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Q: GCC and G++ options to compile user submitted program

CluelessNoobI am building an online judge where users can solve problems by submitting their code (like UVa Online Judge). I am currently using these simple commands to compile the user submitted codes: For C: gcc prog.c -o prog And for C++: g++ prog.cpp -o prog But there are other flags that might be...

"I am building an online judge" - oh god, not another one. If you are going to do this, at least try and pick up deviations from the C and C++ Standards by using the -Wall -Wextra -pedantic options. You also need to specify the version of C++ you are supporting, perhaps with -std=c++11.
I am building it for my university project. Is there a list of all the necessary options?
The GCC documentation describes all the available compiler options. Settle in for a long read.
Of course, but I'm not an expert in C and C++ to know which options are necessary for my case from man gcc only. So I was wondering if there is actually an available list for this.
I'd add -Werror to Neil's list. That might make me a bit of a bastard, but people have to start learning to not ignore the warnings.
I don't think warnings are necessary in this case. In this online judge, the problem is either "solved" or "unsolved", there is no extra point for good code practices or following standards.
So... solving the problem through undefined behavior is just fine then?
Understood. That's why there is a tendency to dislike online judges around here. They teach a lot of bad lessons.
Well, a fork is a fork and a spoon is a spoon. Both have their specific usage. The target is not to teach people standards or good practices, but rather to focus on problem solving skills.
#2 problem solving skill in c and c++ is 'turn on all warnings and treat them as errors'
Why not be a bit original and write an online judge that does try to teach people good practice? Or one that uses several compilers to check that the "solution" is not simply an artefact of the compiler version you are using.
#1 problem solving skill is - 'learn to use your debugger'
Thanks for your ideas. I am definitely considering it.
We'll have to disagree on that one. Writing robust code is part of the problem that needs solving when writing a program. By ignoring this, one of the hardest parts of the job is being discarded.
I disagree that warnings are just for good coding practices and following standards. Many of the warnings are useful for catching real bugs. For example, compilers warn when you don't return a value from your function. That's a real bug with horrible consequences for program correctness and it's pretty easy to run into. The number of problems I see here on SO that can be found just from turning on compiler warnings is not small.
Well, I respect your opinion. I don't really want to debate about the purpose of online judges right now. I know the usual judging systems have their problems like allowing poorly written code. And I personally advice people to learn and use good practices as well.
It is upto the user to turn on warnings and find bugs in their code by testing it in their own machine before submitting it to the judge. The judge just tells them strict results like accepted, wrong answer, compilation error, time limit exceeded etc.
However, unless your judge is targetting a specific C++ compiler, it should reject things like int a[n]; where n is a variable - such syntax is not part of C++, but is supported as an extension by GCC . You can only do that with GCC by enabling warnings.
You'll need to better define what "any user submitted program" means. Are programmers limited to using the standard libraries of the C or C++ Standard? What versions of C or C++ are acceptable? Is Boost allowed? Any other random libraries?
The problem is, many beginners (and I mean, really beginners) may not know malloc and calloc and the only way they can dynamically allocate memory is using things like int a[n]. Please remember, the judge is like an MCQ exam. You get full point even if you solved it poorly. Of course, there is memory limitation while running the program and it is also run within a sandbox.
@aschepler Good question. I don't really know. I am not very experienced in C/C++. I will look into it and update my question hopefully. Thanks.
@aschepler Update: only standard libraries of C18 and C++14.
That may be, but if you write int n; std::cin >> n; int a[n];, you are not really writing C++. It's better to learn this, and the possible better ways to write it, sooner rather than later.
"... like the -lm tag for math.h" -- this is a link request. The linker will fail if your program needs the math lib and you don't link it. It does not complain if you include it and don't need it. When in doubt, I recommend you try without. Most link failure messages are readable.
@aschepler I understand, and you're right. But again, for this project, I am allowing users to submit even bad codes as long as they are compiled and run successfully. As I said, the purpose of this judge is not to teach, but to give strict verdicts.
I would guess you have not 'looked for' a list of 'recommended compiler and linker flags'. You might review "" "compiler-and-linker-flags-gcc/" ... I have not reviewed this one yet, and I suspect there are more than 2 others. I have two lists that I use (think min and max). I suppose the 'best' list (for me) is still in the future.
@2785528 I don't show the error messages to users. If the program fails, they just get verdicts like compilation error or runtime error. I just want to include all possible options that a program using standard libraries might need.
@2785528 Useful link, thanks.

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