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3 hours later…
Morning all :)
anyone here who can answer a simple question to csla/mvvm?
Hey guys :)
I swear this chat gets quieter and quieter each day that goes by... lol ^^
I came back just for you greg ;)
Haha - Cheers :D
How're you anyways @Enrico? :)
I'm ok, little bored at work but thanks for asking :) how are you @gregory.bmclub
Haha, your not the only one! Im bored too ^^. Hard to get motivated after not been at work for over a week lol.
Hey @Maverik :)
welcome back gregory
how was the holiday :)
Cheers mate - Don't want to be back :(
well quieter? on monday I was the only one in here!
It was great Thanks! Went Turkey - it was Super hot. Got back to UK it was cold :(
Isnt there like a war going on in turkey? government killing their own people?
Haha, were you a bit lonely Mav?
i know people would come back :)
damn Hot Turks!!
Yeah, its to do with the politics and stuff like that. But I was in the tourist area (Marmaris) so it was no where near the rage
i blame the heat on them :)
Mate, on Monday it was 38 degrees, I loved it! Got back to the uk, it was 9! I was wearing shorts. Bloody cold I was! lol
lol well your fault.. not like the weather in uk was unpredictable :P
but damn 38 degrees - i'm not sure i'd wanna enjoy that hot regardless of the hot turks causing it! lol
I know, but oh well. It was far too hot to be wearing jeans in turkey before flying over lol. Still tanning before my flight in the evening lol.
hmm, what to work on today ... :S
Load balance wcf for me?
hey peeps !
who is good at jquery ?
I swear we need a bot in this channel
I'd fill it with auto-kick words!
Hey ! why dont you make one ?
you need 5000 lines of javascript for that
i'm too busy doing some more obscure stuff like HA Self-hosted WCF services
Ask in the C# Room
I'm going to assume hes here after asking there
I am scared of some people in c# room right now. they got lots of questions. i just dont have time bud
i didnt ask there.
54.4k questions waiting to be reviewed for close vote.. WOW
You have to understand though, This chat is soley for WPF help. Yes people like Mav will know Javascript, but this chat is to help those who struggle with wpf.
shake head -- nope no JS here at all - i avoid it at all costs
its an awesome language but once you get into mess of JS, your other languages deteriorate very rapidly
yeshh, you're right. but you cant do autocomplete with c# ? do you ?
WOW really?
you've never worked in c#?
my last dynamic / interactive language was python
as for autocompletes, JS isn't nearly as friendly as C#
which is actually true for any dynamic vs staticly typed language comparison
lol ? may be ajax stuffs are good. I am very much used to jquery validation and autocomplete stuff!
well jquery isn't JS now is it :)
we were talking language support
jquery autocompletes are thanks to Jquery's team going out of its way to support that
under normal circumstances JS sucks a lot more
huh , sometimes yes, but as i am fucked up now ?. :P
well you're not getting any JS help in here
C# room for JS...
web and desktop don't mix well together yet until metro apps go mainstream
Fact is I am not getting it anywhere else too :(
By the time you spent in here asking - you might have had an answer from C# room... if they dont help. Post a Question on SO.
Or use Google. That will always help. If not, you might not be using google well!
already posted in c#, and already asked in SO !
A: How to set Default value in autocomplete implemented textbox?

Edwardyou can set the value like this after initializing Autocomplete: $( "#txtcity" ).autocomplete({ // do whatever }).val('Banana').data('autocomplete')._trigger('select'); Updated Example: http://jsfiddle.net/55jhx/1/

Well you just have to be patient like the rest of us.
ignore it !
ha ha yeah mate. i would.
well , i just specified the value to be selected in controller. i quit jquery as of now.
you already have an upvoted answer.. so why quit?
Impatience seems to have won the war, Mav lol.
i been waiting for a long time for that greg. cant wait anymore on that !
What I was told was if you have a problem that lasts more then a couple of days (3 at a push) then move onto something else in the mean time of you trying to solve the issue.
i am in a hurry to complete few forms of new project. new to MVC 4. Already i am struck. cant wait :(
3 hours later…
<TextBox x:Name="tb1" Text="{Binding TextProperty1, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Margin="5"/>
<TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Margin="5" Text="The TextBox says '"><Run Text="{Binding TextProperty1}"/><Run Text="'"/></TextBlock>
So when I edit tb1, it updates TextProperty and fires a PropertyChanged trigger to update so then the TextBlock is updated?
@N00B.NET in theory yes
assuming your change notification is firing
though why you want to do it this way? or is this just an example for the concept?
example i'm looking at
i've seen so many example projects that nothing actually teaches. just seems like there is too many ways to do what you might want
yea thats true
while this is definitely one way of doing this sort of thing, i find it a more roundabout way of doing the same thing that a simple element binding would have done
here's how an element binding would look like:
<TextBox x:Name="tb1" Text="{Binding TextProperty1, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Margin="5"/>
<TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Margin="5" Text="The TextBox says '">
	<Run Text="{Binding ElementName=tb1, Path=Text}"/>
	<Run Text="'"/>
Well I also read that MVVM best practice would mean your elements rarely need x:Name defined
@Maverik you can't do that right?
i haven't run it, but why not?
@N00B.NET I say naming is good, put x:Name first, it is much easier to have named elements when using snoop later
@Maverik I haven't run it either but though Run.Text was not a dp
@JohanLarsson okay, sounds like it would work either way.
here's another thing I don't understand:
public Person SelectedPerson
    get { return (Person)GetValue(SelectedPersonProperty); }
    set { SetValue(SelectedPersonProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SelectedPerson.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedPersonProperty =  DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedPerson", typeof(Person), typeof(ViewModelWindow2), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));
I was just guessing btw, don't pay much attention
No I've done bindings on Run
I cna't get it, to format haha.
but then have:
<DataGrid x:Name="dg1" ItemsSource="{Binding People}" CanUserAddRows="False" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPerson}" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>
It may not be named Text necessarily (i dont recall the default content property) but its definitely possible to bind on Run
I don't get how the binding for SelectedPerson works
@Maverik ok glad I was wrong :D
That Binding will need Mode=TwoWay for it properly work
oh wait
@N00B.NET SelectedPerson does not need to be dp for that, SelectedItem needs to be dp though
is that code saying, when an item is selected, the DP gets fired, which gets the SelectedPerson, then SelectedItem = what was returned
its just an example for DP
well I'm not sure if DP needs the Mode=TwoWay part (i think it does)
but as it is, assuming its OneWay.. your selection will change as SelectedPerson changes
if its TwoWay then it will propagate the reference back to SelectedPerson when your datagrid selection changes as well
@JohanLarsson how did you get your head around currying in f# ?
@N00B.NET INotifyPropertyChanged si enough for SelectedPerson, probably more right. I only use dp's in controls
yup thats the rule of thumb i use as well
@Maverik I have not popped F# from the procrastination queue :(
controls that need properties that should be visible externally
i thought you were learning it actively
The only thing I know about currying is that I find it hard to read but am sure it is a matter of practice
i found this awesome haskell site: learnyouahaskell.com (don't star it lol)
starred second, starred it in C# yesterday
since they use so similar syntaxes i figured I'll check with you
oh yea that's where i got it from - from your link :)
i forgot the source :D
thank you for this awesome link :)
I'm going back to work for a session++ now. have fun :D
you too :)
back to currying!
Thanks guys
@Maverik what don't you get about currying? I did some in school, but that was maybe 2 years ago
I didn't do any in school and my school was about 20 years back ;)
nah i get the idea.. but my brain isn't thinking that way
euw.. haskell
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) =
    let smallerSorted = quicksort (filter (<=x) xs)
        biggerSorted = quicksort (filter (>x) xs)
    in  smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted
how can you not love that!
i'm not saying it has to be haskell but f# is very similar
I dont want to ever see haskell again... it gave me nightmares in my first year of uni!
well I said this a while back.. I've been stuck on a reversing challenge for 6-7 years now
and i finally have the functional programming understanding to dive into haskell and fix that program (that is a result of yet another assembly reversing!)
only to have that program then run on 30k codes which then is supposed to produce the one right code
whats !! in haskell?
Erm, I don't know.. Its been two years since I last touched it. Sorry
damn.. now this is like voodoo: map ($ 3) [(4+), (10*), (^2), sqrt]
5 hours later…
Q: possible to use VisualTreeHelper.HitTest without a UI?

BrannonI would like to use the WPF HitTest ability on some shapes without showing them onscreen. I think my final application will have them all on screen, but my initial unit tests won't. Is this possible? VisualTreeHelper.HitTest seems to always return null in my simple test. Complete test code: [Tes...

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