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Hi MaiziedHasanShuvo
This room focuses on WPF/XAML based tech. That's off topic here
Please try your question in PHP chat: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11/php
@MaiziedHasanShuvo That room should be able to help
'morning :)
Hi Lynn
How was your Christmas?
two new puppies here :)
Wow! Love animals so just hearing that makes me happy :)
Awwww the little babies. Passed out. One is so pooped, is face down
They seem to be ~3 hours away, then about 1.5 asleep :)
2 hours later…
@LynnCrumbling fun
two puppies is lots of fun, too much fun at times, tried it with two pointers once
1 hour later…
@JohanLarsson Oh yes... SO MUCH FUN!
@JohanLarsson When you mentioned pointers, I immediately thought of C++ pointers :D
Then realized the context. Wow. When you code too much, even during the holidays!
I have a setter also, mutator :)
Well, you need a getter too :D
a retriever
:D I love it

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