I am creating a login page when first startup. So once a user has a username and password entered correctly, it will load the application. I am using a boolean method to check it. But because I am doing it from the VM, how would I close the window from the vm? I am using it as a dialog.
because, when i create a closelogindialog method, and call it within the checklogin method that is boolean, it says code is unreachable.
Morning, aren't some of you guys members of the social.MSDN?
I'm having a problem where a service we have created can't read from the settings file. We immediately get an exception ` System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException` with inner exception Root element is missing and a path to windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\{Company} and the file... I can't find the file there and I can't understand why it isn't created... anyway, while searching for solutions on the web I found this thread:
in sweden we have a "konsumentköpslagen" or if it's the "internetköplagen" (consumer laws) that says that everything ordered over the internet is returnable within 14 days (maybe excluding postage) for free
it you have such a law you can always order it and then send it back
haha. Well, how can i close a dialog from the VM? Because when i try something like so; IModalDialog dialog = ServiceProvider.Instance.Get<IModalDialog>(); within a closeDialogMethod and call that method, it produces a Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I was just following an example really, and have follow through with using it... Ignorance is bliss some times.. Not fully sure what it is all about in all honestly.It did want I wanted to do! :)
very true and yes logitech do make solid keyboards. i'm only pulling ya leg though anyways. i'm still rockin' a dell keyboard with a g15 mouse and that does what i need.
hmm don't know if I have any flash player on the computer... (there is one in chorme of course, but can I run it standalone?) or should I just create a homepage maybe
lol i still havent had time to play it , but im gonna give it a go tonight... oh and did you come to any decision on on if you are going to attempt to fix your browser issue??
well in case any of you are thinking of buying similar stuff - i think prices will be dropping from june/july 2013 as intel brings in Haswell processors and motherboards rush to provide compatibility
lol @Sisyphe i sense the inner perfectionist in you wont allow you to leave it :P and mav yea i made the jump from amd to intel long ago. i didnt like doing it as i always liked amd and its underdog appeal .. but after having a couple of intel chips its even harder to go back :)
haha im the flip side of that though i was always an nvidia guy, but i find if your not looking for the fastest single chip gfx card then amd offer alot more performance per buck
Last time on FAIC I described a simple recursive algorithm for generating all permutations of the first n whole numbers: if you have all the permutations of the first n-1 whole numbers, you just insert the nth whole number at … Continue reading →
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(sizeAnim, new PropertyPath("RenderTransform.ScaleX"));
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(sizeAnim, new PropertyPath("RenderTransform.ScaleY"));
I personally feel that unless you know the optimisations that BAML compiler throws in, you should let compiler handle the stuff even if its verbose in xaml
guys, I have a question/scenario. Is there a way of having two properties and contatenate them both and place it within just one field using EF? Eg; textbox1, textbox2 and combining them both together?
well, some times with online apps, you have textboxes that have like a box for 3 digits and another box with 5 etc... But because i Dont want to have to have a field for each property in EF, could it be possible to concatenate it or something?
The reason why I ask is in some cases, in some of my tables they have too many fields then they should have :/.
So i want to try and reduce it and find ways in which could be done.
i'm gonna go with create a class for it that exposes properties for each part and an implicit operator so you can recreate it from what ever way you store it in your db... but thats me and im normally wrong
yea the only reason i do it that way is i've had to deal with so many cases where one programmer creates a form and desides to save it in a completly different format and as you would expect everything blows up.. so i now try and make everything as robust as i can
oh and also gregory word of warning, if your saving into one column and later on need to reshow that data in its original form think carefully about what you use as a delimiter :P
well i don't know your data so i cant say if its worth it or not , but if those fields are likely to be null or contain large amounts of data then yes i would