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hey there...any one knw how to binf List of custom objects to listbox
i want to show listbox gaving item as " name with checkbox"
check out ListBox.ItemTemplate
<DataTemplate x:Key="UserTemplate1" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Name="vmname" Text="{Binding }" Width="100"/>
<CheckBox Name="cb" IsChecked="{Binding ischeck}"/>
i did...now i am not able to show containts of list to listbox
my list is of datatype of class {string name, bool ischecked}
when i tried listbox.items.source= list_objects;
itemtemplate/datatemplate is right for that
it is showing checkbox in listbox but name ="listbox.mainwindow"
actual name from object is not viewed in listbox
I must afk for a while
The data binding sample here looks right
also your Text= {Binding} is probably not what you want
it will tostring the object
think you want Text = "{Binding SomeProp}"
also consider DataType={x:Type ns:YourType} on the datatemplate
so you catch some things at compiletime
2 hours later…
good morning
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: How to tell touchscreens from regular ones?

PedroIn case multiple screens are connected to a computer, I'd like to show an application on a touchscreen. By iterating over System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens I can get the WorkingArea in order to move the window. However, Screen doesn't provide a IsTouchscreen method. On the other hand by it...

Good day kind people
My latest question
Q: Marshal a std::vector<uint64_t> from C++ to C#

Ashehno matter what I try. I appear to get garbage results when I marshal the data across! The data after the marshal copy just contains an array of what looks like uninitialized data. Just pure garbage. Thanks for your help in advance! C++ typedef uint64_t TDOHandle; extern "C" DATAACCESSLAYERDLL...

first of all, are they on the same platform?
@Markus yep
2 hours later…
@Maverik look
> Beginning with the .NET Framework 4, the default startup behavior is to directly compare the file date and time of each assembly in the application directory with the file date and time of the copy in the shadow copy directory. If the assembly has been updated, it is copied by using the same procedure as in earlier versions of the .NET Framework; otherwise, the copy in the shadow copy directory is loaded.
that sounds dangerous. also @ReedCopsey
couldn't you just replace assembly with same timestamp, but not matching anything else, and the next time application is run it'll load the exploited assembly?
It's funny how there seems to be a correlation between information to noise ratios of the rooms (C#, F#) and code written using those languages :)
It's funny how there seems to be a correlation between the people generating noise in C# and the people generating noise in F#
there's no noise in the F# room :p
i just assumed, i see the same gif in the F# room that was posted in the C# room.
eheh I was going to add ... except the noise from people from the C# room :p
thats what i was meaning :)
@franssu would you store application state information in the model?
lets say you open a file, and go to the 3rd tab in a tab control, and save the application, then open it and want to navigate to the 3rd tab in tab control. where is the selectedtabindex stored when application is saved
why not use application settings for that
that is what it is for
that's what i was thinking as i typed that
I think I officially broke windows 8.1
i am displaying on two screens with taskbar on autohide with verticalalignment = top. main screen shows taskbar at top, secondary screen shows taskbar on bottom. never had that happen before
@NETscape Yes, but you'd need to know and have access to the shadow copied locations
@ReedCopsey Unless someone forces reload
they tell you where the cache will be if you don't specify, and the name of it... and the names of the assemblies... that seems odd. would make it easy to exploit it seems
Ok - question about RelayCommands and their place:
I have code that we just refactored into a usercontrol for reuse. We've got a bunch of RelayCommands for the control that lived in the viewmodel; should those move into the codebehind of the UC?
If they don't move into the UC, we effectively have to make the UC support DP's for which RelayCommand should be used for each and every button.
either expose as DP or name relay commands in the, would be, VMs correctly
but if i remember correctly, your UC is used as a DataTemplate?
@NETscape Are you saying that the RC's should move to the UC, or stay in the VM?
@NETscape That's a different UC - the one I asked about the other day does indeed use a DataTemplate...
but in general - should RC's ALWAYS live in the VM, or should they be grouped with the UC...?
No, they would live in the VM. If the UC is a true UC and the behavior would vary between instances of use, those should be exposed as DPs
If its consistent behavior, then it could go in the code-behind or a UC-specific VM
@BradleyDotNET What type is the DP? IRelayCommand ?
Just ICommand
(note - that space after IRelayCommand is intentional - didn't want to imply Nullable<IRelayCommand>
lol, that wouldn't work anyways
nullable is only for value types
^ nice.
@BradleyDotNET Thanks; I'll restructure the UC to have no DP's for each button.
not a problem
sorry I haven't been tracking when this, had to do a bunch of set up this morning
@BradleyDotNET Wow - lightbulb!
@BradleyDotNET We don't even need to set up DP's for ICommand ... the only thing changing between instances of the UC is the CommandParameter!
And that can be bound to the DataContext DP that we've created for the item we're on.
(.. wonder if you're able to follow all of that ..)
That makes sense
though DataContext is free, so it shouldn't be a DP...
The DC of the UC is the VM - but I need a secondary context - that of the current item.
How do you set the DC of the UC to be something other than the View's DC?
Binding="" doesn't seem to be a supported property.
that doesn't really sound like its going to work. when you use the UC as a item/datatemplate, its going to try and use the datacontext of the item using the item/datatemplate, then you're switching it to use the UC's DC... you'll probably get binding errors in output window
if you had a form with a list of items on the left, and a UC on the right, it makes sense to switch the DC of the UC everytime the selection of the list changes
which i am guessing is similar to what lynn is doing?
I think you'd create a public object MyVmAsDataContext in the UC, then set your VM to it, and use MyVmAsDataContext.SomeProp in XAML
is that any different?
@Julien In our case - it's a UserControl that lets you mess with an ACL. There's two different ACL's - one for Scripting, and one for Browsing. So, when the Control is displayed because you're editing the Browsing ACL, the UC's DataContext would point to settings.security.browsingACL. If editing the Scripting ACL, DataContext would point to settings.security.scriptingACL
ALL ACL's are instances of the same class.
@Julien I completely missed DataContext. I was looking for Binding.
@Julien Thanks. And.. I feel dumb.
@NETscape I still don't understand his actual problem. (from c# room)
i understand it, but he's making it way harder than it has to be
@NETscape nod
I wrote my cascading drop downs as two list boxes - the second bound to a Icollectionview of the first. Pretty easy when I took the 5 minutes to understand it - previously I had been using a collectionviewsource and a code behind filter.
did i tell you to use ICollectionView? I know i was going to, but may of sidetracked
I don't think so but I'm glad I've started using it. I'm also still never sure when to use a list with raiseproperty changed or observablecollection. I realise OC is for when internal properties change but I tend to use a list until I have any issues then change to an observablecollection
@PaulMcCowat if you have a list of things, and that list is changing items... whether it be adding/removing/sorting/etc. you'll want to use OC
thanks. next collection I write I'll try and use the right one and see how it goes. Final question for the day - does anyone have a reusable layout for small popup forms?
Good afternoon
anyone know why my design data wont work in a Windows 8.1 mvvm light app?
the demo project works fine
but when I try to wire up my own data contexts in my pages it puts a light blue/grey squiggly line under my data context declaration and says "the given key was not present in the dictionary"
@JTester do you mean it doesn't work on the phone but works debugging in VS?
it works on my tablet
but in visual studio it does show my design-time data
from my design services
and i have all my view models registered identically to how the sample project does it
i even switch my datacontext in any view i want to the one that came built in the project and it works
would need to see some code, are you using viewmodellocator and setting the datacontext in xaml?
DataContext="{Binding Main, Source={StaticResource Locator}}"
public MainVM Main
return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MainVM>();
theres my declaration
in the VM Locator
all my design services are registered in the VIewModelbase.IsInDesignModeStatic if block
@PaulMcCowat there are a bunch of ways you can do popup... depends on preference really
and i register the VM in the IOC,
i've literally copied the way he does it in an entirely new project and it simply just doesnt work
im curious of async methods mess with design-time data
excuse me, i need to step out for 15 min
@NETscape like the standard win forms stuff that VS uses - buttons bottom right and some form controls. I'm always starting from scratch and never settle on a design for this.
@JTester Ok
@JTester the others here may think this isn't a great way to do but I don't use binding like that
but I do use MVVMlight
i wrote my own window control from scratch but its ugly
I have copied Stephen Cleary's pattern of an async constructor factory so I can do my async initialisation from there
@NETscape any chance of a screenshot for inspiration? Snoop doesn't work on my work PC which is stopping me stealing ideas from VS.
@PaulMcCowat what do you mean it doesn't work? launching from taskbar?
@JTester The down side to this is I have to use ServiceLocator for my services.
it's literally the same kinda idea from VS 2013 lol, just a different color
Snoop will not work on my win8.1 pc. works on win 8.1 laptop and win 10 home desktop - just crashes.
it didn't work on my 8.1 machine... then i started running it as admin and like magic that worked
I've tried downloading the code from codeplex or wherever and running but it stops at some crazy interop stuff snoop does
I'll try admin tomorrow, would thought i'd have tried that but possibly not.
I've started to get code OCD and want to use CodeMaid - does it play nice with CodeRush?
@PaulMcCowat made the layout configurable
@NETscape looks good enough
so it can be either like a notification/popup window or it can be dialog, and themes and such are all configurable
you could probably find something on github to get you started
I'll have a look on github. Very hard to get good wpf examples to copy
snoop isn't work on my laptop now. Won't even start as admin
@PaulMcCowat ill read that article paul, thanks for the ref
Ah i have read this article
i implemented something along the lines of this
but how does it fix design data services and displaying them?
this is in my homepage.xaml
@JTester it means you need to change the onstartup in app.xaml.cs to async and start async all the way
You meen OnLaunched?
not sure but I thought it was worth mentioning the async thing in case that was an issue
    <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="Loaded">
        <core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding LoadData}"/>
yes, sorry I was looking at wpf code. I'll try and dig out some phone stuff
its not a win8.1 phone app, its a win8.1 app
I tried that loaded pattern for a while and gave up on it
oh why did you give up?
oh yeah
and whats stranger
is when im in the .xaml files
it just randomly throws out these errors like..
Error 1 Could not find Windows Runtime type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.EntranceThemeTransition'.
when I'm not using EntranceThemeTransition literally ANYWHERE in my app
@JTester I think I gave up for the async thing
Sorry, I haven't done much on RT. yesterday I heard it described as a wrapper over notimplemented
welll.. crap lol
its so weird because if I assign my datacontext
to the one that comes with the new project
it works fine

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