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Good morning
1 hour later…
Hello again @BuddhikaChaturanga
I am here foggy
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1} {2}">
    <Binding Path="A" />
    <Binding Path="B" />
    <Binding Path="C" />
    <Binding Mode="OneWayToSource" Path="D" />
something like that won't work for you?
D won't change with updated text
D is null
I am using MahApp TextBox
that's doesn't matter, I guess. Can you provide MCVE?
<TextBox x:Name="TxtBox_CommandInfo" Style="{DynamicResource MetroTextBox}" Controls:TextBoxHelper.Watermark="This is a textbox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,236,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="154" Width="780" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0}{12,6}{1}{12,8}{2}{12,1}{3}{12,1}{4}{12,1}{5}{12,4}{6}{12,8}{7}{12,8}{8}{12,8}{9}{12,10}{10}&#x0a;{11}{13}" Mode="TwoWay" NotifyOnTargetUpdated="True">
public string CommandInfoLog
return m_commandInfo;
m_commandInfo =value;
for an example
public string SelectedType
return m_selectedType;
m_selectedType = value;
// OnPropertyChanged("SelectedType");
// OnPropertyChanged("CommandInfo");

no, I mean MCVE
I wrote simple and dirty example:
and there is result:
I used textBox instead of your comboboxs because it's quickly
the xaml for textBlock was the same - so it can works. But really I don't understand why you can't just add the D property to your VM
yeah that's correct it's okay.. now can you get the textbox text value to a property via multibinding?
Are you displaying value of D ?
    <TextBox Text="{Binding A, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
    <TextBox Text="{Binding B, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
    <TextBox Text="{Binding C, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
            <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1} {2}">
                <Binding Path="A" />
                <Binding Path="B" />
                <Binding Path="C" />
                <Binding Mode="OneWayToSource" Path="D" />
let crContext() =
    let source = Bind.createSource()
    let a = Mutable.create "1"
    let b = Mutable.create "2"
    let c = Mutable.create "3"

    a |> Bind.Explicit.twoWayMutable source "A"
    b |> Bind.Explicit.twoWayMutable source "B"
    c |> Bind.Explicit.twoWayMutable source "C"

    Signal.map3(fun a b c -> a + " " + b + " " + c) a b c
    |> Signal.Subscription.create (printfn "Value = %A")
    |> source.AddDisposable

^ the full code (except setting the DataContext and showing window)
that's why I asked for mcve - I can't repro your Q
foggy you used textblock instead of textbox
no your approach is correct ...
the value you disaply on cmd ? is it value of D ?
I just don't have to keep it, so there is only printing to console
but you can do whatever you want
so should replace textbox with textblock ?
yep, you can do it with TextBox (ReadOnly = true)
If I am defining property D like this is this fine ?
public string D
return D;
what is the proble with SO?
i can't load the page
dunno - the same
foggy , D value still null
@BuddhikaChaturanga better to use approach that was providing in the answer to your Q.
8 mins ago, by Foggy Finder
that's why I asked for mcve - I can't repro your Q
It's a closed source
How can I provide you a full code ...
wait I will upload some files
I will upload demo code
@FoggyFinder XAML 253
@FoggyFinder is it visible ?
@FoggyFinder are you there?
stop pinging him
he will answer if he want when he can
this is not a customer service
I know ... and also I am not customer of anyone .. who are you , Oh Sorry, I wanted to check whether the code files uploaded is visible to him or not ...
@BuddhikaChaturanga you don't have to provide full code, just minimal
"It's a closed source:" What did you mean here? MahApps style?
nope.. I just sent a dummy code
sorry, I don't get it
private String m_openDatFileName; O____o
@RudiVisser it should be m_openedDatFileName
String (capital S) is just strange
and Hungarian notation.... Good god
But each to their own :D
I am new to C# sorry ..
I am C/C++/Assm dev , had to involve with WPF/C# , :)
SO seems back online
SO means who?
stackoverflow ?
stack overflow
it wasn't online before (at least for me)
Hi all
Hey Daniele
I love String @rudi
I love you, @Markus
String probably loves you
Love is all you need
Hey everyone
Hi William
Hey guys! Is there a way to add custom properties to a Flyout I've declared in Resources? The flyout has two TextBlocks and I want to set the contents of these. But I use the flyout at two different places so I need a way to bind the TextBlock content to different propeties. I hope you understand what I mean :D
Oh and it's a UWP project
Hey toXel
hi @toXel Two things: 1) if you're asking for code help, you should provide a link to a gist that shows your current code. 2) Their are a few room residents that have done UWP, but the majority of people in here are purely WPF. That being said, so much of the same concepts are shared that you may get help anyway, but it's not a sure thing. YMMV.
Gist -- please provide each file with appropriate extension (i.e., .cs or .xaml) for code highlighting
Can you use UWP on anything but Win10?
i think not
even if fluent design system seems cool
Nov 22 '17 at 16:19, by milleniumbug
IOW, it's "universal", as long as your universe doesn't contain any non-Microsoft related technologies
Okay I've created a simple example for my question. Also added comments for clarification: gist.github.com/toXel/302357abc4b565bf48dff8c0a67d1472
basically you extend flyout with your own custom class that has an attached property that you can set in xaml
<myCustomFlyout myBitOfText='whatever' />
@Julien I just landed on that page while I was searching for an answer but haven't read it yet :D. Now I know I'm on the right track so thanks :)
Does anyone have a example for it?
Yea okay sorry the documentation already has a good example :D nevermind...
> UWP is a part of Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile. UWP apps do not run on earlier Windows versions.
^ Wikipedia
UWP runs on Xbox, HoloLens, and presumably any future Microsoft tech as well
I can't stop yawning
runs to mailbox
help should arrive in 7-10 business days
Fun note: you can't even dev UWP unless you have Windows 10
I found that out the hard way last year when I started the app you did the hw assist with.
That was UWP
That runs on a Raspberry Pi, and I had win 7 on my laptop
Universal == Windows 10 universe
Yep - Raspberry Pi Running Windows IOT 10
I thought you meant what you helped me on and that was WPF
i think that it's really disappointing that you must use a single OS to create and run an app with UWP. I mean, i understand microsoft and its desire to bring everyone on win10, but it's very unrealistic that this will happen anytime soon
and it's sad, cause, as i said before, especially in therms of UI, it seems that you can do pretty cool stuff with the recent fluent design system
You are making a lot of assumptions on how easy it is to port that UI system to other platforms
I agree it would be nice to have it elsewhere; but that ecosystem takes a lot of stuff to work I'm sure
Little follow-up to my question: I've created a CustomFlyout now and added the custom attached properties. I also can set them when I instantiate a CustomFlyout in a button for example. But how can I access the properties in the CustomFlyout itself?
I've updated the gist: https://gist.github.com/toXel/302357abc4b565bf48dff8c0a67d1472
i am pretty sure that it would be hard to port that ecosystem in other platform. I'm saying that i am sad that something similar it isn't available for all platforms
Closest you can have right now is Xamarin
at least AFAIK
@toXel So - you should just be able to drop in some dependency properties where you want to be able to expose properties in the custom flyout
I've done that before on a UC -- it's a pretty common thing to want to do
Then set up the binding on the property to point to the dp
So the binding in my example in View.xaml is correct right?
So {Binding Title} would be: {Binding TheTitle, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Flyout}}}
And you'd add a TheTitle dp
Ah ok let me try that
Yes -
in my case, it would be:
But you get the idea, I think
Yep thx
Meh... {RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Flyout}} isn't possible in UWP...
lol UWP
@milleniumbug yea... sucks...
Found an alternative: `{RelativeSource Mode=TemplatedParent}`
But that doesn't work as expected. There is no binding error but no value is shown...
TemplatedParent only works in a control template
yep also realized that... I'm stuck ^^
But I'll just leave now for the weekend. Maybe I've a good idea on monday or something... thanks for all the help!
Someone had asked about this earlier...thought I'd post.
wow 1803 O.O it's already been almost 6 months?!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'm very sorry for responding this late, I had class and had to rush there
Right after class I had work
Today same thing almost finished shift
Excuses.. you were clearly just ignoring him!
I don't get what you mean why the template looks wrong, because to me this is exactly how I want it to be
Haha no I was not ignoring
But appearantly this template is 'wrong' but I don't see how
yea its wrong :)
you need a group by clause on your details rows
you're instead pretending to group by faking row additions
Wrestling w/ Content Security Policy for a web app
i hear there's some tool out there in ether to help write CSPs
But this is how I want the output to be, so then what must I do?
re-read his comments - forget what you've done
and as i said yesterday: if you have to force something to look the way you want it.. you're doing something wrong
your key control here is CollectionViewSource -> GroupDescriptions
learn to use it
Using NWebSec for CSP. Using this tool to scan: observatory.mozilla.org
I know what he meant but this did not seem to create the output I personally want
Instead of having a single row per category I could also 'live' with the Element containing a tab at the beginning of it's string
Don't get me wrong I know my way around group by etc, but I did not use this because it could not create the custom output as I created in the template (which was made in Word)
I would love to do this the correct way rather than pointing the element to the second column during the foreach
well if its looks you're after you need to fiddle with templates
but adding rows is the wrong way.. and if you still wanna go ahead.. well go ahead
Nope, it's exactly I do not wish to do
I want to use templates and binding, but with the output I created quickly in Word in the image
Which is why I knocked on your doors, sorry if I had made anybody misunderstand me
well you need to spend time on this to edit the template.. i doubt anybody would give you handmade template for this purpose
(since it's fairly time consuming)
I wouldnt want a handmade template given, just the info that I -need- a template in order to get my custom view on my listview
And now I have that info, thank you
well yea anything view related is a template fiddling business
if you don't like the default look of a control, you have to dive into its guts and edit the control template
I wonder how I would let the template 'know' when to jump onto the second column when it's about element and jump on the first column when it's about category
should be in datagrids control template
it won't be an actual column jump but rather a margin jump
this is pretty involved stuff and i'd say don't waste your time on it
you're going to end up hard coding margins which is more brittle than what you have right now.. at least this won't frustrate future developers as much as a custom control template forcing this layout
lesser of two evils
Well I trust you on your advice mav
It's too bad, would have been nice to have a Total row at the end of each category
I did that in WinForms, but ofc this wasn't the way it should be, on which I am focussing on right now
Usually features like that imply you shouldn't be using a data grid
As it seems
Issues like "using a datagrid" are usually a good implication that you should use something other than a data grid :D
Well I 'use' a datatable
But I guess that still leaves me with the same problem
Also with listview, I guess?
(I'm just being snarky - though I do think of datagrid as the 2nd worst control in the toolbox after stackpanel)
wow it's pretty bad then
So now I am out of options...
I guess I'll have to leave my beloved view idea and get to another listview just containing category-name and total Euro of al transaction-elements
Please do confirm this is the 'right way' then..
Getting nervous here :p
Yup, ^ that should be good
Thanks all for the patience with me on this
well no i'd say just change the way you want it to look
let it group as grouping normally happens
you can still get a totals row if you provide data for it ;)
And listen to Maverik :)
not always
He knows his stuff
Mav rarely thinks before he speaks :P
sometimes its utter non-sense!
I think MWs primary problem is his viewmodels
he's using wrong VMs
Life is like a flip of the dice...and I always get tails ;)
good if you're into that :p
TL;DR... when I see listview, I say it's good!
lol TL indeed.. its been running since yesterday
i only know of it from transcript catch up
so he has an OC that contains Category & Transaction items
if its Category.. he wants it in first column
if its Transaction.. he wants it in other columns
why he can't use group by: because of his desire to use actual column layout that group by won't follow by default
@LynnCrumbling are you all getting a lot of rai?
But so if I use a 'total' row at the end of each category a DataRow template is the correct way in the listview?
there's multiple ways this could be done
But is it the 'correct' matter?
i'd personally use a VM<Transaction> for the purpose & add a Totals flag .. if the flag is set, i'll render it as a Totals row
as long as you're not doing .Add(row) to a control.. you're probably doing it correct
you could also use a derived class
whatever way you choose to do it.. as long as the source of data is VM.. you're doing it "correctly"
though with Totals row .. if it's a view only thing.. there could be other ways that don't involve a VM but i'd rather not get into this
I do the 'merging' process in the VM of the UC of the tab
Lastly: whether you do it in DataGrid or listview.. its not going to make a difference .. both are going to consume data from ItemsSource
both are going to use same data templates
Alright great, good to know this
Thank you
we do avoid DataGrid in general as a habit but you can keep going with datagrid since you already have it coded
I discovered I can 'star' helpfull comments
here we usually do this only for links to external resources
and you do know I cancel stars eventually when i clean them up right? :)
so at this time we have about 200 helpful resources linked in stars
if you spot a star that isn't helpful (and not on front page) just let me know and I'll clean it up
Will do
front page is a temp buffer of stars where we can have all sorts of weirdness to keep the mood light
but thats why they also get cleaned regularly
hah -> mood_light
love it
I see
I am going to puzzle with the custom row idea without the usage of .Add or whatsoever
thats the easy part :D
there's almost nothing you can't do with a ViewModel & a DataTemplate combo
and for extra help throw in a Style.Trigger
what most folks .. brb
brb myself too, I am finishing my shift at my gasoline station. I did all the chores already and customers are low at the end
So I checked the chat
See you all later, thanks for the info
If you want the "Category" header and a "total" footer ListView seems like a better choice to me at least
2 hours later…
@biggi_ rai?

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