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A: Binary file not executed for web user

BsquareWhy did you update user ownership? Changing the group ownership should have been enough: chgrp -R www-data tagfl2/ chmod -R g+rwX tagfl2/ And change the lowercase x by a greater one, to give access/execution permission, only if it is already the case for the user owner (no need to give otherwi...

I've done as you advice but on su -c 'ls -R tagfl2/' www-data I get This account is currently not available and the command does not run anyway
Ok. Try with additional option -m to preserve the parent environment. su -m -c 'ls -R tagfl2/' www-data
Well now I see this result tagfl2/: en.cfg mrg tagged treetagger vrtfiles xmlfiles ...... etc. (all the files and directories inside tagfl2) included tagfl2/treetagger/bin: separate-punctuation train-tree-tagger tree-tagger
But still does not work!
Ok, so it should no more be a permission issue. Could you use bash +x when executing your script? Or copy/paste the whole script? I guess the issue is somewhere else in your script.
The shell script that lunches the perl script now starts like this: #! /bin/bash +x but still does not work
No, I meant you must launch the command, prefixing it by bash -x, and sending the output here, to see exactly which instruction is failing.
if you meant this bash -x perl xmlfiles/table_of_contents.xml then the output is /usr/bin/perl: /usr/bin/perl: cannot execute binary file
Hi there, did you see my last message?
yes I did
Am I too lost?
Sorry, My answer was ambiguous, the bash -x must be put in front of the main script
not the Perl part
First, thanks for being helping me!
And yes, that is what I did, I have 2 scripts, one generated by php, and executed also from that php, which now it has at the beginning #! /bin/bash +x , and one of the commands of that script calls the perls script perl xmlfiles/table_of_contents.xml which has in its lines some more scripts where the second one does not work: cut -f 1 tagtmp/'$fileid.vrt' | tagfl2/treetagger/bin/tree-tagger -no-unknown -token -lemma tagfl2/treetagger/lib/english.par > 'tagtmp/$fileid.tagged'";
I can upload both of the files, the shell script generated by php and the perls commands caller
yes please
hum, can you change the +x option by -x ... I just noticed the mistake
it activates the debug mode, and shows each script line before its execution; such a way, we will see where exactly the script fails (and maybe why ...)
Ok, just a sec!
(I have to go in a meeting at 2' oclock)
Ok, I can wait, but runing the script as root with -x gives no output
why as root ?
how do you run it exactly ?
I will leave the chat open..
Ok, I run it from a web, but then to check I run the script from the terminal
perfct in a terminalo, could you copy/paste the CLI ?
(ok I'll let the chat opened too)
I tried two: bash Scripts/Processes/ and sh Scripts/Processes/
can you try that:
bash -x Scripts/Processes/
(I'm going to meeting, see U ;))
Here's the otput bash -x Scripts/Processes/
+ echo 'CFS is starting to process the file table_of_contents.pdf........<br>Please wait until the process is totally finished!'
+ echo 'Converting the file table_of_contents.pdf into html format........'
+ pdftohtml -noframes -q -p -s -i filesup/table_of_contents.pdf
I will wait for you, thanks!!!
It has been postponed 15min ... so I have 15 min lol
ok, so far the execution is nice, without error
what is next ?
I can only upload images, so how do I send you the scripts
nothing next, there stops
You can send me to: [email protected]
Ok, Bertrand je t'envois les scrip tout suit!
some times my mails are received as spam so if it's not already there check your at your spam folder mail from [email protected]
OK ;)
hum ... well received, and checked
The file is not in the sub-directory Scripts, like some others ?
So you should change your line ?
Which one?
&& perl Scripts/ xmlfiles/table_of_contents.xml \
I added Scripts, which was missing ?
but is out of Scripts directory
ha ok, your answer here was ambiguous :p
and so ... you don't have any additional outpu since pdftohtml is called?
but all the remaining instructions are well executed?
Could you try, putting lines under comment from line 4 to 62 included?
and executing again
No, no more outputs, and all the lines are well executed, actually the perl script is called ok, and it first line is executed also, but not the second
Do you want me to execute them from terminal as root with bash -x?
yes please, the script will finally look like:
#! /bin/bash -x

echo "CFS is starting to process the file table_of_contents.pdf........<br>Please wait until the process is totally finished!" > Logs/table_of_contents.php \
&& perl xmlfiles/table_of_contents.xml \
&& echo "<br>************************************************************************************************" >> Logs/table_of_contents.php \
&& echo "The process is finished, read the log to chek if everything went fine along the process,<br>if not, contact the system administrator indicating the file name.<br>If all we
(going to meeting)
Arf ... postponed again ... :o
Mmmm, here's the output: bash -x
+ echo 'CFS is starting to process the file table_of_contents.pdf........<br>Please wait until the process is totally finished!'
+ echo 'Converting the file table_of_contents.pdf into html format........'
+ pdftohtml -noframes -q -p -s -i filesup/table_of_contents.pdf line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `&&' line 7: `&& echo "Tagging the file........" >> Logs/table_of_contents.php \'
I just have renamed the script
Sorry I had an extra blank line, here's the good output bash -x line 10: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' line 12: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Sorry again, I have missed a piece of code.... here it is: bash -x
+ echo 'CFS is starting to process the file table_of_contents.pdf........<br>Please wait until the process is totally finished!'
+ echo 'Converting the file table_of_contents.pdf into html format........'
+ pdftohtml -noframes -q -p -s -i filesup/table_of_contents.pdf
I found it !
No way, really?
could you give output of:
ls -al tagfl2/treetagger/bin/tree-tagger
-rwxrwxr-x 1 31165 www-data 981440 may 17 2017 tagfl2/treetagger/bin/tree-tagger
(In addition, you have a print $cmd; in your, I think it may failed)
damn it, the permissions seemes OK
Nevertheless the User ID 31165 is strange on this file
ni the may directory, could you send me:
find . -ls
Yeah, really strange!
But the output is huge, do I paste it anyway?
Yeah, try it, or by email
1804584968 4 drwxr-xr-x 20 www-data www-data 4096 oct 29 14:42 .
1804584969 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 oct 27 11:40 ./Facsimile
1803836492 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 oct 27 12:25 ./templates
1803836493 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 1268 oct 27 12:26 ./templates/main.tpl
1803836494 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 oct 27 11:41 ./Images
1804009294 52 -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 48975 jul 11 14:20 ./Images/pdfdowna.png
and then... find tagfl2/ -ls
806326 4 drwxrwxr-x 8 www-data www-data 4096 oct 28 17:08 tagfl2/
783307 4 -rw-rwxr-- 1 www-data www-data 1607 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/
806328 4 drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/mrg
806329 4 drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/xmlfiles
782046 4 -rw-rwxr-- 1 www-data www-data 888 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/
806327 4 drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/vrtfiles
I have done chown -R www-data:www-data tagfl2/ and now I have find tagfl2/ -ls
806326 4 drwxrwxr-x 8 www-data www-data 4096 oct 28 17:08 tagfl2/
783307 4 -rw-rwxr-- 1 www-data www-data 1607 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/
806328 4 drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/mrg
806329 4 drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/xmlfiles
782046 4 -rw-rwxr-- 1 www-data www-data 888 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/
806327 4 drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 jul 11 14:20 tagfl2/vrtfiles
Vous savez, mon fils, il s'appelle Beltrán...
1 hour later…
haha cool pour votre fils :)
In your ls, I don't see any tagfl2/treetagger directory, but tagfl2/treetagger-3.2.1 ... did you create a symbolic link?
yes, sorry, I was away for a while, and in short I will havo to go again, but I'll come back later....
yes, I mean yes for the symbolic link
may you try without the symbolic link in your call?
I don't think it is related, but it worth the try
I'll have to go to, in few minutes; but I should find some time to keep on tomoz

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