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Yes! My starter motor is back and soon my car should be on the roads again!
1 hour later…
morning guys
Morning! I reckon you have solved the webviewer? :)
only partially
translation now works
window overlap does not...
guys, I have a question if some one is kind to help if you have a spare few minutes :)
hmm, hard to explain but I will try.
I am creating a login page when first startup. So once a user has a username and password entered correctly, it will load the application. I am using a boolean method to check it. But because I am doing it from the VM, how would I close the window from the vm? I am using it as a dialog.
because, when i create a closelogindialog method, and call it within the checklogin method that is boolean, it says code is unreachable.
I lie, it doesnt say unreachable code, It crashes saying Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
hi who can help me ??
i am working with p4api.net
what are your guys views on properties updating other properties?
mornign mav
Morning, aren't some of you guys members of the social.MSDN?
I'm having a problem where a service we have created can't read from the settings file. We immediately get an exception ` System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException` with inner exception Root element is missing and a path to windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\{Company} and the file... I can't find the file there and I can't understand why it isn't created... anyway, while searching for solutions on the web I found this thread:
just read the last answer there
That must be one of the worst advise given in all 2012..
indeed - i feel like upvoting that answer as sarcasm!
anybody experienced with: amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005X784X0/…
G105: £40.32 -- G105 COD Edition: £29.99 O.o
you'd think the it would be other way around
oh hey Mav and E.L :P
is it really that much better than your standard keyboard??
i actually don't need a keyboard for "better" as such
i need a usb 2.0 keyboard
my pc has usb 3 ports only that can run in usb 2.0
what? gee you gotta be typing really fast! :P
standard keyboard mice are usb 1.1 and in order to get into setup i need a keyboard but i need setup to get the keyboard up
only usb 2.0 not backwards compatible? didn't know that existed..
you see my problem?
it exists if you forget your keyboard is still on 1.1 and you turn it off in bios >.>
yes i had a blonde moment there - everything i have is usb 3.0 except for keyboards
ahaa I see
are you sure that usb 2.0 works that early though?
even though i cleared cmos - i can't get usb bus reset without entering setup
usb 1.1 is the only option that you explicitly have to turn on
usb3 operates in dual mode otherwise
in sweden we have a "konsumentköpslagen" or if it's the "internetköplagen" (consumer laws) that says that everything ordered over the internet is returnable within 14 days (maybe excluding postage) for free
it you have such a law you can always order it and then send it back
Guys, if anyone isn't too busy would like some help please :).
not that busy, just don't know the answer :/
greg, you've been here long enough to know you can always ask the question and then wait until somebody can answer
so shoot already :P
haha. Well, how can i close a dialog from the VM? Because when i try something like so; IModalDialog dialog = ServiceProvider.Instance.Get<IModalDialog>(); within a closeDialogMethod and call that method, it produces a Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
and hi even.. sorry i missed your earlier hi
I know, but its rude to just throw it in there, so Id rather just ask.
my baby is down so i'm occupied :)
its not when you're here everyday and especially greeting me every morning :)
meh, just the way I am. ^^
wth is ServiceProvider? sounds like you're using Dependency Injection framework?
i'd personally have a Close property that i'd hook on from dialog
and have itself close when Close is true
(i don't use DI/IoC stuff so this may not apply)
I was just following an example really, and have follow through with using it... Ignorance is bliss some times.. Not fully sure what it is all about in all honestly.It did want I wanted to do! :)
think there's a second edit in progress for "Did what"
sorry, my spelling is all over the place atm.
some people are such aholes: Price £19.49 -- £84.53 with shipping
for a keyboard!
what the fudge :S, just shoot to your local pc store
nah, they're always more expensive
does your pc have ps/2 ports??
@Maverik hehe
I wounder if you get it delivered home by the manager personally?
@E.LDunn might somewhere, i haven't noticed
going with a ps/2 for 15ish quid or a full on gaming keyboard for 30ish? i'd prefer gaming
the extra macro keys do help
well i was just thinking if you had a usb to ps/2 converter hanging around that should allow you to get back up and runnung... but this is what you want really overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=KB-049-SK&tool=3
lol nah
not only is the price an overkill, i actually don't see any point in that fancy stuff
15 - 50 i can consider - anything beyond is insanity for a keyboard :)
yea but it has an lcd touch screen, marvel at its glory :P
lcd needs support from game for GamePanel and most games aren't supported
otherwise i was considering G510
How do I get a hold of the TextBlock or UIElement that a Run is located in?
very true and yes logitech do make solid keyboards. i'm only pulling ya leg though anyways. i'm still rockin' a dell keyboard with a g15 mouse and that does what i need.
I'm on a Gigabyte Gaming mouse that i got for £15 and man that thing is solid with really nice dpi - i wasn't expecting it to be
i had bought it has a casual mouse
just realised i meant MX518 couldnt have got that more wrong if i tried
and markus im not sure where runs appear , does the parent property tell you anything
@Markus i guess more important question is why do you need to do that?
well It's legacy...
I want to animate the textbox that contains a certain run
isn't it possible??
findAncestor does not work ?
don't seem to exist on a Run
Run is a visual right ?
Run is not a visual
Run is some kind of Document I think
yeah it's a part of their FlowDocument API
sorry Run is located in the Document
something you don't want to use :P
this is going to be nasty
what do you want to do exactly ?
what are your inputs ?
and what do you want to achieve
in what context ?
as a side note, concatenated textblocks render faster than a text block with concatenated runs
thx for that @Maverik
I've always wondered about that
yea me too :) so somebody actually did that test
i just remember the final result
I think I will never advice anyone to use WPF Doucment framework
it's such a mess...
hold on... What I want to do it to set a scale transform on the TextBlock
you have a Document inside a TextBlock ?
I'dunno :)
I want that style !
@Markus : can't help you if i dont know how your controls are organized ^^
I think I can get it already actually... at least I get a FrameworkElement
almost 50 downloads on math attacks :P
oh yea i forgot to say, nice job there!
i played a round :D died at first boss :D
maybe it's too difficult :P
nobody got to the last boss
well practice makes perfect
it's a nasty equation :P
its tad fast even at level 1 and i am in office
so i couldn't really concentrate - it was more a demo for me
I see
I coded taht really fast actually
what is this math attacks you talk about?
a project I did for a game studio
they wanted to hire me
but then they saw his game and decided otherwise - they're like nah.. this is too pro!
so they gave me a project to do (they sent me a mail on a Friday and wanted the project source and binaries for the sunday)
@Maverik lol
so i had roughly two days
and made that : mathattacks.codeplex.com
(they wanted it in Flash/AS)
hmm don't know if I have any flash player on the computer... (there is one in chorme of course, but can I run it standalone?) or should I just create a homepage maybe
it can run standalone
just drag drop the swf in your browser
or launch the html file provided
lol everyone has gone quiet, they must all be playing math attack
50downloads reached
need to code a second level :P
lol i still havent had time to play it , but im gonna give it a go tonight... oh and did you come to any decision on on if you are going to attempt to fix your browser issue??
yesterday when i shut myself out by taking usb 1.1 out - i noticed my system's uptime had been some 567 odd days
and i was like.. hmm.. this thing is getting old (even though i didn't feel that once before seeing that uptime)
so.. i decided to venture into market and see what options
thing that i might conisder replacing my motherboard / processor with sets me back by 550ish pounds O.O
@E.LDunn : well... I may leave it as it is (translation and zoom working, but overlap failing...)
I'm not sure...
(making switch from AMD to Intel)
(Going from CrossHair V Formula + Phenom II X6 to the two above)
think i'm gonna wait another birthday of mine >.<
well in case any of you are thinking of buying similar stuff - i think prices will be dropping from june/july 2013 as intel brings in Haswell processors and motherboards rush to provide compatibility
lol @Sisyphe i sense the inner perfectionist in you wont allow you to leave it :P and mav yea i made the jump from amd to intel long ago. i didnt like doing it as i always liked amd and its underdog appeal .. but after having a couple of intel chips its even harder to go back :)
right now even though the next generation is around the corner, they're charging obscene amount (the motherboard above is hitting 500 pounds even)
well I'm still not too sure - i'm actually very happy with my setup right now (amd all the way except my replacement card which is nvidia)
but i wanna have the option of having thunderbolt with me in case it gains traction in coming years
haha im the flip side of that though i was always an nvidia guy, but i find if your not looking for the fastest single chip gfx card then amd offer alot more performance per buck
and main reason to upgrade is really pci-e 3.0 as my next video upgrade will be to pci-e 3
yea i never buy the "fastest" - its not worth it
posted on April 18, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Last time on FAIC I described a simple recursive algorithm for generating all permutations of the first n whole numbers: if you have all the permutations of the first n-1 whole numbers, you just insert the nth whole number at … Continue reading →

typically 3rd best card or sometimes 2nd best card depending on relative prices
what really disappointed me was the 7xxx series of radeon
the fact that except for 79xx cards, rest are redressed 6xxx and even 5xxx cards - that's just wrong
Can I have code such as this?
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(sizeAnim, new PropertyPath("RenderTransform.ScaleX"));
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(sizeAnim, new PropertyPath("RenderTransform.ScaleY"));
and my setup was for bulldozer, but after its lame reviews - i gave up (my phenom II x6 was performing better!)
or do I have to have two separate animations for that?
I would imagine its possible markus
though why are you doing it through code?
I personally feel that unless you know the optimisations that BAML compiler throws in, you should let compiler handle the stuff even if its verbose in xaml
guys, I have a question/scenario. Is there a way of having two properties and contatenate them both and place it within just one field using EF? Eg; textbox1, textbox2 and combining them both together?
interestingly, i'm supposed to do exactly that today :)
i guess answer depends on what you have to achieve out of it? is it supposed to be persisted back into db as computed column?
or its a computed value for your presentation layer?
well, some times with online apps, you have textboxes that have like a box for 3 digits and another box with 5 etc... But because i Dont want to have to have a field for each property in EF, could it be possible to concatenate it or something?
The reason why I ask is in some cases, in some of my tables they have too many fields then they should have :/.
So i want to try and reduce it and find ways in which could be done.
sure, anythings possible you know
i'm gonna go with create a class for it that exposes properties for each part and an implicit operator so you can recreate it from what ever way you store it in your db... but thats me and im normally wrong
if you were using RxUI -> computed observable is what you're looking for
otherwise just hook onto PropertyChanged event and compute the value as it changes
(and raising PropertyChanged for your own as a result)
i tend to short-circuit this by raising propertychanged for both properties from the base property
the drawback is that its easy to forget or get lost in the mess
I'd much prefer RxUI framework if you can use it (if you don't use it, invest sometime in it - it can be a life saver in commercial apps)
@E.LDunn Haha, nah don't be silly you've helped me loads in the past! :)
@Maverik Okay, Ill take a look into it next week :)
@E.LDunn your approach can indeed work too but i find it tad overkill for general properties like fullname: firstname + lastname sort of thing
yea the only reason i do it that way is i've had to deal with so many cases where one programmer creates a form and desides to save it in a completly different format and as you would expect everything blows up.. so i now try and make everything as robust as i can
oh and also gregory word of warning, if your saving into one column and later on need to reshow that data in its original form think carefully about what you use as a delimiter :P
It seems alot of work just to save a few extra fields within a table :S
well id say break it out into another table personally
just for two or three fields?
well i don't know your data so i cant say if its worth it or not , but if those fields are likely to be null or contain large amounts of data then yes i would
they shouldn't be null as they are mandatory fields. Probably contain 15 digits or so.
well in that case no i wouldn't :)
one more note are they ever likely to be the same for multiple rows?
no, theres an area code, so for example. the textbox1 (containing 3 digits) is different for each area in UK.
well again im no expert but when im looking at my database and thinking is that right i usually just step through these databases.about.com/od/specificproducts/a/normalization.htm
I hate normalisation >.<
One thing i hated about database design. Oh, and fan traps >.<. I bet Ive got loads of them in my database...
rofl, well im not gonna say its easy
specially when you deal with real world stuff
I know it isn't. Had a whole module based on database design last year. exam was tough!
but you passed , so i dont know why im telling you how to suck eggs.. you should be teaching me :P
I only got like 55% in that module... >.<
1 hour later…
righto, Im off. Ill see you folks next week. Peace out.
see ya
@Maverik did you leave the skype thing for good?
i'm still on skype
just not in a dead group
I was the deadest :D
not really
we lost the original topic ages ago
but with seans recent move, those two have their own room literally
4 hours later…
anybody here^^?

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