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You said "Actually what I want to do is : 1-copy a picture which I already have in a view. 2-Present another view. 3-Paste the picture in the presented view. This is my plan."
If that's what you want to do, that doesn't require any dispatch_after or performSelector:withObject:afterDelay at all.
Do I correctly assume that your current view has an UIImageView with the current image?
Does your second view already have a UIImage property for us to use?
Also, are you using storyboards (and segues) or NIBs?
Those three questions all affect the answer.
But, in short, the metaphor is not copy and paste, but rather create new view controller, pass it the image, take the image from the current view controller and pass it to the new view controller, and then complete the transition to the new view controller. The details of that vary based upon the answer to those questions.
(I'll give you a minute to read those comments.)
(are you still with me here?)
I'm using storyboard and the main idea is attaching a poto to the MMS sheet . I knew that is not available , so what I'm trying to do is copying the photo next present the sheet and paste the photo.
MMS sheet?
You don't what I'm talking about
No, I do. I'm just wondering whether you're using the MessageUI.Framework or whether you're doing it with a URL.
MFMessageComposeViewController ?
Yeah, I don't think you can do that. Neither through the API nor through any copy and paste. Just quickly digging to see what the alternatives are.
Yeah, everything I'm saying is third party tools. Nothing native. Serious drag.
Can we continue after one hour if you don't mind
Everything I'm seeing is pretty kludgy.
And it's 1am here, so I'm calling it a night. Sorry I couldn't help. If I stumble across anything I'll post a comment.
(my comment will be on your original question)
Ok thank you for your help but please if you can give it a try yourself and it works let me know. Thanks again.
Good night

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