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If that is the case, is the following implementation correct in order to pass the `ObservableCollection AddedSubjectGradePairs` from the MainVM to the ViewSubjectGradeViewModel. I've set up a property for the passed over collection:




@BradleyDotNET still around Brad ? :)
Yay... I really needed help :)
Brad, I am writing this very little app which is a two day job in wpf
and I didn't think I will need binding, but I did :D
I have made this signature for my Main window
    public partial class MainWindow : INotifyPropertyChanged
and then let Resharper create the rest of it for me
which it added this to my main window.xaml.cs
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(
            [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
            var handler = PropertyChanged;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Now all I need to do is to specify a Datacontext then my binding picks up the name from my public property
and i don't know how
I'm not sure what you are asking
I have never done it like this. so kinda stock
I have this property on my MainWindow.xaml.cs
public bool IsConnected
which I need my MyWindow.xaml to pick it up using a DataContext then I can do this
      <GroupBox Header="Settings" IsEnabled="{Binding Path=IsConnected}">
Ok, so you just need to set the data context?
Yes :D
and I don't know how and where...
Ah, super simple
I tried couple of things but non worked
Don't say I told you this, but just put this.DataContext = this in your constructor
that's what I was expecting it to be
technically this should be in a VM
emmm... I was doing MainWindow.DataContext = MainWindow :D
and it didn't recognize the DataContext keyword
Yeah, since its not a static property
MainWindow is a type
that righttttt... it was coloring it that dark green color like it does for types
worked like a charm
I really appreciate it :D
like I said, it should really be in a VM
but that will get you working
no problem
I know... since I haven't planned to make this MVVM, then nothing was right
Cheers Brad.
5 hours later…
7 hours later…
hey, can someone tell me how debugging works?
Oh that was unspecific :) I meant, I have made my release build, and build pdb files to that.
So can I now debug in a users computer? (he has VS installed)
if he attaches a debugger, may have to specify symbols as well
2 hours later…
Anybody around?
i'm just a peon
sup @Asheh
@Netscape Have you ever had issues with comboboxes and their values being set to NULL when you modify the bound collection?
following on from yesterdays question, I think I've figured out the rest of the solution, I just need to pass the list on the MainVM side, as the rest is set up in the other VM. So should I pass it in an OnNavigatedEvent like so:

MainViewModel mainObj = new MainViewModel (AddedSubjectGradePairs);
but is OnNavigatedFrom the correct event to be calling that code?
I'm guessing that should be fine
no wait other way around, It should be like this in the navigated event of MainVM:
ViewSubjectGradeViewModel mainObj = new ViewSubjectGradeViewModel (AddedSubjectGradePairs);
scratch that, there shouldn't be an OnNavigatedEvent in the VM right
as its the controller
so where should I pass the list in the MainVM?
I have no idea of your prev question so cant help
anybody here has experience with MEF?
I was expecting a yes from you :D
@Asheh I've had issues with that... when my bindings were wrong
i can't seem to be able to find an example on web that lets me create an AppDomain per Catalog
@BrianJ I would do it in the navigation command of the view
Typically you don't create new app domains..
any ideas? all the examples just load everything in a new Appdomain.. which defeats the point of new appdomain in my case (i need to unload only the dll that has changed but leave the rest intact -- I'm using shadow copies + file system watcher)
reason for appdomain: you cannot unload the dll.. without unloading appdomain
Hmmm... not off the top of my head
@BradleyDotNET i have just fixed it by messing with the data i was bound to
MEF makes my life easy by loading plugins from the folder
but i can't figure out an interception point where it actually composes and i could tell it.. hmm.. ExportFactory.. i saw a mention of that
MEF is definitely nice that way, but I haven't used it to load them after init time
or unload them later
yea .. the point is to not restart the host service
if i load everything into one app domain (new or old) - I may as well kill the service and restart normally
of course then a ton of bitching will be unleashed my way as i bring the system down
I know how to do appdomains ... i sort of seem to get how mef is working - just need to figure out how to do a custom instancing
hey guys. i am a web noob. say i purchased a domain name. who would you recommend to go to for hosting? say I wanted a windows box with IIS
is azure the way to go?
mm i doubt you can get a definite answer about hosting
you probably need to do your research on this :D
since i'm going linux these days.. why do you need windows box ;)
well, i don't really. im just more comfortable with it
hehe i know that feeling
but open up to linux and you'll have lot more choices :)
its not nearly as scary as it seems
can you host a clickonce on linux :P
as i was just telling billdr... nginx+mono webserver is just as good as IIS for common scenarios
clickonce is just another aspx file.. mono ftw
(you can skip nginx, if you are ok with minimal webserver like cassandra)
or you can wait a bit to let .net vNext stabilize a bit more and go .net vNext on linux (it's already out for linux as a preview)
too many questions not enough answers
I don't know, linux is pretty scary :)
more like a pain in the *** to do anything on
well i can possibly lend a hand there if you run into something scary
Ok.. i've come up with a strategy (workaround?):
@BradleyDotNET Okay I think I get it now, I send the list via the OnNavigatedFrom event in the MainPage code behind. But how should I be accessing the collection from the VM in the View code behind?
I'll definitely let you know if I ever have to deal with it
I just have nightmares of the month I spent trying to write a massive install script in bash (all offline to make it eve more fun)
foreach (var pluginAssembly in Directory.GetFiles(PluginsPath, "*.dll"))
    using(var container = new CompositionContainer(new AssemblyCatalog(pluginAssembly)))
@BrianJ One strategy is to have the button invoke a command on the VM, which constructs the details VM. You then pass that to the view via an event, which does the navigation
using that seperation -- i can create a new appdomain for each container per assembly
Yeah that would do it
i realise its pretty heavy handed but i can't think of any other way
Your use case is odd enough that you probably have one of the only solutions (if not the only one)
hehe.. thats the fun of this job
living on the outskirts! :D
ok still trying to process what you just said
so the button that does the navigation to the other page
should send a message to the VM that then constructs this code:

ViewSubjectGradeViewModel subjectGradeObj = new ViewSubjectGradeViewModel (AddedSubjectGradePairs);
a relay command would do that?
hello , may i ask my question here?
@behradmahboobi thats better than "can I ask a question"
but yes, you don't need to ask to ask
If I understood your above solution correctly, you mean set up a relay command on the button that performs the page navigation. Tried the following but it doesn't like the overload:
RelayCommand viewGradesCommand;
        public RelayCommand ViewGradesCommand
                if (viewGradesCommand == null)
                    viewGradesCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
                        ViewSubjectGradeViewModel subjectGradeObj = new ViewSubjectGradeViewModel(AddedSubjectGradePairs);
                return viewGradesCommand;
something to do with the way I've set up the passing in of the list in the other constructor it seems
Thats close
Your command doesn't do enough yet to make your app work though
okay the second error is giving me more detail
What do you mean by do enough? I thought the above code will pass the list over when the button is clicked
To the VM, yes
but nothing is using that VM
Oh, that error should be pretty self-explanatory
so I'll let you figure it out
okay so the other VM needs to have a using for the MainVM? I think that's what your hinting at, and the error, trying to figure that out now, its a conversion error obv
Nope, not what I'm hinting at
The issue is that you shouldn't be converting at all
you are passing it correctly, but accepting it incorrectly
as I pointed out when you wrote that the first time
can i use WPF in C++ project in visual studio ?
@behradmahboobi Is it a C++/CLI project?
If so, it looks possible (though painful): social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/…
A windows store app, oddly enough has much better support for C++ with "WPF"
(in quotes because store apps don't actually use WPF, just a similar XAML based tech)
yes c++/CLI
do u have any rough estimate of learning curve for WPF ?
@BradleyDotNET okay I get ya, I'll figure it out
@behradmahboobi Its going to be higher in C++, I can tell you that much
but sure, I can sort of estimate it
what is your current GUI experience?
just windows form application ! lol
i am not software engineer, i am electrical engineer which has elementary experience in windows application
gotcha, so no real experience with design patterns
I think your initial curve will be somewhat high
the real trick is switching from a procedural (windows forms) mindset to a data-driven (MVVM) one
actually I should make a gui that have figures and chart for signal processing
figures/chart support isn't great in either tech to be honest
at least without 3rd party controls
so maybe WPF isnt proper for me !
you may want to look into telerik or similar if you want to go down that route
Its more that MS didn't put great chart support out of the box
not really a knock on WPF if you ask me
WPF is a framework
is telerik the only choice ?
There are a few others out there
!!google WPF charts
whoops, no bot here
Here's a semi-recent list:
Q: WPF chart controls

Rakesh AgarwalI am looking for a very simple WPF chart which should have a 2D graph and should have pan and zoom facilities .

!!google Number 42
But really, a few minutes with google is your friend on that one
google number 42?
what that means?
i wonder whats happend to GDI+ ???
maybe i should write my code from the scrach in GDI + !
Thats way more painful
unless you have a lot of experience
But it is still around
@behradmahboobi It sounds like you just need it done, so I would go with what you are familiar with. That said, if you want a really nice looking app with good software design, go WPF all the way
@BradleyDotNET okay so went back over the messages and you said this was correct? hastebin.com/atopipaqam.xml which is the same as what I currently have
public ViewSubjectGradeViewModel(IEnumerable<MainViewModel> addedSubjectGradePairs)
            this.AddedSubjectGradePairsCopy = addedSubjectGradePairs;


        //Property for collection passed from MainViewModel
        public IEnumerable<MainViewModel> AddedSubjectGradePairsCopy { get; set; }
Right, but your generic type parameter is wrong
you aren't looking for a collection of your entire main VM
at least you sure shouldn't be
i played around with these charts in wpf
i didnt get too far but they seemed nice
they do look nice but last updated 2013 may be of concern in future
i think if you want that kind of certainty you gotta roll your own or pay up
Johan has been working on a fork of that project
he might be willing to look at the charts if you run into an issue and ask nicely :)
@BradleyDotNET I get you now
2 hours later…
anyone home?
knock knock
wait, that can't be right
oh well
howdy bradley
I had a quick question for ya
sure thing
is there a better way to force a list which is bound to an observablecollection to update than to repopulate the collection? Specifically what I mean is that, I need the list to invoke tostring() again to get the correct display value from the item in its collection, which will change when something else occurs in the application.
a regular old PropertyChanged event on that property doesn't do it
really? propertychanged on the collection property won't force a refresh?
That's kind of surprising
no, the references haven't changed
unless they made it smart enough to check the references
only the return value of tostring
presumably that's whats biting me
Right, but did you manually invoke it?
regardless, the whole thing smells
I agree... im using a model that another guy wrote here
and in that class library there is a class called CDevice
which represents a device on the network
and there are two checkboxes on my form that show or hide the MAC and IP respectivly
in the property for those checkboxes
I raised the propertychanged on the Devices collection
and yet, the display value wont change
which is dependent on a property that's set in a sort of global settings class
via those check boxes
I think it kinda violate separation of concerns.... but it would be cool if there was a way other than to repopulate the list
not that its a big deal or anything.... just wondering if it could be done
(on the plus side im replacing a winforms UI with WPF so progress FTW :D)
Its definitely an odd dependency set up
Give me a sec to think about it though
can you change CDevice at all?
I could refactor it... but....
see these classes are written to read and write firmware and settings to and from these lantronix device chipsets
its super duper complicated
bitmasks and bit math up the wazoo
but I could change them
My recommended strategy would be to have that class implement INPC
and have a "DisplayString" property
and an "UpdateDisplayString" method
then have your VM invoke that method when the check boxes change
and bind to DisplayString instead of the object itself
if you just raise the property changed on the collection itself it should force WPF to rebind it entirely
that's not the case Reed
it should do that - it's supposed to
the references in the collection have not changed, only the result of the toString value
that doesn't matter
it seems to
I could make an SSCCE for ya
well, you can always just subclass OC and raise CollectionChangedwith a Reset call
if you really needed to...
honestly, just repopulating the collection works, its just a bit ugly... one way or the other it seems like I shouldn't be in this situation at all to begin with
its a product of weird design on the model side
unless i am misunderstanding, you are raising property changed on a property that has changed, but your UI is not reflecting the change?
I would think that it should work as well
but I'll take your word for it
mmm - yeah, I've done it before, so I'm really confused why just INPC isn't working...
it works fine when adding and removing items to the OC
worst case, set the collection to null, then set it back to the original reference
I am assuming its the reference thing
that's incredibly slow though
yeah that's kinda what I do now
I just clear the collection and read the entities
WPF doesn't track references because it has to use weak events to prevent leaks
clearing/repopulating is slow
better to just set the property to null/reset to the original
selected item tracks ref I think
repro please :)
inpc should work
yeah - repro would help here
sure give me a bit
ill get ya something together
in before repro works :)
lol yeah
Reed do you have time to review a thing?
thats why repros are so great. half the time you find the problem yourself when creating the repro
depends on how big of a thing it is ;)
but probably can make the time
yeah solving the problem by almost asking a question
@ReedCopsey the thing
It solves two problems.
1) Getting views with ctor arguments straight from the IoC in xaml,
2) Allows one instance of a view to be shown in many places.
For 2 last visible wins, it is 2 I'm not sure about. It has worked where I have used it but it is pretty nonstandard and can use proper flaming.
mmm - seems brittle, but not sure
tough to tell without actually running it :)
what is IContentLoader?
ok, was just fishing for if you could spot abvious dumbs
@ReedCopsey sample loader
The design is from the guy behind the original ModernUI
other than seems complicated/non-standard, not seeing any problems ;)
ok ty sir
<mui:ModernPresenter CurrentSource="/Content/InstanceCountView.xaml" />
usage is not complicated, the view can have ctor args np.
pretty strait forward
lemme know if you have any questions about it
arg - did you include the exe or obj files?
its the solution, witht he output folder
I can remove those and repost if you want
its okay - got it
lol im waiting for the "heres where you fail epically" comment
github next time please!!
If I can get it to work for me, no problem :D
last time it didn't work out and I just pissed people off here.... :(
with github?
vs2015 has github support built in
interesting - have a (much simpler) workaround, though
so you see what I mean then eh Reed?
@Julien I will totally look into that
@ReedCopsey confirmed inpc not updating?
yeah - it's interesting
@MarkW Given:
lol I hear that too often when I break stuff .... I think im cursed
    public class ResettableObservableCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
        public void Reset()
            this.OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));
Then this works fine:
but the item isnt changing
    public class MWVM : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public MWVM()
            int x = 10;
            for (int I = 0; I < 10; I++)
                ExternalCollection.Add(new SomeObjectWithToStringOverride(I.ToString(), x.ToString()));
        private ObservableCollection<SomeObjectWithToStringOverride> ExternalCollection = new ObservableCollection<SomeObjectWithToStringOverride>();
        private ResettableObservableCollection<SomeObjectWithToStringOverride> _ItemsCollection = new Re
why would raising property changed do anything
So I finally figured out how to pass the collection to my other VM, just thinking now, how I could display both fields from the ObservableCollection in the same ListView
that works for you Reed?
alternatively, you can do:
            var tmp = _ItemsCollection;
            this.ItemsCollection = null;
            this.ItemsCollection = tmp;
instead of raising property changed
(since that effectively forces the binding to reset)
but it is odd ;)
lol yeah... Ill take the oddness... at least I get to update this old win form app to WPF
thanks guys, I do appreciate the help
I'd use the first option above, though
it works in your repro - and is fairly simple
FYI - you don't want to clear+add like you're doing now
because that raises collection changed N+1 times for N items
each of which does a full layout/visual pass
worst case, reset the variable like I did above - that at least will only cause 2 layouts
I always clear + add :)
your solution works in my app as well
and its pretty :D
Clear+Add is very, very inefficient
because every Add call raises CollectionChanged
so forces a new layout pass
if you have 1000 items, it'll hang for seconds
I hadn't tried the null trick before, but to force a reset I will typically just create a new collection using the old one as the parameter
I would imagine thats the same 2 pass efficiency, if not just one pass
that's effectively one pass, but requires recreating the collection (usually quick, though)
so one pass at the expense of a bit of memory
my subclassing/reset solution has no downsides, though :) it's basically as efficient as you can be
yeah, I'll try that next time
yeah, I see how that layout crap getting invoked n+1 times could bring everything to a grinding hault
depending on the size of the collection
depends a lot on what's in the collection
but yeah - it's pretty crappy if its at all complicated
we were doing that on our main applicaiton surface at one point
and even with 100 or so items int he itemscollection, it was really bad
(because they have expensive layout passes)
switched to reset, and it's not noticeable anymore :D
lol at least the fix is easy
I love WPF binding... it completes me
@ReedCopsey proof Reed is God--he makes time. Do you have a recipe? I never have enough time, need more.
@JohanLarsson i do the same, I was given the okay to do that previously... by someone in here >.<
prolly me :)
@NETscape well, I know how to eat time - my latest receipe involves having two children... not sure about making more, though :S
@ReedCopsey this is, a joke, right? i can't believe someone would take the time to do that?
heh, MS goes open source, people make time to give people grief
@NETscape I sometimes use this guy
prolly not optimal
Anyone used the ViewModelLocator in MVVM light? Trying to set up the data context for a second VM, seems I just need to create a second property for the new VM in the locator and bind the View to that:
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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