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posted on May 19, 2015

Consider the situation in which a service or view model requires initialization, and that initialization is asynchronous in nature. Perhaps you're initializing a service that in turn needs to interact with a data store of some description. This creates a couple of problems. Components that employ traditional synchronous initialization can be considered either initialized or uninitialized,

7 hours later…
hey again, so I made a few changes in my app, adding new views etc. But now the binding doesn't work on the subject combo box. Can't see where I've changed going through both view and VM. Anyone care to throw any eye over it?



@BrianJ Is the output window complaining about any binding failures?
I'll check that now @LynnCrumbling
nope no binding error in the output window when I selected the subject combo box, really can't see where I've made a change to the binding
because the DisplayMemberPath and SelectedItem are set to the correct source
and the Subject types are initialized, same as before
ive been having two problems that just wont go away here, and was hoping you guys could help
the first is that I have a user control (created with the Add->New->UserControl option in VS
and at random times it will fail to load the item in the designer telling me that a resource it requires doesn't exist
usually the XAML file, and the autogenerated code behind for the control has a lower case name for the xaml file
instead of capital
the problem will randomly clear up on its own after a while, or if I fix the casing on that file (which I think is really weird)
and second, the user controls seemingly ignore margin settings when they are added onto some other control like a TabControl
@BrianJ you linked your xaml, and your VM, but you didn't link where you assign the DataContext of your xaml to your VM. aka the most important part
an easy way to check for binding issues is to purposely rename a binding in your view to something incorrect
this will force some output at runtime
okay I'll link that now, the grade bindings are working, just not the subject binding
if you see no output, it generally means that your control has NO data context
binding errors wont output if they have nothing to bind against
okay that may be it
so tried setting to an incorrect binding, (SelectedSubjec) and I get a binding error, does that mean the data context is set correctly?
and this is where I set the context
if you read the error, you can determine whether or not the binding is set correctly
it tells you what it is bound against
checking that now
Error: BindingExpression path error: 'SelectedSubjec' property not found on 'LC_Points.ViewModel.MainViewModel'. BindingExpression: Path='SelectedSubjec' DataItem='LC_Points.ViewModel.MainViewModel'; target element is 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ComboBox' (Name='subjectCmbBx'); target property is 'SelectedItem' (type 'Object')
so I put in an incorrect property for SelectedItem as you said ^^
and I get this error as I should
I've just checked the App.xaml and I'm getting an error where I declare the MainViewModel as an app resource
        <local:MainViewModel x:Key="Locator" />
not sure why, as if I delete it and prompt for options, MainViewModel shows as accessible
@Julien any idea how to check if you are making a call from a different thread?
    this.BeginInvoke(new Action(UpdateLogTextbox), new object[] { value });
i think generally you have to know beforehand what is going to be happening on another thread
you could just dispatch as a general rule but you lose a bit of perf
@BradleyDotNET The MSDN documentation for HandoffBehavior is misleading at best. It makes it sound like HandoffBehavior.Compose waits for the first animation to finish before starting the next, but that's not what it does at all.
@BrianJ i've never declared my view models in xaml, you are on your own there
okay maybe I should set the data context in the code behind instead?
thats how i usually do it
okay I'll take that approach instead then, is it better practice to set the data context in code behind?
uh i think if you go look up any random wpf code, it is the generally accepted practice
i dunno about better
okay cool
i usually keep my xaml resources to xaml files
just thinking how I should reconfigure it so the context is in the code behind
There is a ViewModel locator added by the MVVM light libraries, I'm wondering if I should be setting it in here, instead of xaml:

@BrianJ Why were you setting that in Application.Resources?
That's where it was set up as default when I reference the MVVM libraries
is this a new project?
I'm looking into setting it up instead using the ViewModelLocator
nope, well only four weeks old
think the ViewModelLocatore is an Ioc pattern? Not quite sure what that is just yet
you're not setting any datacontexts when you put that in Application.Resources
that's created just so you can use Locator in other places
in your app, in XAML
I see
Error: BindingExpression path error: 'SelectedSubjec' property not found on 'LC_Points.ViewModel.MainViewModel....
it would help if you spelled SelectedSubjec right, probably ;)
I spelled it like that on purpose to see if it would throw a binding error
its SelectedSubject
and when you spell it right, it doesn't give you an error?
then the binding is working
I click on the combo box and it shows blank and box doesn't open
so what would that indicate? ^
whats the error on <local:MainViewModel x:Key="Locator" />
Error	1	The name "MainViewModel" does not exist in the namespace "using:LC_Points.ViewModel".	C:\Users\Brian\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\LC_Points\LC Points\LC Points.Shared\App.xaml	8	9	LC Points.Windows
the same error comes and goes
which is why I think I should change to a different method, than setting this up in the App.xaml
if it compiles and runs, then it's probably a hiccup in the designer
<ComboBox x:Name="subjectCmbBx"
          PlaceholderText="Pick a subject"
          SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedSubject,
                                 Mode=TwoWay}" />
why do you think there should be anything in the combobox.... you don't have an itemssource set
yeah it does compile and run so that could be a spurious error in the App.xaml
@NETscape I really hope that was the error I've made, gonna check my IDE now
btw how can I search for older commits on my GitHub page?
yeah that was it :) is it just me that makes stupid errors like that? lol
another thing that's bugging me, (pardon the pun) is that I have a EventTrigger set up for two AppBarButtons, the trigger on ViewListAppBarButton doesn't perform a navigation while the other one does. I've checked the naming on the page to navigate to which is correct , so a bit stumped otherwise, hastebin.com/sasotecevi.xml
and the page name is ViewSubjectGradePage
Another question I'm wondering is, if I have a new View to display the list of subjects and grades. Should I be accessing that list from my MainViewModel that stores this info, or create a new ViewModel for that View and pass that list to the new VM?
@Jeremy Ok, good to know. It combines them as you wanted earlier?
@BrianJ Usually the second one
depends on how seperate the view is.
well it's just a view solely for displaying the Subjects and Grades selected in the main view
so that view will be openened when a user clicks an app bar button, just for the purpose of viewing the current selections they have made
there isn't enough screen estate to display them on the main view
and someone advised that I should create a separate view for that purpose
Master-Details, pretty common pattern :)
You usually don't need the list in that pattern though
so I would just pass the item to display in. I mean, if you need the list fine, but thats not typical master-details
okay let me get my head around that
so what do you mean by "I would just pass the item to display in" ? @BradleyDotNET
what do you think that would mean?
You should understand that right away
you mean don't create a new VM for that view, and pass it the list from the MainVM
okay back to the drawing board
you mean use this Master-Detail pattern?
Well, from what little I have read
You have a list of subjects/grades in your main view
and you want to show more information about them in this other view
Okay, that sounds like master-detail
so you would pass the VM of the other view the data to be displayed
allrighty then, I get you now, I need to create a new VM for the new View, and pass it the list from my MainVM
so the master contains, the master data and the detail is just the specific detail
That's easier to understand, I just Googled an example and it put me off
what's the common approach for passing "details" between VM's?
creating an instance of the MainVM in the new VM and accessing it's data from that
or is that bad practice?
That wouldn't even work
The new instance wouldn't have access to the actual instances data
The answer to the linked question is correct
yeah because it would be a new instance right?
came across this in my last project I think
(sighs at thousands of SO questions were OP naively instantiates new objects and wonders why they don't have his data)
thinking of buying this, could be handy for referencing which design patterns to use, although it doesn't cover all of them
Master details is more of a UI pattern anyways
but if you are going for a design patterns book...
Thats the canonical one
I haven't actually read a programming book since first year Java, usually Google things, but that book could be handy
will try to get an Ebook version
on second thought the hard cover is only $16
but... they don't ship to Ireland
@BradleyDotNET Yes - or does something very similar.
ok, good to know
Question about constructors and inheritance
I've got Class1 and Class2 : Class1
Class1 has a public Class1() constructor in it
Class2 has a public Class2() constructor in it as well
When Class2's constructor runs, will it automatically call Class1's constructor as well, or is there some special command I have to put into it to make Class1's constructor run?
Like this = new Class1(); or some such
Derived class constructors will always run the base class default constructor
unless you tell it to use another one with base
Okay, that's what I figured, thanks!
ie: public Class2() : base(someArg)
Note that if the default base constructor is private you'll get a compiler error
and then you have to use a different one
That makes sense. But this is a public class so I want its constructor to also be public
So I shouldn't hit that particular landmine
btw what's the name of this pattern, where you pass an instance of your VM
public class MainVM
    private static MainVM _instance = new MainVM();
    public static MainVM Instance { get { return _instance; } }

    public List<XX> MyList { get; set; }
    //other stuff here
That code is not showing passing anything
but it is an example of the singleton (anti) pattern
Note that it being a true anti-pattern is a little... debated
personally I think that done correctly its ok
but should be used only when you understand why you want it that way
ok the reason why I want it in this case is because I need to access data from a master controller
is that a good reason?
@BrianJ I think this is a good summary of why:
A: What is so bad about singletons?

Jim BurgerParaphrased from Brian Button: They are generally used as a global instance, why is that so bad? Because you hide the dependencies of your application in your code, instead of exposing them through the interfaces. Making something global to avoid passing it around is a code smell. They violate ...

cc @BradleyDotNET
There actually is a way to inject singletons if you use IoC
and that was one of my biggest problems with it as well :)
so basically its subjective?
@BrianJ Yep. That's the stuff that design patterns is made of.
according to the above ^ I should use an interface instead?
If you get that GoF book that @BradleyDotNET mentioned, they go through an illustration of why and where you might want to try each pattern, and what some benefits and drawbacks are of it.
The idea is that if you write a lot of code, you keep running into the same issues, and the same patterns are/can be used to address them.
Its not really an "instead" kind of thing
So, it becomes something we can talk about and reason about.
But they're design patterns, not design mandates. Singleton is controversial for a number of good reasons, for example.
GoF = "Gang of Four" btw
okay cool
going to purchase the book btw, just need to find reasonable shipping
And jeremey hit it spot on, design patterns identify common ways in which we solve problems so we can name them and talk about them without having to draw the UML every time
So I can say "You should solve that with a template pattern" and you know exactly what I mean
@BradleyDotNET slightly off topic: have you checked out EDP before?
it seems singleton would be suited to this situation: "Singletons solve one (and only one) problem.

Resource Contention.

If you have some resource that

(1) can only have a single instance, and

(2) you need to manage that single instance,

you need a singleton."
@Jeremy Nope, no idea what it even stands for
@BradleyDotNET Man is that a tough read. I paced it at about 2 pages per day.
yeah, it is
Seems interesting - the author did some research on naturally-occuring design patterns, and was looking for a sort of "periodic table" of design patterns.
@BrianJ Yes, that is a reasonable use case. That being said, you still need to account for dependency injection (and object lifetime) before using it
Seems more of academic or recreational interest than something useful, though, but I could be wrong.
(If you really want to fully understand it, that means understanding every sentence. And that is what takes time.)
well the cover on the EDP book looks better IMO lol
"Part tutorial, part example-rich cookbook" so... no generic info?
perhaps its just a bad description
Not having read it though, it could be great or terrible of course
I just know GoF is the standard from my patterns course
I haven't read it either. Not sure it's worth the trouble or not.
could someone provide a short example of a suitable alternative to singleton, in my situation?
the other question mentioned an interface instead
Okay, you really need to understand what interfaces do
its not an "instead" kind of thing
singletons are a pattern, interfaces are a code/design tool
@BrianJ Maybe rather than GoF, you should read some book about applying SOLID
and a singleton can implement an interface
@BrianJ The problems iwth singleton typically come around testing, and such
I'd nevermake a singleton VM
in your case, I'd make the VM a normal class
Yeah, VM is a weird case for singleton
and then make a singleton (separate from the class) to expose it
if you really need that
ie: have a MainVmProvider class that's exposing a single instance of your VM to reuse, or something
@ReedCopsey essentially a service locator/IoC container, right?
so you can still test your VM as normal (ie: make instances, etc) without violating SRP
yeah - it effectively becomes a (crappy) Service Locator for the VM
and, tbh, just using a SL would probably be cleaner in that case, too :p
mmm - that seems like a pretty poor analogy
not with 230v coming through that sucker
I don't see a socket being DI... it'd be more a matter of Open/Closed principle than DI
or just pass it via constructor/property injection. That said, I don't see why your details VM needs a reference to the entire MainVM
the details VM just needs a reference to the list
nothing else
so would passing an instance of just the list be better?
Doing so removes an entire dependency, how is that not better?
getting there
so create a list instance then, instead of a VM instance
Why are you creating anything? Just pass it in!
not sure by what you mean, pass it in
public MyOtherVM(List<object> importantData)
pass it in
Seriously, this terminology should be second nature to a college grad
okay I was thinking "pass it in" was referring to passing it into the constructor
it is!!!
yeah that's what I mean
I mean that's what I was thinking
so just something like this:
 public ViewSubjectGradeViewModel(List<MainViewModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs)

The type argument on that doesn't seem right
but yeah, thats the idea
its an ObservableCollection actually
better change that
Or pass it as IEnumerable
then it won't matter what the actual implementation is
public ViewSubjectGradeViewModel(ObservableCollection<MainViewModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs)

okay good idea
public ViewSubjectGradeViewModel(IEnumerable<MainViewModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs)

@BradleyDotNET How often do your interfaces implement IEnumerable vs ICollection vs IList?
I find myself using IEnumerable virtually always...
You didn't mean implement, right?
had trouble passing IEnumerable ended up with this:
err... interface members
Oh god, do not do that
@Jeremy If I use an iterface, its almost always IEnumerable
You mean IEnumerable<T> right?
IList if I need add/remove, though at that point I typically just go for the actual type
I found IReadonlyList<T> lately, it is nice imo.
@BradleyDotNET Is that so you can change the underlying data structure, and not effect the class using it
@BrianJ That is wrong on so many levels
@BrianJ yes
^ contradiction?
cool, why is it wrong on so many levels?
@BrianJ First you are using the non-generic form of IEnumerable (shivers) and then you are implementing it
why on earth does your VM implement IEnumerable?
@JohanLarsson responses to two different posts by Brian
ok :)
looked strange with the reply to
yeah, I can see that
I was going to pass an IEnumerable list, so implemented IEnumerable, couldn't get that working so left it there
You don't derive from something so you can pass that type to it
hmm IReadonlyList seems like a good choice, because I only need to read the data
that makes no sense whatsoever
IEnumerable is also readonly, at least from a collection modification perspective
wanna write my log4net config for me?
lol, not sure I could with your memory appender stuff
okay so get rid of the implementation then
basically i need to turn it on and off... or something... i think...
or add filters dynamically
but what was wrong with the rest of the code?
or change open source library from _logger.Info to _logger.Debug
@BrianJ Well, when trying to pass an IEnumerable, you implemented the non-generic form of it instead of just changing your constructor parameter
what wasn't wrong with the rest of the code?
there wasn't that much there
@NETscape You may be able to change the current level in code
Am I passing the collection correctly at least?
Not if you wanted to use IEnumerable
yeah i know... the problem is, is that memoryappender sees all of the log events from every appender
and the OSS library logs all the communication transactions at _logger.Info
Can you filter on level?
so I was thinking of doing multiple <logger> rather than all appenders in <root>
but i don't think that will help
@BrianJ public Class(ObservableCollection<T> someCollection) means "I can create stuff, just give me an observable collection of T objects", whereas public Class(IEnumerable<T> someEnumerable) means "I can create stuff, just give me some container that does whatever an IEnumerable does for T objects"
I doubt it
It's the difference between "I need a 43 year old once-retired Irish air pilot to fly this mission for me" and "I need someone who can fly a plane"
would you agree that comms TX/RX strings should print at DEBUG level, not INFO?
@Jeremy Thats a good analogy
@NETscape Yes, that makes sense
okay so I implemented the generic IEnumerable but it seems I can't create an instance of the abstract class or interface
umm... yeah
you can't do that
nor should you care
just pass in your observable collection
I get the reason for doing that now
because it's abstract
so scrap IEnumerable ?
@BrianJ So... interfaces aren't classes in C#.
When you do something like IEnumerable<Person> asdf = new List<Person>();, C# likes that because List<Person> implements the IEnumerable<Person> interface.
For an analogy, the WPFDev class might implement IDeveloper.
So jeremy = new WPFDev()
and I can say IDeveloper developer = jeremy, and the developer is now an actual object - it is jeremy.
But I can't do jeremy = new IDeveloper, because IDeveloper isn't actually a thing - it's just a contract.
okay let me think about that
IEnumerable<T> someCollection really means "whatever I am, I am some container that holds T objects"
Deep down, it could be a List, Collection, ObservableCollection - whatever.
But you can forget about that and just say "well, I have something that can do whatever IEnumerable does"
@BrianJ This works and will compile.
@BradleyDotNET's comment was that there's no reason for you to set AddedSubjectGradePairsCopy outside of your constructor.
so I wasn't that far off then
So just IEnumerable<MainViewModel> AddedSubjectGradePairsCopy; is fine.
This would also allow you to make AddedSubjectGradePairsCopy readonly, I think.
which is what I need in this case
allowing modification in this VM would cause errors in the MainVM
but I'm assuming I need to create a copy local to that class, so that I may set up a property with it
as, at the moment AddedSubjectGradePairs is only accessible within the ctor
@BrianJ Well, there are some decisions you need to make here, I think.
If you pass IEnumerable, the object you get might actually be an ObservableCollection, right?
So (devil's advocate) what if your constructor did:
public SomeClass(IEnumerable<T> iPromiseIWontModifyThisCollection)
  ObservableCollection<T> iLied = (ObservableCollection<T>)iPromiseIWontModifyThisCollection;
if you're constructing SomeClass, you might not actually want to provide access to the list - that's where the ReadOnlyCollection-like classes come into play.
And this is why @JohanLarsson likes IReadOnlyList<T> - because if you provide that in the constructor instead, you can't write evil classes that do things like this.
Whoever is calling the construct of SomeClass, where the const looks like public SomeClass(IReadOnlyList<T> ireallyCantModifyThisCollection), has a guarantee from the CLR that we can't modify the collection.
@Jeremy If such an evil class did that, I would then write:
List<T> haha
SomeClass fooledYou = new SomeClass(haha);
I like IreadOnlyList<T> as it forces enumeration, IEnumerable<T> leaves the door open for really slow code.
I use Ienumerable<T> often of couse
And then file a bug report when it crashed :)
I'm stupid and forgot that List still implements IReadOnlyList :(
Never mind. The problem still exists.
I guess the caller would have to wrap the collection before providing it to the constructor.
don't worry about evil casters imo :)
that makes more sense
so if I was to do this, could I bind to the ObservableCollection in the ctor body?
as in, bind a xaml control to that, or do I need to create a property with getter/setters from it yet
@BrianJ My point is that your class shouldn't do that. Your class should only care that you got an IEnumerable of objects
@BradleyDotNET Well I could safely cast and check for null... not the point :P
ok this more like it?
@BrianJ wait, what? this one was right: hastebin.com/lubaboduse.xml
but I don't think I can set a control's ItemSource to that ^
if you need public accessibility, change the access modifier on the declaration of your IEnumerable member.
ok I thought you said it was wrong, my bad
so what's the difference in declaring the AddedSubjectGradePairsCopy outside the ctor as against inside the ctor body?
does this make sense, I want to make a property from the passed in list:
That's enough for one day, cheers for the advice/patience :)
@BrianJ That would work, but the assignment won't do what you think
When you have a member that matches a parameter name, you have to use this.<Member> to reference it
@BrianJ On the same topic, usually parameters are in camelCase, whereas properties are in PascalCase.
okay thanks for the tip on the naming conventions
you mean like this Bradley?
yes, though now you don't need this :)
okay so that property is set up correctly
I think the next thing I need to look at is implementing a data template on the List View, as the Subject and Points need to be displayed in the same List View
one other thing I'm wondering is, how does this code reference my AddedSubjectGradePairs ObsvCollection in the MainVM
as it's just passing a list of type MainVM not the actual list
The main VM would pass the list to the details VM upon construction
Hey. I'm sorry, the java session is conpletely empty and I need spme urgent help.
Does anyone JaVa?
In a WPF room?
Thats a bit unlikely...
i drink it
@SkibRs and i've written some java. so i mean you can try, but i can't promise help, and its isn't the proper place to ask, but i'm not going to kick you for it. another alternative is posting a question on SO
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