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12 hours later…
Hi all
I'm researching Office Development Tools to see if it's suitable. I haven't done any work yet, but I'm curious, what type of file do you end up with? If I create a WPF/WinForm app, I get an .exe and I can chuck that into an installer (like installshield). Is it the same principal with Office Development Tools?
@MyDaftQuestions Depends on what you're doing. Some add-ins use web tech (HTML/CSS/JS)
It appears the older way to do it is using COM or VSTO
The new approach uses web app technologies
Well, it's will essentially be written in WPF (or as close to WPF as I can get)
It's not about the tech though, it's more about after I create the add in within Visual Studio, how do I get it onto a colleagues computer
This might help
I've honestly been looking for the past hour... why was my .... I mean...
thank you but I feel pretty useless now :)
Nah, no worries.
You're welcome
Microsoft's resources can be challenging to navigate/search
well, yes that's true,
thank you
@MyDaftQuestions One other resource, if you're using WPF for Office dev: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb772076.aspx
I am indeed
Thanks Alex
You're welcome :)
Hi franssu
hi, watched the first episode yesterday :)
Mr. Robot?
Dang it. I'm out of the loop :)
Still haven't caught it
you didn't watch it ?
No. Ain't got cable/satellite
And too cheap to get Amazon Prime
ah it was lynn
and you want to stay legal ?
But with all the buzz, it must be a great show
Though I did watch some bootleg Ash vs. Evil Dead last year :)
to watch a show whose main point is that stealing is not immoral Oo
@Alex Oh, remembered another huge David Warner flick...
He's a versatile actor
Plays a good "bad guy"
hi Lynn :)
hello @franssu!
What did you think of Mr. Robot?
I liked it
makes me want to hack Oo
I have a friend who looks like the main character
he's into digital forensic
I enjoy how all of the characters have just started saying "Evil Corp" all of the time, instead of E-Corp.
I couldn't hack my own computer though
I kinda like the show but i don't like the main guy :( no real reason.. just one of those faces!
I think he's so cewl
wonder if he's got what it takes to own a dog though
wake up at 7am to walk it out Oo
Dang, Johan! Do you code in your sleep? :)
It is really small
But solves an annoying problem.
Either I did not understand anything or the API for MediaElement is absolute shit.
Is there a way to define a margin or padding for all cells in the grid, or for an entire row/column?
@LynnCrumbling Maybe this
Yeah, no easy solution. Tried it on grids a while back. Had to give individual controls inside the grid their own padding/margin
One of the reasons I hate grids
Keeping on theme, you were supposed to say, "Not in here mister! This is a Mercedes!"
> Check if current playback, if any, can be rewound.
is ^ engrish?
rewound felt strange
nope thats the correct form
you're welcome :)
when in doubt, pop it in google and see if dictionary pops up :)
Be kind, rewind!
@Maverik no nedd for google when you are right here :)
Hi there lovely people :)
Hi André
Hi Alex, are you good?
Doing all right. How are you?
hehe thanks Johan but i don't trust me.. you shouldn't either :D I always pop the question to interwebs even if i think i know the answer
I'm excellent, life is starting to show a rainbow after the storm
Nice. Still waiting on the rainbow here
Just don't give up, trust me it will happen.
Or just start capturing pokemons, it helped me a lot :D
did ya go to any olympic events andre?
No, I really wanted to, but it was on the neighboring state and the price to watch it live is really expensive.
ahh, really? didn't know that
you could've tried to hangout in the olympic village ;)
5 hours drive from where I live, just the gas price would have crushed my finances
ahh, yeah, that's quite a trip.
i hated 19 hour drives, and 8 hour drives. i probably wouldn't be a fan of 5 hours either lol
I'd spend 1 gas tank and a half. My car has a 45L tank, here in Brazil the liter of gasoline is about 1$, making it at least 67.5$ just to go and come back
That is close to 10% of my income. :X
10%... really?
That is actually 8.86% of my current income :X
my girlfriend and i gave a complete stranger $500 to fly him home at christmas time.
only to find out almost two years later: justice.gov/usao-wdok/pr/…
i'd of been better off giving that money to you
Holy fucking shitballs
yeah. i saved all his info in a file on my drive account, and i pulled up that file a couple weeks ago while cleaning up, and decided to google his name again... that was a mistake
Did that get you involved with anything? Because they usually go after everyone who got in touch with the people
no, i was thinking about emailing DoJ because he used to work up by us... as "Santa's Little Helper"
which is disgusting
santa's little helper as in, helps out in shopping malls moving kids around to take pictures with a fake santa.
@Julien is this a good time to go through DynamicData approach or shall i forge ahead with ObservableCollection & derived filtered collections approach? :)
I never trusted those fake santas...
It seems a bit wrong to have a line of children sitting on some old dudes lap just to be told some lies about how they are going to get that doll that costs more than a parcel of a car
andre you should try to find some freelancer work.
because you're underpaid
i know we've told you this before :)
Haha my income is kind of good comparing to my position
how many hours do you do ?
IT here in Brazil is really f*cked up
I work 09h to 18h, Monday to Friday
Since Brazil is undergoing a coup, we might have to work 12 hours a day instead of 8h :p
1 hour lunchbreak ?
Anyone can point me to the right direction on implementing User Role Permissions in wpf using MVVM?
Yes, 1 hour lunchbreak
User Role Permissions?
Permissions inherently granted by being given a role?
Doesn't seem like an MVVM thing...
Seems like business logic
Andre, the same profession here, and probably in many other places, pay your current income in less than a week.
i guess we'll wait for @ReedCopsey to get you a visa :)
Why would he do that?
I know he has a company and such but I can't say I have enough knowledge to impress anyone here haha
I dont think people get jobs because they have knowledge to impress
there are people that can't think for themselves that are also developers here...
they get the jobs cos they can get the job done.. whatever that may be :)
i'd probably pick you over them even if you had half a brain
I think I have a brain and a half, but that is just I have a big head
me and you both brutha
are you in the size 8 head club too?!
before mav get's wild... this: davidmorgan.com/hatsizing.html
I don't know, but I'm googling and getting a metric tape. One sec
Damn, no measure tape, not even a ruler here
Managed to measure with a 30cm rules by using a string, I have about 64cm head
With your link, that is an 8
High five bro
I knew I had a big head since a friend of mine has a motorbike and he uses the biggest helmet the store had, and I have to cut my ears off in order to use it hahaha
i feel your pain. i needed a special helmet when i played football, some hat stores don't even carry 8 to begin with, flexfit hats sometimes still dont fit... stupid. be we are gifted :)
Haha flexfit just makes it look weirder
Looks like you're wearing a rubberband that is about to explode
Is there any way to see the SQL statement that Linq2Entity generates? I'm trying to see why an async call is slow. Albeit, it does read some navigation properties to generate an OC for each element in the parent OC
You want to catch it before the execution ?
That would be useful
There's an outer OC of new VMs being created
Then an inner OC that looks up nav props
And it takes something like 45 secs to generate about 20 records for an LV
Before the execution, I have no clue. But you can use SQL Profiler
That is even better I guess ._.
Well, that's Linq2SQL
This is Linq2Entity. It gets parsed into SQL at some point
I need to learn about EF. But I'm so used to get projects that need to be done overnight that I don't get enough time to learn
I'm reading about OOP in Javascript, because I think I don't do it correctly and it is in my bucket list
But first, I'm going to lunch
@AndréSilva Bring a bucket for puking.
JS & OO is strong stuff.
Both are nasty :D
Web development is a big workaround that somehow is growing nonstop
But still, JS is fun
I love how NaN is actually a number and that the MAX and MIN value from Number are not actually the maximum and minimum
@Alex most frequent reason for that is multiple enumeration of the linq results
try a ToArray() on your query before feeding it into OC and see if that helps
(and of course use the same cached array for anything down the chain)
Thanks, Maverik. I think that's my problem.
Here's the query...
var query = db.PersonnelTeches
	.ToArray()  // Must realize the data before proceeding. This switches from Linq2SQL to Linq2Objects
	.Select(x =>
		new PersonnelTechViewModel
			PersonnelTechId = x.personnelTechId,
			Name = x.name,
			Email = x.email,
			MailTo = "mailto:" + x.email,
			CreatedDate = x.createdDate,
			CostCenterOrgUnitVms = new ObservableCollection<CostCenterOrgUnitViewModel>(
						ptcc => new CostCenterOrgUnitViewModel
Note that ptcc.CostCenter and ptcc.CostCenterOrganizationalUnit are navigational properties on PersonnelTeches
I'm assuming you're on EF6+ ?
ask for Navigation properties upfront with .Include(x => x.CostCenterOrganizationalUnit) in your linq2sql section
Yep, EF6
Hmm. Let me see
implicit navigation costs multiple round trips generally
So that's up before the first .ToArray()?
you want sql to give you everything in one go
OK. Let me try it
Didn't know how it's fetching the data
when you don't give it .include upfront, it pulls in navigational data in lazy fashion doing round trips each time you pull navigation
Sorry, misspoke... ptcc.CostCenter and ptcc.CostCenterOrganizationalUnit are nav props on PersonnelTechCostCenterOrgUnits, which in turn is a nav prop on PersonnelTeches
yea just do the right number of upfront navigation pulls in Include
(its syntax is like nameof, you can give it tertiary properties to pull down - code that generally may not make much sense)
Ahh, because it's only showing this at the top level
i don't remember if EF6 lambda syntax is valid (i know its valid in EF7) if EF6 isn't working with lambda, you can use string override
     .Include(x => x.PersonnelTechCostCenterOrgUnits)
     .Include(x => x.PersonnelTechCostCenterOrgUnits)
     .Include(x => x.PersonnelTechCostCenterOrgUnits.CostCenterOrganizationalUnit)
(i think you can skip the second line, it should be able to figure it needs second level to pull third - but i normally include it to be obvious from code maintenance point of view)
It underlines in red... Cannot resolve name
(i think lambda isn't intelligent enough in EF6 they changed syntax in EF7 to make it work nicely)
EF7 does by saying
OK. Running now to see the diff
.Include(x => x.PersonnelTechCostCenterOrgUnits).ThenInclude(x => x.CostCenterOrganizationalUnit)
Holy cow!
It's like night and day
(technically they're Expression trees, not plain lambdas)
yup - its very easy to get started with linq - it takes some fiddling to make it really shine :)
It loads them like in 1/2 a second!
Never realized it was making those round trips for the additional data (joins)
contrary to what everybody keeps saying - you shuold opt-in to lazy evals rather than opt-out as a default
just remember that and you'll be able to connect the dots pretty quickly :)
Didn't know you could reference the expression tree using quotes
umm yea Expression trees can parse :)
thats how you can write dynamic Where linq
pass the condition as a string
Dang it. Been doing things the hard way :)
As usual
Thanks, Maverik!
Saved the day
pretty fragile thing - not something I use as routine.. but just know its there if its the only option left
Yeah, you have to get the names just right
No Intellisense in 6 to show you the way
no lambdas should work for immediate navigation
I have done tertiary navigation in EF6 before
lemme see if i can dig out syntax
@Kevin Who am I getting a visa for?
Andre @ Reed
It's tricky for tertiary nav
yea its tricky in EF6
but EF7 is much better in that respect
you may wish to implement the eager eval + includes on other queries ;)
PS: I'm not sure - but i don't think there's a direct built-in Expressions.Parse("") function - its more to the function reading in the string to parse and build expression out of it
@AndréSilva Probably can't do a visa - but check your chat ;)
Yep, eager eval is so cool! Didn't know you could do that on the nav props
The performance diff is huge
40+ seconds down to <1 second
guess your sql connection has noticeable latency that was getting aggregated
I think so
Hoping this major refactor is done
Just learned how painful it is to add a table and move data around on the database, then get the app to work right with those changes. This after most of the app was written
Had to normalize the cost center/org units, as they're used in multiple places. Initially, they were needed in only one place
That sounds like fun :P
Well, maybe it taught me more patience.
There was an employee piece as well as one for the technicians
Alex: didn't you backport to a view?
Did that for the Employee table; the technicians were so late in the game, I just modified the tables
The Employee view flattens the data
And works just like the old Employee table
Would not have thought of that trick if it weren't for you
heh i've already endured through the pain xD
shortcuts usually come after you've bled enough to break the walls :)
Yeah, as devs, we have to go through this sort of thing.
Dreaded this refactor, but survived it :)
And like we've said before, the user will never know
yea but you're stronger than ever before after this :)
you know backporting & eager eval - two critical tools few realise the value of :)
and with that I shall close the shop for now.. g'night all and catch you peeps tomorrow
I feel like doing something that might be hard.
Writing something that allows ~rotating SystemColors to create themes
you could probably bake in material design color rules
would be pretty slick
how do you mean?
pick a theme, which gives you a hue
for main color
then you can do the themes as +/- value/saturation off that
for the accent colors
@ReedCopsey that video is going to cause me to have a seizure. haha
blame google
2 hours later…
@ReedCopsey nice, thanks

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