Move your script call to be AFTER the code it's intended to affect, or put it in a window.onload call. As you have it it's trying to execute on an element before it exists.
Don't use webmatrix to fix this, debug it in Chrome or Firefox and use the built in dev tools or a plugin to see any errors. As you can see by this fiddle,, the code works, so there's something else going on.
This may be more of a flash embed code issue than a script issue. The code runs fine in Chrome and changes the source but it appears as if the embed isn't working properly.
If you drop the final code, <embed class="flash" id="flash" src="swf/pano.swf?panoSrc=a.jpg" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="640" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">, into the page, does it show correctly?
So there you have it, it's a Chrome bug that you can't just change the src like the other browsers. You'll probably have to remove and re-insert the whole embed element with the src changed.