfused on that hint
Well, what did you change your code to? Does it work?
( is a great way to both post your code including indenting, and check to see if it works at the same time)
You're still returning a value, but the question requires an index
ya i know, im not sure how to do htat
So how do you get the number of elements in a list in Python?
Also, does this make sense? "if a_list == 0"
oh, I could just output the len(a_list) right?
well, almost - see my hint again
not sure. but len(a_list) wouldnt work?
Yep, need a -1 there.
So make that change, and try calling your code
haha got it
there we go
(add, say, "print lastIndex(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'b')" to the end)
so one last thing that still doesn't look right
if a_list == 0:
I find it highly unlikely that a list will ever equal a number :)
so if a_list = ''/
well, '' is a string, not a list
I think what you really want is "if the list is empty"
which in python is actually pretty simple
"if not a_list:"
since an empty list is considered a 'false' value
but you could also do 'if the list is length 0'
oh cool, i didnt know that
which would be "if len(a_list) == 0:"
and is probably what you were initially thinking of
but forgot the len() call :)
So after fixing that, how does your code look?
so like this?
def lastIndex(a_list,a_value):
if not a_list:
return -1
elif a_list[-1]==a_value:
return len(a_list)-1
return lastIndex(a_list[:-1],a_value)
Looks right to me!
But don't trust me on it, test it yourself :)
try putting in different inputs
i did :)
and seeing if what you get out is what you expect
make sure you test all of the edge cases
e.g. what happens if your input list is empty?
what happens if the item you're looking for isn't in the list at all?
What happens if the item you're looking for is the first item in the list? The last item?
If all of those give you the results you expect, then you're probably done. :)
ok i tried them all
All worked? :)
Great! So now, the big question: do you understand everything that's going on with that code, and why it works?
If not, what are you unsure about?
I understand how it works, and how the others worked. Im not sure im confident i can do other problems, but im sure practice will make perfect.
/me nods
Thank you so much for your time and help!
It definitely does - you'll get to where you'll notice how problems can be based off of smaller versions of themselves, more by instinct
good i could use that
You're welcome. :) Glad I could help.
Take care, and good luck with the rest of your problems. :)

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