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Screw the snö
Anybody seen this (Lambda Bindings): hardcodet.net/2009/04/…
I have now, wish I hadn't
read the first paragraph and the whooshing sound was unbearable
wooshing sound?
yeah, when something goes over your head
this reminds me of reactive extensions actually.. but nice to have when you're not really looking for the entire package with RX
What, the fuck
think i'm gonna follow this guy, he's got some nice stuff in his blog
and also; another fuck. I have to write an entire OSX app without access to OSX
and my pizza still isn't here :( so not like them!
must be those extra toppings - they're probably hard to source
Stop making me hungry
8 minutes and I'm going home
i is sorry - i is already hungry
my last food was about 20ish hours ago
Hmmm; I was trying to send a meme photo to the Technical Director for "sitrep", so naturally I search google for it
Turns out there's nothing funny to do with sitreps, so anyway I kept scrolling and there's lots of programmers and then 2 reeeeeeeeeeally hot chicamalicas
Just thought I'd share that with you
SOCA are hiring

Engineering Developer at Serious Organised Crime Agency

Engineering Developer Vacancy Reference Number: CP0625801LF Location: Leicester Salary: Starting salary of £32,956 plus London weighting (£3,162) where applicable. We…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on January 16, 2013

how do they come up with those figures
like why not just 33k ?
tax band perhaps? i never quite figured where one band ends and other starts :)
and yea I saw that
Would love to do that if it wasn't a crappy salary
ooh, in leicester - i should apply for it :D
yea its crappy
and its in 40% band now!
i just realised, 40% band has been expanding every year!
from 35k in 2011 to 32k in 2013
That salary isn't in 40% band
at that rate, it'll soon be covering even juniors
it is now
Yes that excludes the free allowance
So +£8k
It's always hovered around £40k
whew!! :D
i've never dealt with money stuff :D
They adjust it to be £42k~ish all the time offsetting the new tax free allowances
thanks - put my mind at ease now
as decent as i am at programming.. i'm equally rubbish at real life stuff!
it's also civil service so they keep your salary inline with other people
i'm always offsetting my progamming skills against real life skills
lol but yes 40% tax sucks
Will try to finish up the doc tonight giyz
flies away
ok no problem
cya later
goddamn it, throtteled so long, it didn't get through in time :(
and pizza hut guy is lost somehwere! instead of usual 20 minutes, its been an hour now O.o
bloody hell
Is this supposed to be hard? I failed to find an easy way
I've pulled my hamstring a bit, probably from snow surfing earlier
DataGrid is a pretty huge class btw
@JohanLarsson Can you handle the databound event and set the column header based on the keys of the datasource?
if you have such a thing as a databound event
I don't know tbh
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding FirstName}" Header="{Binding Header1, Mode=OneWay}" />
That looks like it should work but nothing renders
Disclaimer: I know nothing about WPF.
So do you have a key called Header1 in your data source?
public string Header1 { get { return "Header1"; } }
Fair enough
When placing the binding using studio everything looks right
@Maverik You're slacking, fix @JohanLarsson's problem
umm checking
but pizza is here :)
food > programming
@Sean It's not my problem thankfully, was just surprised that it did not wrok
oh I set that hyperion render as my lock screen background
@JohanLarsson Oh well that's ok then xD
@Sean still wtf/minute went up
I don't have closing powers, I think Rudi is the only one in this room who has
ah well, flagged it for a mod anyway
@Sean why?
did you look at it?
@JohanLarsson when you say nohting renders, do you mean like no rows, or no datagrid?
@Maverik no headers
start by simplifying? drop the binding and set it to text?
then it works (it is about as simple as it can get, I started from the simple end with a dummy project )
so basically binding isn't working then?
since you work with github :) linky?
I'll push it have to move it to a new repo
or just gist it?
nah, you answer it
i'm just gonna have a look if i can help
there is some random junk in the project, I reused an old dummy. Nothing that should be a showstopper I think
I should learn how to branch in git, to have a clean boilerplate trunk and branch from it
it seems to need nunit.framework
is that in nunit nuget?
yes, forgot about that
can probably just delete it
i just added the package
right onto actual thing
ok, it was unused
System.Windows.Data Error: 2 : Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element. BindingExpression:Path=Header1; DataItem=null; target element is 'DataGridTextColumn' (HashCode=57952773); target property is 'Header' (type 'Object')
System.Windows.Data Error: 2 : Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element. BindingExpression:Path=Header1; DataItem=null; target element is 'DataGridTextColumn' (HashCode=42740519); target property is 'Header' (type 'Object')
sad johan,
it seems like a simple binding error :)
and interesting thing at the end
; target property is 'Header' (type 'Object')
@Maverik lol
it seems like it might not be a dependency property
checking msdn
well its a little hard to tell with Object type, but i'd say its not a dependency property
ok, I was fooled by VS then
me thinks you can't bind to it
but lets try to be sure
actually this is interesting, i can't see the header even in design view
It shows up in VS and everything looks ok
not i nvs2012
@Maverik same here
@Maverik I mean everything looks ok when adding the binding (as far as I can tell)
ok i see the problem i think
testing theory
@Maverik I guess it is a dp since it shows up in the designer?
designer would show you properties too
which is how it appears to be in msdn (automatic property)
ok, I thought it was dp's only
you can bind on properties too actually
posted on January 21, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Today, the answer to the puzzle I posed last week. The answer is no, that optimization is not legal in general, though it is legal in a few specific cases. As I have discussed several times before, C# has very … Continue reading →

I'm not sure whats going on
public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Header", typeof (object), typeof (DataGridColumn), (PropertyMetadata) new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((object) null, new PropertyChangedCallback(DataGridColumn.OnNotifyColumnHeaderPropertyChanged)));
in public abstract class DataGridColumn : DependencyObject
DataGridTextColumn : DataGridBoundColumn
DataGridBoundColumn : DataGridColumn
interesting, so it is a dp
Soooo what have I missed
we missed you mostly I think
naked chicks, pizza and head(ers)
the chicks might not have been naked
Awww Johan you smooth operator U and Sean when U mean chicks do U mean dudes lol
@E.LDunn We are looking at why this does not render any text for the header, for this question
nah man, Rudi said he was looking for a meme for sitrep, and upon searching found no meme, but he found, and I quote, "2 reeeeeeeeeeally hot chicamalicas"
@Maverik Kind of strange if binding the header turns out to be really hard, not that far fetched that one would not want it hard coded
brb walking my dogs
well i got it to work
Hahhahahaahaha still luaghing at chicamalicas
What was the prob mr mav
right I'm off, cya later
Have a good one sean
@Maverik post it as an answer to the question then so more people can benefit. I will not post your work as my answer
but i merely tried and alternative appraoch
basically we know its a binding error right
so i figure, what if i give it a direct path
and it works
so somehow, while vs can deduce the path, the binding isn't resolving at runtime
well for that matter even in designer i guess
@Maverik how do you mean direct path?
i've made your PersonsViewModel into a singleton
then picked up paths like so:
<Window x:Name="window" x:Class="WpfDataGridMisc.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="214" DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Static wpfDataGridMisc:PersonsViewModel.Instance}}"
    <!--d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=wpfDataGridMisc:PersonsViewModel,IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"-->
the header picks up if i offer it direct path to property, it just doesn't work in inherited datacontext
logically you'd expect the Header to be in Persons datacontext but that wouldn't make sense
@Maverik wonder if that is useful in some way? desing/bug
so i'm not sure how it is working out internally, but you can bind to it with static source (or another method of source i think)
this doesn't answer the question you linked so no point in me pasting even if i wanted to take over your work :)
so yea, i think just take this static approach and run with it
also, if you can help it, use this singleton approach
its easier to spot things like this, than offer it a d:DataContext
Good evening muchachos
and do datacontext in codebhind
good, rudi might have an idea
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding FirstName}" Header="{Binding Source={x:Static wpfDataGridMisc:PersonsViewModel.Instance}, Path=Header1}" />
but this doesn't:
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding FirstName}" Header="{Binding Path=Header1}" />
Header1 is the same in both cases, its the same datacontext
any ideas why inherited datacontext won't work for Header binding?
@RudiVisser ping for good measure :D
@JohanLarsson he seems to be asking if you can have multiple datacontexts, the simple answer is yes and you can give him this Source Binding as to how to achieve it
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding FirstName}" Header="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}, Path=DataContext.Header1}"/>
That does not work either, might have messed up the path
that should work too
seems like the same thing
this was more than just a little annoying imo :)
its illogical thus far unless somebody can explain it
but at least you have a workaround
fact is even simple {Binding} doesn't work
but if you do the same thing through x:Static, you'll see the class name
we could disassemble it, but i don't think its worth the time :)
btw, i dont think its possible to do what that guy is trying to do with dictionary
or suppose you can with a converter
still ugly
@Maverik yep trudat
Hardcoding headers is not that ugly since the property names are hardcoded any way. Only reason I can think of is language support
so Source={x:Static}, Path=DicKey, Converter={that takes key and returns the real value}
i agree
your bindings are hardcoded, the columns names aren't going to change over time for the same binding
makes no sense to me
so thats how i'd answer him
tell him here's how to do it
but it makes no sense to do it this way, chance are there's a better way of doing things if he explained what he's actually trying to do in a new question
but thats the answer to his current question
@Maverik your answer imo :) I only started raising hell here because I did not understand the whys
i'm lazy? :)
Maybe his questions does not deserve an answer until it is better
@Maverik no did not mean it like that, only that you should write cos it is your solution
well no its a fact that i'm lazy :D
very lazy :)
ok i'll write a line or two :)
ok what do we do next? Anybody have something fun?
I think we should star when somebody posts useful links here, makes it easier to find them
thats a good idea
I tried my owner powers for the first time
you starred yourself lol
worthy star!
how do you link a userprofile in an answer?
or something?
maybe @Maverik
never done it in an answer, in comments it works
I've just linked your profile like a normal link
well had to give credit for code
it wasn't my code, merely my idea
hope he's not expecting spoon feeding
cos i sure am not planning on writing the date converter
er not date, dictionary
i trimmed the code down to bare minimum and changed your name originally for privacy reasons but well now i guess its pointless
since i've linked you anyway :D
I upvoted, maybe edit to the answer that hardcoding the names is cleaner unless he has good reasons
aww thanks, i should have been upvoting you!
well his last comment says he wants to have it through a binding
perhaps he has a reason - like he's trying to duplicate HeaderTemplateSelector functionality
we can't tell until he speaks more about it
ok, feels good to have it out of our systems, now we can looks for the next wtf :)
and learned something important!
x:Static can save the day!
i've recently started doing thing singleton way
so stroke of luck that i just though of it
hej @Eve you write any wpf?
there snowman built, objective for the day complete :D
i'd build one if i wasn't by myself :(
@Eve then I suggest you mark this room as favorite :), we want you here!
I don't really mark rooms, I just keep the tabs open.
@JohanLarsson try getting kendall to do that
who thinks we're a dupe
cos he covers entire .net
ok, I click favorite on rooms, convenient to just rejoin favorite rooms then
and visual studio for good measure
by that logic, i think Lounge<c++> needs to go away too
@Maverik be a reg?
sorry still didn't get it
i figured reg was regular :)
only problem is by covering so much you never really get an answer, several times ive gone in there with a simple question that doesnt really need an so question and straight after you have asked there on to the next subject
@Maverik you want kendall as regular here?
@E.LDunn Lately there has only been one subject and it has not been 'pertaining to anything implemented in C#' :)
oh no @JohanLarsson
i've already read his views on WPF room
I probably wont be comfortable having him here as regular after reading that stuff
@E.LDunn yea i know exactly what you mean, same reason why i joined wpf room
c# room is useful for anything but your actual problem
maybe its just the people in here more than the room though... it just seems friendly
maybe digging in the wpf object model makes us humble?
so what you people upto at the moment
roaming, waiting for something to come up
i'm thinking about goin "offline"
sleepy now
i've learned my thing of the day :)
and i've helped johan.. thats all the good deeds of the day i needed :)
:)... good deed a day keeps the kendall away
@Maverik ty for that!
time to look at fluffy animals on youtube :D..
@JohanLarsson pleasure and a privilege!
@E.LDunn furry? :D
yea that too lol
johan you dirty dog :P
i'm not sure you got the reference to furry but imma leave it to that before we become see sharp! XD
probably a good idea :P. oh mr johan have you had any luck converting the xaml to an svg?
no I have not started yet, I think I have some reading to do.
hope i didnt put you off it
no, you helped me get started and I thank you for that. I'm in a good place right now, have the things I need to start coding
@E.LDunn what do you say we try to find an interesting SO question and geek away?
ill just go grab a cup of tea first, send me a link if you find one
you don't drink coffee?
i do at work, its the only thing that keeps me going lol
when im at home i prefer tea
What about this?
isnt that already answered in the update?
ok sry I never read the questions :)
this looks like too much pain
just readign through a couple of times to understand it a little better
I just read the first half
Maybe this is fun
Holy shit; I just made the best cup of tea ever
Just wanted to share that with you
lol wanna swap mine is rubbish
Not really, I want to make this cup endless <3
feel free johan ... ive used the toolkit before and all it kept doing for me was crashing
I thought I'd be disappointed since I only left the teabag in for a short while, but no, it's the best thing ever.
BTW Any of you guys in the mood for a serious (non-WPF related) question? It's not challenging/taxing, more opinion
@E.LDunn is it included in .net now or is it a nuget?
@RudiVisser shoot
i dont think so johan i had to download it a few months back, although its possible i may have missed somthing.
Well I was thinking of some new product ideas, and since it's customer service focused I was thinking of some form of support portal. So it contains all your usual supporty crap like Tickets, Helpdesk/FAQs etc, but what I'm thinking is also a community support aspect like SO. Some support communities have like forums and stuff, but they rarely stay on topic and get flooded with the same crap
With a community moderated more-QA-focused type site instead of a forum, I reckon it might work. I had a hunt around for some StackOverflow clones and to be fair they're all absolute shite
(+ lol at the gif :D)
@RudiVisser using SO might be an option but not a product
BTW, all of the above is in the context of supporting a product/service, be it software, hardware, software as a service, a website, a game, or whatever
@JohanLarsson Nonono, I'm not just talking about the QA side of things, it's obviously more in depth than that for escalation to an actual support team, as well as helpdesk etc. But what I'm saying is that if you go to most sites, they provide FAQs or "Contact Us" for other support. I'm thinking about the whole concept of introducing a community aspect to support; with a focus on QA-style interaction instead of forum as others do
This is supporting an entirely arbitrary product, not a fit for SO (or any of the SE network actually unless it had its own site, and I'm sure SE would deny requests if every company in the world tried to get their own SE site, paid or not)
would it be a sign up thing for companies or a user based community ....
My customers are businesses, small enterprises providing a public service mostly. So Facebook games, products in the real world and also software. If they were to purchase this product they would install it on their site and set up the helpdesk FAQs, users of this product/service would sign up and provide peer support where needed
Of course, just like rep on SO, some form of incentive engine may be utilised by the companies to give the best helpers a free item or something idk, just toying with the overall concept
BTW to lighten the mood from questions:
the concept is sound
implementation may be harder lol
yes hard to beat the SO format
Well, SO is very easy to clone on the main concept of QA format. It won't need most of the main features that assist in supporting a larger community, flags/badges/privileges etc
So it remains very simple
how much of SO is protected by copyrights?
No idea, but they can't protect the idea of QA format, lol
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I want to clone SO and sell it on
I'm just talking about the idea of community based support in a forced QA style, rather than the usual forum type system
@RudiVisser I don't have a problem with that either
Me neither, I'd love to start an open source MVC clone of SO; but that's for another time :)
What would you need? I think tags, votes and ability to mark as answer would go a long way.
and just out of interest where you thinking it should be centralized or would each company have its own db and instance?
@JohanLarsson Exactly that, I'm not sure anything else would be needed at all..
@E.LDunn It would be instance based. Our primary product is CRM, so hooking it into that would be a priority... I mean, the idea is that the products are all interlinked (whilst not requiring each other to function) - know what I mean?
Maybe some editing capabilities
yea i get ya
Also good to separate comments and answers to keep signal-to-noise high
Yeah, but remember this wouldn't be entirely community based. It would be ran per company, so it can be moderated by the staff. Small businesses will be paying close attention anyway, medium businesses generally have a "Social media" person who can deal with it, and larger businesses generally have teams for "Community Support"
@RudiVisser yeah and they have to have some sort of helpdesk staff any way
Exactly. It would integrate more with their business functions if they had the CRM and used that daily anyway, since it can be a module within that to give them notifications
I think it is a very sellable idea
Support can probably be very efficient done that way, outsourced or even almost free if community starts to grow
Yeah; I think it leaves it open to both community participation and the ability to have complete control by answering stuff yourself. It would be easy to grow community participation by offering something back for every 10 voted answers or something
Like in a Facebook game, 5 credits! (that would normally cost $1 or some shit idk)
Gotta dash anyway, back in an hour or so ^_^
1 hour later…
I'm trying a theory to have the best cup of tea again
@E.LDunn finally finished the chart thing but all I can see is thet it works
Wonder if it is ok to push wpf toolkit with the sample?
i dont know , those license thingys always confuse me as to what you can and cant do
hows the tea Rudi
@E.LDunn OK but not as good as last time. I think it's because I'm using a smaller cup that the taste is concentrated
This time I used a little too much milk
But the smaller cup is definitely helping
and again sorry johan i have no idea never used github
@JohanLarsson You could always create a repo for like WpfControls and then stick 'em all in 1 place using diff projects. But it's entirely up to you
@RudiVisser I tried that first but then it turned into a trainwreck. Did not find a way to selectively push one project. I guess many small repos is not the end of the world
adding another line now
Definitely not, you can have unlimited public repos so it's fine
nvm found it

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