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Hey guys, I'm trying to draw a BezierSegment with more than 3 points
I managed to find some code within StackOverflow but I can't make it to appear in the Canvas
            List<Point> points = new List<Point>();

            for (var matX = -3; matX < 4; matX++)
                var matY = -5 * Math.Pow(matX, 2) - 3 * matX + 2;
                points.Add(new Point(matX, matY));

            var curve = GetBezierApproximation(points.ToArray(), 256);

            // Set up the Path to insert the segments
            PathFigure pf = new PathFigure(curve.Points[0], new[] { curve }, false);
            PathFigureCollection pfc = new PathFigureCollection();
        PolyLineSegment GetBezierApproximation(Point[] controlPoints, int outputSegmentCount)
            Point[] points = new Point[outputSegmentCount + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i <= outputSegmentCount; i++)
                double t = (double)i / outputSegmentCount;
                points[i] = GetBezierPoint(t, controlPoints, 0, controlPoints.Length);
            return new PolyLineSegment(points, true);

        Point GetBezierPoint(double t, Point[] controlPoints, int index, int count)
This is the code that I'm using
The child is created within the canvas, but it doesn't show in the screen for some reason that I don't know :(
8 hours later…
so.. any new cars @Катерина
Was passed by this M5 last week. Drove to the pizza place, so a drug dealer for sure :)
Cant find something better:p
Parents maybe?
it sounded like it had the SMG gearbox, and some aftermarket exhaust.
I'd say drug money
smg gearbox is awesome tho
haven't tried it. but haven't heard any good about it, more than you now
I'm dreaming about either this http://www.blocket.se/goteborg/Porsche_996_turbo_65321765.htm?ca=15&w=1
or a E39 M5
Ive been thinking
to buy the Cayman
but the insurance was far too expensive
mm it's always that...
I would probably go down some in service cost, but up a bunch in insurance
I pay 110€ / month for my Bmw
quote on the 911 is around €1600
and that's the first year.. then it will only go up is my experience.
thought sweden was nice for drivers:p
that's per year :)
so it's not that bad...
Ye I know
how many years drivers experience do you have?
haven't looked at the M5 nor the SL
well I took my licence in 2001
the SL is most likely I'd buy. cheep, 326hp, cab. it has stuff going for it
my next car is probably the alfa 4c
toyota engine...
I really like Alfa
Everyone who likes cars should have owned atleast 1 alfa
I dont even know what engine:p
they normally use Twin Spark engines
I don't know about that actually... My dad had a 155. Never really understood what's so good about it
I just freaking like the 4c
actually not sure it's a toya engine.. I think it was Top Gear who said that, but I can't find any proof of it
never heard of alfa using toyota engines imo
JTD engine is full of crap tho
Drinks more oil than I can drink Scotch
I must have confused it with lotus!
their quite similar actually
at least in the small lightweight part
You dont like the 4C?
how to play audio from sd card in windows phone using c#
Sorry, can't help you there, I'd try with the c# room first.
thank you
wait @VinodKumar
I can help
Your question is perfectly googleable
yes Rudi
Like seriously, the first result helps
I tried all over google to bing
So what's your problem exactly?
Do you have an ExternalStorageFile object of what you want to play?
I was able to play audio from asset folder
but playing from external storage it is mention to reference using isolated storage no more details
ExternalStorage is what you want, not Isolated
Assuming you are playing any file the user puts on the card?
and you're not creating it inside Isolated Storage yourself
Right, but your file is in External Storage, not Isolated.
it is mentioned that The BackgroundAudioPlayer can only play files from isolated storage or from a remote URI
ExternalStorageFile provides Path property that you could probably use as a "remote URI"
So once you have your file handle, try using taht
Or worst case copy the file to isolated storage when you have a handle to it, and delete it once played
@RudiVisser copying it to isolated storage may create a delay
Indeed, so try constructing the URI from an ExternalStorageFile handle, you haven't confirmed if you even have that yet
Anyway I have a meeting, so need to leave now. You'll figure it out
@RudiVisser I will try from here byr
Q: WPF combobox inside Scrollviewer not working

Dragosh StoicaI have a problem with the telerik Combobox which can be also reproduced for the basic WPF Combobox. I have the following scenario : when the user tries to open the combobox, the entire page (including this control) should be shifted up, because in the bottom section the space will be occupied by...

@JohanLarsson hi @JohanLarsson. sorry for delay in reply. got Git Extensions installed successfully. i also checked some more with the folks here, and some are using Visual Studio TFS connected to their Visual Studio Online account to do source control
they're also going to move to Git (soon hopefully!). it's the industry standard.
We use TFS at work and it is terrible.
The main difference between git and {tfs, svn} is that git works
@Alex Let's take the next step in the tutorial then
1) Create a folder on your desktop or anywhere.
2) RMB and select create repository
3) Add a file Alex.txt
4) RMB the folder and select commit.
5) Change something in the file
6) RMB and select commit, take a moment to look at the diff.
^ is pretty much what you need to know to work with git locally
We can try a revert later
saving branching
ok. give me a moment and i'll try it
this is time well spent
ok. got to step 2. it brought up the Git Ext Settings - Checklist. says "You need to configure a username and an email address"
i have a username/pw for github
no this is different
this is the username / email that you will sign your commits as
username = author name
thanks mav, saved me there :)
no worries - i see you've taken another pupil under your wing :)
I get nervous when someone says they don't use source control
ok. should i click "Repair"?
try and see what it does
pretty sure it does not break anything
brought up a screen for the user name and user email
(not meant in a condescending way)
i don't see anywhere for a pw
it is so long since i did it the last time, have forgotten
you have username & email there at least
try adding it and see if it asks for pw?
Not sure pw is needed but it probably is
now asking for Personal or Central repository
all green?
i guess so. the dialog boxes went away
modified file. no right-mouse "Commit". only see it on the folder
rmb on the folder
commit to master window comes up
typically you want to commit all changes in the repository always
no pw anywhere
@Alex good, now is a time to skim the diff and check that it look right then click commit
how do you do the diff?
You are looking for things you forgot to do in the code etc here.
@Alex is it the first time you commit the file?
you should use public/private key pair with github
if so there is no diff
will be later
yep. first time
ok just commit then
also, is this meant to github project? perhaps github for desktop may make life easier?
at some point, i'll create a private github repo
1) add some text to the file, commit
2) add or change the text in the file, commit, now there should be a diff
where do you enter the message for the commit?
there is a big textbox
is it on the line ---/dev/null
@Alex private github repo is a paid feature.. if you prefer free version, gitlab offer free private repos with pretty much same interface and features
@Maverik, thanks. i'll be using gitlab then
Also may I suggest TortoiseGit instead of GitExtensions -- tortoise has a much cleaner interface and i find it more friendly
Not getting any help from me with tortoise :)
i used TortoiseGit a few years back
Never used it
ok. added message committed
you're welcome Alex and you get free Continous Integration with gitlab too :)
and I use TortoiseGit everyday, so i can help out some
Johan, i'd strongly suggest you give tortoisegit a go :)
noted, pushing on todo stack
infact here's my most user friendly combo:
Clone things with tortoisegit, then Add this reprository to github for desktop client
enjoy the super friendly user interface
Github for desktop just refuses to clone from anything other than github.. very dick move but technically there's no limitation to prevent you from using a different origin
you just have to do that bit yourself (which is what i used tortoise in first step for)
@Alex stuck?
nope. made second commit successfully
next exercise:
1) Create a new WPFproject in VS
2) Tools > Options > Source Control > chose 'git source control provider'
3) RBM on the sln node in sln browser, select create repository
4) Commit
(Adds a decent .gitignore by default)
btw, Johan, Github for Desktop client now has a builtin tutorial repo too that walks you through basic git operations :)
yea just discovered yesterday
@Alex the vs part?
@Maverik Have you seen benchmarkdotnet?
@Alex Alex my friend, you know how to use git. Use it for all things always.
thanks, @JohanLarsson
Lets throw in a bonus:
1) Somewhere in windows explorer, I usually have c:\git
2) RMB and select clone repoitory
3) Paste https://github.com/JohanLarsson/Gu.ModernUI as from or what it says
4) click clone
@Alex ^
didn't know but definitely looking really nice Johan
it fits my microoptimization needs
played a little with this yesterday
:) I have c:\git too :)
curious: is alex comfortable working with custom chrome stuff?
don't think so
should i choose a branch?
now you have something that is much better than a zip, you have the entire repository with full history
Now you can just break things playing around and revert back to the original quick and easy
Also if I push changes you just pull and get the latest
promise me to use git for all code you write from now on
First commit is right after you create the project/sln
Typically you want to commit often, many times per day
Do one thing, commit
*commit when it builds and tests passes
for Visual Studio, they want us to use tfs for now. but we're making headway with Git. boss is amenable to it
i don't like tfs
git is standard for coding these days
hi @Kevin
i get the feeling that your boss may like tfs more because of centralised control
@AndréSilva is back!
._. I'm back
@Kevin you are allowed to change avatar now :)
not even that. each of us is using it with our own VS Online! bizarre, right?
if that happens to be the case, Gitlab offers on premise solution for free as well as an enterprise solution if you're that big
But your current is very nice
@AndréSilva how've you been?!
ok that case, gitlab private repos are all good to go
github private repos are not very expensive
also.. wtf.. who is kevin!
wheres my internet explorer
Sleepy and 48kg thinner
i feel like somebody hijacked room ownership
nice :)
How've you been ?
at least 8 kg heavier i think.. but all good :D
its good to hear from you again :)
I'm coming back to development since my departure from my last job
And I'm back to college again :)
Re: Commits -- i tend to do commits of all sizes.. big and small depending on what I'm doing but i prefer to do commit when its worth something
i dont like to do those [WIP] commits
wayy too much noise in logs otherwise :(
yay :)
you're sleepy.. back to studying.. sounds like everything is on track xD
I'm literally trying to fix a bug for a college project while laying down on my bed with the lights off because I've just woke up
@Maverik yeah valid point but there is also a point in planning the work so you can commit often.
Not always possible of course but feature commits are nice.
No fun with commits touching 400 files.
History is not super useful ime.
technical question... how do you give rounded corners to tabcontrol headers? just the top left and top right corners?
I revert far more often than browsing history
@Alex headertemplate I think
Anyone familiar with Path drawing in canvas and BezierSegments?
we all can be, why whats up
I'm trying to draw some curved path to show a graph
The points are generated, the curves are calculated correctly
I add the Path object to the canvas normally, I can even verify in the debug that the object recieved and it is there correctly
but it doesn't show up in the screen
do you have stroke and stretch?
stroke brush and thickness, you mean, right Johan?
            List<Point> points = new List<Point>();

            for (var matX = 1; matX < 4; matX++)
                //var matY = -5 * Math.Pow(matX, 2) - 3 * matX + 2;
                var matY = matX + 1;
                points.Add(new Point(matX, matY));

            var curve = GetBezierApproximation(points.ToArray(), 256);

            PathFigure pf = new PathFigure(curve.Points[0], new[] { curve }, false);
            PathFigureCollection pfc = new PathFigureCollection();
Holy crap Andre is here
I did not stretch it
@Kevin and stretch or whatsitcalled
Hey Rudi :)
wtf is a Kevin?!
a rare beast
Far too many new things here I'm out
@RudiVisser yee
Anyone used the WPF Toolkit's BusyIndicator control?
We use it extensively, and usually it works, but I can't really put my finger on when it works and when it doesn't when we're using async/await and background tasks.
i've used it
hehe. fun with threading
My logic says that the busyindicator will only show if I free the UI thread.
most likely it's nothing specific with the busy indicator, but more about how and where you are starting your tasks
Hmpf. I think I found it.
> Welcome to Stack Exchange chat! Keep these in mind:
@RudiVisser Yeah, I got it too. Felt n00bish. Fun. :)
I'm setting IsBusy=false without awaiting, so I always set it to True and then False immediately.
@JohanLarsson Meh we use TFS for .NET
We use it at work and it is painful.
Used to use svn
Any particular issues or you just don't like the idea of centralised?
the list is long:
1) Merge conflicts with self.
2) TFS does not track files at all.
3) All kinds of bugs.
*shrug*. I've used TFS a lot. Also SVN and Perforce. They all had their pros and cons.
lol yes had all of them, but still choose it over Git for most projects
also strange workflows when you commit for example it does some partial merge on its own
Given a totally free choice of centralized source-control, I'd probably pick SVN, but TFS is fine too.
git is more sane: commit > pull/rebase > merge > push
Also a pull request workflow would have saved me from so much pain the last year
New consultants etc.
@RudiVisser what is wrong with git btw?
Oh nothing, we use TFS' Git for PHP projects here, just for .NET we choose TFS
Also what's wrong with maintaining sane branches as an alternative to pull request?
not sure how you mean
You an branch in git if you want, it even works.
I mean, how do Pull Requests benefit you specifically (in a closed team environment) vs manually maintaining a branch and pulling in the commits you need to that branch manually
Fixing things before they get in.
I'm not saying PR for all things.
But when having a new consultant for example it could be nice to have that option.
It's a fair enough point yes
I have seen things in our code :)
Like I say we use both so I don't have anything against either, I guess it depends how people want to work. For a quick project I'd also use local git
I dunno, might just start flipping a coin to decide on VCS when we create a new Team Project going forward :P
@AndréSilva what is var curve = GetBezierApproximation(points.ToArray(), 256);, more specifically what is curve?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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