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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@Brandley My RadComboBoxes are not loading by this code.
I coped full class of ViewModel
& Xaml
When i'm calling functions from ViewModel constructor
HeadDaoService = new ItemHeadDaoService();
HeadDaoService.LoadGroups(ItemGroupsSource, new User() { Userid = "hpmsadmin" }, IsBusy);
HeadDaoService.LoadDefaultItemmaster(ItemmasterSource, IsBusy);
@BradleyDotNET Okay so I should set the browser to `BoolToNonVisibilityConverter`and my Text block to `BoolToVisibilityConverter`?

And to set up the `BoolToNonVisibilityConverter` I just need to invert the code in each method?
To your first question, I have no idea :)
That depends on what you are trying to do
The answer to your second is yes
@akirti I would seriously suggest trying to debug it a bit
there is so much code, I'm not going to take the time to sift through it all
@BradleyDotNET Okay thanks, my only task after I get this set up is calling the login method, is it correct to call it from the constructor of the VM? I think it is as the method needs to be fired as soon as the view is loaded.
Login? Wouldn't the user invoke that?
@akirti your observablecollections shouldn't have a setter
well its just a url that is loaded by the browser in this method, Facebook OAuth takes over from there, so the logging in is handled by them. All I do in the method is navigate to the Facebook url, if the login is succesful, then grab some data from the profile and set it to the text block text.

so I'm not handling any button clicks for the login in my code per say, all browser based @BradleyDotNET

Ok let me try
If I will not have set then How I will initialize the Collection
And when user will select Item from first combo box How Second Combo Box collection will change
also you're calling your OnPropertyChanged in the wrong place
also you're not setting DataContext anywhere.... I think you have some MVVM reading to do :)
@ Service I tried so I wrote before copy paste that code on GIT. Sure i will do any crash course?
But this time if u can point out the issue will be good for me
@NETscape if you are saying about Datacontext i update code. how I set the DataContext. Its in codebehind I 'm using ServiceLocator ( Prsim 4.2)
i've never used prism. but you can do it via XAML or code behind... PRISM might have another way
ya both ways its fine
I've no issue in DataContext
As I checked
in my whole project its working fine
Actually Each ViewModel contains Lot of RIA Cilent Code. So what I m trying to do is IF I can separate that code into another Service Files will be good
so I wrote methods and in those methods I passed property defined in ViewModel. Code is working fine. but Properties are not updating
I mean UI is not getting notified for changed values
I think Its Thread Issue
@NETscape I'm trying to figure out how I should call the login method from the VM, you see it takes 'e' as a parameter from the browser_naviagted event in the View's code behind. I
Im not sure how to access this 'e' from the VM or even if that browser code should be in the login method?

you see this is how I was originally calling the method from my View's code behind.
because when RIA Client code run in another tread As I think
So UI thread and this RIA client code thread is different
I m not sure but
how to resolve
@ReedCopsey do you do the above using EventToCommand, i forget what you recommend
yes, or just revert to code behind, but then call something in the VM
sometimes it's just easier to write a little code behind ;)
if your EventToCommand implementation allows converters and event args, then it'll work
but this is kind of a "one-off" operation, so I'd probably just do a little code behind for it
so I should do the browser naviagation code in the code behind, and call the the login method from here? @ReedCopsey
well, I could see just calling a method on your VM that accepts the Uri
private void WBrowser_OnNavigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { this.ViewModel.TryLogin(e.Uri); }
something like that
yeah cool, I'll try that.
it's not particularly MVVM ;)
I would also take the pragmatic slightly non-MVVM approach here
finally something thats not going to take 6 hours to implement :P
My rule of thumb on these is:
1) Is the logic in question pure view, and
2) is the logic something that's only going to be used once, and is very unique to this situation?
if both of those are yes, then I just shove it into code behind
check and check
if not, then I try for a better approach (custom behavior if 2 is no, or event to command, etc)
but it should be a rare thing
@ReedCopsey so something along these lines?
more like this:
    public partial class HomeView : UserControl
        private HomeViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }

        public HomeView()
            this.ViewModel = this.DataContext = new HomeViewModel(new UserLoginModel());

            WBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=559878724040104&redirect_uri=facebook.com/connect/…);

        private void WBrowser_OnNavigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
Writing super-complex view's is fun, but it feels so dirty. I haven't touched a view model all day :(
okay thanks, next step is figuring out how to invert my bool converter, which should be easy
But I've an interview tomorrow, so should start some prep on that instead
Anyone have some advice on questions I should brush up on prior to a C# interview?
I have a list of stuff I've been revising but some input from industry leaders such as your selves could help big time ;)
@BradleyDotNET @NETscape
read the spec? lol. understand OOP.
i've been asked fizzbuzz, garbagecollection/memory management, value vs reference types, generics, etc.
Is it the same job from earlier?
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