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easiest way to throttle change events on a bound text field? i don't want my search firing on every character press right away
The "Delay" property of the binding
just found that little nugget recently
think it's a WPF 4.5 feature.. hadn't seen it when i started out
6 hours later…
@Maverik did the analyzer find any bugs or was it just annoying?
3 hours later…
good morning guys, I'm trying to do something I thought it was trivial but is driving me a bit mad... I have a WPF app, that I'd like to develop following correctly MVVM paradigm, that contains a textbox. This textbox is bound to a property in the VM.
I want the VM property to be updated when user presses Enter, just as it happens when writing an url in a browser...
How can I do this?
code behind or attached property with the behavior
If it is only one code behind is easiest
I'd rather avoid code behind, otherwise the Gods of MVVM will come and take my soul while sleeping...
I'll ask the net for attached properties with behaviors, thanks for the hint
> I'd rather avoid code behind
Don't be a zealot about MVVM
It is very common for MVVM to be used as an alibi for solving simple problems in unnatural ways.
Doing view stuff in code behind is fine.
You will find that it is not often needed
Using behavior or attached property is just glorious code behind
More complicated but has reuse potential
Also one can argue that it is a good thing that it shows up in xaml.
I'm a total newbie of MVVM and WPF, just writing here sometimes to get the right ideas
Don't want to be a zealot, just learn it in the right way
It is good that you come here and chat
if you gurus suggest to go with code behind, I've no reason to doubt
There is a lot of bad information about code behind floating around
Code behind is not a crime
But you will find it is rarely needed for typical LOB apps
don't get the acronynm sorry
For your case where you want to extens behavior and react on enter key in one place
code behind is a sweet fit
Avoid business logic in code behind
And always prefer xaml over code behind when it is possible.
So if you are new it is probably a good thing to pause and ask here every time you think you need code behind.
Chances are there is a xaml way and it can be avoided.
ok I understand. What would you suggest me as good code behind way to achieve what I need?
try adding a handler to previewkeydown
It may be somewhat tricky to get the right ux as the key events come in bursts
Ask if you get stuck
there is also InputBindings option
    <KeyBinding Key="Enter" Command="{Binding UpdateCommand}" />
oh, nice, that sounds much better!
@grandangelo prefer foggy's way!
thanks Foggy. Does it mean that I should create a UpdateCommand ICommand?
Line of business (LOB) is a general term which refers to a product or a set of related products that serve a particular customer transaction or business need. In some industry sectors, like insurance, "line of business" also has a regulatory and accounting definition to meet a statutory set of insurance policies. It may or may not be a strategically relevant business unit. "Line of business" often refers to an internal corporate business unit, whereas the term "industry" refers to an external view that includes all competitors competing in a similar market. A line of business will often examine...
ok good, I'll try it thanks.
What if you set the UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged? This will update the property as you type it in.
Textbox contains a double. Once edit is terminated, I validate it. If not valid double, then set to zero.
Validating during typing would give me a "0" when typing the "." for decimal
How do you validate?
Do you use ValidationRule?
I thought about different case
If you set to default value when one is not valid does user understand where is problem ?
I'd say the problem with validation - it should accept "0." for decimal/double/float value
XAM-MAX, I validate in VM property set code
Never heard of ValidationRule... WPF is so huge that each question opens a new universe of questions...
Foggy, yes user would immediately see that something is wrong, because running test would be always fail.
Use ValidationRule instead, that's what it's for. But to be honest if you have a double/float/decimal property bound to a TextBox and you type in aaaaaa WPF will validate that as an invalid input and you will get the red border around the value anyway. Try it :-)
XAM|MAX, Foggy, I will check. Thank you.
In short you don't need a validation rule, WPF will automatically validate that as an invalid input just remember to to set UpdateSourceTrigger in your Binding. @grandangelo
Hi all
Hi Alex :-)
Hi Xaml
i have a grid with a grid splitter. user moves grid splitter. i want to save new position and reload it next time app runs
i thought this would be obvious to do ?
grid splitter has drag completed event which doesnt seem like what i want
grid has size changed event but not row/column size changed?
Julien, give the upvoted answer on this a try: social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/…
Wasn't sure how to link it
nice :D that seems way better then what i was trying
It's so easy to get a link to an SO answer. Not so much with the MS forum posts
not sure how to get a grid length property
im not offered system.windows, only system.windows.forms
mm my project didnt have the ref
i figured it would have had that one already
no still doesnt work. hm
cant figure out how to get access to GridLength type
I've an Command that shows a file selection dialog. If dialog is accepted, Command updates a property in VM. This property is bound to a textbox on the View. It works because I pass the whole VM as parameter to my Command.
What if I have two textbox? I want to call the same Command, to avoid code duplication, but I don't understand how to tell Command what VM property (thus View textbox) update...
I tried passing as CommandParameter the VM property, but it does not work. I guess it is because it is a string, thus not a reference...
@grandangelo show us your implementation of the Command that you are using.
TextBoxes should be bound using Binding your command should NOT have anything to do with contents. It only updates the property, Binding takes care of updating values of TextBoxes. Hope this makes sense
This is what I use for the Command implementation:
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
Action<object> _execute;
Predicate<object> _canExecute;

public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute)
_execute = execute;
_canExecute = (o) => true;

public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute)
_execute = execute;
_canExecute = canExecute;

public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return _canExecute.Invoke(parameter);

public void Execute(object parameter)

<TextBox Text="{Binding TemperatureLogFilePath}">
        <MouseBinding MouseAction="LeftDoubleClick" Command="{Binding SelectFileDialogCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}"/>
public ICommand SelectFileDialogCommand { get; }
SelectFileDialogCommand = new Commands.SelectFileDialogCommand();
class SelectFileDialogCommand : ICommand

        public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            return true;

        public void Execute(object parameter)
            ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel vm = parameter as ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel;
            var selectFileDialog = new Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf.VistaSaveFileDialog
                InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop),
                Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
The file dialog should be in a service instead of in the command
Problem is: it works only for TemperatureLogFilePath.
I'd like to modify it to manage other LogFilePath, passing parameters
I use commands in a completely different way than you. I pass the execute method through constructor of the Command so I have only 1 implementation of a command and each view model passes correct methods for the command to execute
like this:
`CloseCommand = new RelayCommand(closeCommandMethod);`
protected override void closeCommandMethod(object parameter)
            foreach (var vm in VMs)
This way I don't have to implement new command every time I need a command.
Hi guys ...
Hi Sadiq :-)
in .net we can impersonate user by identity tag in web.config file. But is it necessary to be configured in IIS AppPool as well?
In web.config:
<identity impersonate="true"/>
XAM|MAX, should I have two different commands, one for Temperature, one for Measurement for example, as new RelayCommands?
so that I could use parameter to pass the correct VM object, keeping duplicate code very low
If you do it like I do then you don't need to pass entire ViewModel
if its not the right place to ask plz guide me where should I ask otherwise
yes I see
You will already have access to it through the method you pass in
I understand (I think / hope)
@Sadiq try here MVC chat
@XAMlMAX thanks
no problem
XAM|MAX, I implemented you suggestion, it works. Many thanks.
Fantastic news! glad I could help :-)
believe me, if I had to pay for stackoverflow I'd do it with smile on my face...
ok, also I implemented ValidationRule, instead of my handmade method.
wow learnt a lot today, hope to not forget all tonight :-)
bye guys have a nice day, will be back soon with other easy questions.
Take care :-)
2 hours later…
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood morning all
yo yo
still stuck on how to get a System.Windows.GridLength type in my application properties
if anyone has any ideas :D
You need to store it in application properties?
why do you need to store it?
i have a grid splitter. user moves grid splitter. i want to save position and reload it next app run
solution here social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/… from @Alex but requires the GridLength type i cant seem to access
i can see it in code, but not from settings window
if he can't see it from the 'type' drop down menu in the settings window then I was thinking something like this stackoverflow.com/questions/39190268/…
Hmm. Interesting, some answers talk about instantiating a gridlength struct: new GridLength(30)
i did try using a double but it throws cast errors
not sure i could work in that .value bit
cant try it here
... I seem to remember having to write a converter to GridLength at some point, just to get around the error when cast to double. But I'm not sure. I do remember GridLength being a PITA for some reason
Converts instances of other types to and from GridLength instances.
so if my application property is a double
i can just throw that on my binding line and all is well?
does anyone know how to deselect a grid view row in a listview? I tried the following solution stackoverflow.com/a/12164758/1462656 but it doesn't deselect the row, the only solution that works is the setting the selected item to null, but I can't do that
posted on February 19, 2019 by Rich Lander [MSFT]

.NET Core 1.0 was released on June 27, 2016 and .NET Core 1.1 was released on November 16, 2016. As an LTS release, .NET Core 1.0 is supported for three years. .NET Core 1.1 fits into the same support timeframe as .NET Core 1.0. .NET Core 1.0 and 1.1 will reach end of life and... Read more

@erotavlas Why can't you set the selected item to null? If you need the value, store it in another prop
I'm trying now, but I have logic in the set block that complicates things
I think I have it working, phew....just two annoying list view that I wanted to unselect one when the other was selected
1 hour later…
My ugly, brutal, no good solution to the RDLC problem: stackoverflow.com/a/54774151/177416
It's brute force and it has lots of room for efficiencies but it works for now. Just wanted to document it for anyone else losing their mind on something similar
4 hours later…
posted on February 19, 2019 by Tara Overfield [MSFT]

Today, we released the February 2019 Preview of Quality Rollup. Quality and Reliability This release contains the following quality and reliability improvements. CLR Addresses an issue in System.Threading.Timer where a single global queue that was protected by a single process-wide lock causing a issues with scalability where Timers are used frequently on multi-CPU machine.  The fix... Read more

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