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03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

3 hours later…
Q: TreeView NodeStyle add Image Alt Text Web Accessibility Issue

Arijit MukherjeeI have never worked on Web Forms so my question might not be so constructive to the community but I'm trying to add text to the alt for a Node Style Image attached below: This is the Error I'm getting in Web Accessibility

1 hour later…
Is there a simple way to have contextual commands? I have a menu with a "New" command. Depending on which tab I have open I want it to do different things.
2 hours later…
@WilliamMariager just set the property to another command when the current tab changes ?
2 hours later…
@Maverik Slick brush/demo.. thanks for sharing!
Good morning
Requirements keep changing for my current project. Like trying to hit a target that moves and changes shape at the same time
waves back from cubicle
@Alex oh joy...
@Alex Like getting the hammer to put in a nail and they decide to use a screw but when you return with the screwdriver all they're willing to pay for is some glue? :P
@LynnCrumbling and @WilliamMariager -- yes, and using equipment that's outdated, slow
And then they say, "Oh, we couldn't afford the hammer, nail, screw or glue. Can you just use some open source, free stuff to get us to the moon?"
Do you do in-house work, or consulting?
In house
One job, the boss had that attitude of Microsoft equals the Devil. Everything had to be open source. Even if it took longer and in the end cost more money in dev time
Suffice it to say, that boss left that job and the entire IT dept. got replaced with contractors
We learn and grow from all of it
I'm fortunate in that I get a lot of freedom in architecting and designing just about everything I do.
But I've heard stories of that kind of boss before :|
(and variants)
Heading to meeting. Talk to you all later :)
Oh, now you're back. Hello all. Good bye all.
Hi Bill
Sometimes bindings really confuses me ...
The binding with the text Type (raw) works fine.
The binding on the ComboBox with the text Type (gs1) doesn't.
My only theory is that binding to SelectedItem might require some special handling, but I doubt it since I've used it elsewhere.
What is kind of object is GS1Type?
It's a class with a public property Value.
That combobox has no ItemsSource set on it... where's it populate from?
Nothing at the moment. I was populating it from code behind before. Does it need the value in its ItemsSource to work?
Yep. You're asking the combobox to return the selecteditem, which is an instance of the class for GS1Type, but there's no instance, because there's no itemssource binding.
Does it use reference comparison or the .Equals method? I added an instance but it still doesn't return it.
For the ItemsSource?
I mean, when I set SelectedItem and it looks for the instance in the ItemsSource.
How are you setting selecteditem?
You'd set the bound property = the item from the OC that the ItemsSource is bound to.
(same instance that's present in the OC)
The SelectedItem is just bound, I don't set it manually anywhere.
You said "when I set SelectedItem" ... what did you mean by that?
Did you mean: when the combobox binding fires the setter on the bound property?
I guess that's what I meant yeah. I'm not setting anything manually.
Ah, ok. What's the actual type name for GS1Type?
I'd expect a property in the datacontext for the selected item binding:
private GS1CodeType _GS1Type;
public GS1CodeType GS1Type
     get { return _GS1Type; }
     set { GS1Type = value; }
that setter should fire whenever an item is selected in the combobox
public GS1CodeType GS1Type
    get { return new GS1CodeType { Value = this.Type }; }
    set { this.Type = value.Value; }
I wouldn't be doing anything in the getter and setter.
Are you seeing the setter fire when you select an item? Does a bp hit?
If so, your binding is working fine.
if not, it's a binding error.
Great! Then your selected item is working :)
I see what you're doing with the code now.
But it doesn't work the other way :P And that's the problem.
made two of the best purchases on google store today. Africa - Toto and Goodbye Horses - Q Lazzarus
You're backing the GS1Type with this.Type
@LynnCrumbling Yeah.
this.Type needs to notify GS1Type whenever it changes.
That's your problem.
Alright, so INPC is missing.
I'll add it then.
Sorry that took so long :)
I just appreciate the help :P
Implementing INPC is my favorite activity ...
im just in time
@LynnCrumbling, so after implementing INPC I found the problem ...
nvmd, im too late :(
@Kevin Goodbye Horses, have you seen Suicide Squad recently?
    public partial class GS1CodeType
        public bool Equals(TradeItemUnitDescriptorCodeType other)
            return (other.Value.Equals(this.Value));

        public override bool Equals(object other)
            return (other is TradeItemUnitDescriptorCodeType) && this.Equals((TradeItemUnitDescriptorCodeType)other);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return this.Value?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
Notice I'm mixing types ...
So Equals always returns false.
You got a different error at that point?
Well, INPC fixed the UI not updating, so I had to do it. But it wasn't the root of the original issue.
Either way, forward progress! :)
@NovitchiS yep. for some reason that song is becoming popular again
i've heard it in the weddings I've been to, multiple movies, spotify playlists... etc
They made a lot of covers for this film and then went with the original versions :)
For those interested, Pluralsight is having a free webinar about .NET Core vs. .NET Framework: learn.pluralsight.com/resource/webinar/codeschool-webinar
Wondering what's not in Core that's in Framework, if anything
@NovitchiS ahh. didn't know that! Did you like the movie?
I liked it more than I thought I would.
@Kevin Yeah superhero movie and a hot girl wearing panties the whole movie, what's not to like :) I expected more to see about the Joker.
Reviews were brutal on the film, but a lot of folks have said it wasn't bad
Probably the actual film didn't live up to the hype. It rarely does
yeah, the joker was pretty good in that movie
    using (var shell = ShellObject.FromParsingName(Path))
        IShellProperty prop = shell.Properties.System.Size;
        Size = prop.FormatForDisplay(PropertyDescriptionFormatOptions.None & PropertyDescriptionFormatOptions.AlwaysKB);
how do i make this method NOT AlwaysKB?
is there possible to make listview's gridviewcolumn width to resize automatically?
@Kevin ie. when i sink my window. Listview column should get sink
ie. when i shrink my window. Listview column should get shrink
@Julien what do you mean?
currently its returning in KB
i want it to scale according to the size, so 1.5 GB, or 500 Mb
this is the information you see when you right click a file, properties, details
yep. aren't there other enums?
lots, but the only one that seems to relate to file size is AlwaysKB
which i cant seem to toggle off
@Kevin any reply??
did you make it *-sized?
@Julien maybe always get KB and format it to your liking? get KB and divide by 1000/1000000/etc
sure, i could work harder to do what windows already does
i swear i had it working at some point, dunno what i changed, and now i just always get KB
i also cant seem to find any documentation on this method
yeah, me niether... wtf lol
R# decompile it?
it decompiles to an interface
file size... sounds like @Maverik would have the answer, but he's not here
dont really know where to go from there
  public enum PropertyDescriptionFormatOptions
    None = 0,
    PrefixName = 1,
    FileName = 2,
    AlwaysKB = 4,
    RightToLeft = 8,
    ShortTime = 16,
    LongTime = 32,
    HideTime = 64,
    ShortDate = 128,
    LongDate = 256,
    HideDate = 512,
    RelativeDate = 1024,
    UseEditInvitation = 2048,
    ReadOnly = 4096,
    NoAutoReadingOrder = 8192,
    SmartDateTime = 16384,
A: How do I get a human-readable file size in bytes abbreviation using .NET?

Bob[DllImport ( "Shlwapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )] public static extern long StrFormatByteSize ( long fileSize , [MarshalAs ( UnmanagedType.LPTStr )] StringBuilder buffer , int bufferSize ); /// <summary> /// Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the...

that is brutal
i have to convert string kb to numeric bytes to run through a pinvoke
write your own format provider then, sheeit
i just want to call the function that does it for you :(
developer don't wanna develop :(
damn straight
just tell @JohanLarsson to do it for you... check back in 10 minutes
i have a converter already. just seems crappy
1 hour later…
Tumbleweeds go rolling through
Watch out, some might get caught in your cubicle
1 hour later…
FYI, saw this, and invited the user to stop by.
Q: (WPF/MVVM) What's the different between an IService and ViewModel?

MostafaI wanted to use SaveFileDialog in my ViewModel, But since it's not correct that bind to a View from ViewModel, I searched for ways to do that. But I found a few answers that doesn't completely separate View form ViewModel, Like this: public interface IOService { void IMessageBox(string Messa...

Specifically, they just said:
@Lynn I was reading about DI and IoC just now, And all that understand is that, this question depends on them, And I don't understand how they working! Although I read from a lot of references, But still don't get it! I wrote my application with MVVM and now I'm in the final stages, But I didn't use any DI or IoC in all the program, Or at least I think I didn't! So I don't actually know how I can do something like the one that you just said. — Mostafa 7 mins ago
Hi, I read the comments and just wrote 2 comments on that topic. But still don't get it right!
@Mostafa Hello!
I use MVVM all of the time, but don't do any DI or IoC.
That's my exact point!
A lot of the guys here do use it, but quite a few don't.
Why use them when they just complex the code?!
@JohanLarsson Can you weigh in?
^ he's a huge proponent of DI.
why do you use view models?
you could just write everything in code behind
@Maverik @Julien @ReedCopsey @Kevin feel free to jump in too.
ill answer my own question. you do it because its makes life easier by separating your concerns
using DI is an extension of that philosophy
say you have some window in your app that has do a web service lookup
sure, you could put all the code directly on a button click
using DI, your button click invokes a method on an injected class
this makes your life easier by moving the thing that does the work (making a web request) into its own little container
and you then give your app access to the container
Ok, I get that, But i don't know why use interfaces?
You don't have to, necessarily
see, I could do something like this:
interfaces allow you to describe a component without actually using the component
public class IDialog
public void IMessageBox(string Message)
but if you want to (ever) be able to swap out implementations
DI makes that easier with interfaces
in the message box case
yeah - so, take that
maybe you have two ways the user can be alerted
style 1 is with message boxes, but style 2 is with your own custom popup box
you can have an IDialog implementation that's used for testing purposes
that logs, or shoves into a list (where you can verify message was "shown"), etc
insteado f doing a MessageBox, which doesn't work in tests
or - say you want to use this VM in a phone project
you can't throw up a dialog, so you'd use some notification type instead
in my project right now, i display lots of lists of different things. So i have `List<IThing>`
an `IThing` could be a person, a place, an object
its a consolidated way of representing different items
Ok, i think i have problem with interfaces! :D, I don't get them
could you show me the interface that you currently working on?
The IThing for example?
ill put up a gist
(I'm probably not the right person to discuss this - because, in general, I avoid them a lot of the time :p )
All of that, that you all just said, that's the way that i'm working on
@ReedCopsey you do the right thing :))
I write using functional techniques in F# most of the time :p
so different ways to separate your concerns
@ReedCopsey Dont laugh at me, But I don't even know what that is! :|
i think most people in here don't :P
they should :p
@Julien Ok, so you have an interface
and then implement Person and Place base on it
now in my view, i am able to reference the List, and display the header
even though all the items in the list are different types
That's actually a cool thing, that I didn't know about!
so going back to message box example
you have an interface that defines some way of showing the user a message
then you can have one style that uses stock message boxes
and another style that uses a custom popup box
the view model just calls the interface, and doesnt care what style
See, I can't comprehend that!
In the example you used a listbox and add the objects to it
k we'll make a new one
but in the MessageBox example
we just execute the method
in that method, me can write anything we want
doesn't need any interfaces!
the goal here is use the same view model class, but change the message style
the view model only knows about the interface, it doesn't care about the actual nitty gritty details
now, for example, i could even add a third dialog type, that just logs to file
I wrote the same thing in my application! :)), But I didn't know how it works or why is that! (Just wanted to use mvvm and find it hardly on the website!)
So if we don't use the interface, in VM we have to define with one of the classes (stock or custom) we wanna use
but with interfaces we just use the interface
Ok, now its helpful :)
Thanks a lot
You really did help me to understand this concept
good :)
so DI and IoC is different from this method or this is them? :D
uhhh i am less sure about how to define those
pretty sure the IDialog example is DI
Ok, don't need anything else ;)
Thanks a lot again
i'll bother you if another problem came up
@Mostafa Feel free to stop by anytime...
hehe. we love problems here
the wpf kind, anyways :P
We're here most workdays.
@LynnCrumbling Thanks that brought me here :)
WPF w/ MVVM, at that.
We don't do WPF without MVVM.
i will yell at you
Thanks, I'll be here soon, Don't worry :p
Everyone will.
also no datagrids
Julien, aka Datagrid god.
03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

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